as Dishkant implications. This hyperclass is known
as generalized Dishkant implications (or GD- impli-
cations for short). The downside of GD- implica-
tions is that they do not always satisfy (16). As a re-
sult, we refer to GD- operations rather than implica-
tions in general. The characterization of quadruples
(⊥,⊤,¬1,¬2), such that Σ⊥,⊤,¬1,¬2satisfies (16) re-
mains unsolved. The same problem holds for the
characterization of triples (⊤,⊥,¬), such that Σ⊤,⊥,¬
satisfies (16) (see page 108 in [2]).
On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that
the set of D- operations is a subset of the set of GD-
operations, and the findings are depicted in Figure 1.
It has been demonstrated that a necessary but not suf-
ficient condition for a GD- operation to be a fuzzy
implication exists (see Corollary 1 and Remark 9).
Theorem 2 excludes quadruples (⊥,⊤,¬1,¬2)that
do not generate GD- implications, and Theorem 3 in-
vestigates the relationship of F−conjugation in GD-
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Contribution of individual authors to
the creation of a scientific article
(ghostwriting policy)
Dimitrios S. Grammatikopoulos: Writing- original
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.78
Dimitrios S. Grammatikopoulos, Basil Papadopoulos