Horocyclic Circles and Tubes around Complex Hypersurfaces
in a Complex Hyperbolic Space
Division of Mathematics and Mathematical Science & Department of Mathematics,
Nagoya Institute of Technology,
Nagoya 4668555,
email:yusei11291@outlook.jp & adachi@nitech.ac.jp
Abstract: We show that every horocyclic circle of nonzero complex torsion on a complex hyperbolic space is
expressed by a trajectory for a Sasakian magnetic field on some tube around totally geodesic complex hypersurface
and that such an expression is unique up to the action of isometries on the complex hyperbolic space.
KeyWords: Circles; horocycle; Sasakian magnetic fields; real hypersurfaces; complex hyperbolic space;
extrinsic shapes; congruent.
Received: March 16, 2023. Revised: November 2, 2023. Accepted: November 17, 2023. Published: December 7, 2023.
1 Introduction
For each circle of radius rin a Euclidean 3space R3,
if we take a suitable sphere S2of radius r, it can be
seen as a geodesic on this sphere. We are interested
in whether such a property holds for other symmet
ric spaces. For a complex projective space, if we re
strict ourselves to circles whose velocity and acceler
ation vectors form a complex line, they can be seen
as geodesics on some geodesic spheres. On the other
hand, for a complex hyperbolic space, even if we re
strict ourselves to such circles, if they are unbounded
and do not lie on some horospheres, they can not be
seen as trajectories for Sasakian magnetic fields, es
pecially as geodesics, on any real hypersurfaces of
type (A), [1]. Here, trajectories for Sasakian mag
netic fields are natural generalizations of geodesics
from the viewpoint of dynamical systems which are
associated with almost contact metric structures on
these real hypersurfaces. With these results it is nat
ural to consider that unbounded circles are different
from bounded circles. In this paper, we study cir
cles lying on some horospheres and show that except
the case that they lie on totally geodesic real hyper
bolic plane they can be seen as trajectories for some
Sasakian magnetic fields on some tubes around totally
geodesic complex hypersurfaces.
2 Circles on a complex hyperbolic
A smooth curve γon a Riemannian manifold f
rameterized by its arclength is said to be a circle if
there exist a nonnegative constant kγand a field Yγof
unit tangent vectors along γsatisfying the equations
˙γYγ=kγ˙γ, (1)
which is equivalent to the equation
γ˙γ= 0.
The constant kγis called its geodesic curvature and
{˙γ, Yγ}its Frenet frame, [2]. When k= 0, it is a
geodesic with an arbitrary parallel unit vector field.
Hence, from the viewpoint of FreneSerret formula,
circles are simplest curves next to geodesics.
We say two smooth curves γ1, γ2on f
are parameterized by their arclengths to be congru
ent to each other (in strong sense) if there is an isom
etry φof f
Msatisfying φγ1(t) = γ2(t)for all
t. In this paper, we study circles on a complex hy
perbolic space CHn(c)of constant holomorphic sec
tional curvature c. By use of complex structure J, we
set τγ=˙γ, JYγfor a circle γof positive geodesic
curvature, and call it its complex torsion. Clearly it is
constant along γbecause Jis parallel. Since CHn(c)
is a symmetric space of rank 1, we find that two cir
cles are congruent to each other if and only if either
they are geodesics or they satisfy kγ1=kγ2>0
and |τγ1|=|τγ2|, [3]. Therefore, the moduli space
C(CHn), which is the set of all congruence classes,
of circles on CHn(c)is set theoretically coincides
with the band [0,)×[0,1]/ . Here we define
(k1, τ1)(k2, τ2)if and only if either k1=k2= 0
or k1=k2>0and τ1=τ2. When a circle γon
CHnhas complex torsion ±1, the equations (1) turn
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.102
Yusei Aoki, Toshiaki Adachi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
to e
˙γ˙γ=kγJ˙γ. We can interpret it as a trajectory
for a Kähler magnetic field kγBJwith the Kähler
form BJ.
We here recall some properties of circles on
CHn(c). Congruency of circles guarantees that every
circle is a homogeneous curve, that is, it is an orbit of
one parameter family of isometries of CHn. Since
CHnis a typical example of Hadamard manifolds,
we can define its ideal boundary CHnas the set of
asymptotic classes of geodesics, and have a compacti
fication CHn=CHnSCHn, [4, 5]. When a curve
γwhich is unbounded in both directions, that is, both
γ[0,)and γ−∞,0]are unbounded sets, we set
γ() = limt→∞ γ(t), γ() = limt→−∞ γ(t)if
they exist in CHn. These are called points at infinity
of γ. We say a smooth curve γparameterized by its
arclength to be horocyclic if it satisfies the following
conditions, [6]:
i) Both γ()and γ(−∞)exist and coincide with
each other;
ii) If it crosses with a geodesic βsatisfying β() =
γ(), then they cross orthogonally.
