Conformal Self Mappings of the Fundamental Domains of Analytic
Functions and Computer Experimentation
1Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
2Department of Mathematics, Glendon College, York University, Toronto, CANADA
Abstract: - Conformal self mappings of a given domain of the complex plane can be obtained by using the Rie-
mann Mapping Theorem in the following way. Two different conformal mappings φand ψof that domain onto
one of the standard domains: the unit disc, the complex plane or the Riemann sphere are taken and then ψ1φ
is what we are looking for. Yet, this is just a theoretical construction, since the Riemann Mapping Theorem does
not offer any concrete expression of those functions. The Möbius transformations are concrete, but they can
be used only for particular circular domains. We are proving in this paper that conformal self mappings of any
fundamental domain of an arbitrary analytic function can be obtained via Möbius transformations as long as we
allow that domain to have slits. Moreover, those mappings enjoy group properties. This is a totally new topic.
Although fundamental domains of some elementary functions are well known, the existence of such domains for
arbitrary analytic functions has been proved only in our previous publications mentioned in the References sec-
tion. No other publication exists on this topic and the reference list is complete. We deal here with conformal self
mappings of fundamental domains in its whole generality and present sustaining illustrations. Those related to
the case of Dirichlet functions represent a real achievement. Computer experimentation with these mappings are
made for the most familiar analytic functions.
Key-Words: - Conformal mappings, Fundamental domains, Möbius transformations, Euler Gamma function,
Riemann Zeta function, Dirichlet functions, Computer experimentation
Received: April 26, 2023. Revised: July 28, 2023. Accepted: August 21, 2023. Published: September 26, 2023.
Dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr
1 Introduction
Let f(z)be a holomorphic function in Cwith the ex-
ception of isolated singular points, which can be poles
or essential singular points. It is known, [1], that
k=1 k,where kare open connected sets,
kj=,when j=kand every kis conformal
(hence bijectively) mapped by fonto C\Lk,where
Lkis a slit, or a cut, i.e., a Jordan arc or a Jordan in-
finite curve. We will treat slits mostly as point sets.
If ECis any point set we will denote by f(E)the
image of Eby f, i.e.
f(E) = {f(z)|zE}
and by f1(E)the pre-image of Eby fi.e.,
f1(E) = {z|f(z)E}.
This convention cannot produce any confusion. The
uniqueness theorem of analytic functions guarantees
that for a non constant analytic function f(z)the pre-
image by f(z)of a point wis a discrete set of points
{zn}such that f(zn) = w.
A slit exhibits two distinct edges, [2], and a point
of the slit can be n on one edge or on the other. The in-
verse function f1
|k,which exists for every k, in view
of bijectiveness of fin k,fails to have a continuous
extension to Lk,since for sequences of points tend-
ing to the same point on Lkfrom the sides of dif-
ferent edges the function has different limits. How-
ever, the function f|kcan be extended by continu-
ity to the boundary kof kand it maps konto
Lk.This fact is granted by the Riemann-Caratheodory
Theorem of boundary correspondence in the confor-
mal mapping [3] and [4]. The same theorem allows
the extension of f1
|knot to Lk,but to the two edges of
Lkwhich then are mapped one to one by the extended
function onto k.
Ahlfors, [2], called the domains kfundamental
regions of f. When fis a rational function of degree
m, then n=m, [5].
Fundamental domains are known also for analytic
functions having non isolated singular points, as for
example the modular function or the infinite Blaschke
products. For the modular function every point of the
real axis is a singular point (obviously, non isolated),
while for the infinite Blaschke products such points
are the cluster points of the poles.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Examples of fundamental domains for different
classes of analytic functions were given in [6], [7].
We have n there that they are not uniquely determined,
yet some points of their boundaries must be the same
for any partition of the complex plane into fundamen-
tal domains and these are the branch points of the
function f. The branch points of fare the zeros of
derivative of f, the multiple poles and the essential
singular points of this function. Since in any neigh-
borhood of such a point the function fails to be injec-
tive, the branch points cannot belong to any funda-
mental domain and therefore they should be located
on the boundaries of these domains. This simple re-
mark, as well as the simultaneous continuation tech-
nique, [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], allowed us to implement
procedures of finding fundamental domains for dif-
ferent classes of analytic functions.
