Some Results on Partially Ordered Sets Involving Permuting n-derivations
1Department of Mathematics, Polydisciplinary Faculty of Taza,
Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fez,
Abstract: The main objective of the present work, as a generalization of derivation, is to give the concept of per-
muting n-derivations on partially ordered sets (posets). Several associated theorems and fondamental properties
involving permuting n-derivations are presented. Moreover, we demonstrate that if Dis a permuting n-derivation
on poset Gwith the greatest element 1and the trace δ, then δ(1) = 1 if and only if δis an identity on G. Further-
more, we discuss the relations among derivations, ideals and fixed sets in posets.
Key-Words: Partially ordered sets (posets), Upper bound, Lower bound, Directed poset, Derivation, Permuting
n-derivations, Lower homomorphism, Fixed set.
Received: March 12, 2024. Revised: July 5, 2024. Accepted: August 21, 2024. Published: September 20, 2024.
1 Introduction
In mathematics, a partially ordered set, often abbrevi-
ated as a poset, is a set provided with a binary relation
(often denoted as ) that is reflexive, antisymmetric
and transitive. Partially ordered sets arise naturally in
various mathematical contexts, including order rela-
tions, such as less than or equal to () on numbers,
subsets of sets under inclusion (), and many other
situations where there’s a notion of ’precedence’ or
’ordering’ among elements, but not necessarily every
pair of elements can be compared.
Hausdorff introduced the first comprehensive the-
ory of partially ordered sets in 1914 in his book
Grundzüge der Mengenlehre ”. One significant out-
come of Hausdorffs work is the maximal chain theo-
rem, which is equivalent to Zorn’s lemma..
The derivation is consequent topic to study, [1],
defined the derivation on ring and many mathe-
maticians have developed the derivation theory in
rings and prime rings, [2], [3]. Multi- derivations
(e.g. bi-derivations, tri-derivations, in general, n-
derivations) are studied in prime and semi-prime
rings, [4], [5], [6].
In this direction, the concept of derivation on lattice
was defined and developed in [7], [8], respectively.
In [9], the study defined symmetric bi-derivations of a
lattice and proved some results, and in [10], he applied
his concepts and theorems to the n-derivation of lat-
tices. Derivations on posets have also been a subject
of study. Recently, [11], started studying the deriva-
tions in poset, establishing several fundamental prop-
erties related to ideals and operations associated with
these derivations. On partially ordered sets, the notion
of bi- and tri-derivations are provided. and the funda-
mental Characteristics are studied (see, [12], [13], for
more details). Our research was mainly inspired by
the work in [11], [12]. This research presents a gener-
alization of derivations by introducing a new concept
of permuting n-derivations of partially ordered sets.
Moreover, we present the examples that demonstrate
the existence of this class of applications and we have
proved important properties. Additionally, we give
the fixed set F ixδ(G) = {aG:δ(a) = a}and
proved that is an ideal of G. The final section is de-
voted to studying some properties involving permut-
ing n-derivations and their traces.
As in [11], for p, q Gand XP, we define
(i) p={wG:wp}.
(ii) q={vG:qv}.
(iii) L(X) = {λG:λx,xX}the Lower
cone of the set X.
(iv) U(X) = {αG:xα,xX}the Upper
cone of X.
As mentioned in [14], we write L(U(L(Y))) =
L(Y) and U(L(U(M))) = U(M)”, for all Y, M
G. If Y={y1, ..., yn}, we write L(Y) =
L(y1, y2, ..., yn)and U(Y) = U(y1, ..., yn1, yn).
Further, For X, Y P,L(XY)will be represented
by L(X, Y )and U(XY)by U(X, Y ). We write
also, X={wP:wy for some y X}”.
According to [15], a set Xis named a Lower set if
X=X. The directed set is a nonempty set Xthat
for every finite subset of X, the supremum has ex-
isted in X. Given that Xis nonempty, it suffices to
expect that every pair {a, b}of elements in Xhas the
supremum in X. For J Gis said ideal of Gif J
is directed lower set.
