Freezing Sets Invariant-based Characteristics of Digital Images
1Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Applied Science Private University, Amman,
2Department of Basic Sciences, Al-Balqa Applied University, Zarqa, JORDAN
3Mathematics Department, Philadelphia University, Amman, JORDAN
4Mathematics Department, Ajloun National University, Ajloun, JORDAN
5Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh,
Abstract: - Due to the widespread use of digital images of real-world objects as mathematical models, this
research examines the freezing sets invariant-base properties of digital images. In contrast to earlier studies that
only covered a discrete or limited collection of points, fixed points of digitally continuous functions are
approved to deal with a variety of characteristics of digital images.
Key-Words: - Digital image, Freezing sets, Boundary, Irreducible
Received: September 22, 2022. Revised: April 11, 2023. Accepted: May 4, 2023. Published: May 18, 2023.
1 Introduction
Mathematical models commonly use illustrations of
the world’s objects. A digital representation of the
notion of a continuous function, which was drawn
from topology, is usually useful for the analysis of
digital images. However, the digital picture is
frequently a distinct, limited collection of points. As
a result, methods other than topology-based
methods for digital picture analysis are usually
needed. In this work, we examine a number of
digital picture features that are connected to the
fixed points of digitally continuous functions.
These characteristics include discrete
measurements that do not naturally correspond to
the characteristics of subsets. 󰇛 󰇜 is a digital
image where for some integer n,   and is an
adjacency on which is considered to be finite, [6].
If is a vertex set and is an edge set, then the pair
󰇛 󰇜 is a graph. Adjacency is a measure of how
"closedness" two points are to one another in .
When these conditions (finiteness of ) and
(closedness of adjacency points) are satisfied, the
digital image may be viewed as a model of a white-
and-black "real world" image, where white points in
the background are declared by elements of 
󰇝󰇞 and the black points in the foreground by
members of U, [1].
 indicates that and are adjacent and
are adjacent or equal.
If is an integer such that and
 󰇛  󰇞󰇜 󰇛  󰇜 , then
(i) For at most indices i, | |.
(ii) For all indices j, | | implies .
The number of adjacent points is frequently used to
indicate the adjacencies.
(i) The adjacency in is  adjacency.
(ii) The adjacency is  adjacency is and the
adjacency in  is  adjacency.
(iii) The adjacency is  adjacency,
 adjacency is  adjacency, and
 adjacency in  is  adjacency.
If 󰇛 󰇜 and 󰇛 󰇜 are two digital images, then
󰇛 󰇜 denotes the strong product adjacency or
normal adjacency, [2], on iff
  and   where
 󰇛 󰇜  󰇛 󰇜,
 󰇛󰇜  if one of the following conditions is
(i) αα and  
(ii)  and  .
(iii)  and  .
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.42
Eman Almuhur, Eman A. Abuhijleh,
Ghada Alafifi, Abdulazeez Alkouri, Mona Bin-Asfour
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Typically if and are two natural numbers
such that , (,)  and
 , then the adjacency
󰇛  󰇜, [3], is defined as: For some
and 󰆓 in , if
󰇛  󰇜 󰇛  󰇜, then:
󰇛󰇜q if for at least 1 and at most
indices , ′ and  indices, .
In this paper, "digital images" is referred to as D.I.
2 󰇛 󰇜 Digitally Continuous
Definition 1.1:
i. [4], If 󰇛 󰇜 and 󰇛 󰇜 are two D.I,
then  is a 󰇛 󰇜 digitally
continuous function, if 󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜,
then is 󰇛 󰇜 continuous.
ii. The path from to is the set 󰇝󰇞
such that   and
 
 .
Now, if  , then the length
of the path is .
iii. The path from to is a 󰇛 󰇜 ,
where 󰇟 󰇠 is a continuous
function  and 󰇛󰇜 and
Theorem 1.2: [5], If 󰇛 󰇜 and 󰇛 󰇜 are two
D.Is', then:
i.  is a 󰇛 󰇜 digitally continuous
function iff  , if , then
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
ii. If 󰇛 󰇜 is a D.I and  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is
󰇛 󰇜 continuous, then 󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is
󰇛 󰇜 continuous.
