Smooth Homotopy 4-Sphere
Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute,
Osaka Metropolitan University,
Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558-8585,
Abstract: - It is shown that every homotopy 4-disk with boundary 3-sphere is diffeomorphic to the 4-
disk, so that every smooth homotopy 4-sphere is diffeomorphic to the 4-sphere. As a consequence, it
is also shown that any (smoothly) embedded 3-sphere in the 4-sphere splits the 4-sphere into two
components of 4-manifolds which are both diffeomorphic to the 4-ball. The argument used for the
proof also shows that any two homotopic diffeomorphisms of the stable 4-sphere are smoothly
isotopic if one diffeomorphism allows a local diffeomorphism change, so that they are smoothly
concordant and piecewise-linearly isotopic.
Key-Words: - 4-sphere, Smooth homotopy 4-sphere, Trivial surface-knot, O2-handle pair, O2-sphere pair.
Received: May 5, 2023. Revised: August 7, 2023. Accepted: August 26, 2023. Published: September 26, 2023.
1 Introduction
This paper is a paper created by adding proof to the
research announcement paper, [1], without proof.
So, the proof is original in this paper. Unless
otherwise stated, concordances, embeddings,
isotopies and manifolds are considered in the
smooth category.
An n-punctured manifold of an m-manifold X is the
m-manifold Xn(0) obtained from X by removing the
interiors of n mutually disjoint m-balls in the
interior of X, where choices of the m-balls are
independent of the diffeomorphism type of Xn(0).
The m-manifold X1(0) is written as X(0). By this
convention, a homotopy 4-sphere is a 4-manifold M
homotopy equivalent to the 4-sphere S4, and a
homotopy 4-ball is a 1-punctured manifold M(0) of a
homotopy 4-sphere M. Ever since the positive
solution of Topological 4D Poincaré Conjecture
(meaning that every topological homotopy 4-sphere
is homeomorphic to S4) and the existence of exotic
4-spaces, [2], [3], [4], it has been questioned
whether Smooth 4D Poincaré Conjecture (meaning
that every homotopy 4-sphere is diffeomorphic to
S4) holds. This paper answers this question
affirmatively (see Corollary 1.3). The Piecewise-
Linear 4D Poincaré Conjecture is also confirmed
affirmatively by a compatible smoothability of a
compact piecewise-linear 4-manifold, [5], [6], using
Γn=Diff+(Sn-1))/rDiff+(Dn))=0 (n4), [7]. It is also
confirmed by an argument parallel to the Smooth
4D Poincaré Conjecture using the basic fact that
every piecewise-linear auto-homeomorphism of the
4-disk keeping the boundary identically is
piecewise-linearly --relatively isotopic to the
identity, known as Alexander trick and the isotopy
extension theorem, [8], [9]. For other dimensions,
the corresponding questions are settled, [10], [11],
[12], [13], [14], [15], [16].
For a positive integer n, the stable 4-sphere of
genus n is the 4-manifold
which is the union of the n-punctured manifold
(S4)n(0) of the 4-sphere S4 and the 1-punctured
manifolds (S2×S2i)(0) (i=1,2,...,n) of the 2-sphere
products S2×S2i (i=1,2,...,n) pasting the boundary 3-
spheres of (S4)n(0) to the boundary 3-spheres of
(S2×S2i)(0) (i =1,2,...,n). An orthogonal 2-sphere pair
or simply an O2-sphere pair of the stable 4-sphere Σ
is a pair (S, S) of 2-spheres S and S embedded in Σ
which meet transversely at just one point with the
intersection numbers I(S,S)=I(S,S)=0 and
I(S,S)=1. A pseudo-O2-sphere basis of the stable 4-
sphere Σ of genus n is the system (S*,S*) of disjoint
O2-sphere pairs (Si,Si) (i=1,2,...,n) in Σ. Let
N(Si,Si) be a regular neighborhood of the union Si
Si of the O2-sphere pair (Si,Si) in Σ such that the
4-manifolds N(Si,Si) (i=1,2,...,n) are mutually
disjoint and diffeomorphic to the 1-punctured
manifold (S2×S2)(0) of S2×S2. The region of a
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
pseudo-O2-sphere basis (S*,S*) in Σ of genus n is a
connected 4-manifold Ω(S*,S*) in Σ obtained from
the 4-manifolds N(Si,Si) (i=1,2,...,n) by connecting
along mutually disjoint 1-handles h1j (j=1,2,...,n-1)
in Σ. Since Σ is a simply connected 4-manifold, the
region Ω(S*,S*) in Σ does not depend on choices of
the 1-handles and is uniquely determined by the
pseudo-O2-sphere basis (S*,S*) up to isotopies of Σ,
[17]. The residual region of Ω(S*,S*) in Σ is the 4-
manifold Ωc(S*,S*)=cl(Σ
Ω(S*,S*)) which is a
homotopy 4-ball shown by van Kampen theorem
and a homological argument. An O2-sphere basis of
the stable 4-sphere Σ of genus n is a pseudo-O2-
sphere basis (S*,S*) of Σ such that the residual
region Ωc(S*,S*) is diffeomorphic to the 4-ball. For
example, the system (S2×1*,1×S2*)={(S2×1i,1×S2i) |
i=1,2,...,n} is an O2-sphere basis of Σ, called a
standard O2-sphere basis of Σ. The following result
is the main result of this paper.
Theorem 1.1. For any two pseudo-O2-sphere bases
(R*,R*) and (S*,S*) of the stable 4-sphere Σ of any
genus n
1, there is an orientation-preserving
diffeomorphism h:Σ
Σ sending (Ri,Ri) to (Si,Si)
for all i (i=1,2,...,n).
Since the image of an O2-sphere basis (R*,R*) of Σ
by an orientation-preserving diffeomorphism f:Σ
Σ is an O2-sphere basis of Σ, the following corollary
is obtained from the existence of the standard O2-
sphere basis and Theorem 1.1.
Corollary 1.2. Every pseudo-O2-sphere basis of the
stable 4-sphere Σ of any genus n
1 is an O2-
sphere basis of Σ.
The following corollary (confirming Smooth 4D
Poincaré Conjecture) is a consequence of Corollary
Corollary 1.3. Every homotopy 4-sphere M is
diffeomorphic to the 4-sphere S4.