2 Permuting n-Derivations on Posets
Throughout the present work, Grepresents a partially
ordered set, which will be abbreviated as poset
Definition 1. [11] Let Gbe a poset, a function D:
GGis called a derivation on Gif these two con-
ditions are verified, (a, b P),
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.58
Latifa Bedda, Abdelkarim Boua
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024
(i) D(L(a, b)) = L(U(L(D(a), b), L(a, D(b))));
(ii) L(D(U(a, b))) = L(U(D(a), D(b)));
A mapping D:G×GGis called symmetric
if D(s, t) = D(t, s), s, t G, and a mapping
δ:GGgiven by δ(s) = D(s, s),sGis
named a trace of Dunder which Dis symmetric.
This section introduces a new notion called
permuting n-derivations for a partially ordered
set, followed by the examples that demonstrates the
existence of this type of application.
Let nNsuch that n2and Gn=
G×G×. . . ×G
| {z }
. The map D:GGis said to
be permuting if the equation
D(a1, a2, . . . , an) = D(aπ(1), aπ(2), . . . , aπ(n))(1)
holds aiGand for every permutation π(i),
i= 1, ..., n.
Definition 2. Let Gbe a poset and D:GnGbe
a map. We say Dis n-derivation if Dis a derivation
for all components, which means:
(1) D(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an) =
L(U(L(D(a1,. . . , an), w), L(a1, D(w, a2, . . . , an))))
D(a1, L(a2, w), a3, . . . , an) =
L(U(L(a2,D(a1,w, a3, . . . , an)), L(D(a1, a2, . . . , an), w)))
. . .
D(a1, a2, . . . , an1, L(an, w)) =
L(U(L(an,D(a1,...,an1, w)), L(D(a1, a2, . . . , an), w)))
(2 ) L(D(U(a1, w), a2, . . . , an)) =
L(U(D(a1,a2, . . . , an), D(w, a2, . . . , an)));
. . .
L(D(a1, a2, a3, . . . , an1, U(an, w)) =
L(U(D(a1,a2, . . . , an), D(a1, . . . , an1, w)));
are valid, (ai, w P).
Example 1
Let D:NnNbe a function defined by
D(m1, m2, . . . , mn) = min{m1, m2, . . . , mn}.
It is simple to confirm that Dis a permuting n-
derivation on N.
Example 2
Let 0be the least element of a poset G. A function
D:GnGdefined by D(a1, a2, . . . , an)=0is a
permuting and a n-derivation on G.
In the following, we assume that Gis a poset
and Dis a permuting n-derivation on G.
Proposition 1. Let 0be the least element of a poset
Gand δbe the trace of D. Then
(i) D(a1, a2, a3, . . . , an)ai,aiG;
(ii) D(a1, . . . , an)L(a1, a2, . . . , an),aiG;
(iii) D(a1, a2, ..., an)=0 if there exist i
{1,2, . . . , n}which satisfy ai= 0;
(iv) For each iin {1,2, . . . , n}, if aibi, then
D(a1, ..., ai, . . . , an)D(a1, . . . , bi, . . . , an);
(v) δ(a)a,aG;
(vi) δ(0) = 0;
(vii) δ(L(a)) L(δ(a)),aG;
(viii) g1, g2G,g1g2implies δ(g1)δ(g2);
(ix) δ2(s) = δ(s),sG;
Proof. (i) From Definition 2 (i), we have
D(L(a1), a2, . . . , an) = D(L(a1, a1), a2, . . . , an)
=L(U(L(D(a1,. . .,an), a1), L(a1, D(a1, a2, . . . , an))))
=L(U(L(a1,D(a1,a2, . . . , an)))) = L(D(a1, a2, . . . , an), a1)
D(L(a1),a2, . . . , an) = L(D(a1, a2, . . . , an), a1)(2)
Since D(a1,a2, a3,...,an)D(L(a1), a2, . . . , an),
the above result (2) imply that
D(a1,a2, . . . , an)L(D(a1, a2, . . . , an), a1).