Definition 1.3:
i. [1], [6], Let 󰇛 󰇜 and 󰇛 󰇜 be two D.I
and,  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 are two
󰇛 󰇜 continuous functions and
 󰇟  󰇠 is defined as 󰇛 󰇜
󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛 󰇜 󰇛󰇜 and
ii. A function h is a digital
󰇛 󰇜 homotopy, and  are 󰇛 󰇜
digitally homotopic in (denoted by
iii. If 󰇛 󰇜  󰇟 󰇠, then holds
iv. [1], If is a subset of and  is a
continuous function, then is a
retraction. If 󰇛󰇜  , then is
a retract.
v. If is an inclusion function, and
 then is a deformation
retract of .
iv. The function  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is an
isomorphisim (homeomorphisim) if is
a bijective continuous function and 
is continuous.
v. If 󰇛 󰇜 is a digital image, then
󰇛 󰇜 󰇝 is continuous󰇞.
vi. If 󰇛󰇜  and 󰇛 󰇜,
then is a fixed point.
vii. 󰇛󰇜 is the set of all fixed points of
Theorem 1.4: [3], If (,) and ( ) are D.I
 , : (,) →( ) and
 given by
󰇛 󰇜󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
which is (
󰇛  󰇜 
󰇛  󰇜󰇜
continuous iff is (,󰇜 ψontinuous 
Definition 1.5, [1]:
i. A continuous function 󰇛 󰇜
󰇛 󰇜 is rigid if there is no continuous
map homotopic to f except itself.
ii. is rigid if  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is rigid.
iii. [7], If a finite image is homotopy
equivalent to an image with fewer
points, it is said to be reducible.
Otherwise, U is irreducible.
iv. [1], If 󰇛 󰇜 is irreducible, then for
some point  󰇛 󰇜 such
that id and , is a reduction
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.42
Eman Almuhur, Eman A. Abuhijleh,
Ghada Alafifi, Abdulazeez Alkouri, Mona Bin-Asfour
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Remark 1.6: [7], A finite image 󰇛 󰇜 is
reducible if  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is homotopic to a
non-surjective function.
Definition 1.7: [8], For the D.I 󰇛 󰇜 and
󰇛 󰇜:
i. The set 󰇛󰇜 󰇝󰇛󰇜 󰇞 is
the homotopy fixed point spectrum of the
function .
ii. The set
󰇛 󰇜 󰇝󰇛󰇜 holding
fixed} is the pointed homotopy fixed
point spectrum of the function f for some
iii. The set 󰇛 󰇜 󰇝󰇛󰇜
󰇛 󰇜󰇞 is the fixed point spectrum of
󰇛 󰇜.
iv. The set 󰇛 󰇜 󰇝󰇛󰇜
󰇛 󰇜 󰇛󰇜󰇞 is the pointed fixed point
spectrum of (U,κ,).
Theorem 1.8: i. [8], If is a retract of the D.I
󰇛 󰇜, then 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜.
ii. If 󰇛 󰇜 is a retract of 󰇛 󰇜, then
󰇛 󰇜  󰇛 󰇜
3 Freezing Sets
Definition 2.1: [1], If 󰇛 󰇜 is a D.I, then is a
freezing subset for if  󰇛󰇜  for
some 󰇛 󰇜
Theorem 2.2: If 󰇛 󰇜 is a D.I and is a freezing
subset for , then:
i.  has a unique extension of  to a
member of 󰇛 󰇜.
ii. If  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is an isomorphisim,
 󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is continuous and
h=then .
iii. A continuous function  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜
has one extension to an isomorphism
󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜.
Lemma 2.3: Freezing sets are topological
Theorem 2.4: If 󰇛 󰇜 is a D.I and is a freezing
subset for and 󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is an
isomorphism, then 󰇛󰇜 is a freezing set for 󰇛 󰇜.
Proof: Suppose that 󰇛 󰇜 and
󰇛󰇜=|󰇛󰇜. Now, 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 and by theorem
, then
󰇛 󰇜   
Thus 󰇛󰇜 is a freezing set for .
Theorem 2.5: If 󰇛 󰇜   is a D.I for
󰇟 󰇠, 󰇛 󰇞󰇜    and
󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜, then
󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜 󰇛󰇜
Proof: If 󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 and
󰇛󰇜 then 󰇛󰇜 .
Hence 󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜 , but 󰇛 󰇜, so
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜.