Proof of Corollary 1.3. It is known that there is an
orientation-preserving diffeomorphism κ:M#Σ Σ
from the connected sum M#Σ onto Σ for a positive
integer n by, [18]. The connected sum M#Σ is taken
from the union M(0) Σ(0). By Corollary 1.2, the
image κ(Σ(0)) is the region Ω(S*,S*) of an O2-sphere
basis (S*,S*) of Σ and the residual region Ωc(S*,S*)
=κ(M(o)) is a 4-ball and hence M(0) is diffeomorphic
to the 4-ball D4. The diffeomorphism M(0) D4
extends to a diffeomorphism M S4 since Γ4=0 by
[7], or π0(Diff+(S3))=0 by, [19]. This completes the
proof of Corollary 1.3.
As it is seen from the proof of Corollary 1.3,
Theorem 1.1 is equivalent to the Smooth 4D
Poincaré Conjecture. The diffeomorphism M S4
in Corollary 1.3 made orientation-preserving is
concordantly unique since Γ5=0 by [10], [20], and
piecewise-linear-isotopically unique by, [8], [9].
However, at present it appears unknown whether it
is isotopically unique, [5], [6], [21], [22].
The result of [18] used for the proof of Corollary
1.3 says further that for every closed simply
connected signature-zero spin 4-manifold M with
the second Betti number β2(M;Z)=2m, there is a
diffeomorphism κ:M #Σ(n) Σ(m+n) for some n.
Then there is also a homeomorphism MΣ(m) by
[2], [3]. It should be noted that the present technique
used for the proof of Theorem 1.1 cannot be directly
generalized to the case of m>0. In fact, it is known
by, [23], that there is a closed simply connected
signature-zero spin 4-manifold M with β2(M;Z)=2m,
a large number which is not diffeomorphic to Σ(m).
The following corollary is what can be said in this
Corollary 1.4. Let M and M be any closed (not
necessarily simply connected) 4-manifolds with the
same second Betti number β2(M;Z)=β2(M;Z). An
embedding u:M(0)
M induces the fundamental
group isomorphism u#:π1(M(0),x)
π1(M,u(x)) if
and only if the embedding u:M(0)
M extends to a
diffeomorphism u+:M
Proof of Corollary 1.4. Since the proof of the “if”
part is clear, it suffices to prove the “only if” part.
For this proof, confirmed by van Kampen theorem
and a homological argument that the closed
complement cl(Mu(M(0))) is a homotopy 4-ball,
which is diffeomorphic to the 4-ball D4 and the
embedding u:M(0) M extends to a
diffeomorphism u+:M M by the proof of
Corollary 1.3. This completes the proof of Corollary
The following corollary is obtained by combining
Corollary 1.3 with the triviality condition of an S2-
link in S4, [24].
Corollary 1.5. Every closed 4-manifold M such that
the fundamental group π1(M,x) is a free group of
rank n and H2(M;Z)=0 is diffeomorphic to the
closed 4D handlebody YS=S4# 𝑛
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Proof of Corollary 1.5. Let ki (i=1,2,...,n) be a
system of mutually disjoint simple loops in M which
is homotopic to a system of loops with legs to the
base point x generating the free group π1(M,x), and
N(ki)=S1×D3i (i=1,2,...,n) a system of mutually
disjoint regular neighborhoods of ki (i=1,2,...,n) in
M. The 4-manifold X obtained from M by replacing
S1×D3i with D2×S2i for every i is a homotopy 4-
sphere by van Kampen theorem and H2(M;Z)=0.
Hence X is diffeomorphic to S4 by Corollary 1.3.
The S2-link L=𝑛
𝑖=1 Ki in X=S4 with component
Ki=S2i the core 2-sphere of D2×S2i has the free
fundamental group π1(S4L,x) of rank n with a
medidian basis because it is canonically isomorphic
to the fundamental group π1(M,x) by a general
position argument. The S2-link L is a trivial S2-link
in S4 and hence bounds mutually disjoint 3-balls in
S4 by, [24]. By returning D2×S2i to S1×D3i for every
i, the 4-manifold M is seen to be diffeomorphic to
the closed 4D handlebody YS. This completes the
proof of Corollary 1.5.
The following corollary is so-called Smooth 4D
Schoenflies Conjecture, whose Topological Version
is also known by, [2], [3].
Corollary 1.6. Any (smoothly) embedded 3-sphere
S3 in the 4-sphere S4 splits S4 into two components of
4-manifolds which are both diffeomorphic to the 4-
Proof of Corollary 1.6. The splitting components
are homotopy 4-balls by van Kampen theorem and a
homological argument, which are diffeomorphic to
the 4-ball by the proof of Corollary 1.3. This
completes the proof of Corollary 1.6.
Similar questions for other dimensions are answered
affirmatively [20], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29].
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
a trivial surface-knot in the 4-sphere S4 is discussed
to observe that the stable 4-sphere Σ of genus n is
the double-branched covering space S4(F)2 of S4
branched along a trivial surface-knot F of genus n.
An O2-handle basis of a trivial surface-knot F in S4
is also introduced there to show that the lift
(S(D*),S(D’*)) of the core system (D*,D’*) of any
O2-handle basis (D*
I, D’*
I) of F to S4(F)2=Σ is
an O2-sphere basis of Σ (See Corollary 2.2). In
Section 3, the proof of Theorem 1.1 is done. In
Section 4, any two homotopic diffeomorphisms of Σ
are shown to be isotopic if one diffeomorphism
allows a deformation by an element of
Diff+(D4,rel) (see Theorem 4.1 and Corollaries 4.2,
4.3 for the details).
2 Double Branched Covering of
Trivial Surface-Knot for Stable 4-
A surface-knot of genus n in the 4-sphere S4 is a
closed surface F of genus n embedded in S4. Two
surface-knots F and F in S4 are equivalent if there
is an orientation-preserving diffeomorphism f:S4
S4 sending F to F orientation-preserving. The map f
is called an equivalence. A trivial surface-knot of
genus n in S4 is a surface-knot F of genus n which
is the boundary of a handlebody of genus n
embedded in S4, where a handlebody of genus n
means a 3-manifold which is a 3-ball for n=0, a
solid torus for n=1 or a boundary-disk sum of n
solid tori for n2. A surface-link in S4 is a union of
disjoint surface-knots in S4, and a trivial surface-link
is a surface-link bounding disjoint handlebodies in
S4. A trivial surface-link in S4 is determined
regardless of the embeddings and unique up to
isotopies, [17].