Therefore, D(a1, . . . , an)a1.
Similar to above processe, we can see that
D(a1, a2, . . . , an)ai,aiG.
It is evident that (ii) and (iii) are induced by (i).
(iv) Suppose that aibifor ai, biG. By using
Definition 2 (ii), we get
L(D(a1, a2, . . . , U(bi), . . . , an1, an)) =
L(D(a1,. . .,U(ai, bi), . . . , an)) =
L(U(D(a1,. . .,ai, ai+1, . . . , an), D(a1, . . . , bi1, bi, . . . , an))).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.58
Latifa Bedda, Abdelkarim Boua
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024
Since D(a1, . . . , ai1, ai, ai+1, . . . , an)
L(U(D(a1, . . . , ai, . . . , an), D(a1, . . . , bi, . . . , an))),
equation (3) proves that
D(a1,a2, . . . , ai, . . . , an)L(D(a1, . . . , U(bi), ai+1, . . . , an))
D(a1,. . .,ai, . . . , an)D(a1, . . . , bi, . . . , an)
(v) Let aG, we have δ(a) = D(a, a, . . . , a).
By (i), we get D(a, . . . , a)a,aG. Hence,
(vi) Since δ(0) 0by (v), we get 0δ(0) 0.
This means that δ(0) = 0.
(vii) Let aG,
D(L(a),. . .,L(a)) = D(L(a, a), L(a), . . . , L(a))
={D(L(a, a), y2, . . . , yn)|yiGand yia,
i= 2, ..., n}
={L(U(L(D(a, y2, . . . , yn), a), L(a, D(a, y2, . . . , yn))))
|yiGand yia,i= 2, ..., n}
={L(U(L(D(a, y2, . . . , yn))) |yiGand yia,
i= 2, ..., n}
={L(D(a, y2, . . . , yn)) |yiGand yia,
i= 2, ..., n}
D(L(a),..., L(a)) = L(D(a, L(a), ..., L(a))).(4)
Since δ(L(a)) D(L(a),. . . , L(a)), the Equation
(4) implies that δ(L(a)) L(D(a, L(a), . . . , L(a))),
so δ(L(a)) L(D(a, a, . . . , a)).This shows that
δ(L(a)) L(δ(a)), for all aG.
(viii) Let g1and g2be two different elements in G
which satisfy the condition g1g2, then g1L(g2),
and this implies that δ(g1)δ(L(g2)). By using
(vii), we can get δ(g1)L(δ(g2)), so δ(g1)δ(g2).
(ix) According to (v) and (viii), we can see
δ(δ(a)) δ(a),aP, so
Let aG, combining (v) and (viii) we get δ2(a)
L(a)and by using (4), we obtain
δ(L(a)) L(D(a, δ2(a), . . . , δ2(a))).(6)
since d(a, δ2(a), . . . , δ2(a)) δ2(a)by (i), we have
L(D(a, δ2(a), . . . , δ2(a))) L(δ2(a)).(7)
Adding the equations (6) and (7), we find that δ(L(a))
is included in L(δ2(a)),aG. Since δ(a)
δ(L(a)), we obtain δ(a)L(δ2(a)), so
δ(a)δ2(a),aP. (8)
Therefore, (5) and (8) imply that δ2(a) = δ(a),a
Theorem 1. Let D:GnGbe a permuting map-
ping on poset G.Dis an n-derivation on Gif and
only if
(1) D(L(a1,w),a2, . . . , an) = L(D(a1, . . . , an), w)=
L(a1, D(w, a2, . . . , an));
(2) L(D(U((a1,w),a2, . . . , an))
=L(U(D(a1, . . . , an), D(w, a2, . . . , an)));
ai, w Gand i= 1, . . . , n.
