On Four Dimensional Absolute Valued Algebras With nonzero
Omnipresent Idempotent
1Science Mathematics and Applications Laboratory(LaSMA).
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mehraz, Fez.
2Regional Center for Education and Training, settat.
Abstract: In this paper, we studies the absolute valued algebras of dimension four, containing nonzero om-
nipresent idempotent. And we construct algebraically some news classes of algebras.
Key-Words: Absolute valued algebras, omnipresent idempotent, central idempotent.
Received: December 18, 2022. Revised: June 4, 2023. Accepted: June 25, 2023. Published: July 25, 2023.
1 Introduction
An absolute valued algebra, is a nonzero real algebra,
that is equipped with a multiplicative norm (∥xy∥=
∥x∥∥y∥). These algebras have attracted the attention
of many mathematicians, [3], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11],
[12], [13], [14], [15]. In 1947 Albert, [1]. Proved that
the finite dimensional unital absolute valued algebras
are classified by R,C,H,O. And that every finite di-
mensional absolute valued algebra is isotopic to one
of the algebras R,C,H,O. And so has dimension 1,
2, 4 or 8, [1]. Note that, the norm ∥.∥of any finite-
dimensional absolute valued algebras, comes from an
inner product (./.), [2]. Urbanik and Wright proved
in 1960 that, all unital absolute valued algebras are
classified by R,C,H,O, [4]. It is easily to seen
that, the one-dimensional absolute valued algebras are
classified by R. And it is well-known that the two-
dimensional absolute valued algebras, are isomorphic
to, C, *C,C∗, or ∗
C, [5]. The four-dimensional ab-
solute valued algebras, have been described by M.I.
Ramírez Álvarez in 1997, [6]. The problem of classi-
fying all four (eight)-dimensional absolute valued al-
gebras seems still to be open.
Motivated by these facts, we became interested in
the study of four-dimensional absolute valued alge-
bras, with a nonzero omnipresent idempotent. which
generalizes the studies of M.L. El-Mellah, [3]. The
classification of these algebras containing only one
two-dimensional sub-algebra is still an open prob-
lem. We note that there are a four-dimensional ab-
solute valued algebras, with left unit not containing a
nonzero omnipresent idempotent, [6]. On the other
hand the four-dimensional absolute valued algebra
with a nonzero central idempotent, contains a subal-
gebras of dimension two. Which means that a cen-
tral idempotent is an omnipresent idempotent . The
reciprocal does not hold in general, and the counter-
example is given (remark 3.2). From the comments
below, it arises in a naturel way the following ques-
tion: what is the classification of four-dimensional
absolute valued algebras with a nonzero omnipresent
idempotent and containing two different sub-algebras
of dimension two?. This paper is devoted to shed
some lighe on this problem.
In section 2, we introduce the basic tools for the
study of four-dimensional absolute valued algebras,
with a nonzero omnipresent idempotent, and contain-
ing two different sub-algebras of dimension two.
Moreover, In section 3, we introduce news classes
of four-dimensional absolute valued algebras, with a
nonzero omnipresent idempotent, namely M1,M2,
M4, *M1, *M2, *M3, *M4,
3and M∗
In section 4, we classify algebraically, all four-
dimensional absolute valued algebras, containing at
least, two different subalgebras of dimension two.
In section 5, we summarize our study in the ta-
2 Notations and Preliminary Results
Throughout this paper, the word algebra refers to a
non-necessarily associative algebra, over the field of
real numbers R.
Definition 2.1 Let Abe an arbitrary algebra.
i) Ais called a normed algebra (resp, absolute val-
ued algebra) if it’s endowed with a space norm:
∥.∥such that ∥xy∥≤∥x∥∥y∥(resp, ∥xy∥=
∥x∥∥y∥), for all x, y ∈A.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.62
Noureddine Motya, Abdelhadi Moutassim