A symplectic basis of a closed surface F of
genus n is a system (x*,x*) of pairs (xj,xj)
(j=1,2,...,n) of elements xj, xj of the first homology
group H1(F;Z) with the intersection numbers
I(xj,xj)=I(xj,xj)=I(xj,xj)=0 for all j,j except that
I(xj,xj)=+1 for all j. Every pair (x1,x1) with
I(x1,x1)=+1 is extended to a symplectic basis (x*,x*)
of F by an argument on the intersection form
I:H1(F;ZH1(F;Z) Z. Further, every symplectic
basis (x*,x*)={(xj,xj)|j=1,2,...,n} is realized by a
system of oriented simple loop pairs (e*,e*)=
{(ej,ej)|j=1,2,...,n} of F with ejej=ejej=ejej=
for all distinct j,j and with transverse intersection
ejej at just one point for all j, which is called a
loop basis of F. For a surface-knot F in S4, an
element x in H1(F;Z) is spin if the Z2-reduction [x]2
H1(F;Z2) of x has η([x]2)=0 for the Z2-quadratic
function η:H1(F;Z2) Z2 associated with a surface-
knot F in S4, which is defined as follows: For a
simple loop e in F bounding a surface De in S4 with
F=e, the Z2-self-intersection number I(De,De)
(mod 2) with respect to the F-framing is defined to
be the value η([e]2). For every surface-knot F in S4,
there is a spin basis of F, [30]. Every spin pair
(x1,x1) in F with I(x1,x1)=+1 is extended to a spin
symplectic basis (x*,x*) of F by vanishing of the
Arf invariant of the Z2-quadratic function η:H1(F;Z2)
Z2 for every surface-knot F in S4, [30]. In
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
particular, any spin pair (x1,x1) is realized by a spin
loop pair (e1,e1) of F extendable to a spin loop basis
(e*,e*) of F.
A 2-handle on a surface-knot F in S4 is a 2-
handle D×I on F embedded in S4 such that
(D×I)∩F=(∂DI, where I denotes a closed interval
with 0 as the center and D×0 is called the core of the
2-handle D×I and identified with D. For a 2-handle
D×I on F in S4, the loop ∂D of the core disk D is a
spin loop in F since η([∂D]2)=0. To save notation, if
an embedding h:D×IF X is given from a 2-
handle D×I on a surface F to a 4-manifold X, then
the 2-handle image h(D×I) and the core image h(D)
on h(F) are denoted by hD×I and hD, respectively.
An orthogonal 2-handle pair or simply an O2-
handle pair on a surface-knot F in S4 is a pair (D×
I,D’×I) of 2-handles D×I and D’×I on F which
meet orthogonally on F, in other words, which meet
F only with the attaching annuli (∂D)×I and (D’)×I
so that the loops ∂D and D’ meet transversely at
just one point q and the intersection
(∂DI∩(D’I is diffeomorphic to the square
Q={q}×I×I, [31]. For a trivial surface-knot F of
genus n in S4, an O2-handle basis of F is a system
(D*×I,D’*×I) of mutually disjoint O2-handle pairs
(Di×I,D’i×I) (i=1,2,...,n) on F in S4 such that the loop
system (∂D*,D’*) given by {(∂Di,∂D’i)|i=1,2,...,n}
forms a spin loop basis of F. Every trivial surface-
knot F in S4 is moved into the boundary of a
standard handlebody in the equatorial 3-sphere S3 of
S4, where a standard O2-handle basis and a
standard spin loop basis of F are taken. For any
given spin loop basis of a trivial surface-knot F of
genus n in S4, there is an O2-handle basis
(D*×I,D’*×I) of F in S4 with the given spin loop
basis as the loop basis (∂D*,∂D’*). This is because
there is an equivalence f:(S4,F)
(S4,F) sending the
standard spin loop basis to any given spin loop basis
of F and hence there is an O2-handle basis of F in S4
with the given spin loop basis which is the image of
the standard O2-handle basis of F by, [31], [32].
Further, any O2-handle basis of F in S4 with an
attaching part fixed is unique up to orientation-
preserving diffeomorphisms of S4 keeping F point-
wise fixed, [33].
For the double branched covering projection p:
S4(F)2 S4 branched along F, the non-trivial
covering involution of S4(F)2 is denoted by α. The
preimage p-1(F) in Σ of F which is the fixed point
set of α and diffeomorphic to F is also written by the
same notation as F. The following result is a
standard result.
Lemma 2.1. Let (D*
I) be a standard O2-
handle basis of a trivial surface-knot F of genus n in
S4. Then there is an orientation-preserving
diffeomorphism f:S4(F)2
Σ sending the 2-sphere
pair system (S(D*),S(D’*)) with S(Di)=Di
αDi and
αD’i (i=1,2,...,n) to the standard O2-
sphere basis (S2×1*,1×S2*) of the stable 4-sphere Σ
of genus n. In particular, the 2-sphere pair system
(S(D*),S(D’*)) is an O2-sphere basis of Σ.
Proof of Lemma 2.1. Let Ai (i=1,2,...,n) be mutually
disjoint 4-balls which are regular neighborhoods of
the 3-balls Di×ID’i×I (i=1,2,...,n) in S4. The
closed complement (S4)n(0)=cl(S4\∪ 𝑛
𝑖=1Ai) is the n-
punctured manifold of S4. Let P=F
(S4)n(0) be a
proper n-punctured 2-sphere in (S4)n(0). Since the
pair ((S4)n(0),P) is an n-punctured pair of a trivial 2-
knot space (S4,S2) and the double branched covering
space S4(S2)2 is diffeomorphic to S4, the double
branched covering space (S4)n(0)(P)2 of (S4)n(0)
branched along P is diffeomorphic to (S4)n(0). On the
other hand, for the proper surface Pi=F
Ai in the 4-
ball Ai, the pair (Ai,Pi) is considered as a1-punctured
pair of a trivial torus-knot space (S4,T), so that the
double branched covering space Ai(Pi)2 is
diffeomorphic to the 1-punctured manifold of the
double branched covering space S4(T)2. The trivial
torus-knot space (S4,T) is the double of the product
pair (B,o)×I=(B×I,o×I) for a trivial loop o in the
interior of a 3-ball B and an interval I, so that (S4,T)
is diffeomorphic to the boundary pair ((B,oI2)
=((B×I2),∂(o×I2)), where Im denotes the m-fold
product of I for any m 2. Thus, the double
branched covering space S4(T)2 is diffeomorphic to
the boundary ∂(B(o)2×I2), where B(o)2 is the double
branched covering space of B branched along o
which is diffeomorphic to the product S2×I. This
means that the 5-manifold B(o)2×I2 is the product
S2×I3 and S4(T)2 is diffeomorphic to S2×S2, which
shows that Ai(Pi)2 is diffeomorphic to (S2×S2)(0). This
construction also shows that there is an orientation-
preserving diffeomorphism fi:Ai(Pi)2 (S2×S2)(0)i
which sends the O2-sphere pair (S(Di),S(D’i)) to the
standard O2-sphere pair (S2×1i,1×S2i) of the
connected summand (S2×S2)(0)i of Σ for all i. A
desired orientation-preserving diffeomorphism f:
S4(F)2 Σ is constructed from a diffeomorphism
f: (S4)n(0)(P)2 (S4)n(0) and the diffeomorphisms fi
(i=1,2,...,n). This completes the proof of Lemma 2.1.