Proof. Assume that the condition (1) holds. Then,
D(L(a1,w),a2, . . . , an1, an) = L(D(a1, a2, . . . , an), w)
=L(U(L(D(a1, . . .,an), w)))
=L(U(L(w, D(a1, a2, . . . , an))), L(D(a1, . . . , an), w)))
=L(U(L(w, D(a1, . . . , an1, an))), L(a1, D(w, a2, . . . , an)).
In addition to the condition (2), we deduce that Dis
an n-derivation on G.
Inversement, suppose that Dis a n-derivation on G.
it holds that:
L(D(a1,. . .,an), w) = L(U(L(D(a1, . . . , an), w))
L(U(L(w, D(a1, . . . , an))), L(a1, D(w, a2, a3, . . . , an))
=D(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an),
L(D(a1, . . . , an), w)D(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an).
Now, let zD(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an), then there ex-
ixts tL(a1, w)satisfying z=D(t, a2, . . . , an).
Since tL(a1, w), we get ta1and by us-
ing Proposition 1 (iv) we obtain D(t, a2, . . . , an)
D(a1, . . . , an), so zD(a1, . . . , an). From Propo-
sition 1 (i), we can get D(t, a2, . . . , an)tw, so
zwand this imply that zL(D(a1, . . . , an), w).
D(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an)L(D(a1, . . . , an), w).
Combining the results (9) and (10), we get
D(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an) = L(D(a1, . . . , an), w),
ai, w G.
Symmetrically, we can also prove the
second equality D(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an) =
L(a1, D(w, a2, . . . , an)),ai, w G.
Lemma 1. Let Gbe a poset. If stand L(s) =
L(t), then s=t.
Proof. Assume that stand L(s) = L(t). It is
evident that tL(t),tG, then tL(s), so
ts. By hypothesis, we conclude that s=t.
Lemma 2. Let Gbe a poset. If δbe the trace of D,
then the subsequent claims are valid:
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.58
Latifa Bedda, Abdelkarim Boua
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024
(1) If D(L(s), s, . . . , s, s) = L(t), then δ(s) = t,
s, t G;
(2) If D(U(s), s, . . . , s) = U(t), then δ(s) = t,
s, t G.
Proof. Let s, t Gsuch that
D(L(s), s, . . . , s) = L(t).(11)
By using Theorem 1 (1) and Proposition 1 (v), we get
D(L(s), s, . . . , s) = D(L(s, s), s, . . . , s)
=L(D(s, . . . , s), s)
=L(D(s, . . . , s))
D(L(s), s, . . . , s) = L(δ(s)).(12)
For all sP.
Using (11) and (12), we infer that L(δ(s)) = L(t).
Since D(s, s, . . . , s)D(L(s), s, . . . , s) = L(t), we
find δ(s)tand with Lemme 1 the result holds.
Definition 3. Let Gbe a poset, a mapping
ϕ:GGis known as a L-homomorphism of Gif
U(ϕ(L(λ, µ))) =U(L(ϕ(λ), ϕ(µ))), (λ, µ G).
Proposition 2. Let Gbe a poset and D:GnGbe
a permuting n-derivation on G.
Then, D(L(a1,w),a2, a3, . . . , an1, an) =
L(D(a1, . . . , an), D(w, a2, . . . , an)),ai, w G.
Proof. Let zD(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an)then, t
L(a1, w):
z=D(t, a2, . . . , an).(13)
Since tL(a1, w), we get ta1and tw. Propo-
sition 1 (iv) implies that
z=D(t, a2, . . . , an)D(a1, a2, . . . , an1, an)).
z=D(t, a2, . . . , an)D(w, a2, ..., an).(15)
Combining (14) and (15), we get
zL(D(a1, . . . , an), D(w, a2, . . . , an)). This
shows that, ai, w G, we have
D(L(a1, w), a2, a3, . . . , an)
L(D(a1,a2, a3,...,an1, an), D(w, a2, . . . , an)))
Moreover, we suppose that
vL(D(a1, a2, . . . , an), D(w, a2, . . . , an)), then
vD(a1, . . . , an)and vD(w, a2, . . . , an)
w, so vL(D(a1, . . . , an), w) =
D(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an)by application of Theo-
rem 1 (1). Consequently,
L(D(a1, a2, . . . , an), D(w, a2, . . . , an))
D(L(a1, w), a2, . . . , an),ai, w G. (17)
The results (16) and (17) proves the theorem.
