impact on the future return on stocks, and the effect
of consumption growth rate on stock returns is a
positive direction. In contrast, the influence of
current stock prices on stock returns is negative.
5 Conclusion
The objective of this study is to examine the asset
pricing model with the economic activities derived
from the business cycle model for describing the
rate of return and risk premium of common stocks.
Such a model shows the relationship between the
economic activities and the stock returns in forms of
nonlinearity and linearity. This comes up with the
new asset pricing model. In the modeled economy,
there are infinitely-lived homogeneous households
that maximize utility function subject to budget
constraint. and infinitely-lived heterogeneous firms
that maximize the present value of future cash flows
subject to budget constraints. After that, the general
equilibrium of this economy is computed. As a
result, this study solves for the asset pricing model
which noticeably included the economic activity of
that firm. The main findings demonstrate that the
rate of time preference, the investment in the next
period, the stock price at the time
, and the growth
rate of aggregate consumption have significant
impacts on how much the stock prices change.
Therefore, this conclusion is considerably different
from previous studies, especially the investment of
the firm. As a result, the role of economic activity of
firms should be examined in future research to shed
light on why the equity premium is still a puzzle.
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