The identification of S4(F)2=Σ is fixed by an
orientation-preserving diffeomorphism f: S4(F)2 Σ
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
given in Lemma 2.1. The following corollary is
obtained from Lemma 2.1 and, [31], [33].
Corollary 2.2. For any two O2-handle bases (D*×I,
D’*×I) and (E*×I,E’*×I) of a trivial surface-knot F
of genus n in S 4, there is an orientation-preserving
α-equivariant diffeomorphism f of Σ sending the 2-
sphere pair system (S(D*),S(D’*)) to the 2-sphere
pair system (S(E*),S(E*)). In particular, the 2-
sphere pair system (S(D*),S(D’*)) for every O2-
handle basis (D*×I,D’*×I) is an O2-sphere basis of
Proof of Corollary 2.2. There is an equivalence f:
(S4,F) (S4,F) keeping F set-wise fixed sending the
O2-handle basis (D*×I, D’*×I) of F to the O2-handle
basis (E*×I,E*×I) of F by uniqueness of an O2-
handle pair, [31], [33]. By construction, the lifting
diffeomorphism f”:S4(F)2 S4(F)2 of f sends
(S(D*), S(D’*)) to (S(E*),S(E*)). From Lemma 2.1,
the 2-sphere pair system (S(D*),S(D’*)) for every
O2-handle basis (D*×I,D*×I) is shown to be an O2-
sphere basis of Σ by taking (E*×I, E*×I) a standard
O2-handle basis of F. This completes the proof of
Corollary 2.2.
An n-rooted disk family is the triplet (d,d*,b*) where
d is a disk, d* is a system of mutually disjoint disks
di (i=1,2,...,n) in the interior of d and b* is a system
of mutually disjoint bands bi (i=1,2,...,n) in the n-
punctured disk cl(dd*) such that bi spans an arc in
the loop ∂Di and an arc in the loop ∂D. Let γ(b*)
denote the centerline system of the band system b*.
The following lemma shows that there is a canonical
n-rooted disk family (d,d*,b*) associated with an O2-
handle basis (D*×I,D’*×I) of a trivial surface-knot F
of genus n in S4.
Lemma 2.3. Let (D*×I,D’*×I) be an O2-handle
basis of a trivial surface-knot F of genus n in S4, and
(d,d*,b*) an n-rooted disk family. Then there is an
such that
(1) The surface F is the boundary of the handlebody
V of genus n given by V=φ(cl(d
(2) There is an identification
φ(d*×I,d*)=(φ(d*)×I, φ(d*))=(D*×I,D*)
as 2-handle systems on F, and
(3) There is an identification
as 2-handle systems on F.
Lemma 2.3 says that the 2-handle systems D*×I and
D’*×I are attached to a handlebody V bounded by F
in S4 along a longitude system and a meridian
system of V, respectively.
Proof of Lemma 2.3. If (E*×I,E*×I) is a standard
O2-handle basis of F, then it is easy to construct an
embedding φ’: (d,d*,b*I (S4,E*×I,E*×I) with
(1)-(3) taking φ’ and (E*×I,E*×I) as φ and
(D*×I,D’*×I), respectively. In general, there is an
equivalence f: (S4,F) (S4,F) keeping F set-wise
fixed and sending the standard O2-handle basis
(E*×I,E*×I) of F to the O2-handle basis (D*×I,
D’*×I) of F by uniqueness of an O2-handle pair,
[31], [33]. The composite embedding
φ=fφ’: (d,d*,b*I (S4,D*×I,D’*×I)
is a desired embedding. This completes the proof of
Lemma 2.3.
In Lemma 2.3, the embedding φ, the 3-ball B=
φ(d×I), the handlebody V and the pair (B,V) are
respectively called a bump embedding, a bump 3-
ball, a bump handlebody and a bump pair of F in S4.
For a bump embedding
φ: (d,d*,b*)×I (S4,D*×I,D’*×I)
there is an embedding φ”:d×I S4(F)2 with pφ”=φ.
Since p(φ”(d*×I),φ”(b*×I))=(D*×I,D’*×I) by the
conditions (1)-(3) of Lemma 2.3, the images
φ”(d*×I) and φ”(b*×I) are respectively considered
as 2-handle systems on F in S4(F)2 with
pφ”(d*×I))=D*×I and pφ”(b*×I))=D’*×I so that
(φ”(d*×I),φ”(b*×I)) is an O2-handle basis of F in
S4(F)2, which is also denoted by (D*×I, D’*×I) to
define an embedding
φ”:(d,d*,b*I (S4(F)2,D*×I,D’*×I)
with pφ”=φ. This embedding is called a lifting
bump embedding of the bump embedding φ. In this
case, the bump 3-ball φ”(d×I) and the bump
handlebody φ”(cl(d
d*I) of F in S4(F)2 are also
denoted by B and V by counting pφ”(d×I)=B and
d*I)=V, respectively. For the non-
trivial covering involution α of S4(F)2, the composite
αφ”:(d,d*,b*I (S4(F)2D*×I,αD’*×I)
is another lifting bump embedding of the bump
embedding φ. For the bump 3-ball αφ”(d×I)B
and the bump handlebody αφ”(cl(d
d*I)=αV of
F in S4(F)2, we have V∩αV=B∩αB=F in S4(F)2. For
a lifting bump embedding, the following lemma is
Lemma 2.4. Let φ”:(d,d*,b*)×I→(Σ,D*×I,D’*×I) be
a lifting bump embedding. For an embedding
u:Σ(0)→Σ, assume that the image φ”(d×I) is in the
interior of Σ(0) to define the composite embedding
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
uφ”:(d,d*,b*)×I ,uD*×I,uD’*×I). Then there is
a diffeomorphism g:Σ Σ which is isotopic to the
identity such that the composite embedding
guφ”:(d,d*,b*)×I (Σ,guD*×I,guD’*×I)
is identical to the lifting bump embedding
Proof of Lemma 2.4. The 0-section (d,d*,b*)×0 of
the line bundle (d,d*,b*)×I of the n-rooted disk
family (d,d*,b*) is identified with (d,d*,b*). Move the
disk uφ”(d) into the disk φ(d) in Σ and then move
the disk system uφ”(d*) and the band system
uφ”(b*) into the disk system φ”(d*) and the band
system φ”(b*) in the disk φ”(d), respectively. These
deformations are attained by a diffeomorphism g of
Σ which is isotopic to the identity, so that
Further, there is a diffeomorphism g” of Σ which is
isotopic to the identity such that the composite
embedding g”g’u:
(0)Σ preserves the normal line
bundles of the disk φ”(d) in
(0) and Σ, so that
for the diffeomorphism g=g”g’ of Σ isotopic to the
identity. This completes the proof of Lemma 2.4.