Theorem 2. Let Gbe a poset and 1its greatest ele-
ment and δbe the trace of D. Then,
δ(1) = 1 D(a, 1, .., 1, ., 1) = a,aG.
Proof. Suppose that D(a, 1,1,1, ..., 1) = a,aG,
then D(1, ..., 1,1) = 1, hence δ(1) = 1.
Conversely, we suppose that δ(1) = 1. Let aG, by
using Theorem 1, we have
D(L(a),1,1,1, ..., 1) = D(L(a, 1),1, ..., 1,1)
=L(a, D(1,1, ..., 1))
=L(a, δ(1))
=L(a, 1)
D(L(a),1,1, ..., 1,1) = L(a).(18)
D(L(a),1,1, ..., 1, .., 1) = D(L(a, a),1, ..., 1)
=L(D(a, 1, ..., 1,1), a)
=L(D(a, 1,1,1, ..., 1)),
D(L(a),1, ..., 1) = L(D(a, 1,1, ..., 1,1)).(19)
Hence, (18) and (19) implies that
L(D(a, 1, ..., 1)) = L(a).(20)
By using Proposition 1 (i), we get
D(a, 1, ..., 1) a. (21)
In view of Lemma 1 together (20) and (21), we con-
clude that D(a, 1, ..., 1) = a,aG.
Theorem 3. Let Gbe a poset and δbe the trace of D
on G. We have,
δ(L(a1, ..., an)) L(δ(a1), .., δ(an)),aiG.
Proof. Let tδ(L(a1, a2, ..., an)), then there ex-
ists yL(a1, a2, a3, ..., an)such that t=δ(y).
The relation yL(a1, a2, ..., an1, an)implies that
yai,aiG, and by using Proposition 1
(viii), we get δ(y)δ(ai),i= 1, .., n, then
t=δ(y)L(δ(a1), .., δ(an)). This means that
δ(L(a1, a2, ..., an)) L(δ(a1), .., δ(an)),ai
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.58
Latifa Bedda, Abdelkarim Boua
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024
Corollary 1. Let Gbe a poset and 1be the greatest
element of Gand δbe the trace of D. If aδ(1),
then D(a, 1, ..., 1) = a,aG.
Proof. Let aG, assume that aδ(1), from Theo-
rem 1 we can get,
D(L(a),1,1, ..., 1) = D(L(a, 1),1, ..., 1,1)
=L(a, D(1,1, ..., 1))
=L(a, δ(1))
D(L(a),1, ..., 1) = L(a).(22)
In addition,
D(L(a),1,1,1, ..., 1) = D(L(a, a),1,1, ..., 1,1,1)
=L(D(a, 1, ..., 1,1), a)
=L(D(a, 1, ..., 1)).
D(L(a),1, ..., 1) = L(D(a, 1,1, ..., 1)).(23)
Therefore, (22) and (23) shows that
L(D(a, 1,1, ..., 1)) = L(a).
Combining Lemma 1 and Proposition 1 (i), we can
get D(a, 1, ..., 1) = a,aG.
Proposition 3. Let Gbe a poset and 1its greatest ele-
ment. Let δbe a the trace of a permuting n-derivation
Don G. Then δ(1) = 1 δ=idD.
Proof. It is obvious that if δ=idD, then δ(1) = 1.