It is known that for a Blaschke product w=B(z)
of degree nthe equation B(z) = 1 has exactly ndis-
tinct solutions ζkall located on the unit circle and for
every kthe image by B(z)of the arc of the unit cir-
cle between ζkand ζk+1 is the whole unit circle. The
equation B(z) = 0 has no solution on the unit circle,
[5], [7], [8]. Then the pre-image by B(z)of the point
1is the set of points {ζk}and when wmoves from
1towards 0on the real axis, npoints zkwill move
each one from the corresponding ζkinside the unit
disc describing some Jordan arcs. These arcs can only
meet each other at the branch points of B(z).When
two adjacent arcs starting from consecutive points ζk
and ζk+1 on the unit circle meet each other at ak, they
bound together with the arc of the unit circle between
ζkand ζk+1 a domain which is conformal mapped by
B(z)onto the unit disc with a slit alongside the real
axis from B(ak)to 1.The symmetric of this domain
with respect to the unit circle is conformal mapped
by B(z)onto the exterior of the unit circle with a slit
alongside the real axis from 1to 1/B(ak)and there-
fore the union kof the two domains and of the com-
mon part of the boundary is conformal mapped by
B(z)onto the whole complex plane with a slit along-
side the real axis from B(ak)to 1/B(ak).The do-
main kis a fundamental domain of B(z)and we
obtain the remaining n1fundamental domains of
B(z)in a similar way.
Although we use the words move and describe this
is a static situation, where arcs are mapped bijectively
onto some intervals of the real axis.
Let us notice that the topological facts listed
above have as corollary a surprising algebraic result,
namely, that the image by B(z)of the roots of B(z)
are all real.
Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 illustrate this affir-
mation for B(z)having the triple zeros a, awith |a|
<1and 0.Different stages of the construction of the
Figure 1: Building fundamental domains of a
Blaschke product of degree 9
fundamental domains are exhibited in these figures.
This result has been generalized in [7] to infinite
Blaschke products and we have found that in every
neighborhood of a cluster point of poles (which is
necessarily on the unit circle) of an infinite Blaschke
product there are infinitely many fundamental do-
mains of that function. This is a completion of the
Big Picard Theorem in the sense that such a point is
not an isolated singular point (being limit of poles)
and instead of infinitely many points having the same
image it states that infinitely many domains have the
same image.
We notice also that every neighborhood of an iso-
lated essential singular point of any analytic function
fintersects infinitely many fundamental domains. In-
deed, let abe such a point and let Vbe a neighborhood
of a. If wis a non omitted value of f, then there are
infinitely many points zkVsuch that f(zk) = w.
Each one of the points zkis either an interior point of
a fundamental domain kor a finite number kmof
fundamental domains meet in zk. As the set (km)is
infinite, infinitely many fundamental domains fin-
tersect V.
The exponential function f(z) = ezhas as funda-
mental domains horizontal strips of width 2π, as for
k={z|2kπ < z < 2(k+ 1)π}
where kZ.
Each one of these domains is conformal mapped
by f(z)onto the complex plane with a slit alongside
the positive real half axis.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Figure 2: Building fundamental domains of a
Blaschke product of degree 9
Figure 3: Building fundamental domains of a
Blaschke product of degree 9
Figure 4: Fundamental domains of a Blaschke prod-
uct of degree 9
Let us notice that f(z) = ezmaps one to one the
{z=iy|0y < 2π} 0
onto the unit circle. Moreover, since
ex0+iy0=ex0(cos y+isin y)
is the equation of a circle centered at the origin and
of radius ex0, when 0y < 2π,f(z)is a conformal
mapping of the half of 0on the left side of the imagi-
nary axis (corresponding to x0<0) onto the unit disc
(since ex0<1) with a slit alongside the real axis from
0 to 1. It is also a conformal mapping of the half of 0
at the right side of the imaginary axis onto the exterior
of the unit disc (since ex0>1) with a slit alongside
the real axis from 1 to . This remark gives a good
idea of the geometry of the conformal mapping of 0
by f(z) = ez. We have a similar situation for every
k. Fundamental domains of the exponential func-
tion are illustrated in Fig. 5.
The fundamental domains of f(z) = cos zare
bounded by vertical lines z=kπ and z= (k+
1)π, k Z.This function realizes a conformal map-
ping of each one of these strips onto the complex
plane with a slit alongside the real axis complemen-
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Figure 5: Fundamental domains of ez
Figure 6: Fundamental domains of cos z
tary to the interval (1,1).Indeed, we have
cos z=1
2(eiz +eiz) = 1
2(cos x+isin x) + ey
2(cos xisin x)
=cos x1
2(ey+ey)isin x1
=cos xcosh yisin xsinh y.
cos(kπ +iy) = (1)kcosh y,
which shows that every vertical line z=kπ +iy,
kZis mapped two to one by f(z) = cos zonto the
interval of the real axis from −∞to 1when kis odd
and from 1to +when kis even. Therefore every
vertical strip bounded by two consecutive such lines
is a fundamental domain for f(z) = cos z, which is
mapped by f(z)onto the complex plane with a slit
alongside the real axis complementary to the interval
(1,1).Fundamental domains of the cosine function
are given in Fig. 6. All the other trigonometric func-
tions have similar fundamental domains.
