that used the benefit of both
gave the highest PRE in this situation and
gave a closer estimated PM2.5 to the population.
The results revealed that the recommended
estimators achieved much more than the existing
ones based on the air pollution dataset.
Table 4. Estimated values of PM2.5 and PREs of the
7 Conclusion
A new class of separate ratio estimators for
predicting population mean are investigated through
this study under stratified random sampling. Some
available insights on the auxiliary variable have
been implemented to increase the efficiency of the
population mean estimator. The outcomes of the
simulation study and the application to air pollution
data in northern Thailand indicated that the
suggested estimators performed more effectively
than the typical separate ratio approach and [14]
estimators under stratified random sampling. As
expected, larger sample sizes resulted in smaller
MSEs for all situations. The top-performing
estimator outperformed all other existing estimators,
delivering nearly thrice the efficiency. In subsequent
research, additional established auxiliary variables
may be employed to predict the population means of
the variable under study, and the new estimators can
be formulated to suit more intricate survey
frameworks. e.g., cluster sampling and stratified
single-stage cluster sampling. Nevertheless, the
proposed estimators can help estimate other
application data in many areas of interest.
We appreciate all unknown referees for their
valuable comments.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.19
Nuanpan Lawson, Natthapat Thongsak