Inversely, let aG. Combining Theorem 1 and
Proposition 1 (v) we can get
D(L(a), a, ..., a) = D(L(a, a), a, ..., a)
=L(a, D(a, ..., a))
=L(a, δ(a))
D(L(a), a, ..., a) = L(δ(a)).(24)
D(L(a), a, ..., a) = D(L(a, 1), a, ..., a)
=L(a, D(1, a, ..., a, a))
=L(D(1, a, ..., a))
D(L(a), a, ..., a) = L(D(1, a, .., a)).(25)
According (24) and (25) we get
L(D(1, a, a, ..., a)) = L(δ(a)).(26)
Proposition 1 (iv) implies that δ(a) =
D(a, a, ..., a)D(1, a, ..., a),which, be-
cause of (26) together Lemma 1, Show that
δ(a) = D(1, a, ..., a),aG. SinceDis a per-
muting map, we get D(1, a, ..., a) = D(a, ..., a, 1).
δ(a) = D(a, ..., a, 1).(27)
With the similar process, we show that δ(a) =
D(a, ..., a, 1,1). In fact, Combining Theorem 1 (1)
and Proposition 1 (v) we have
D(L(a), a, ..., a, 1) = D(L(a, 1), a, ..., a, 1)
=L(a, D(1, a, a, ..., a, 1))
=L(D(1, a, a, ..., a, a, 1))
D(L(a), a, a, ..., a, 1) = L(D(1, a, ..., a, a, 1)).
D(L(a), a, a, ..., a, 1) = D(L(a, a), a, ..., a, 1)
=L(D(a, a, ..., a, 1), a)
=L(D(a, a, ..., a, 1))
D(L(a), a, ..., a, a, 1) = L(D(a, ..., a, 1)).(29)
Adding these last tow equations (28) and (29) we see
L(D(1, a, ..., a, 1)) = L(D(a, ..., a, 1)) (30)
Proposition 1 (iv) implies that D(a, a, ..., a, 1)
D(1, a, ..., a, 1) which, because of (30) to-
gether Lemma 1, implies that D(1, a, ..., a, 1) =
D(a, a, ..., a, 1). SinceDis a permuting map, we
have D(1, a, ..., a, 1) = D(a, ..., a, 1,1).Hence,
D(a, ..., a, 1) = D(a, ..., a, 1,1).(31)
Combining (27) and (31), we cleam that
δ(a) = D(a, ..., a, 1,1).(32)
Similarly, we get
D(L(a), a, ..., a, 1,1) = D(L(a, 1), a, a, ..., a, 1,1)
=L(a, D(1, a, a, a, ..., a, 1,1))
=L(D(1, a, ..., a, 1,1)),
D(L(a), a, ..., a, 1,1) = L(D(1, a, ..., a, 1,1)).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.58
Latifa Bedda, Abdelkarim Boua
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024
D(L(a), a, a, ..., a, 1,1) = D(L(a, a), a, ..., a, 1,1)
=L(D(a, ..., a, a, 1,1), a)
=L(D(a, a, ..., a, 1,1)),
D(L(a), a, ..., a, 1,1) = L(D(a, a, ..., a, 1,1)).
Combining (33) and (34), we get
L(D(1, a, ..., a, 1,1)) = L(D(a, a, ..., a, 1,1)),
and by using Proposition 1 (iv) we see that
D(a, a, ..., a, a, 1,1) D(1, a, ..., a, 1,1) and
from Lemma 1, we deduce that
D(a, ..., a, 1,1) = D(1, a, ..., a, ..., a, 1,1)
=D(a, ..., a, a, 1,1,1).(35)
Therefore, (32) and (35) show that
δ(a) = D(a, a, ..., a, a, 1,1,1).(36)
According to the results (27), (32) and (36), we
get δ(a) = D(a, ..., a, 1) = D(a, ..., a, 1,1) =
D(a, ..., a, 1,1,1),aG.
Using the same method of proof, we arrive at the fol-
lowing conclusion
δ(a) = D(a, a, ..., a, 1) = D(a, a, ..., a, 1,1) =
D(a, a, ..., a, 1,1,1) = ... =D(a, 1,1, ..., 1),a
To complete this demonstration, it is enough to show
that D(a, 1,1, ..., 1) = a.