The Euler Gamma function is an extension to
the whole complex plane of the arithmetic function
Γ(n) = (n1)!.For z > 1the extension is given
Figure 7: Fundamental domains of the Euler Gamma
and the Riemann Zeta function
Γ(z) = Z
ettz1dt (1)
Integrating by parts, we find that Γ(z)satisfies the
functional equation zΓ(z) = Γ(z+ 1) which allows
its extension to the half-plane z1.The pre-image
by Γ(z)of the real axis displays fundamental domains
of this function as shown in Fig. 7. The red curves
are the pre-image of the positive half axis and the
black ones that of the negative half axis. The domains
bounded by consecutive curves of the same color are
fundamental domains of Γ(z).They are conformal
mapped by the function onto the complex plane with
a slit alongside some intervals of the real axis. On the
right side of Fig. 7, the preimage of the real axis by
the Riemann Zeta function is illustrated. It is similar
to that of the Gamma function, yet not all the domains
bounded by its components are fundamental domains.
The modular function λ(τ)has been built, [2],
starting with a domain 1bounded by the half-lines
τ=±1,τ0and the half-circles |τ±1/2|=
1/2,τ0.The Riemann Mapping Theorem states
that there is a unique conformal mapping λ(τ)of the
domain 1onto the complex plane with a slit along-
side the real axis from −∞ to 1and from 1to +
such that τ= 0,1,corresponds to λ= 1,,0,
[2]. Using the Schwartz Symmetry Principle this
mapping can be extended analytically to the whole
upper half plane. The domains obtained by iterated
symmetries with respect to the half-lines and half-
circles are all fundamental domains of λ(τ),which
are illustrated in Fig. 8. In every neighborhood of a
point of the real axis there are infinitely many such
domains and therefore the real axis is a singular line
of λ(τ).
The fundamental domains mentioned above are
obvious, yet for most of the classes of analytic func-
tions they have to be found. On the other hand, there
is no hope to compute the values of λ(τ)since the
Riemann Mapping Theorem states only the fact that
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Figure 8: The fundamental domains of the modular
such a function exists and is unique. However, it has
this special feature that the conformal mappings of the
fundamental domains one of each other are known,
namely those generated by ττ+1 and τ 1/τ.
We will show later that for any analytic function such
mappings can be found as long as we allow funda-
mental domains to have slits.
The Weierstrass function has been defined, [2],
by the formula
(z) = 1
ω=0 1
where ω=1+2,(m, n)Z×Z\ {(0,0)}
with ω1and ω2arbitrary complex numbers having non
real ratio ω1/ω2.It is a doubly periodic function with
the periods ω1and ω2.The parallelogram determined
by ω1and ω2is divided by the diagonal from ω1to
ω2into two triangles which are fundamental domains
for , [8]. The conformal mapping of these triangles
made by onto the complex plane with three slits is
illustrated in Fig. 9.
2 Fundamental Domains of Dirichlet
The conformal mappings by Dirichlet functions have
been studied in [10], [11], [12], [13] and the way the
fundamental domains of these functions can be re-
vealed has been explained. However, for a better un-
derstanding of this topic we will repeat some of the
findings in those papers.
Figure 9: The fundamental domains of and their
conformal mapping onto the whole complex plane
with three slits
Since the Dirichlet L-functions have been imple-
mented in different packages of software and for illus-
tration purposes we only make use of these functions,
it is necessary to present them separately.
ADirichlet character modulo qis an arithmetic
function χ(n)which is periodic of period qand such
that if qand nare not relatively prime, then χ(n) = 0
and if they are relatively prime then χ(n)is a root of
order φ(q)of the unity, where φis the Euler totient
function. For every qwe have χ(1) = 1.
Let us take q= 7.Then φ(q)=6and the six
Dirichlet characters modulo seven are given in Table
1, where ω=eπi/3.
χ\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6
χ1(n)0 1 1 1 1 1 1
χ2(n)0 1 ω2ωωω2-1
χ3(n)01ω ω2ω2ω1
χ4(n)0 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1
χ5(n)0 1 ω2ωω ω21
Table 1: Dirichlet characters modulo 7
ADirichlet function is obtained by performing an-
alytic continuation to the whole complex plane of the
sum of a Dirichlet series
ζA,Λ(s) =
where Λ = (λn)is a non decreasing sequence of pos-
itive numbers, A= (an)is an arbitrary sequence of
complex numbers and s=σ+it is a complex vari-
able. It make sense to deal only with normalized se-
ries (3) in which a1= 1 and λ1= 0.For every nor-
malized Dirichlet series ζA,Λ(s)we have
σ+ζA,Λ(σ+it) = 1.(4)
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
This apparently trivial property has surprising conse-
quences regarding the geometry of the mappings by
Dirichlet series. We list here a few of them.