Therefore, (󰇛󰇜󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
Theorem 2.6:
i. If 󰇛 󰇜 is a D.I and  is a retract
of , then 󰇛 󰇜 has no freezing sets for
󰇛 󰇜.
ii. If 󰇛 󰇜 is a reducible digital image and
is a freezing subset for , then if
is a reduction point of , .
Proof: i. If 󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is an inclusion
function, then  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is a retraction and
is 󰇛 󰇜 continuous.
Now, =, but f is not the identity function.
ii. If is a reduction point of ,
then  󰇝󰇞 where 󰇝󰇞 has no
freezing sets for 󰇛 󰇜.
4 Boundaries of Freezing Sets
Definition 3.1:
i. [1], If 󰇛 󰇜 is a D.I and  is a
freezing set for , then is minimal if
no proper subset of is a freezing set
for .
ii. [9], If  , then the boundary of
is 󰇛󰇜 󰇝 for some
 󰇞.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.42
Eman Almuhur, Eman A. Abuhijleh,
Ghada Alafifi, Abdulazeez Alkouri, Mona Bin-Asfour
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
iii. [1], The interior of is 󰇛󰇜
Theorem 3.2: Let   be finite, is a subset
of , 󰇛 󰇜 󰇟 󰇠. If 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜
and 󰇛󰇜 is a freezing set for 󰇛 󰇜, then 
Proof: Let 󰇛  󰇜 󰇛󰇜 but is
an interior point of .
Now, 󰇟 󰇠 such that󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜 , and
because of the finiteness, there exists a path
󰇝󰇛    󰇞 󰇟 󰇠
For and , the path belongs to 󰇛󰇜 and
for  , the path belongs to 󰇛󰇜.
By theorem 3.5, the path does not belong to
󰇛󰇜 for and m which contradicts the
Thus, 󰇛  󰇜 󰇛󰇜
Theorem 3.3: [10], If 󰇟 󰇠
 ⁿ such that
>, then 󰇛󰇜 is a minimal freezing set for
󰇛 󰇜.
Proof: Let 󰇛  󰇜 󰇛󰇜 for
some proper set of 󰇛󰇜.
For some index , we have 󰇝 󰇞. If =0,
then for the function  given by
󰇛󰇜  and 󰇛󰇜
󰇛  󰇜 we have 󰇛 󰇞󰇜
where = and .
Now, if , then 󰇛󰇜  and
󰇛󰇜 󰇛    󰇜where
󰇛 󰇜 where = and 
Theorem 3.4: If 󰇛 󰇜 is a set of D.I 
󰇟 󰇠, U=
 and a subset of is a freezing
set for  
󰇛 󰇜, then for the
projection function
given by 󰇛  󰇜
we have 󰇛󰇜is a freezing set for 󰇛 󰇜
󰇟 󰇠.
Proof: Suppose 󰇛 󰇜 and  is
defined as
󰇛  󰇜 󰇛󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
then 󰇛 
󰇛  󰇜󰇜.
Now, ()=  󰇛󰇜, but is a freezing set
for , hence ,
Therefore, =.
5 Conclusion
Freezing sets are topological invariants. So, If 󰇛 󰇜
is a D.I, is a freezing subset for and 󰇛 󰇜
󰇛 󰇜 is an isomorphism, then 󰇛󰇜 is a freezing set
for 󰇛 󰇜. 󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is an inclusion
function, then  󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 is a retraction and
is 󰇛 󰇜 continuous. Moreover, if 
 is finite, is a subset of , 󰇛 󰇜
󰇟 󰇠. If 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜 is a freezing
set for 󰇛 󰇜, then  󰇛󰇜
The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees
for their insightful criticism and recommendations,
which helped to strengthen the paper's presentation.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.42
Eman Almuhur, Eman A. Abuhijleh,
Ghada Alafifi, Abdulazeez Alkouri, Mona Bin-Asfour
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
-Eman Almuhur is in charge of both conceptualizing
the research challenge and overseeing the effort.
-Eman A. AbuHijleh and Ghada Alafifi are in
charge of doing the formal analysis and composing
the paper's initial draft.
The initial draft of the paper was amended and
modified by Alkouri and Bin-Asfour.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.42
Eman Almuhur, Eman A. Abuhijleh,
Ghada Alafifi, Abdulazeez Alkouri, Mona Bin-Asfour
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023