Neighborhood, topography, and wind direction effects on wind pressure
distribution on the low-rise building roof
Institute of Exact and Earth Sciences
Federal University of Mato Grosso,
Av. Valdon Varjão, 6390, Barra do Garças, 78605-091, Mato Grosso
Abstract: Low-rise buildings are the majority of the houses that are constructed all over the world.
Experiments of the wind loads acting on these buildings provide vital information to design secure structures
and adverse weather conditions resistants, considering the basic parameters as roof slopes and the wind
direction. This study estimated the distribution of wind pressures around the contour of buildings with gable
roofs, considering diverse neighborhood conditions, namely the number and geometric configuration of
buildings on the ground, in conjunction with the different angles of wind incidence and topography. The
simulations took place with Ansys Workbench software, and the RNG K-Epsilon turbulence model and
tetrahedral mesh were employed. The application validation of the CFD technique occurred in the double-
sloped pitched roof structure. The results showed good concordance with the literature. The pressure
coefficients were analyzed, as well, in the flow visualization, highlighting the attachment points and the
recirculation zones.
Key-Words: Wind action, low-rise buildings, neighborhood, wind incidence, topography, pressure coefficients.
Received: November 26, 2021. Revised: October 29, 2022. Accepted: November 25, 2022. Published: December 31, 2022.
1 Introduction
The most common building type used in the
residential, commercial, and industrial sectors is,
arguably, low-rise buildings [1]. Nonetheless, this
construction typically receives low priority and
limited field observation/inspection of wind loading.
Consequently, they suffer the heaviest damage from
high winds, entailing massive economic losses for
countries [2]. The critical areas of good design and
construction for wind resistance concentrate in the
walls, roofs, and our connections. In particular, the
roof structure provides crucial lateral support to
load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls. Once the
roof structure is partially or fully lost and the roof
diaphragm committed, then with the stand wind
pressure, there is a considerable reduction in the
ability of the walls [2]. Large fluctuating wind loads
originating from turbulent background winds
pronounced flow separation at sharp edges of
buildings (e.g., eaves and building corners), and
intermittent flow separation and reattachment on
building surfaces are the principal causes of wind
damage to low-rise buildings [3]. Low-rise
buildings are seldom tested for wind actions, while
tall buildings are often so [1]. In this work, the
pressure coefficients were determined for the
methodology validation, considering a single
structure with double slopes, according to Fouad et
al. [4]. On remaining applications also calculated
the pressure coefficients for two and three buildings
with gabled roofs. The basic parameters considered
in the analysis include neighborhood conditions and
wind direction.
In this work, the distribution of wind pressures
with numerical tests around the contour of buildings
with gable roofs, considering diverse neighborhood
conditions such as the number and geometric
configuration of buildings on the ground, in
conjunction with the different angles of
wind incidence and topography (Fig. 1 a-e).
2 Methodology
For the geometry modeling, was used Autodesk
AutoCAD software was used. For the CFD
technique validation, according to Fouad et al. [4],
the models were placed inside the domain of 9 H
width, 9H height, and 21H length (Fig. 1f). Here, H
= 6 m is the maximum height of the building, in
agreement with Fouad et al. [4]. For the other
applications, considering diverse neighborhood
conditions, namely as the number and geometric
configuration of buildings on the ground, in
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
conjunction with the different angles of wind
incidence, was adopted as the control volume,
according to Franke et al. [5]. The boundaries are
5H from the inlet and both sidewalls, 6H from the
model base, and 15H behind the building to allow
flow development (Fig. 1g). Here, H=3.72 m is the
maximum height of the building and boundary
conditions. Table 1 shows the nondimensional
parameters. The Ansys Fluid Flow software, and
the RNG K-Epsilon turbulence model, were adopted
for simulations.
Fig. 1 (a-e) Geometry and different angles of
incidence of the wind, and (f), (g) the control
Table 1. Boundary conditions and nondimensional
Method of mesh
Reference pressure
101325 [Pa]
Air temperature
25 [°C]
Specific mass
1.185 kg/m³
35 [m/s]
Relative pressure of
0 [Pa]
0.01 [m]
Turbulence model
RNG K-Epsilon
3 Numerical applications
Application 1 (single structure with double
slopes): This is the usual sloping roof that slopes in
two directions, and the two inclinations meet at the
ridge. The gable roof is permissible on any
structure. The short gable roof building has a length
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
of 6.6 m, a width of 6.6 m, a gable height of 6 m,
and a roof slope equal to 26.6° [4]. The mesh
formed by tetrahedrons resulted in 2331763
elements and 489871 nodes. Here, 1.225 kg/m3 for
air density and a wind speed of 44.76 m/s incidents
at were adopted orthogonally to the side face of
the building.