The pre-image of the real axis by ζA,Λ(s)has
infinitely many components which are of the three
a) Γ
k,kZextending for σfrom −∞ to +
and which are mapped by ζA,Λ(s)bijectively onto the
interval (1,+)of the real axis. These curves do
not intersect each other and Γ
kand Γ
k+1 form infi-
nite open strips Skwhich are mapped by ζA,Λ(s)not
necessarily one to one onto the whole complex plane
with a slit alongside the interval (1,+)of the real
axis. We count them from −∞to +such that Sk+1
is above Skand 0S0.
b) Every strip Sk, k = 0 contains a unique com-
ponent Γk,0of the pre-image of the real axis which
is mapped by ζA,Λ(s)bijectively onto the interval
(−∞,1) of the real axis. This component also ex-
tends for σfrom −∞ to +.
c) Every strip Sk, k = 0 contains a finite number
of components Γk,j ,j= 0 of the pre-image of the real
axis which are mapped bijectively by ζA,Λ(s)onto the
whole real axis. These components extend for σfrom
−∞ to some finite values. They are parabola shaped
curves with the branches extending to −∞.The strip
S0has infinitely many components Γ0,j .
The strip Sk, k = 0 having mcomponents Γk,j of
the pre-image of the real axis can be partitioned into
msub-strips, the interiors of which are fundamental
domains of ζA,Λ(s).The strip S0contains infinitely
many fundamental domains.
For k= 0 the fundamental domains of every func-
tion ζA,Λ(s)are bounded by components of the pre-
image by ζA,Λ(s)of the interval (1,+)of the real
axis to which components of the pre-image of the
segment between 1and ζA,Λ(vk,j )is added, where
A,Λ(vk,j ) = 0.We have shown in [10] that such a
construction is always possible.
There is number σc such that the series (3)
converges locally uniformly for s > σcand diverges
for s < σc.The number σcis called the abscissa of
convergence of the series (3).
When an=χ(n)are Dirichlet characters of some
module qand λn=log nthen we have a Dirichlet
L(χ, s) =
The character whose values are only 0and 1is
called principal character. Every Dirichlet L-series
defined by a non principal character has the abscissa
of convergence 0,while the Dirichlet series defined
by principal characters have the abscissa of conver-
gence 1.
When q= 1 the only character is the principal one
and the corresponding series is the Riemann series,
whose abscissa of convergence is known to be 1. The
analytic continuation of this series:
ζ(s) =
is the famous Riemann Zeta Function.
The Riemann Zeta Function is one of the most
studied analytic functions, in view of its many appli-
cations in number theory, algebra, complex analysis,
statistics, as well as in physics.
The pre-image of the real axis by ζ(s)shows in-
finite strips, Fig. 7, which can be divided into sub-
strips representing fundamental domains of this func-
tion. The way it can be done is described in [10].
We have found later, [11], [12], [13], that this
property is common to the whole class of Dirich-
let functions to which the Riemann Zeta function be-
longs. The Dirichlet functions are analytic continu-
ations to the whole complex plane of Dirichlet series
(3). We will keep the notation ζA,Λ(s)for such a func-
The components of the pre-image by ζA,Λ(s)of
circles centered at the origin and of radius rare of
three types depending on the values r.
When r < 1, these components are all closed
curves around some zeros of the function. For rsmall
enough each one of these curves contains just one
When r= 1,(the unit circle) every strip Sk, k =
0contains exactly one unbounded component of the
pre-image of the unit circle and some bounded ones.
The unbounded component has the branches tending
asymptotically to the boundary Skof Sk.
When rincreases over one, the unbounded com-
ponents fuse all into one unbounded curve expanding
from t=−∞ to t= +.The bounded components
expand also and two of them can fuse into one con-
taining the zeros of both of them.
These components and the pre-image of the real
axis form an orthogonal net of quadrilaterals which
are conformal mapped by ζA,Λ(s)on half-rings cen-
tered at the origin with two opposite sides on the real
axis and included respectively in the upper and the
lower half-planes.
When anare all real, then the real axis is included
in the pre-image by the respective Dirichlet function
of the real axis. Otherwise, such an inclusion does
not take place. This is obvious for the Riemann Zeta
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Figure 10: The pre-images by two Dirichlet L-
functions of an orthogonal net formed with circles
centered at the origin and the real axis
function, Fig. 7, but also for the Dirichlet L-functions
illustrated in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11.
3 Fundamental Domains with Slits
The list of the classes of analytic functions we have
visited is not exhaustible, yet it gives us an idea of
what happens in general. When dealing with any an-
alytic function we can focus on a particular funda-
mental domain . The function performs a conformal
mapping of onto the complex plane with a slit L. If
we do also a Möbius transformation Mof the image
plane, the function Mfis a conformal mapping of
the domain onto the complex plane with two slits:
Land M(L).One of them is the image by Mf
of a slit in ,thus we need to deal with fundamental
domains with slits. This is even more obvious when
we study conformal self mappings of of the form
More exactly, there is a slit Lin the complex plane
carried by Monto Land which is the image by fof
a slit LMof .Therefore, fcarries LMinto L, M
carries Linto L,f1
|carries the two edges of Linto
carries LMinto .The inverse function of χM,
where defined, is
There is a slit L′′ of the complex plane, the image of
Lby M1and which is also the image by fof a slit
Figure 11: The pre-image of the real axis by two
Dirichlet L-functions defined by χ2(n)and χ4(n)
modulo 7
LM1of ,thus fcarries LM1into L′′, which is
carried by Minto Land Lis carried by f1
|into .
