χk,j ◦(χm,k ◦χl,m) = χk,j ◦χl,k =χl,j ,
thus the composition law is associative. However, the
set of these mappings fails to form a group since no
two arbitrary mappings can be composed.
Let us notice that when Lk=Ljthen Lk,j =
Lj,k =∅and χk,j is a conformal mapping of Ωkonto
Ωj.This mapping can be extended by continuity to
∂Ωkand the extended function maps one to one ∂Ωk
onto ∂Ωj.A lot of classes of analytic functions ful-
fill this condition, as for example the exponential, the
modular function, the trigonometric and hyperbolic
Finally, if fhas a finite number mof fundamen-
tal domains, as is the case of the rational functions of
degree m,then the number of functions χk,j is m2.
7 Conclusion
The study of the fundamental domains of analytic
functions initiated by Ahlfors, proved to be useful
in revealing global mapping properties of these func-
tions and in particular in the theory of distribution of
zeros of Dirichlet functions. In our opinion the fa-
mous Riemann Hypothesis related to the non trivial
zeros of the Riemann Zeta function is an aspect of a
deeper inside of these global mapping properties of
Dirichlet functions. This topic has been treated in
the literature only by number theory techniques. Us-
ing the powerful tool of conformal mappings has the
advantage of a global view. Moreover, this tool en-
abled a strategy of divide and conquer, in which it was
enough to deal with a specific strip containing a fi-
nite number of fundamental domains in order to draw
conclusions valid for the whole complex plane. The
graphics we included have shown that the behavior of
those mappings is like that of the Möbius transforma-
tions. They do to the fundamental domains the same
thing that the Möbius transformations are doing to the
whole complex plane. In this paper we have focused
on a particular property of fundamental domains of
any analytic function, namely that of allowing con-
formal mappings onto itself. These mappings are ob-
tained by combining the function with Möbius trans-
formations and the inverse function. We have also
studied the conformal mappings between two funda-
mental domains.
The authors are thankful to the peer reviewers for
their comments.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa