The Inverse Problem of Determining the Coefficients Elliptic Equation
Faculty of Economics of Turkish World,
Department of Economics and Business Administration,
Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC),
Baku, Istiglaliyat str. 6, AZ1001,
Abstract: - The paper considers the inverse problem in determining unknown coefficients in a linear elliptic
equation. Theorems of existence, uniqueness and stability of the solution of inverse problems for a linear
equation of elliptic type are proved. Using the method of sequential measurements, a regularizing algorithm is
constructed to determine several coefficients.
Key-Words: - Inverse problem, elliptic equation, quasilinear elliptic equation, regularizing algorithm, correct
problem, unknown coefficient.
Received: August 29, 2022. Revised: March 27, 2023. Accepted: April 22, 2023. Published: May 9, 2023.
1 Introduction
Inverse problems include the tasks of determining
some physical properties of objects, such as density,
thermal conductivity, elastic moduli depending on
the coordinates or as functions of other parameters.
The solution of inverse problems is carried out,
as a rule, within the framework of some
mathematical model of the object under study. It
consists in determining either the coefficients of
differential equations, or the domain in which the
operator acts, or the initial conditions.
Inverse problems have a number of features that are
unpleasant from a mathematical point of view. First,
they are usually non-linear, that is, an unknown
function or an unknown parameter enters an
operator or functional equation in a non-linear
manner. Secondly, the solutions of inverse problems
are usually non-unique. Thirdly, inverse problems
are not well-posed.
Inverse problems of mathematical physics are
currently a rapidly developing part of 1 modern
mathematics. An increasing part of mathematical
models is becoming harmonious and reliable
precisely due to the achievements of the theory of
inverse problems.Mathematical models of many
established processes of various physical natures
lead to elliptic differential equations.It is enough to
specify stationary problems of thermal conductivity
and diffusion, the problem of determining the
current in a conductive medium, and problems of
electrostatics.The problems of identification of these
models are investigated as inverse problems of
mathematical physics.To date, the number of studies
of inverse problems for an elliptic equation, ranging
from theoretical to specific applied problems, has
increased significantly.
The papers [1], [2], [3], [4] present methods
for solving various inverse problems with boundary
conditions. In [5], the classical solution of a
nonlinear inverse boundary value problem is
studied.To solve the problem under consideration, a
transition is made from the original inverse problem
to some auxiliary inverse problem. Monograph [6]
is devoted to the theory of inverse problems of
mathematical physics and applications of such
problems.Modern results on the problem of
uniqueness in integral geometry and on inverse
problems for partial differential equations [7] are
presented very broadly. In [8], the inverse problem
for a second-order quasilinear elliptic equation with
an unknown coefficient was considered. In the class
of continuously differentiable functions, inverse
problems of determining the source and coefficient
of an elliptic equation in a rectangle are studied [9].
In [10], two inverse problems are considered. A
numerical method for solving these inverse
problems is proposed.
In this paper, we investigate the correctness of
one class of inverse problems of determining the
coefficients of an elliptic equation. A regular
algorithm for determining the coefficients is
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.35