In Lemma 2.4, also assume that the image αφ”(d×I)
is in the interior of Σ(0). Then note that any disk
interior of the disk systems guαD* and guαD’* does
not meet the bump 3-ball B=φ”(d×I) in Σ. In fact,
gu defines an embedding gu: B
Σ with
gu(B,F) =(B,F). The complement guαB
F of F in
the 3-ball guαB does not meet the bump 3-ball B
since B
αB=F. This means that any disk interior of
the disk systems guαD* and guαD’* does not meet
the bump 3-ball B. Note that this property comes
from the fact that Σ(0) and Σ have the same genus n.
3 Proof of Theorem 1.1
For the proof of Theorem 1.1, the following result
known by, [34], is used.
Lemma 3.1. For any two pseudo-O2-sphere bases
(R*,R*) and (S*,S*) of the stable 4-sphere Σ of
genus n, there is an orientation-preserving
diffeomorphism f Σ which induces an
isomorphism f*:H2(Σ;Z) H2(Σ;Z) such that
[fRi]=[Si] and [fRi]=[Si] for all i.
Assum that (R*,R*) is an O2-sphere basis of Σ with
(R*,R*)=(S(D*),S(D’*)) for an O2-handle basis
(D*×I,D’*×I) of a trivial surface-knot F of genus n
in S4. Let u:Σ(0) Σ be an embedding such that
(uS(D*),uS(D’*))=(S*,S*). By Lemma 3.1, assume
that the homology classes [uS(Di)]=[Si] and
[uS(D’i)]=[Si] are respectively identical to the
homology classes [Ri]=[S(Di)] and [Ri]=[S(D’i)] for
all i. Let (B,V) be a bump pair for the O2-handle
basis (D*×I,D’*×I) of F in S4 defined soon after
Lemma 2.3. Recall that the two lifts of (B,V) to Σ
under the double branched covering projection
p:S4(F)2 S4 are given by (B,V) and (αB,αV). To
complete the proof of Theorem 1.1, three lemmas
are provided from here. The first lemma is stated as
Lemma 3.2. There is a diffeomorphism g of Σ which
is isotopic to the identity such that the composite
embedding gu:Σ(0) Σ preserves the bump pair
(B,V) in Σ identically and has the property that
every disk interior of the disk systems guαD* and
guαD’* meets every disk interior of the disk systems
αD* and αD’* transversely only with the intersection
number 0.
Proof of Lemma 3.2. By Lemma 2.4, there is a
diffeomorphism g:Σ Σ which is isotopic to the
identity such that the composite embedding gu:Σ(0)
Σ preserves the bump pair (B,V) in Σ(0) identically
and has the property that any disk interior of the
disk systems guαD* and guαD’* does not meet the
O2-handle basis (D*×I,D’*×I) in Σ and meets
transversely any disk interior of the disk systems
αD* and αD’* with a finite number of points in Σ.
Since S(Di)=DiαDi, S(D’i)=D’iαD’i, guDi=Di,
guD’i=D’i and any disk interior pair of the disk
systems αD* and αD’* is a disjoint pair, every disk
interior of the disk systems guαD* and guαD’* meets
every disk interior of the disk systems αD* and αD’*
only with intersection number 0 by the homological
identities [guS(Di)]=[S(Di)], [guS(D’i)] =[S(D’i)] for
all i and the invariance of their intersection numbers.
This completes the proof of Lemma 3.2.
By Lemma 3.2, assume that the orientation-
preserving embedding u:Σ(0) Σ sends the bump
pair (B,V) to itself identically and has the property
that every disk interior of the disk systems uαD* and
uαD’* meets every disk interior of the disk systems
αD* and αD’* only with the intersection number 0.
Then the following lemma is obtained:
Lemma 3.3. There is a diffeomorphism g of Σ which
is isotopic to the identity such that the composite
embedding gu:Σ(0) Σ sends the disk systems D*
and D’* identically and the disk interiors of the disk
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
systems guαD*, guαD’* to be disjoint from the disk
systems αD* and αD’* in Σ.
Proof of Lemma 3.3. Between the open disks
uInt(αDi), uInt(αD’i) for all i,i and the open disks
Int(αDj), Int(αD’j) for all j,j, suppose an open disk,
say uInt(αDi) meets an open disk, say Int(αDj) with
a pair of points with opposite signs. A procedure to
eliminate this pair of points is explained from now.
Let a be a simple arc in the open disk Int(αDj)
joining the pair of points whose interior does not
meet the intersection points Int(αDj)∩uInt(αD*) and
Int(αDj)∩uInt(αD’*). Let T(a) be the torus obtained
from the 2-sphere uS(Di)=Diu(αD’i) by a surgery
along a 1-handle h1(a) on uS(Di) with core the arc a
and with h1(a)∩Int(αDj)=a. Slide the arc a along the
open disk Int(αDj) while fixing the endpoints so that
(*) the 1-handle h1(a) passes once time through a
thickening Sj×I of a 2-sphere Sj parallel to the 2-
sphere S(D’j)=D’ju(αD’j) (not meeting S(D’j)),
(**) the intersection h1(a)(Sj×I) is a 2-handle dj
×I on the torus T(a) which is a strong deformation
retract of the 2-handle h1(a) on T(a).
After these deformations (*), (**), let uS(Di) be
the 2-sphere obtained from T(a) by the surgery
along the 2-handle dj×I. The resulting 2-sphere
uS(Di) is obtained from the 2-sphere uS(Di) as
uS(Di)=guS(Di) for a diffeomorphism g:Σ Σ
which is isotopic to the identity. This isotopy of g
keeps the outside of a regular neighborhood of h1(a)
in the image of g fixed. Next, regard the 2-handle dj
×I on T(a) as a 1-handle of the 2-sphere uS(Di).
