On Some New Uncertain Spaces using Generalized Difference Operator
Basic Science Department,
College of Science and Theoretical Studies,
Saudi Electronic University,
Abstract: - It was C. You, who has given the concept of uncertainty theory in 2009. The scenario of
this paper is to define a new notion of spaces using generalized ∆- operator and the uncertainty
theory. Also, certain basic structures will be given. Moreover, inclusion relations and their counter
examples will be given.
Key-Words: - ∆-operator; uncertain variable; convergence
Received: January 15, 2023. Revised: July 16, 2023. Accepted: August 11, 2023. Published: September 13, 2023.
1 Introduction
Uncertainty theory was introduced in [1] and many
researchers have shown wings in this area of study.
The random event is given by probability measure. It
was Zadeh, [2], who introduced possibility Fuzzy
measure. In, [3], the authors have introduced a self-
dual measure and the measure of credibility and in,
[4], the axiomatic structure for credibility theory
have been determined and can be seen in, [5]. In
order to analyze the concept that fuzziness and
randomness simultaneously in system, a fuzzy
random variable have been given in, [6]. In, [7], the
results of convergence were given. Further, in, [8],
the notion of chance measure was established. The
various applications of these structures have been
given in, [9], [10].
For a non-void set , and a σ-algebra L over ,
we call each entry v L as an event. The uncertain
measure has been well structured as a set function S
which satisfies the following axioms:
a. M{} = 1 (normality).
b. M{v1} ≤ M{v2} whenever v1 v2 (monotonicity).
c.󰇝󰇞󰇝󰇞 for any v1 (self-duality).
d. For every countable sequence of events {vr} gives
(Countable subadditivity).
Using, [11], we have following definitions:
For uncertain variable ζ, the map ψ(ϱ) is said to
be uncertainty distribution if
An uncertain sequence {ϱr} is said to converge
almost surely (a.s.) to ϱ if we can find an event ν
having M(ν) = 1 in such a way that
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 for all w ν.
An uncertain sequence {ζ} is called as convergent in
measure to ζ if
A sequence {ζj} is said to be convergence in
average to ζ if
For uncertain variable ϑ,ϑ1,ϑ2,··· having
respectively the expected values as ζ,ζ12,··· .
Then, {ζj} is said to be convergence in
distribution to ζ if corresponding to any
continuous point ϑ, we have ϑn ϑ.
For a sequence ϑ = (ηr) of whole numbers
having η0 = 0, 0 < ηr < ηr+1 and hr = ηr ηr1 → ∞
for r , we call ϑ to be as lacunary sequence
as can be seen in, [12], [13], [14], [15], [16],
and many others.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.68
Dowlath Fathima
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Space as normal (or solid) if (ζj) yields
(βjvj) for each scalar sequence (βj) having
|βj| 1 j as in, [17], [18], [19], and many
Lemma 1.1. Every solid sequence space is
In, [20], we have following for T {, c, C0}:
T (󰅿) = {v = (vi) Λ : (󰅿vi) T }, where and
󰅿vi = vi vi−1.
Also, in, [21], we have following for integer s
0 :
s(T ) = {v = (vk) : (∆sv) T },
with ∆svr = s−1vr − ∆s−1vr+1 for every r .
Further, consider sequence g = (gj) of non-
zero complex numbers, then as in, [22], we have
 
And 
󰇛󰇜 is complete having norm
The various well-structured properties
concerning this space can be found in, [17],
[23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], and many
This space was further studied and according
to, [9], we have following in hand for fixed
integers s, t 0:
 