In all applications, the local pressure coefficients,
defined by Cpe=Δp/q, where Cpe is the external
pressure coefficient, Δp is the difference in the
external pressure coefficient, and q is the dynamic
pressure, were calculated.
Fig. 2 shows an agreement between the
isobaric lines [4] and those generated by Ansys in
this work. The pressure distribution values on the
facades and roof are the same, with a slight change
in distribution. The windward face of the building
presented external pressure coefficients ranging
from 0.20 to 0.98 (Fig. 1a), in line with Fouad et al.
[4], whose values ranged from 0.00 to 1.00 (Fig.
2b). The values range between -0.85 and 0.07 (Fig.
2c) diverge from Fouad et al. [4] on the leeward
side. The coverage showed the highest negative
values in the windward region, with a minimum
pressure coefficient of -1.11, agreeing with -1.20 in
Fouad et al. [4]. The downstream section showed
values similar to those in the literature of -0.19 (Fig.
Then, to determine significant differences
between the present work results and the literature,
the T-test was used, considering a null hypothesis
that the means are not different. Thus, considering a
one-tailed distribution, p-value=0.43 was obtained
for a critical t=1.81. As 0.43<1.81, it was possible to
conclude that the difference between the mean
values of Cpe is insignificant.
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
(a) Present work
(b) Fouad et al. [4]
(d) Fouad et al. [4]
Fig. 2. Flow pressure distribution of the (a), (b)
windward, and (c), (d) leeward facades.
The following applications simulated the flow
with different wind incidence angles. It was
considered a wind speed of 35 m/s acting on two
and three buildings opening with double slopes.
Next, will be investigated two configurations for
different wind incidence angles (0°, 45°, and 90°)
(Fig. 1b-c).
Application 2 (two buildings side-by-side with
double slopes)
Case 1 (incident wind at ): The color hue
represents the pressures on the building surface,
corresponding to the external pressure coefficients.
Cool colors represent suction regions, while warm
colors represent overpressure regions (Fig.
3a). Fig. 3 shows the streamlines. Vortex shedding
in the structure was evident with the wind at
(Fig. 3b). This phenomenon consists, basically,
of the retardation of air particles due to friction
with the surface, where small masses of dammed
air detach and flow away from the course and,
as the air moves, there is a change in pressure at
the surface, according to Leet et al. [6].
Case 2 (incident wind at 4): When the wind
blows obliquely onto the corner of a roof, a flow
pattern appears with the conical vortices formation
similar to those found at the ends of airplane wings,
according to Holmes [7]. They constitute a
discharge of the existing vorticity in the
aerodynamic field around the construction. They are
responsible for any accidents, with partial or total
removal of the roof of buildings due to the intense
suction caused, according to Blessmann [8].
Fig. 3. Cpe and streamlines for the wind incident at (a), (b) 0°, (c), (d) 45°; (e), (f) 90°in the buildings.
The conical-shaped vortex extends along both roof
edges. This area will be vulnerable to highly
fluctuating and extreme forces. In this case, the
pressures are among the highest that occur in low-
slope roofs, with square or rectangular plants,
although, generally, the affected areas are small.
According to Fig. 3c, there was a reduction in
Cpemax, which is more intense in the corners of
buildings where the wind hits.
The largest suction zones occur at the corners of
the eaves of the buildings. They appear paired
originated by the top vortex's conical-helical shape
from the corner of the building to the windward side
(Fig. 3d). The suction values in this region reached,
in the module, values between 2.0 and 3.0, in
agreement with Blessmann [8].
Case 3 (incident wind at 90°): The largest
overpressure zones are formed on the windward
face of the building when the wind is perpendicular
to one of the facades. Between them, the external
pressure coefficients are negative (Fig. 3e). The
base vortices between buildings were the cause of
these suctions (Fig. 3f). These vortices, in turn,
originate near the ground with an approximately
horizontal axis. Then, they develop helically from
the facade center until the two ends, escaping
through the sides with increased speed [8].
Small changes in overpressures on the windward
façade are due to base vortices. Close to the side
facades, they caused increased local velocities (Fig.
3e) and, as a result, high suctions with pressure
coefficients reached, in a module, between 1.5 and
2.0 (Fig. 3f), in agreement with the literature [8].
Application 3 (three buildings with double
slopes): In the same conditions as the previous
application, three buildings abreast with double
slopes, were considered wind incidence angles ,
45°, 90°, 135° and 180° (Fig. 1c).
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
Fig. 4. Cpe and streamlines for the wind incident at (a-b) 0°, (c-d) 45°; (e-f) 90°, (g-h) 135° and (i-j) 180°
in the buildings.
Case 1 (incident wind at ): With the wind at 0°,
the building added to the windward side presented
high overpressure on the wind's face. The increase
in wind speed passing through the building
originated from a suction at the corners of the roof,
represented by cold colors in Fig. 4 a-b.