We set a function ν: [0,)Rby
ν(k) =
0,if k < |c|
(33|c|k),if |c|
1,if k > p|c|.
We take a horizontal lift ˆγof a circle γon CHn(c)
through a Hopf fibration ϖ:H2n+1
CHn(c)of an antide Sitter space H2n+1
1and regard
it as a curve in Cn+1. When its geodesic curvature is
kγand complex torsion is τγ, by solving an ordinary
differential equation on ˆγ, we can get the following
feature of γ:
1) If kγ>p|c|or τγ< ν(kγ), it is bounded;
2) If it does not satisfies the condition in 1), it is
unbounded in both directions and has points at
3) It is horocyclic if and only if p|c|/2 kγ
p|c|and |τγ|=ν(kγ)hold;
4) When τγ=±1, it lies on a totally geodesic CH1,
and when τγ= 0, it lies on a totally geodesic
The following figure shows the images of the moduli
spaces of unbounded and bounded circles on CHn(c).
circles bounded circles
horocyclic circles
Figure 1: moduli space of circles on CHn
3 Horocyclic circles are expressed
uniquely by trajectories
In this paper, we study whether circles in CHn(c)can
be seen as extrinsic shapes of some “nice” curves on
a homogeneous real hypersurface. Let M=T(r)
be a tube of radius raround totally geodesic com
plex hypersurface CHn1in CHn(c). On this hy
persurface we have an almost contact metric structure
(ξ, η, ϕ, ,)induced by the complex structure J
on CHn. By taking a unit normal vector field Nof
Min CHn(c)and the induced metric ,, we set
the characteristic vector field ξby ξ=JN, the 1
form ηby η(v) = v, ξ, the (1,1)tensor field ϕby
ϕ(v) = Jv η(v)N. The shape operator AMof M
satisfies AMξ=δMξand AMv=λMvfor arbitrary
tangent vector vorthogonal to ξ. Here, the principal
curvatures are given as δM=p|c|coth p|c|rand
λM=p|c|/2tanhp|c|r/2, [7, 8], for example.
If we denote by and e
the Riemannian connec
tions on Mand on CHn(c), respectively, we have the
formulae of Gauss and Weingarten:
for arbitrary vector fields X, Y tangent to M. Since
the complex structure Jis parallel with respect to e
these formulas guarantee
XϕY=η(Y)AMX AMX, Y ξ, (2)
Xξ=ϕAMX. (3)
We define a 2form Fϕon Mby Fϕ(v, w) =
v, ϕ(w). By use of (3), we find that it is closed. We
therefore call its constant multiple Fκ=κFϕ(κR)
aSasakian magnetic field. A smooth curve σparam
eterized by its arclength is said to be a trajectory for
Fκif it satisfies the equation ˙γ˙γ=κϕ ˙γ. Since we
find that trajectories for the null magnetic field F0are
geodesics and that every trajectory is determined by
its initial unit tangent vector, we may say that trajec
tories are generalizations of geodesics and are sim
plest curve next to geodesics from the viewpoint of
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.102
Yusei Aoki, Toshiaki Adachi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
dynamical systems on the unit tangent bundle of M.
For magnetic fields, [9]and[10].
Given a smooth curve γon CHn(c)parameterized
by its arclength, if we have a real hypersurface Mand
a smooth curve σon Msatisfying γ(t) = ισ(t)for
all twith an isometric immersion ι:MCHn(c),
we say (M, σ)is an expression of γ. We say two ex
pressions (M1, σ1)and (M2, σ2)of γto be congru
ent to each other if there is an isometry φof CHn(c)
which satisfies φ(M1) = M2and either it preserves
γor reverse γ. That is, either φγ(t) = γ(t)for all
tor φγ(t) = γ(t)for all t. In [1], the authors
studied expressions of circles by geodesics on tubes.
Proposition 1 ([1]).Every circles on CHn(c)with
geodesic curvature not smaller than p|c|and com
plex torsion ±1is expressed by a geodesic on some
tube around totally geodesic complex hypersurface.