Clearly, by taking s = 1 = t, we have results
obtained in, [20], and choosing t = 1, we get
results of, [21].
Following these, we involve the -definition
with uncertain variables by joining of lacunary
sequences and will determine some new results.
2 Main Results
This section deals with the introduction of new
sequences of uncertain variables using -
Following the cited references as, [2], [9], [29],
[30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], we define the
following new spaces:
where σ(v) (, L, S).
Theorem 2.1.
The sets  and
are linear.
Proof: We prove the result for 
only and rest will follow on similar steps.
Therefore, suppose that 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
 , then,
 and
Now for any , we have
and the result follows.
Theorem 2.2. The sets  
and  of complex certain sequences are
normed linear spaces with norm
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.68
Dowlath Fathima
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Proof: It can be proved by using classical
Theorem 2.3. If = 0, c, , t ≥ 1 and s ≥ 1, then
The inclusions are proper.
Proof: Only the case of will be proved
and rest will follow on similar lines. So, let
, then we see
We can write
Using (1) and approaching j in above inequality
, 
Consequently, to establish the result is proper, we
choose a lacunary sequence θ = (2i) and take the
sequence of uncertain variables as (ζi) = (is−1) with gi
= 1 for each i . Consequently, for all i , we
Hence,  but not 
as desired.
Theorem 2.4. If T = 0, c, , then, in general, the sets
 is not symmetric.
Proof: The result will be proved for 
only and others will be
proved similarly by taking s = 2 = t and for
each i and by considering θ = (2i) as lacunary
Setting the uncertainty space ( , L, M) as {τ1, τ2,
···} with the power set and taking any event ν L
such that
Now consider,
Clearly, {ζr} for r Im and is in
. Consider the rearrangement of {ζr} as
{ωm} given by ωm(τ) = {ζ149210,···} and is
consequently not in . From which, we
conclude that  is not symmetric.
On similar lines, the following theorem is obvious.
Theorem 2.5. The sets  is not
monotone in general for 
3 Structure of Lacunary Convergence
using Operator
This portion of the manuscript deals with the
lacunary convergence structure of -operator for
uncertain variables. Also, we will establish certain
new relation corresponding to them.
Definition 3.1. The uncertain sequence {ζj} is called
as lacunary strongly convergent almost surely to ζ
with respect to difference sequence if for ε > 0, we
can find an event ν with M(ν) = 1 such that
for all η ν.
Definition 3.2. An uncertain sequence {ζj} is
called as lacunary strongly convergent in measure to
ζ if
for all ε > 0.
Definition 3.3. Let ζ, ζ1, ζ2,··· be the uncertainty
distributions of uncertain variables. Then the
sequence {ζj} is called convergence in mean to ζ if
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.68
Dowlath Fathima
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Definition 3.4. Let ϑ1, ϑ2, ϑ3,··· be uncertain
variables with finite expected values ζ, ζ1, ζ2,···,
respectively. Then the sequence {ζj} is said to be
lacunary strong convergent in distribution to to ζ
w.r.t. difference sequence if
for every complex λ in which ϑ(λ) is continuous.
Definition 3.5. The uncertain sequence {ϑi} is said
to be convergent uniformly almost surely to ζ if we
can find a sequence of events {Ej },
M{Ej } 0 such that {ϑi} converges uniformly to ζ
in ε j for some fixed j .
Theorem 3.6. Consider an uncertain sequence {ζi}.
If it is lacunary strongly convergent in average to ζ
w.r.t. difference sequence, then it converges
lacunary strongly in measure to ζ, but not
Proof: By Markov’s inequality, we have for ε
> 0 that
as i Ij. Thus {ζi} is converges in measure to σ w.r.t.
difference sequence.
Now for converse, define uncertainty space (, L,
M) as {τ1, τ2,···} and consider the event ν L such
 
Also, set the uncertain variables as
󰇛󰇜 
for every m Ij and σ 0. Now for ε > 0, we
This shows that {ζi} converges in measure to ζ.
But, for all i Ij, we see the uncertainty distribution
of uncertain variable ζi ζ = ζi is
if ϱ < 0,
if 0 ≤ ϱ < m,
if elsewhere.
Consequently, {ζi(ϱ) does not converge in mean to
ζ(ϱ) w.r.t. difference sequence.
4 Conclusion
In this work, we have discussed the uncertainty of
variables and have defined new type of spaces
generalized -operator. We have computed their
linear structure and some of their topological
structures. The inclusions relations corresponding to
these spaces have been given. To support the
properness, some example have been given.
Symmetry and monotonicity corresponding to these
spaces are analyzed. Further, we have constructed
some basic ideas of Lacunary convergence using
uncertain variables and ∆-operator. In the future, we
will continue to study the above proposed structures
by applying statistical convergence and the modulus
function to obtain the new results.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.68
Dowlath Fathima
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
We are thankful to the reviewers for the careful
reading and suggestions which improved the
presentation of the paper.
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stages from the formulation of the problem to the
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.68
Dowlath Fathima
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023