For the buildings arranged side by side, there
was a decrease in the maximum values of the
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
contours of the maximum pressure coefficients. This
fact resulted in smaller overpressure zones. In these
buildings, the largest suction zones were also
detected, provoked by the leeward base vortices of
the first building in addition to the wake interference
flow regime. There, an attempt to reconstitute the
atmospheric boundary layer occurs, which did not
happen due to the proximity of the constructions,
making the flow turbulent enough for an unbalanced
formulation of vortices incident on the leeward
structure (Fig 4b).
Case 2 (incident wind at 45°): Here, an
abundance of vortices was formed and,
consequently, areas with higher pressure
coefficients (Fig 4c-d) due to the incidence of wind
in the corners of the buildings. These corners of the
buildings on the windward side presented the
highest zones of overpressure (Cpemax =1.075). The
top vortices caused intense suction in the corners of
the eaves of the buildings. The suction values in this
region reached, in the module, Cpemin = 2.495, in
agreement with [8]. These vortices can damage the
building's structure, both for the generating structure
and the receiving building [9].
Case 3 (incident wind at 90°): The windward
faces had the highest overpressure zones, with the
wind perpendicular to the buildings. The external
pressure coefficients are negative on the faces
between the buildings (Fig. 4f). As a result of wind
funneling between very close edits and accelerating
the airflow, the Venturi effect generated these
suctions. When the wind reaches the first building,
the base and top vortices form on the roof.
Consequently, the flow acceleration originates in an
intense suction region in the inner part of the ridge
with values, in module, of 3.036. (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Intense suction region on the inside of the
ridge (detail)
Case 4 (incident wind at 135°): In this situation,
similar to the wind blowing at 45º, the flow with the
most intense overpressure zones occurred at the
corners, mainly in the building where the wind hit
first, showing the maximum coefficient contours of
positive pressure there. In addition, there was the
formation of top vortices with conical shapes, which
created intense suction zones on the eaves of the
buildings (Fig 4g-h).
The third building to leeward received the direct
incidence of the wind, and it was possible to notice
the random formation of positive and negative
contours. The other part suffered from the impact of
vortices released from other edifications.
Case 5 (incident wind at 180°): In this case, the
front facades of the two buildings on the windward
side showed large overpressure areas, as the wind
blows orthogonally to these faces, having greater
intensity (Fig 4i). The channeling of the wind
between the two buildings, called the Venturi effect,
caused the flow to gain speed, generating suction on
the internal side faces. In addition, this flow
channeling originated zones of intense overpressure
in the leeward building, in which the pressure
coefficient reached 1.2.
In Fig. 4j, the streamlines show the shedding
of vortices that occurs when the wind passes
through buildings, which makes the flow disordered
and creates zones of intense suction on the roof of
buildings. Fig. 6 details the corner of the eaves of
the edification positioned on the left, where the most
intense suction zone was found (3.129 in module).
The top vortices in the incidence of the wind at the
edge of the eaves caused this suction [8].
Fig. 6. Intense suction region on the corner of the
eaves (detail).
Application 4 (influence of topography): The
wind speed value grows with height; furthermore,
topographical features such as escarpments in flat
open terrain have a quite strong impact on wind
speed profiles.
Case 1 (slopes and aligned buildings): In this
case, the wind blowing perpendicularly on the
windward buildings caused the largest overpressure
zones. The leeward structure, favored by the
geometric configuration on the terrain, generated the
minor zones of positive pressure due to the shielding
effect (Fig. 7a). The incidence of wind on a hill or
slope causes the increase of the velocity of flow due
to the Venturi effect. This effect will be maximum
for the wind blowing perpendicular to the ridge line
and a slope or hill with large width [10]. Fig. 7b
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
shows this phenomenon with the streamlines, and it
is possible to observe the gain in wind velocity
along the runoff and the increase in height,
generating intense suctions on the ridges of the roofs
of the buildings arranged on the second slope.
Case 2 (slopes with lateral height
difference): Considering, now, buildings on the
slopes with lateral height differences, the windward
building on the left side, on the first slope, had
minor zones of overpressure compared to the
building on the right. The shielding effect of the
slope attenuated the wind effects, while the building
on the right side at ground level received the direct
incidence of the wind (Fig. 7c).
Also, in this case, the Venturi effect generated an
increase in the runoff velocity (Fig. 7d), causing the
highest overpressure regions in the buildings on the
second and third slopes on the left side, with intense
suction on the roof of the building on the summit
(Fig. 7c).
On the right side of the flow, the direct incidence
of the wind on the first building generated intense
vortex formation (Fig. 7d). As the turbulence
generated energy dissipation, the wind impacted the
buildings on the leeward side with less intensity,
thus causing milder pressure coefficients under
these conditions.