Let u”S(Di) be the 2-sphere obtained from T(a) by
the surgery along the 2-handle cl(Sjdj)×I and
regard this 2-handle as a 1-handle on the 2-sphere
u”S(Di). The 2-sphere uS(Di) is isotopically
deformed into the 2-sphere u”S(Di) by a homotopic
deformation of a 1-handle, [30]. Thus, there is a
diffeomorphism g”:Σ Σ which is isotopic to the
identity such that
This isotopy of g” keeps the outside of a regular
neighborhood of Sj×I fixed. By this procedure, the
total geometric intersection number between the
open disks uInt(αDi), uInt(αD’i) for all i,i and
the open disks Int(αDj), Int(αD’j) for all j,j is
reduced by 2. By continuing this process, we have a
diffeomorphism g:Σ Σ which is isotopic to the
identity such that the composite embedding gu: Σ(0)
Σ sends the disk systems D* and D’* identically
and the open disks guInt(αDi) and guInt(αD’i) are
disjoint from the open disks Int(αDj) and Int(αD’j)
for all i,i,j,j. This procedure is similarly done for
the other cases that uInt(αDi) meets Int(αD’j) with
a pair of points with opposite signs, that uInt(αD’i)
meets Int(αDj) with a pair of points with opposite
signs and that uInt(αD’i) meets Int(αD’j) with a
pair of points with opposite signs. This completes
the proof of Lemma 3.3.
For the O2-sphere basis (S(D*),S(D’*)) of Σ, let q*=
{qi=S(Di)S(D’i)| i=1,2,...,n} be the transverse
intersection point system between S(D*) and S(D’*).
The diffeomorphism g of Σ sending the disk systems
D* and D’* identically in Lemma 3.3 is further
deformed so that, while leaving the transverse
intersection point qi, the disks guDi and Di are
separated and then the disks guD’i and D’i are
separated. Thus guDiDi=guD’iD’i=qi for all i.
By this deformation, the pseudo-O2-sphere basis
(guS(D*),guS(D’*)) of Σ is assumed to meet the O2-
sphere basis (S(D*),S(D’*)) at just the transverse
intersection point system q*. Next, the
diffeomorphism g of Σ is deformed so that a disk
neighborhood system of q* in guS(D*) and a disk
neighborhood system of q* in S(D*) are matched,
and then a disk neighborhood system of q* in
guS(D’*) and a disk neighborhood system of q* in
S(D’*) are matched. Thus, there is a
diffeomorphism g of Σ isotopic to the identity such
that the meeting part of the pseudo-O2-sphere basis
(guS(D*), guS(D’*)) and the O2-sphere basis
(S(D*),S(D’*)) is just a disk neighborhood pair
system (d*,d*) of the transverse intersection point
system q*. Now, assume that for an embedding
u:Σ(0) Σ, the meeting part of the pseudo-O2-
sphere basis (uS(D*),uS(D’*)) and the O2-sphere
basis (S(D*), S(D’*)) is just a disk neighborhood pair
system (d*,d*) of q*. Then the following lemma is
Lemma 3.4. There is an orientation-preserving
diffeomorphism h of Σ such that the composite
embedding hu(0) Σ preserves the O2-sphere
basis (S(D*),S(D’*)) identically.
The proof of Lemma 3.4 is obtained by using
Lemma 3.5 (Framed light-bulb diffeomorphism
lemma), which is proved easily in comparison with
an isotopy version (Lemma 3.7) of this lemma using
Gabais 4D light-bulb theorem, [35]. To state
Lemmas 3.5, 3.7, call a 4-manifold Y in S4 which is
diffeomorphic to S1×D3 a 4D solid torus. A
boundary fiber circle of the 4D solid torus Y is a
fiber circle of the S1-bundle ∂Y diffeomorphic to
S1×S2. Let Yc=cl(S4Y) be the exterior of Y in S4.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Let Y* be a system of mutually disjoint 4D solid tori
Yi (i=1,2,...,n) in S4, and Yc* the system of the
exteriors Yci of Yi in S4 (i=1,2,...,n). Let
Yc* = 𝑛
Lemma 3.5 (Framed light-bulb diffeomorphism
lemma). Let Y* be a system of mutually disjoint 4D
solid tori Yi (i=1,2,...,n) in S4. Let D*
I and E*
be systems of mutually disjoint framed disks Di×I,
Ei×I (i=1,2,..., n) in ∩Yc* such that
and ∂Di =∂Ei is a boundary fiber circle of Yi for all i.
Then there is an orientation-preserving
diffeomorphism h:S4 S4 sending Y* identically
such that h(D*×I,D*)=(E*×I,E*).
Proof of Lemma 3.5. Let k* be the system of the
loops ki=∂Di=Ei (i=1,2,...,n). Let c: k*×[0,1] D*
be a boundary collar function of D* with c(x,0)=x for
all x
k*, and c:k*×[0,1] E* a boundary collar
function of E* with c(x,0)=x for all xk*. Assume
that c(x,t)×I=c(x,t)×I for all xk* and t[0,1]. Let
ν(∂D*)=c(k*×[0,1]), ν(E*)=c(k*×[0,1]) D-*= cl(D*
ν(∂D*)), and E-*= cl(E*ν(E*)). Consider D*×I
and E*×I in S4. Let β* be the system of arcs βi
(i=1,2,...,n) such that βi is an arc in ki, and βc* the
system of the arcs βci=cl(kiβi) (i=1,2,...,n). By 3-
cell moves within a regular neighborhood of
c(β*×[0,1])×ID-*×I in S4, there is an orientation-
preserving diffeomorphism h of S4 such that
h’(D*×I)=c(βc*×[0,1])×I. The collars c(βc*×[0,1])
and c’(βc*×[0,1]) of βc* are identical since ν(∂D*) and
ν(∂E*) are identical. By 3-cell moves within a
regular neighborhood of c(β*×[0,1])×IE-*×I in S4
there is an orientation-preserving diffeomorphism h
of S4 such that h(c(
c*×[0,1])×I)=E*×I. The
diffeomorphism hh is an orientation-preserving
diffeomorphism of S4 sending D*×I to E*×I. Let
N(k*) be a regular neighborhood system of the loop
system k* in S4 meeting c(k*×[0,1]) regularly, which
is a system of n mutually disjoint 4D solid tori. The
composite diffeomorphism hh is deformed into an
orientation-preserving diffeomorphism h of S4
sending N(k*) identically such that h(D*×I,D*)
=(E*×I,E*). Here, the 4D solid torus system N(k*)
can be replaced with any given Y* because N(k*) is
isotopic to Y* in S4. This completes the proof of
Lemma 3.5.