Theorem 1. The function χMis a conformal map-
ping of \LM1onto \LM.The boundaries
LM1and LMof the two double con-
nected domains correspond one to each other through
χMin the following way: is carried into LMand
LM1is carried into .
Proof: The functions f, M and f1
|are analytic
functions in their domains, except for the simple pole
of M, if there is one. The function M1fis a con-
formal mapping of and carries into L′′,which is
carried by f1
|into LM1,hence χMis a conformal
mapping of \LM1which carries LM1into .
On the other hand, the function χMdoes not take any
value belonging to LMsince it is injective and χ1
carries LMinto .By the boundary correspondence
theorem LMmust be carried by χMinto LM1.This
completely proves the theorem.
It is known that for two arbitrary Möbius transfor-
mations M1and M2the function M1M2is also a
Möbius transformation. On the other hand, where all
the functions are defined, we have:
χM1M2(s) = f1
= (f1
Thus, the composition law in the family {χM}of
transformations of with slits defined by all Möbius
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
transformations Mthrough the formula (7) is an in-
ternal operation. It is obvious that if M0is the identity
mapping, them χM0is the identity transformation of
.Also, for every Mthe transformation χM1is the
inverse mapping of χM.The associativity of the com-
positions of mappings χMis a direct corollary of the
same property of the mappings M. Thus, we have:
Theorem 2. Any subgroup of Möbius transforma-
tions defines through the formula (7) a group of trans-
formations of any fundamental domain with slits of
an analytic function f.
Proof: Let Gbe a subgroup of Möbius transfor-
mations. We can think at any subgroup well stud-
ied in the literature, as for example the subgroup of
Möbius transformations which represent the unit disc
onto itself, or those with real coefficients etc.. Let
G={χM|MG},where χMis defined by the
formula (7). It doesn’t harm to use the same sign for
the composition in Gand in G.We need to prove
that Gwith the assumed composition law is a group
of transformations of .If χM1, χM2G,where
M1, M2G, then by (8) we have: χM1χM2(s) =
χM1M2(s),thus the composition in Gis an inter-
nal operation. If M0is the unit element of G, i.e. for
every MGwe have MM0=M0M=M,
then χMχM0=χMM0=χMand χM0χM=
χM0M=χM,therefore χM0is the unit element of
G.Finally, χMχM1=χMM1=χM0and the
conclusion is that Gis indeed a group of transfor-
mations of with slits.
4 Fixed Points of Self-Mappings of
the Fundamental Domains
Suppose that for s0we have that f(s0)is
a fixed point of the Möbius transformation M, i.e.
M(f(s0)) = f(s0).We notice that f(s0)does not
belong to the slit Lcorresponding to .We have
χM(s0) = f1
|(M(f(s0))) = f1
|(f(s0)) = s0,
therefore s0is a fixed point of χM.Reciprocally, if s0
is a fixed point of χMthis means
|(M(f(s0))) = s0,
M(f(s0)) = f(s0),
therefore f(s0)is a fixed point of M, which obviously
does not belong to L. Moreover:
Theorem 3. The fixed points of the transforma-
tion χMof are those points sfor which z=f(s)
are fixed points of M.
When Mhas a fixed point zlocated on L, then
to this point correspond two fixed points s1and s2of
the extended χMsuch that χM(s1) = χM(s2) = z
( Fig. 13). If no fixed point of Mis located on L,
then there is a one to one correspondence between the
fixed points of M(z)and those of χ(s).
It is known, [15], that any Möbius transformation
Mhas either just one fixed point (the parabolic case),
or two fixed points in which case the configuration of
the mapping by Mcan be of three kinds: elliptic, hy-
perbolic or loxodromic. All depends on the so-called
multiplier of M, which is a number µsuch that
where ξ1and ξ2are the fixed points of M. The number
µis associated to ξ1.
The multiplier associated to ξ2is 1/µ, [16].
If s1and s2are the fixed points of χM(s)corre-
sponding to the fixed points ξ1and ξ2of M(z), then
the formula (9) translates into a similar formula for
χM(s), namely:
f(χM(s)) f(s1)
f(χM(s)) f(s2)=µf(s)f(s1)
An important property of Möbius transformations
is that of transforming circles into circles, where by
circle we understand a proper circle or a straight line
(circle of infinite radius). We will call -circle the
pre-image by f|of a circle from the complex plane.
We notice that if for a circle Cwe have CL=,
then the pre-image Cof Cis a closed curve in C.
Otherwise, if Ctraverses Lthen Cends up at two
different points on the boundary of and if C
is tangent to Lthen Cis a closed curve tangent to
.These are obvious topological properties of the
conformal mapping f|.
It is known that to every non-parabolic Möbius
transformation with fixed points ξ1and ξ2we can
associate two families of circles, namely all circles
passing through ξ1and ξ2and all circles orthogonal
to them centered on the line between ξ1and ξ2and
containing just one of the points ξ1or ξ2. These last
circles are called the Apollonius circles. Together the
two families of circles form the so called Steiner net.
The pre-image by f|of a Steiner net will be called
-Steiner net, which is a net of orthogonal curves in
since f1
|is a conformal mapping.
The Steiner net of Mdescribes the way Mmoves
the points of the complex plane and this depends on
the value of µ. If µ=e, θ R(the elliptic case)
the points are moved alongside the Apollonius circles
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
counterclockwise around ξ1and clockwise around ξ2
and the orthogonal circles move one into the other.
If µR, µ = 1 (the hyperbolic case) the points are
moved such that the Apollonius circles expand around
ξ1and they shrink around ξ2.When µ=ρe, θ R,
ρ= 1 (the loxodromic case) the motion of the points
by Mis a combination of the previous two, resulting
in trajectories of double spirals issuing from ξ1and
entering in ξ2.When the transformation is parabolic,
i. e., it has a unique fixed point ξthen we have two
families of orthogonal circles passing through ξand a
combination of elliptic and hyperbolic motions.
Theorem 4. The pre-image by f|of the Steiner
net generated by a Möbius transformation Mis a net
of orthogonal -circles, the -Steiner net. This net
describes the motion of the points sby the self map-
ping χMof in the same way the Steiner net of M
does with the points f(s).
Proof: Suppose that Mis non parabolic, there-
fore it has two distinct fixed points ξ1and ξ2. If none
of them belong to the slit associated to , then they
are the image by fof two distinct points s1, s2,
which are fixed points of χM.If one of them belongs
to the slit, then it is the image by the extended fof
two points on .
The pre-image by f|of every Apollonius circle
around ξkis a -circle around sk, k = 1,2,the Apol-
lonius -circle. The pre-image by f|of every circle
orthogonal to the Apollonius circles is a -circle or-
thogonal to all the Apollonius -circles. Since f1
is a conformal mapping, the sense of the motion of
the points on the -circles by χMis the same as that
of their f|-images by M. So, in the elliptic case the
points smove on the Apollonius -circles around sk
in counterclockwise around s1and clockwise around
s2.In the hyperbolic case, the Apollonius -circles
around s1expand while those around s2shrink. Fi-
nally, in the loxodromic case the motion of the points
sis on a double spiral issuing from s1and entering in
In the parabolic case, where Mhas a unique fixed
point ξthere are four families of orthogonal -circles
passing through s0=f1
|(ξ).The transformation χM
of will move the points sin the same way as M
moves the points zof the complex plane in the corre-
sponding Steiner net.
The computer experimentation with Dirichlet L-
functions revealed some surprising facts. Since the
formula (4) suggests that the components of the pre-
image of circles passing through z= 1 tend to
as σ one could conclude that the function χM
corresponding to M(z) = (2z1)/(2 z)has only
one fixed point, which is attractive, while is re-
pelling. However, in Fig. 19 appeared some other
repelling points. We realized that these are points on
the boundaries of the fundamental domains where the
respective Dirichlet L-function takes the value z= 1.
Fig. 19 portrays the conformal self mapping of sev-
eral fundamental domains whose boundaries cannot
be n in the image. What we know for sure is the fact
that these boundaries are necessarily between compo-
nents of the pre-image of Apollonius circles asymp-
totically tangent at infinity.
5 Some Subgroups of the Group of
Transformations of
The subgroups of the group of transformations of
correspond to subgroups of the group of Möbius
transformations. The most familiar subgroup of
Möbius transformations is
Ma,θ(z) = e za
1az ,|a| = 1, θ R
which leaves invariant the unit circle and transforms
the unit disc into itself when |a|<1and onto the ex-
terior of the unit disc when |a|>1.Also the exterior
of the unit disc is transformed into itself when |a|<1
and onto the unit disc when |a|>1.
It can be easily checked that Ma,θ Mb,η =Mc,ϕ,
1 + eab and ϕ=θ+η,
and thus the composition in Gis an internal law. The
unit element of Gis obtained for a= 0 and θ= 0.
The inverse element Mb,η of Ma,θ is obtained for b=
eaand η=θ. It is obvious that the elements
of Gwith |a|<1form a subgroup of G. This is not
true for the elements of Gwith |a|>1since the unit
element of Gis not among them.
The interval (1,+)of the real axis is trans-
formed by Ma,θ into an arc of a circle and if aR
and θ= 0 it is transformed into an interval of the
real axis. This remark will be useful for the examples
which follow.
Let us deal first with the Möbius transformation
M(z) = 2z1
which is an element of Gabove with a= 1/2 and
θ= 0.This is a non-parabolic Möbius transforma-
tion with the fixed points 1and 1.We will clas-
sify the circles of the corresponding Steiner net tak-
ing into account their position with respect to the slit
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Figure 12: The Steiner net of the Möbius transforma-
tion (11) with the slits corresponding to the exponen-
tial function
L= (1,+)associated to a fundamental domain
of a Dirichlet function ζA,Λ(s). We notice that the
Apollonius circles corresponding to this transforma-
tion are of two kinds: those around 1,which intersect
the slit in one point and therefore their pre-images
by ζA,Λ(s)are arcs having the ends on each one of
the components of and those around 1which
do not intersect the slit and therefore their pre-images
are closed -circles. All these -circles fill the do-
main bounded by the pre-image of the imaginary axis,
which is a parabola-like curve with the branches tend-
ing asymptotically towards at σ=−∞.The re-
maining part of is filled by the pre-images of circles
intersecting the slit. Each point of is the end point
of such an -circle.
Let us notice that since Mhas real coefficients, it
maps the real axis onto itself and so does M1.Thus,
for L= (1,+)we have that Land L′′ are parts
of the real axis. Since M(1) = 1, M (2) = and
M() = 2,we have L= (−∞,2) (1,+).
Also, since M1(1) = 1 and M1() = 2,we have
that L′′ = (1,2).Since L′′ L, for these functions
we have LM1,thus χM: \LM.
Since Mhas the fixed points 1and 1,the function
χMshould have the fixed points s1and s1for which
ζA,Λ(s1) = 1 and ζA,Λ(s1) = 1.Yet, there is no
such s1such that ζA,Λ(s1)=1.We only have
limσ+ζA,Λ(σ+it) = 1.We cannot say that
is a fixed point for χMsince χMis not defined at
. However, is repelling for χMand χMhas the
attracting fixed point s1.
This is a hyperbolic Möbius transformation with
the multiplier µ= 3.Let us notice that if a circle C
of the net passing through 1and 1has the center at
ih, h R,then its radius is r= (h2+ 1)1/2.For any
Apollonius circle orthogonal to it of center xRand
radius ρwe have
Figure 13: The conformal self-mapping by χMof the
fundamental domain of the exponential function and
the corresponding -Steiner net when M is given by
the relation (11)
hence x2=ρ2+ 1,which means that xand ρde-
pend on each other, but not on hand r, confirming the
known fact that the Apollonius circles are all orthogo-
nal to every circle Cpassing through the fixed points
of the Möbius transformation. These relations help us
to illustrate the corresponding Steiner net by choos-
ing conveniently the parameters of the two families
of circles. In the picture above we have chosen for
hthe values: ±1/2,±1and ±3/2.Correspondingly,
we have for rthe values: 5/2,2and 13/2.If
we let ρ=r, then we have for xrespectively: ±3/2,
±3and ±17/2.Now we can write the equations
of the 12 circles chosen to represent the Steiner net
and use a software to draw the respective net and its
pre-image by any analytic function into any funda-
mental domain of that analytic function.
Fig. 12 is so simple since the Möbius transfor-
mation M(z)we have taken has real coefficients and
therefore the real axis is mapped by M(z)onto itself
and LMand LM1are located on the preimage of the
real axis, Fig. 13, Fig. 15 and Fig. 17 . In particular,
when the slit is L= (1,+),which is the case of
Dirichlet functions and the fundamental domains R1
and R1, then Land L′′ are also on the real axis. The
situation is a little more complicated when the coeffi-
cients of M(z)are complex. Then the pre-images of
Lby Mand M1are arcs of a circle, Fig. 14, which
are mapped by f1
into some curves on the -Steiner
net, Fig. 14 and Fig. 15. Let us deal with the Möbius
M(z) = za
1az , a /R,|a| = 1 (12)
This is a non parabolic Möbius transformation with
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Figure 14: The Steiner net of to the Möbius transfor-
mation (12) with the slits corresponding to the expo-
nential function
the fixed points ξ1,2=±e,where θ=arg a. It can
be easily checked that if a=re then the multiplier
of the transformation (12) is µ=1+r
1r,therefore this
transformation is hyperbolic.
The function M(z)transforms the interval
(1,+)into an arc of circle with the ends at
1a=e2,where ϕ=arg(1 a)and 1/aand
this arc of circle is mapped by f1
|into LM.Also,
M1transforms (1,+)into an arc of circle with
the ends at 1+a
1+a=e2,where ψ=arg(1 + a)and at
1/aand this arc of circle is transformed by f1
When the slit corresponding to f|is (0,),as in
the case of the exponential function, we have M(0) =
a, M() = 1/a, M1(0) = aand M1() =
Let us take a=1
2(1 + i),hence arg a=π/4.We
get the non parabolic Möbius transformation with the
fixed points ±(1+i)/2.It can be easily checked that
the image by Mof the interval (1,+)is an arc of
circle with the ends in iand (1+i)passing through
(1/2)(1 + i)and the image by M1of the same
interval is an arc of circle with the ends in (4 + 3i)/5
and 1 + ipassing through (9 + 7i)/10.When the slit
corresponding to f|is (0,),then Lis an arc of
circle ending at (1 + i)and (1/2)(1 + i)and L′′ is
an arc of circle ending at (1/2)(1 + i)and 1 + i, Fig.