We are hence interested in expressions of circles
with complex torsion |τ|<1. But being different
from circles in a Euclidean 3space, if we stick on
expressions by geodesics on real hypersurfaces, our
study does not go through any more (see Lemma 2
below ). We therefore extend the family of curves
on tubes and study expressions by trajectories for
Sasakian magnetic fields.
Theorem 1. Let γbe a circle on CHn(c).
(1) When γis horocyclic and τγ= 0, it is expressed
by a trajectory for a Sasakian magnetic field on
some tube around totally geodesic complex hy
persurface. If the complex torsion τγof γsatis
fies 0<|τγ|<1, such an expression is unique
up to the congruence relation.
(2) When γis horocyclic and τγ= 0, it can not be
expressed by trajectories for Sasakian magnetic
fields on tubes around totally geodesic complex
(3) When γis bounded, also it is expressed by a tra
jectory for a Sasakian magnetic field on some
tube around totally geodesic complex hypersur
For a trajectory σfor Fκon a tube M=T(r)of ra
dius raround totally geodesic complex hypersurface,
we set ρσ=˙σ, ξand call it its structure torsion. By
(3) we find that the derivative of the structure torsion
is given as
σ=κϕ˙σ, ξ+˙σ, ϕAM˙σ
=˙σ, ϕAM˙σ=−⟨AMϕ˙σ, ˙σ,
because AMis symmetric and ϕis antisymmetric.
Since it is known that they satisfy AMϕ=ϕAM
for our tube T(r), we find that ρσis constant along
σ. This is an important invariant for σ. Through a
Hopf fibration ϖ:H2n+1
1CHn, the inverse im
age of T(r)is H2n1
1×S1. Considering the action
of U(1, n)on Cn+1, we have the following result on
congruency of trajectories on T(r).
Lemma 1. Let σ1, σ2be trajectories for Sasakian
magnetic fields Fκ1,Fκ2respectively on a tube T(r)
around totally geodesic CHn1in CHn(c). Then γ1
and γ2are congruent to each other if and only if one
of the following conditions holds:
i)|ρσ1|=|ρσ2|= 1,
ii)|ρσ1|=|ρσ2|<1,|κ1|=|κ2|and κ1ρσ1=
Since two circles are congruent to each other if and
only if they have the same geodesic curvatures and
the same absolute values of complex torsions, in or
der to show the existence of expressions of a circle of
geodesic curvature kand complex torsion τ, we are
enough to show that there exists a trajectory σfor a
Sasakian magnetic field on some tube whose extrinsic
shape is a circle of geodesic curvature kand complex
torsion τ.
By the formulae of Gauss and Weingarten, consid
ering a trajectory σfor Fκon M=T(r)as a curve
in CHn(c), we have
˙σ˙σ=κϕ ˙σ+λM(1 ρ2
σ) + δMρ2
κϕ ˙σ+λM(1 ρ2
σ) + δMρ2
=κ2(1 ρ2
σ) + λM+ (δMλM)ρ2
+λMκρσ+ (δMλM)ρ2
×κ+ (δMλM)ρσ(ρσ˙σξσ).
We therefore get conditions that the extrinsic shape of
a trajectory on Mis a circle on CHn(c).
Lemma 2. Let σbe a trajectory for Fκon T(r)in
CHn(c). Its extrinsic shape is a circle on CHn(c)if
and only if one of the following condition holds:
ii)λMκρσ+ (δMλM)ρ2
σ= 0,
iii)κ+ (δMλM)ρσ= 0.
Corresponding to these cases, the geodesic curvature
kσand the complex torsion τσof the extrinsic shape
of σare as follows:
i)kσ=δM, τσ=1,
ii)kσ=|κ|, τσ=sgn(κ),
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.102
Yusei Aoki, Toshiaki Adachi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
τσ= (2κρ 2
Here, sgn(κ)denotes the signature of κ.
Since Proposition 1 corresponds to the first and the
second cases of Lemma 2, we study the third case.
In this case, as we have κ=(δMλM)ρσ=
−|c|ρσ/(4λM), we obtain
τσ=ρσ(|c| 2|c|ρ2
Since |ρσ| 1, by the equation (4) we see λM
kσλM+|c|/(4λM)=δM. Moreover, by using
these two equalities we have
σ+ 4 2
We here study congruent expressions.
