(5) is a D−continuous linear map on Lp
BC (µ)and the
sequence of averages A(n), as operators acting on
BC (µ), is strongly D−convergent. Here Mis inde-
pendent of E,nand ϕ0(E) = E.
Proof. With (8), it can be written that
2µϕ0(E)+µϕ−1(E)Mµ (E)
for any E∈M. Therefore the linear operator Tde-
fined by the equation (5) is a D−bounded and D−con-
tinuous map on Lp
BC (µ)by Lemma 12. If we denote
the space of all D−linear and D−continuous opera-
tors on Lp
BC (µ)by B(Lp
BC (µ)), then it can be eas-
ily seen that A(n), the averages, are in this complete
space. Since the averages A(n)are D−uniformly
bounded while operating on Lp
BC (µ), we can write
that the sequence {A(n)f} ⊂ Lp
BC (µ)D−converges
for all f∈Lp
BC (µ)by Riesz–Thorin convexity theo-
rem. By the way, when the averages A(n)are operat-
ing on Lp
BC (µ), we obtained that A(n)f∈Lp
BC (µ)
for all n∈Nand for each f∈Lp
BC (µ). It is
known that the characteristic functions of elements of
Mform a fundamental set for Lp
BC (µ). Then, for any
E∈Mand x∈X, since we have |χE|k1and
Tn(χE) (x)
n|χE(ϕn) (x)|k
n(e1|χE(ϕn) (x)|+e2|χE(ϕn) (x)|)
we can say that the sequence {A(n)}D−converges
in strongly operator topology by [7, VIII.5.1].
Remark 15 it should be observed that a measure
preserving transformation ϕ(i.e. one for which
µϕ−1(E)=µ(E), for every Ein σ−algebra ) sat-
isfies the hypothesis of the preceding theorem. This
type of maps arise in the study of conservative me-
chanical systems. Also if the map ϕis metrically tran-
sitive (i.e. µE∆ϕ−1(E)= 0 implies µ(E)=0
or µ(X−E) = 0) then ϕis completely dissipative
as in [21]. So by [21], ϕadmits a σ−finite invari-
ant measure υ≈µ. Then ϕbecame a υ−measure
preserving transformation.
The author would like to thank the referees for their
helpful comments and valuable suggestions for
improving the manuscript.
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