certain cases in which the method fails to provide
sharp zero enclosures. One such case is the exis-
tence of multiple zeros. To address such pathologi-
cal cases, a bisection scheme is employed on the cur-
rent search interval. This approach successfully re-
duces the search interval, which is the primary ob-
jective of interval algorithms (Algorithm 1). How-
ever, it is important to note that the bisection scheme
may, at times, generate multiple sequences of inter-
vals that enclose the same zero. This can lead to an
increase in the number of final zero enclosures and,
consequently, a rise in the computational cost of the
It is worth noting that Interval methods generally
efficiently handle the problem of enclosing zeros with
multiplicity greater than one, [14]. Although the com-
putational cost increases, the method will eventually
provide enclosures for these zeros with arbitrary pre-
The aforementioned pathological cases have been
acknowledged within the scholarly discourse. In
some instances, no proposals for solutions are given.
In others, directions for a possible search strategy are
provided, depending on the zero multiplicity, [13].
Alternatively, more precise interval arithmetics may
be adopted to obtain sharp enclosures, but these ap-
proaches do not clearly avoid bisection schemes in
these cases, [12].
In this work, the behavior of the Interval Newton
method is studied for cases where a bisection scheme
is required in the execution flow of the algorithm, due
to the existence of multiple zero. Such pathologi-
cal cases occur when there exists a possible multiple
zero located in the middle point of the search interval.
The inability of Interval Newton to derive better en-
closures leads to the adoption of a bisection scheme.
This increases the computational cost of the method,
especially given the lack of an efficient alternative.
Targeting this weakness of the method, a technique
is proposed to directly enclose a multiple zero. In par-
ticular, a temporary perturbation of the initial function
is considered, and then the Interval Newton operator
is applied once to it to enclose its zeros. These ze-
ros, referred to as pseudo-zeros, are not the actual ze-
ros of . The resulting ’pseudo-enclosures’
are employed to deliver an efficient partition of the
search interval. The proposed technique enables the
inclusion of a multiple zero within a single sequence
of intervals, significantly enhancing the overall per-
formance of the method. The given numerical results
support the efficiency of the proposed technique.
The paper’s structure is as follows: The next sec-
tion briefly introduces the interval methods frame-
work. Subsequently, the motivation behind this work
is discussed, and the proposed idea, along with an al-
gorithm, is presented. Following that, numerical re-
sults are provided, and finally, the paper concludes
with a brief discussion of future research directions.
2 Interval Methods
Following are some definitions regarding the concept
of intervals and their corresponding arithmetic that
are used in this work. An extensive study of Inter-
val arithmetic and interval methods can be found in
[11], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19].
2.1 Notation and basic concepts
A closed, compact interval, denoted as , is the set
of all points
where ,denotes the lower and upper bound of in-
terval , respectively, and the set of all closed an
compact intervals is denoted as IR. The intersection
of two intervals , is defined as the common
points between the two intervals, while the empty in-
tersection, the lack of common points is defined as
. The width of an interval is defined by
while the midpoint of an interval is defined as
For operations between two intervals ,
IR, a corresponding interval arithmetic was defined,
which, in general, is described as a set extension of
real arithmetic, using the elementary operations
The above definition is equivalent to the following
simpler rules, [20],
min max
where for the case of interval division. For
the case where an extended interval arithmetic
have been proposed, [21].
Let RRbe a real function. An interval
extension of is an interval function IRIR
such that for each IRand for each
.is inclusion isotonic if
implies , where IR.
The following theorem, known as the Fundamen-
tal Theorem of Interval Analysis, [11], [15], can be
used to bound the exact range of a given expression.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.74