where n=p+1, p+2, p+3, ..., and µnis given by (5).
Proof. By using the same technique in the proof of
Theorem 5.1, we can show that
≤p−ε, for |z| ≤ w,
with the aid of (9). Thus we have the assertion of
Theorem 5.2.
6 Conclusion
In this article, our primary focus lies in investigat-
ing a newfound subclass of multivalent analytic func-
tions within the open unit disc, delineated by the ap-
plication of Jackson’s derivative operator. Our explo-
ration begins with a thorough investigation by uncov-
ering the essential criteria for functions falling into
this category through the lens of Coefficients’ Char-
acterization. This approach flattens many of intrigu-
ing features, with notable highlights encompassing
coefficient estimates, theorems on growth and dis-
tortion, identification of extreme points, determina-
tion of the starlikeness radius, and exploration of con-
vexity within this unique subclass. It is clear from
the analysis in this article that the use of the Jackson
derivative operator is not limited only to this specific
subclass, but also opens up ways to derive broader
classes of multivalent analytical functions. During
the analysis, the importance of extending this ap-
proach to studying the description of parameters for
these broader classes was emphasized, thus enriching
our understanding of the diverse mathematical land-
scapes governed by the interaction of functions and
their distinctive properties. We are going to branch
out into uncharted territories, pushing the boundaries
of knowledge in the fascinating realm of multivalent
analytic functions.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.27
Ma’moun I. Y. Alharayzeh, Maslina Darus, Habis S. Al-Zboon