Inverse Problem of Determining the Unknown Coefficients in an
Elliptic Equation
Faculty of Economics of Turkish World,
Department of Economics and Business Administration,
Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC),
Baku, Istiglaliyat str. 6, AZ1001,
Abstract: - The inverse problem of determining the coefficients of an elliptic equation under different boundary
conditions in a given rectangle is considered. These problems lead to the necessity of approximate solution of
inverse problems of mathematical physics, which are incorrect in the classical sense. The existence, uniqueness,
and stability theorems for the solution of the set inverse problem are proved and a regularizing algorithm for
determining the coefficient is constructed.
Key-Words: - Inverse problem, elliptic equation, regularization algorithm, the Green's function, successive
approximation method, existence, and uniqueness of the solution.
Received: August 15, 2023. Revised: March 24, 2024. Accepted: April 19, 2024. Published: May 15, 2024.
1 Introduction
The monographs [1], [2] about inverse problems for
differential equations tell the history of this area of
mathematical physics, its problems, areas of
application, existing solution methods, etc. are
widely given. When studying direct problems, the
solution of a given differential equation or system
of equations is carried out through additional
conditions, whereas in inverse problems the
equation itself is unknown. Both the definition of
the basic equation and its solution require the
imposition of additional conditions, rather than
problems directly related to them.
Newton's problem of discovering the forces that
set the planets in motion according to Kepler's laws
was one of the first inverse problems in the
dynamics of mechanical systems. It covers the
subject of similar problems, including a fairly
complete and systematic theory of inverse
problems. By developing an approach to the
existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions, this
work represents a systematic development of the
theory of inverse problems for all main types of
partial differential equations. Here we discuss
modern methods of linear and nonlinear analysis,
the theory of differential equations in Banach
spaces, applications [1].
The book, [2], offers in-depth coverage of inverse
problems for second-order equations and for
hyperbolic systems of first-order equations,
including the kinematic problem of seismology, the
Lamb dynamic problem for equations of the theory
of elasticity, and the problem of electrodynamics.
The third edition, [3] is intended for ordinary
graduate students of physical sciences who do not
have extensive mathematical training. The book is
complemented by a companion website that
includes MATLAB codes corresponding to
examples, illustrated with simple, easy-to-
understand problems that highlight the details of
specific numerical methods. Updates in the new
edition include more discussion of Laplace
smoothing, expansion of exercises with basis
functions, addition of stochastic descent, improved
presentation of Fourier methods and exercises, and
much more.
The main classes of inverse problems for
equations of mathematical physics and their
numerical solution methods are considered in this
book which is intended for graduate students and
experts in applied mathematics, computational
mathematics, and mathematical modelling, [4].
This book, [5], explores methods for specifically
solving inverse problems. The inverse problem
arises when it is necessary to determine the reasons
that caused a particular effect, or when trying to
indirectly estimate the parameters of a physical
system. The author uses practical examples to
illustrate inverse problems in the physical sciences.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.38