The proof of Lemma 3.4 is obtained from Lemma
3.5 as follows.
Proof of Lemma 3.4. Consider a 4-manifold X
diffeomorphic to the 4-sphere S4 which is obtained
from Σ by replacing a regular neighborhood system
N(S(D’*))=S2× D2* of the 2-sphere system S(D’*) in
Σ with the 4D solid torus system Y*=D3×S1*. Let
Eu*×I and E*×I be the 2-handle systems in X=S4
attached to the 4D solid torus system Y* which are
obtained from the thickening 2-sphere systems
uS(D*)×I and S(D*)×I in Σ, respectively. Lemma 3.5
can be used for the 2-handle systems Eu*×I and
E*×I attached to Y*. Then, there is an orientation-
preserving diffeomorphism ρ:S4 S4 sending Y*
identically such that ρ(Eu*×I,Eu*)=(E*×I,E*). By
returning the 4D solid torus system Y* in X to the
regular neighborhood system N(S(D’*)) of the 2-
sphere system S(D’*) in Σ, there is an orientation-
preserving diffeomorphism ρ’:Σ Σ sending
N(S(D’*)) identically such that ρ’uS(D*)=S(D*). For
the pseudo-O2-sphere basis (S(D*),ρ’uS(D’*)) and
the O2-sphere basis (S(D*),S(D’*)) in Σ, consider the
4-manifold X obtained from Σ by replacing a
regular neighborhood system N(S(D*))=S2×D2* of
the 2-sphere system S(D*) in Σ with the 4D solid
torus system Y *=D3×S1*. Then the 4-manifold X is
diffeomorphic to the 4-sphere S4. Let Eu*×I and
E*×I be the 2-handle systems in X=S4 attached to
the 4D solid torus system Y* which are obtained
from the thickening 2-sphere systems ρ’uS(D’*I
and S(D’*I in Σ, respectively. Lemma 3.5 can be
used for the 2-handle systems Eu*×I and E*×I
attached to Y*. Then, there is an orientation-
preserving diffeomorphism ρ’’:S4 S4 sending Y*
identically such that ρ’’(Eu*×I,Eu*)=(E*×I,E*). By
returning the 4D solid torus system Y* in X to the
regular neighborhood system N(S(D*)) of the 2-
sphere system S(D*) in Σ, there is an orientation-
preserving diffeomorphism ρ’’’:Σ Σ sending
N(S(D*)) identically with ρ’’’ρ’uS(D’*)=S(D’*). For
the diffeomorphism h=ρ’’’ρ’:Σ Σ, the composite
embedding hu:Σ(0) Σ preserves the O2-sphere
basis (S(D*),S(D’*)) identically. This completes the
proof of Lemma 3.4.
Completion of Proof of Theorem 1.1. Since
(S(D*),S(D’*))=(R*,R*), (uS(D*),uS(D’*))=(S*,S*),
the orientation-preserving diffeomorphism h of Σ in
Lemma 3.4 sends (S*,S*) to (R*,R*).This completes
the proof of Theorem 1.1.
Note 3.6. The diffeomorphism h in Lemma 3.4 is
taken to be isotopic to the identity by using the
following lemma (Framed light-bulb isotopy
lemma) based on Gabais 4D light-bulb theorem,
[35] instead of Lemma 3.5.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Lemma 3.7 (Framed light-bulb isotopy lemma).
Let Y* be a system of mutually disjoint 4D solid tori
Yi (i=1,2,...,n) in S4. Let D*×I and E*×I be systems
of mutually disjoint framed disks Di×I, Ei×I
(i=1,2,..., n) in ∩Yc* such that
(D*×I)∩∂Yci= (∂Di)×I=(∂Ei)×I=(E*×I)∩∂Yci
and ∂Di =∂Ei is a boundary fiber circle of Yi for all i.
If the unions Di
Ei (i=1,2,...,n) are mutually
disjoint, then there is a diffeomorphism h:S4 S4
which is Y*-relatively isotopic to the identity such
that h(D*×I,D*)=(E*×I,E*).
Proof of Lemma 3.7. As in the proof of Lemma 3.5,
assume a boundary collar system of D* coincides
with a boundary collar system of E*. First, show the
assertion of the special case n=1. Let Y=S1×D3. Let
D and E be proper disks in Yc diffeomorphic to
D2×S2 admitting trivial line bundles D×I, E×I such
that (∂DI=(∂EI∂Yc. If the singular 2-sphere D
(-E) is not null-homologous in Yc, the disk D is -
relatively homologous to the 2-cycle E+mS in
(Yc,∂Yc) for a 2-sphere generator [S] of H2(Yc;Z)
(which is isomorphic to Z) and for some integer m.
The self-intersection numbers I([D],[D]) and
I([E],[E]) in Yc with the given framing of ∂D=∂E in
∂Yc and I([S],[S]) are all 0. Thus,
and m=0. This shows that the singular 2-sphere D
(-E) is null-homologous in Yc. By Gabais 4D light-
bulb theorem, [2], there is a diffeomorphism λ:Yc
→Yc such that λ is -relatively isotopic to the
identity and λD=E, which extends to a
diffeomorphism h=λ+:S4 S4 such that h is Y-
relatively isotopic to the identity and hD=E. Note
that a diffeomorphism of S4 preserves trivial line
bundles on disks in S4 if the line bundles on the
boundary circles are preserved. This is because a
sole obstruction that a disk admits a trivial line
bundle extending a given line bundle on the
boundary circle in S4 is that the self-intersection
number of the disk with the boundary framing given
by the line bundle is 0. Thus, the diffeomorphism h
of S4 has h(D×I,D)=(E×I,E) and the assertion of the
special case n=1 is shown. For the proof in general
case, let K=K(k*) be a connected graph in S4
constructed from the loop system k* of the loops
ki=∂Di=∂Ei (i=1,2,...,n) by adding mutually disjoint
n-1 simple arcs aj (j=1,2,...,n-1) not meeting any
interior disk of the disk systems D* and E*. For
every s with 1 s n, let Ys be a regular
neighborhood of the disk-arc union
ks1in, is Ei𝑛−1
in S4, which is a 4D solid torus in S4. By the proof of
the special case n=1, there is a diffeomorphism h1 of
S4 such that h1 is Y1-relatively isotopic to the identity
and h1D1=E1. Next, for the disk systems h1(D*) and
E*, there is a diffeomorphism h2 of S4 such that h2 is
Y2-relatively isotopic to the identity and h2h1D1=E1
and h2h1D2=E2. Continuing this process, there is a
diffeomorphism h=hn ... h2h1 of S4 such that h is
N(K)-relatively isotopic to the identity for a regular
neighborhood N(K) of K and hDi=Ei (i=1,2,...,n).
