flow and the influence of additional Coriolis and
centrifugal forces included in the model on the drill-
string spatial lateral vibrations was analyzed. It was
obtained that taking into account the gravitational
energy of the system led to a noticeable increase in
the drill-string vibration amplitude in both planes.
When the additional forces and the gravitational
energy were not considered, the research results
demonstrated the increase in the amplitude of
vibrations compared to that obtained by solving the
full nonlinear model over time.
The study of the influence of the drilling fluid
parameters on the drill string vibrations revealed
that the high speed of the drilling fluid flow could
be the reason for the vibration amplitude sharp rise
and confirmed the need to regulate the speed
regimes of the borehole cleaning. It was also shown
that the industrial water, having a low density
compared to other drilling fluids, allowed for
conducting the drilling process with relatively small
vibrations of the drill string at the high speed of the
fluid flow.
Our work has some limitations. The most
important one lies in the fact that the interaction of
the drill string with the borehole wall was not
considered. It would allow restricting the drill-string
vibrations and make the problem closer to the real
drilling process. Therefore, to further our research,
we are going to study the drill-string nonlinear
dynamics and its stability, taking into account the
intermittent contact with the borehole, and also
consider the effect of a two-directional fluid flow.
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DOI: 10.37394/232011.2023.18.8
Askar K. Kudaibergenov,
Askat K. Kudaibergenov, L. A. Khajiyeva