Case 3 (slopes with different depths): Here, with
other depths in the slopes, the largest zones of
overpressure were found in the lateral faces of the
windward buildings, being the most expressive in
the left edification, and there was a greater region of
turbulence and vortex shedding.
For edits to the right, we have the smaller
overpressure zones resulting from lower incident
wind speed (Fig. 7e-f).
Fig. 7e shows the intense suction on the roofs
of the buildings at the top of the slope.
This suction, generated by the topographical
unevenness, is a consequence of the increase in
runoff velocity.
Case 4 (slopes with different depths and wind at
45°): Finally, with the slopes of different depths and
the incident wind at 45°, a more complex situation
originated due to the incidence of the wind on the
edges of the slope, and the buildings.
Fig. 7 g-h shows a formation of the top vortices
causing intense suctions on the edges of the eaves
and ridges of the roofs and, in a certain way,
increasing the chance of roof collapse and total or
partial destruction of the roofing (Fig. 7g-h).
The distribution of the pressure coefficients
showed that the shielding effect protected the
building on the left side of the slope. On the other
hand, the building to its right presented positive
contours on its front façade and intense suction on
the roof due to the direct incidence of the wind with
higher velocity (Fig. 7h).
4 Conclusions
This paper presented the distribution of wind
pressures with numerical tests around the contour of
buildings with gable roofs, considering diverse
neighborhood conditions such as the number and
geometric configuration of buildings on the ground,
in conjunction with the different angles of wind
incidence and topography obtained from Ansys
Workbench software.
For validation methodology, a single structure
with double slopes, according to [4], was
considered. In the leeward face, the comparison of
the distribution of isobaric lines showed a
The values coincided in the windward facade and
the roof. Three orthogonal incidences for low-rise
building design purposes have presented the results
for external pressure coefficients.
With the wind at and the addition of the third
building, there was a decrease in the contours of the
maximum coefficients in the leeward structure,
indicating smaller overpressure zones compared to
the two-building model. However, there were the
highest suction zones noticed in these conditions.
This effect is to the leeward vortices in the first
building and the flow interference in the wake.
Now, when the wind is at 45° and the third
building, there was an increase in areas with higher
pressure coefficients compared with the two-
building model. In this case, the most intense
suction zones occurred in the corners of the eaves of
the buildings. Furthermore, with the wind at 90° in
two buildings, the largest overpressure zones were
formed on the windward face of the building when
the wind was perpendicular to one of the facades.
High suction also occurred, caused by increased
local velocities. With the presence of the third
building, the suction on the faces between the
buildings intensified. Due to the increase in wind
speed at the leeward ridge of the building, there was
intense suction.
With the incident wind at 135°, similar to the
wind blowing at 45º, intense overpressure zones
occurred at the corners, mainly in the building
where the wind hit first. In addition, there was the
formation of top vortices with conical shapes. The
third building to leeward received the direct
incidence of the wind, and it was possible to notice
the random development of positive and negative
contours. The other part suffered from the impact of
vortices released from other edifications.
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
Fig. 7. Cpe and streamlines for (a-b) slopes and aligned buildings, (c-d) slopes with lateral height
difference; (e-f) slopes with different depths, and (g-h) slopes with different depths and wind at 45°.
Finally, to incident wind at 180°, the front facades
of the two buildings on the windward side showed
large overpressure areas. The Venturi effect caused
the flow to gain speed, generating suction on the
internal side faces and originated zones of intense
overpressure in the leeward building, where the
pressure coefficient reached 1.2.
Besides, the topography influenced slopes and
aligned buildings. In this case, the wind blowing
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
perpendicularly on the windward buildings caused
the largest overpressure zones.
On another side, the minor positive pressure
zones occurred in the leeward structure. Now, for
slopes with a lateral height difference, the shielding
effect of the incline attenuated the wind effects. On
the right side of the flow, the direct incidence of the
wind on the first building generated intense vortex
Already, in the slopes with different depths, the
largest overpressure zones occurred in the lateral
faces of the windward buildings.
In addition, there was an intense suction on the roofs
of the buildings at the top of the slope. Finally, for
slopes with different depths and wind at 45°, a
formation of the top vortices causes intense suctions
on the edges of the eaves and ridges of the roofs
and, in a certain way, increases the chance of roof
collapse and total or partial destruction of the
Concluding, these results can motivate the
elaboration of a roadmap to reduce accidents in
buildings due to wind. Furthermore, this material
would fill a gap for scholars in the area and could
decrease low-rise roof accidents.
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Contribution of individual authors to
the creation of a scientific article
Vitor Camilo was responsible for the methodology,
carrying out the simulation, and writing the results.
Marco Campos carried out the conceptualization,
review, and editing.
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.24
Vitor G. O. Camilo, Marco D. De Campos
E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The author(s) declare no potential conflicts of interest
concerning the research, authorship, or publication of
this article.
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