This diffeomorphism h of S4 is N(k*)-relatively
isotopic to the identity for a regular neighborhood
N(k*) of the loop system k* in N(K) and has hDi=Ei
(i=1,2,...,n), where N(k*) can be regarded as the 4D
solid torus system Y* as in the proof of Lemma 3.5.
This completes the proof of Lemma 3.7.
4 Diffeomorphisms of Stable 4-Sphere
Let Diff+(D4,rel
) be the orientation-preserving
diffeomorphism group of the 4-ball D4 keeping the
D4 point-wise fixed. An identity-shift of
the stable 4-sphere Σ=S4(F)2 is a diffeomorphism ι:Σ
Σ obtained from the identity 1:Σ Σ by
replacing the identity on a 4-ball in Σ disjoint from
F with an element of Diff+(D4,rel
). The following
result is a main result of this section.
Theorem 4.1. Any two homotopic diffeomorphisms
of the stable 4-sphere Σ are isotopic up to a
composition of one diffeomorphism is replaced
with a composition by an identity-shift an
identity-shift ι.
In Theorem 4.1, the identity-shift ι is needed,
because at present it appears unknown whether
π0(Diff+(D4,rel) is trivial or not, [5], [21], [22], [6].
However, it is known that any identity-shift ι is
concordant to the identity since Γ5=0 by [10],[20].
Thus, the following result is a consequence of
Theorem 4.1(, whose proof is omitted).
Corollary 4.2. Any two homotopic diffeomorphisms
of the stable 4-sphere Σ are concordant.
In Piecewise-Linear Category, every piecewise-
linear auto-homeomorphism of the 4-disk keeping
the boundary identically is piecewise-linearly -
relatively isotopic to the identity, [8], [9]. Thus, the
following result is a consequence of Theorem 4.1(,
whose proof is omitted).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Corollary 4.3. Any two homotopic piecewise-linear
auto-homeomorphisms of the stable 4-sphere Σ are
piecewise-linearly isotopic.
The proof of Theorem 4.1 is done as follows.
Proof of Theorem 4.1. Let fi (i=0,1) be homotopic
diffeomorphisms of Σ=S4(F)2 for a trivial surface-
knot F of genus n in S4. Then the composite
diffeomorphism g=f1-1f0 of Σ is homotopic to the
identity. By Lemmas 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and Note 3.6,
there is a diffeomorphism h of Σ isotopic to the
identity such that the composite diffeomorphism hg
of Σ sends the O2-sphere basis (S(D*),S(D’*))
identically. By the proof of Lemma 2.1, there is a
proper 1-punctured trivial surface P of F in a 4-ball
A such that a region Ω(S(D*),S(D’*)) in Σ is the
double branched covering space A(P)2 of the 4-ball
A branched along P and the residual region
Ωc(S(D*),S(D’*)) is the double branched covering
space Ac(d)2 of the 4-ball Ac=cl(S4A) branched
along the proper trivial disk-knot d=cl(FP) in Ac.
In this situation, there is a diffeomorphism h of Σ
which is isotopic to the identity such that the
composite diffeomorphism hhg of Σ preserve the
region Ω(S(D*),S(D’*)) identically, which defines a
-identical diffeomorphism δ:Ac(d)2 Ac(d)2. Since
Ac(d)2 is a 4-ball and the lifting d of the disk d to
Ac(d)2 is a trivial disk-knot in Ac(d)2 which is -
parallel, there is a -identical diffeomorphism δ’ of
Ac(d)2 which is -relatively isotopic to the identity
such that the composite diffeomorphism δ’δ is the
identity except for a 4-ball U in Ac(d)2 disjoint from
d. Let h” be the diffeomorphism of Σ defined by δ’
and the identity of cl(ΣAc(d)2). The composite
diffeomorphism h”hhg of Σ preserves cl(ΣU)
identically, which is considered as an identity-shift ι
of Σ. Since h”hh is isotopic to the identity, the
diffeomorphism g=f1-1f0 of Σ is isotopic to ι, and
thus the diffeomorphism f0 of Σ is isotopic to the
composite diffeomorphism f1ι of Σ. This completes
the proof of Theorem 4.1.
5 Conclusion
In an earlier version of this paper (see the research
announcement, [1]), the author tried to show
Lemma 3.1 with an α-equivariant orientation-
preserving diffeomorphism as f by a homological
argument on an O2-handle basis of a trivial surface-
knot F of genus n in S4. However, such an argument
is excluded from this paper and will be carried out
in a separate paper by the reason that the claim of
[1], Lemma 3.1 is false by a calculation error on the
intersection numbers of O2-handle bases, although
the Z2-version is true. This error can be seen by
checking the intersection numbers of the sphere-
bases (S(D1),S(D’1)) and (S(E1),S(E1)) in the stable
4-sphere Σ(1) of genus one. The related claims of
[1] except for the Lemma 3.1 are affirmatively
solved by applying Theorem 1.1, Corollary 2.2 and
Theorem 4.1 of this paper after showing that every
sphere-basis (S*,S*) of Σ is homotopic to the
sphere-basis (S(E*),S(E*)) of an O2-handle basis
(E*,E*) of a trivial surface-knot F in S4. It is hoped
that attempts to understand every sphere basis of Σ
by using the O2-handle bases of a trivial surface-
knot F in S4 will help clarify the proof of Theorem
Since writing the first draft of this paper (in an
announcement form) in late November of 2019, the
author stayed at Beijing Jiaotong University, China
from December 18, 2019 to January 4, 2020 while
improving the paper. Thank Liangxia Wan and
Rixin Zhang (graduate student) for their warm
hospitalities. This work was partly supported by
JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP19H01788,
JP21H00978 and MEXT Promotion of Distinctive
Joint Research Center Program JPMXP0723833165.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Contribution of Author to the Creation of a
Scientific Article (Ghostwriting Policy)
The author contributed in the present research at all
stages from the formulation of the problem to the
final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI
Grant Numbers JP19H01788, JP21H00978 and
MEXT Promotion of Distinctive Joint Research
Center Program JPMXP0723833165.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
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This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.76
Akio Kawauchi
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023