From Theorem 2, since δ(1) = 1, we get
D(a, 1,1, ..., 1) = a,aG. This means that
δ(a) = a,aG. Thus, the theorem is proved..
Proposition 4. Considered Gbe a poset and 0its
least element. Let δbe the trace of D. Denote
F ixδ(G) = {aG:δ(a) = a}. Then,
(1) 0F ixδ(G).
(2) If aF ixδ(G)and ba, then bF ixδ(G).
(3) If Gis directed, then b1, b2F ixδ(P),
kF ixδ(G):b1kand b2k.
Proof. (1) It is clear that since δ(0) = 0.
(2) Let a, b G. Assume that aF ixδ(G)and
ba, then δ(a) = a. By using Theorem 1 (1), we
D(L(b), a, ..., a) = D(L(a, b), a, ..., a, a)
=L(D(a, ..., a), b)
=L(δ(a), b)
=L(a, b)
Since bL(b), it follows that b
D(L(b), a, ..., a, a).Hence, tL(b)provided
that b=D(t, a, ..., a), by using Proposition 1 (iv)
and (i), we get
b=D(t, a, ..., a)D(b, a, ..., a)b, so
D(b, a, ..., a) = b. (37)
D(b, L(b), a, ..., a) = D(b, L(a, b), a, ..., a)
=L(D(b, a, ..., a), b)
=L(b, b)using (37)
Since bL(b), we get bD(b, L(b), a, ..., a).
Hence, there exists tL(b)such that b=
D(b, t, a, ..., a), by using Proposition 1 (iv) and (i),
we get
b=D(b, t, a, ..., a)D(b, b, a, a, ..., a, a)b, so
D(b, b, a, ..., a) = b. (38)
Also by using Theorem 1 (1), we have
D(b, b, L(b), a, a, a, ..., a) = D(b, b, L(a, b), a, ..., a)
=L(D(b, b, a, a, ..., a, a), b)
=L(b, b)by , using (38)
Since bL(b), we find bD(b, b, L(b), a, ..., a).
Hence, we can find an tL(b)which b=
D(b, b, t, a, ..., a), by using Proposition 1 (iv) and (i),
we get
b=D(b, b, t, a, ..., a)D(b, b, b, a, a, ..., a)b, so
D(b, b, b, a, ..., a) = b. (39)
From the results (37), (38) and (39), we ob-
tain D(b, a, ..., a) = D(b, b, a, a, ..., a) =
D(b, b, b, a, ..., a) = b,a, b G.
With the same method, we arrive at
D(b, a, ..., a) = D(b, b, a, ..., a) =
D(b, b, b, a, ..., a) = ... =D(b, b, ..., b, b, a) = b,
bG. So
D(b, b, ..., b, a) = b. (40)
D(b, ..., b, b, L(b)) = D(b, ..., b, L(a, b))
=L(D(b, ..., b, a), b)
=L(b, b)by (40)
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.58
Latifa Bedda, Abdelkarim Boua
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024
Then D(b, ..., b, L(b)) = L(b), application Lemma 2
(1) yields that δ(b) = b,bG. This shows that
bF ixδ(G).
(3) Let b1, b2G, since Gis directed, cG:
b1cand b2c. Since b1, b2F ixδ(G), we
get δ(b1) = b1and δ(b2) = b2. By Proposition 1
(viii) we can get b1δ(c)and b2δ(c). Put
k=δ(c), by Proposition 1 (ix) we get δ(t) = t, hence
tF ixδ(G).
Corollary 2. Let 0be the least element of Gand δbe
the trace of D, then F ixδ(G)is an ideal of G.
Proposition 5. Let d1and d2be two permuting n-
derivations on Gwith traces δ1, δ2, respectively. Then
δ1=δ2 F ixδ1(G) = F ixδ2(G).