Lemma 3. Let γbe a circle in CHn(c). Suppose
that its complex torsion satisfies |τγ|<1. If we have
two expressions (M1, σ1),(M2, σ2)of γby trajec
tories for Sasakian magnetic fields Fκ1,Fκ2on tubes
M1, M2around totally geodesic complex hypersur
faces of the same radius, then they are congruent to
each other.
Proof. For the sake of simplicity, we consider M1and
M2as subsets of CHn(c)through isometric embed
dings. Since the extrinsic shapes of σ1and σ2coin
cide with γ, by the equation (4) we find |ρσ1|=|ρσ2|.
Hence, by the condition κi+(δMiλMi)ρσi= 0, we
have |κ1|=|κ2|(= 0) and κ1ρσ1=κ2ρσ2.
Since M1, M2are of the same radius, they are iso
metric to each other. Hence we have an isometry
φof CHn(c)with φ(M1) = M2. Taking into ac
count of principal curvatures of M1and M2, we have
(NM1) = NM2. As φis ±holomorphic, that is,
J=±J, we have
ρφσ1= ˙σ1, ξM2= ˙σ1,J(NM2
=±⟨ ˙σ1, (JNM2=±⟨˙σ1, ξM1
˙σ1 ˙σ1=˙σ1˙σ1=κ1ϕ˙σ1
=κ1±J ˙σ1ρσ1NM2
=±κ1ϕ( ˙σ1).
Therefore, φσ1is a trajectory for F±κ1on M2whose
structure torsion is ±ρσ1. Thus, we find that φσ1and
σ2are congruent to each other. This means that there
is an isometry ψof M2satisfying σ2(t) = ψφσ1(t)
for all t. Since it is known that there is an isometry ˜
on CHn(c)satisfying ˜
ψM2=ψ, by putting Φ=
ψφ, we have Φ(M1) = M2and Φσ1(t) = σ2(t)
for all t. Hence (M1, σ1)and (M2, σ2)are congruent
to each other.
Proof of Theorem 1. In order to show the first and
the second assertions, we solve the equation τ2
ν(kσ)2under the assumption p|c|/2 kσp|c|.
Since this equation turns to
σ+ 5 2
Mck 2
σc2) = 0
and 4λ2
M+c < 0, we find
σ=|c|5tanh2(p|c|r/2) + 4
48tanh2(p|c|r/2) + 1.(7)
This equality shows that if we fix the radius of a tube
we can express only one horocyclic circle on a com
plex hyperbolic space up to the action of isometries
by some trajectory on this tube. Since the righthand
side of the equation (7) is monotone decreasing with
respect to the radius r, and takes all values in the inter
val |c|/4,|c|, we find that for each horocyclic circle
γof complex torsion 0<|τ|<1it is expressed by a
trajectory on a tube whose radius is determined by kγ.
By Lemma 3, we get the first assertion. Also, we find
that if a horocyclic circle γhas null complex torsion,
it is not expressed by trajectories for Sasakian mag
netic fields on tubes around complex hypersurfaces.
In order to show the third assertion, we study the
behavior of τ2
σwith respect to kσ. We denote by
fk;T(r)the continuous function defined by the
righthand side of the equation (6) by putting k=kσ.
We set
a(r) = q8c+ 2c2λ2
T(r)/8, b(r) = δT(r).
They satisfy λT(r)< a(r)< b(r). Since we have
dk = 2λ2
Mk2+4 2
we find that the function fk;T(r)have the follow
ing properties:
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.102
Yusei Aoki, Toshiaki Adachi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
1) It is monotone increasing in the interval
a(r), b(r),
2) fa(r); T(r)= 0 and fb(r); T(r)= 1.
This means that the moduli space of circles which are
extrinsic shapes of trajectories satisfyiong the third
condition in Lemma 2 is like Figure 2.
Since we have
r0a(r) = lim
r0b(r) = ,
r→∞ a(r) = p|c|/2,lim
r→∞ b(r) = p|c|,
r→∞ fk;T(r)= (4k2+c)3/27c2k2,
comparing the last one with ν(k)2, we find that the
union Sr>0f[a(r), b(r)]; T(r)covers the set
(k, τ )p|c|/2 < k p|c|,0τ < ν(k)
This means that every bounded circle on CHn(c)is
expressed by some trajectory on some tube T(r).
q q
Figure 2: The graph of fk;T(r)
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present re
search, at all stages from the formulation of the prob
lem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
The second author is partially supported by Grant
inAid for Scientific Research (C) (No. 20K03581),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to
declare that are relevant to the content of this
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.102
Yusei Aoki, Toshiaki Adachi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023