Additional Steiner nets for different functions are
illustrated in Fig. 16 and Fig. 18.
Figure 15: The conformal self-mapping by χMof the
fundamental domain of the exponential function and
the corresponding Steiner net when M is given by
the relation (12)
Figure 16: The Steiner net of the Möbius transfor-
mation (11) with the slits corresponding to the cosine
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Figure 17: The conformal self-mapping by χMof the
fundamental domain of the cosine function and the
corresponding -Steiner net when M is given by the
relation (11)
Figure 18: The Steiner net of the Möbius transforma-
tion (11) with the slits corresponding to the Dirichlet
L-function L(7,2,s)
Figure 19: The conformal self-mapping by χMof the
fundamental domain of the Dirichlet L(7,2,s) func-
tion and the corresponding Steiner net when M is
given by the relation (11)
6 Conformal Mappings of the
Fundamental Domains with Slits
One Onto Each Other
Let kand jbe two fundamental domains of the an-
alytic function fand let f|kand f|jbe conformal
maps of these domains onto the complex plane with
the slits Lkand respectively Lj.There is a slit Lk,j
of kwhich is mapped by f|konto Ljand there is
a slit Lj,k of jwhich is mapped by f|jonto Lk, in
other words Lk,j =f1
|k(Lj)and Lj,k =f1
The function χk,j (z) = f1
|jf|k(z)is a conformal
mapping of k\Lk,j onto j\Lj,k.These two double
connected domains have the boundaries kLk,j
and respectively jLj,k and χk,j carries kinto
Lj,k and Lk,j into j.when k=jthen Lk,j =
and χk,k is the identity mapping of k.It is also ob-
vious that χ1
k,j =χj,k.
We can only compose functions χk,j with χm,k for
different jand mand we obtain χm,j .
Each one of the domains k,jand mhave now
two slits , namely Lk,j and Lk,m,respectively Lj,k
and Lj,m and finally Lm,k and Lm,j .
The mappings can be extended to the boundaries.
We notice that
(χk,j χm,k )χl,m =χm,j χl,m =χl,j
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
χk,j (χm,k χl,m) = χk,j χl,k =χl,j ,
thus the composition law is associative. However, the
set of these mappings fails to form a group since no
two arbitrary mappings can be composed.
Let us notice that when Lk=Ljthen Lk,j =
Lj,k =and χk,j is a conformal mapping of konto
j.This mapping can be extended by continuity to
kand the extended function maps one to one k
onto j.A lot of classes of analytic functions ful-
fill this condition, as for example the exponential, the
modular function, the trigonometric and hyperbolic
Finally, if fhas a finite number mof fundamen-
tal domains, as is the case of the rational functions of
degree m,then the number of functions χk,j is m2.
7 Conclusion
The study of the fundamental domains of analytic
functions initiated by Ahlfors, proved to be useful
in revealing global mapping properties of these func-
tions and in particular in the theory of distribution of
zeros of Dirichlet functions. In our opinion the fa-
mous Riemann Hypothesis related to the non trivial
zeros of the Riemann Zeta function is an aspect of a
deeper inside of these global mapping properties of
Dirichlet functions. This topic has been treated in
the literature only by number theory techniques. Us-
ing the powerful tool of conformal mappings has the
advantage of a global view. Moreover, this tool en-
abled a strategy of divide and conquer, in which it was
enough to deal with a specific strip containing a fi-
nite number of fundamental domains in order to draw
conclusions valid for the whole complex plane. The
graphics we included have shown that the behavior of
those mappings is like that of the Möbius transforma-
tions. They do to the fundamental domains the same
thing that the Möbius transformations are doing to the
whole complex plane. In this paper we have focused
on a particular property of fundamental domains of
any analytic function, namely that of allowing con-
formal mappings onto itself. These mappings are ob-
tained by combining the function with Möbius trans-
formations and the inverse function. We have also
studied the conformal mappings between two funda-
mental domains.
The authors are thankful to the peer reviewers for
their comments.
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John Smith, Donald Smith carried
the simulation and the optimization.
George Smith has implemented
Algorithm 1.1 and 1.2 in C++.
Maria Ivanova has organized and
cuted the experiments of Section 4.
George Nikolov was responsible for the Statistics.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.72
Andrei-Florin Albişoru, Dorin Ghişa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
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