(IDEs) substrate to study Gas Sensor
Measurements are carried out by measuring the
variation in resistivity resulting from exposing the
thin film surface to the gas (NO2).The temperature
is recorded by a k-type thermocouple (XB 9208B).
The bias voltage was supplied by (FARNELL
E350) power supply. The resistivity is recorded by
(Fluke Digital Mustimeter 8845A / 8846 A). In this
study, un-doped and Cu-doped CuFe2O3 thin films
were coated on glass substrates using low cost and
simple spin coating technique
to studying the variation of the sensitivity with
operating temperature of the films
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Determination of Operation
Temperature of the Sensor
Resistive sensors have been used to measure a
wide range of physical and chemical properties and
can be considered the most familiar and low-cost
sensors. The temperature at which the sensitivity of
the sensor reaches a constant value is called the
operating temperature. The change in resistance is
only affected by the presence of certain gases of
interest. Changes in resistance are only affected by
the presence of certain gases of interest. The
changing of resistance is just only influenced by the
presence of amount of some gases of interest.
Figure (1) Figure(2) shows that sensitivity as a
function of operating temperature in the range
(150-300)°C fo CuFe2O3:Cu thin films, which are
deposited on FTO substrates at an air mixing ratio
the bias voltage of (5) Volt are applied on all the
samples[7]., Figure (1) is obvious that the
sensitivity of all films increases with increasing of
the operating temperature until (200 ) oC. This is
attributed to increase in the rate of surface reaction
of the target gas. The optimal temperature that has
maximum values of temperature is (200) oC for all
films. At this temperature the activation energy
may be enough to complete the chemical reaction.
Also we observed that increases and decrease in the
sensitivity indicate the absorption and desorption
phenomenon of the gases. These results are in a
good agreement with studies conducted by [3].
For NO2,H2S gas, the sensitivity is observed to
increase at operating temperature (200) °C. After
(200)°C temperature, the surface would be unable
to oxidize the gas so intensively and the NO2
,H2Sgas may burn before reaching the surface of
the film at higher temperature. Thus, the gas
sensitivity decreases with increasing temperature
[34], also the increase of the of CuFe2O3: Cu causes
decreasing in the sensitivity of thin film [8]. The
sensitivity of all films is shown Table (1) and Table
3.2. Response Time and Recovery Time
It is the time interval over which the resistance of
the sensor material attains a fixed percentage
(usually 90 %) of final value when the sensor is
exposed to the full-scale concentration of the gas.
A small value of the response time is highly
desirable in application such as detection of
flammable or combustible gases to prevent fire
[10].Recovery Time It is the time interval above
which sensor resistance reduced to (10 %) of the
saturation rate when the target gas is switched off
and the sensor sited in artificial (or reference) air a
sensor should have a small recovery time so that it
can be ready for the next detection [10].Figures
(3a) (3b) (4 a)(4b) show the relation between the
response time and the recovery time with the
operating temperature of the Sb2O3 ,
Sb2O3:In2O3thin films for H2S and NO2 gas and
bias voltage 5V. From Table (3) note that the
increasing Vol.% of Cu is due to increasing in
response time and decreasing in recovery time at
optimal temperature (200) oC The large recovery
time would be due to lower operating temperature.
At lower temperature O2species is more
prominently adsorbed on the surface and thus it is
less reactive as compared to other species of
oxygen, O- and O- .
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.13
Ali J. Khalaf, Abeer S. Alfayhan,
Mohammed A. AL-Shareafi