Proof. It is obvious that δ1=δ2implies F ixδ1(G) =
F ixδ2(G). Conversely, let F ixδ1(G) = F ixδ2(G)
and aG. By Proposition 1 (ix), we have δ1(a)
F ixδ1(G) = F ixδ2(G), so
δ2(δ1(a)) = δ1(a).(41)
Combining (v) and (viii) in Proposition 1, we get
δ2(δ1(a)) δ2(a).(42)
These last two equations (41) and (42) show that
Similarly, we can get δ1(δ2(a)) = δ2(a)and
δ1(δ2(a)) δ2(a). Then
Adding these last two arguments (43) and (44), we
find that δ2(a) = δ2(a),aG. So δ1=δ2.
3 Some properties of posets
involving permuting n-derivations
Theorem 4. Let Gbe a poset and δbe the of D. If
0be the least element of G, Then kerδ ={aG:
δ(a) = 0}is a nonempty and a lower set of G.
Proof. By Proposition 1 (vi), we can see that δ(0) = 0
imply 0kerδ. Therefore kerδ =ϕ. Furthermore,
if akerδ and bGin which ba, since δ(b)
δ(a)by Proposition 1 (viii) and δ(a) = 0, so δ(b) = 0.
Therefore, bkerδ and thus forces the results.
Proposition 6. Let Gbe a poset, 0be the least ele-
ment of Gand δbe the of Don G.
If Jis an ideal of G, then δ1(J)is an ideal of G.
Proof. Assume that Jis an ideal of G, then 0 J
and so, δ(0) = 0 I. Hence, 0δ1(J), then
δ1(J)=ϕ. Suppose that aδ1(J)and bG
where ba, then δ(a) J and δ(b)δ(a)by
Proposition 1 (viii), this imply that δ(b) J and so
bδ1(J). This means that δ1(J)is an ideal of
Proposition 7. Let Gbe a poset and δthe trace of a
permuting n-derivation Don G.
Let I1and I2be two ideals of G, we have
Proof. Let bδ(I1), then aI1I2:δ(a) = b.
Hence, bδ(I2). It follows that δ(I1)δ(I2).
Theorem 5. Let Gbe a poset and D1,D2be two
permuting n-derivations on Gwith traces δ1,δ2, re-
spectively. Then, aG,
δ1(a)δ2(a) δ2(δ1(a)) = δ1(a).
Proof. Assume that δ1(a)δ2(a),aG, that
is, δ1(δ1(a)) δ2(δ1(a)).By Proposition 1 (ix),
δ1(a) = δ1(δ1(a)). So
Moreover, the Proposition 1 (v) gives that
δ2(δ1(a)) δ1(a).(46)
From the above arguments (45) and (46), we can get
δ2(δ1(a)) = δ1(a),aG. Inversely, suppose that
δ2(δ1(a)) = δ1(a),aG. By using Proposition
1 (v) and (viii), we obtain δ2(δ1(a)) δ2(a), and by
hypothesis, we can get δ1(a)δ2(a),aG.
4 Conclusion
This work has provided a comprehensive analysis of
derivations and permuting n-derivations in the con-
text of partially ordered sets (posets), which are gen-
eralizations of derivations on a poset. We have in-
troduced and studied the concept of permuting n-
derivations on posets and presented several character-
ization theorems and fundamental properties related
to permuting n-derivations. Additionally, we have in-
troduced the fixed set of permuting n-derivations in
posets and discussed the relationships among deriva-
tions, ideals and fixed sets within posets. This study
opens up further avenues for research, inviting deeper
exploration into the interactions between derivations
and poset structures. Our future research on posets
will be inspired by our recent work on lattices in [16]
which involves generalized derivations. We aim to
explore how these concepts can be applied to posets
to develop new theories and applications.
The authors express their gratitude to the referees for
their recommendations, and counsel on the work.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.58
Latifa Bedda, Abdelkarim Boua
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.58
Latifa Bedda, Abdelkarim Boua
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024