The Prime Graphs () and () over a Ring
Department of mathematics, Gauhati university, Guwahati, 781014, assam, INDIA
Abstract: - Let G be a simple graph. L( G) is the Laplacian matrix of G. We de fine a simple undirected graph
() whose vertices are all the elements of the ring R and two distinct vertices a, are adjacent if and only if
.0.00. Also, we define a si mple undirected
graph () whose vertices are all the elements of the ring R and two distinct vertices , are adjacent if and
only if .0.00. In this paper we discuss degree of the vertices (), () for
 where, is the group of integer modulo . Also, discuss planarity of the graph (), () for
. Here we introduced Laplacian of the graphs (), () for  and  where, is
prime and we find their girth, algebraic connectivity, clique number and discuss Eulerian property.
Key-Words: - Laplacian matrix, prime graph, planarity, girth.
Received: July 7, 2022. Revised: January 7, 2023. Accepted: February 6, 2023. Published: March 2, 2023.
1 Introduction
In 1973 Fiedler worked o n Algebraic connectivit y
of graphs, [ 6]. In 1994 Merris introduced m any
properties of the Laplacian matrix of graphs, [11]. In
1995 He discussed r elations between the spectrum
of the Laplacian and properties of graphs, [12]. The
first branch of algebraic graph theor y involves the
study of graphs in connection with linear algebra. In
particular, it studies the spectru m of the adjacency
matrix or the Laplacian matrix of a graph. The
Laplacian matrix of a graph G which is denoted by
L(G) is si mply the m atrix D󰇛G󰇜A󰇛G󰇜 where,
󰇛󰇜 is degree matrix and A󰇛G󰇜 is adjacency matrix
of the graph G whose 󰇛,󰇜- entry is equal to 1 if
vertices , are adjacent and 0 otherwise. In this
paper we introduce the Laplacian matrix of 󰇛󰇜,
discusssomepropertiesofthegraphs.Kishor F.
Pawar and Sandeep S. Joshi defined a sim ple
undirected graph () whose vertices are all the
elements of the ring R and two distinct vertices ,
are adjacent if and only if .0.
0, [4]. He also
defined the graph () whose vertices are all the
elements of the ring R and two distinct vertices ,
are adjacent if and only if .0.
0 is a zero-div isor (including zero) of t he
ring R, [15]. Satyanarayana defined the prime graph
whose vertices are all ele ments of the ring R and
two distinct vertices a, are adjacent if and only if
00. This grap h is den oted by
󰇛󰇜 [14]. In this paper m odified the adjacency
condition of these graphs we introduce two new
simple undirected graphs one is (), whose
vertices are all the elements of the ring R and two
distinct vertices , are adjacent if and only if
 and other is ()
whose vertices are all the elements of the ring R and
two distinct vertices , are adjacent if and only if
2 Preliminary Definitions
Definition 2.1: Let be a graph of vertices. The
Laplacian matrix of the graph is denoted by 󰇛󰇜
is defined as 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜where 󰇛󰇜 is
the degree matrix of the graph and 󰇛󰇜 is the
adjacency matrix of . Then -th entry of the 
Laplacian matrix
󰇛󰇜 are given by
Definition 2.2: let R be a ring. A non-zero element
of R is called a zero-div isor if there is a non-zero
element in R such that .0 or .0. The
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
set of zero-divisors in a ring R is denot ed by 󰇛󰇜,
Definition 2.3: The ele ments which are not zero-
divisors are called units. The set of all units in a ring
R is denoted by U(R), [4].
Definition 2.4: The num ber of edges incident to a
vertex is called the degree of the vertex v, and it is
denoted by 󰇛󰇜.
Definition 2.5: Let G be a graph, The minimum
number of vertices(lines) whose removal makes the
graph G disconnected is called vertex-connectivi ty
(line-connectivity) of the graph G. Vertex
connectivity of G is denoted by 󰇛󰇜.
Definition 2.6: The girth of a graph G is the shortest
cycle in the graph G, which is denoted by . If
the graph G contains no cy cle, then the girth of th e
graph G is equal to infinity.
Definition 2.7: The second smallest eigenvalue of
L(G) is called algebraic connectivity of G. algebraic
connectivity is denoted by 󰇛󰇜. If L(G) has
eigenvalues λλ⋯λ0(where n
|V󰇛G󰇜|), then λ is called algebraic connectivity,
Definition 2.8: A connected graph G is called
Eulerian if there exists a walk with no repeated
edges which includes all edges of the graph G.
Definition 2.9: A graph that can be d rawn in the
plane without any edge crossing is called a planar
graph. If any graph contains a non-planar subgraph,
then the graph is non-planar.
Definition 2.10: In a graph G the maximal complete
subgraph is called a clique. The number of vertices
in a clique is called clique number.
Definition 2.11: For a ring R a sim ple undirected
graph G=(V,E) is said to be prime graph of R which
is denoted by () if all elements of are taken
as vertices of the graph and two distinct vertices a
and b are adjacent if either (i) .0.0
or (ii), [4].
Definition 2.12: Let R be a ring. A graph G= (V, E)
is said to be the prim e graph of R (denoted b y
󰇛󰇜) if vertices of the graph G are all elements of
the ring R and two distinct vertices ar e adjacent if
and only if 00, [14].
Definition 2.13: For a ring R a sim ple undirected
graph G= (V, E) is said to be graph Г󰇛󰇜 if all the
non-zero elements of R as vertices an d two distinct
vertices a and b are adjacent if and only if either
.0.0is a zero- divisor
(including zero), [ 12].
Theorem 2.14: Algebraic connectivity of a graph
is 󰇛󰇜 if and only if 
Theorem 2.15: A connected graph G i s Eulerian if
and only if all the vertices of the graph G are of
even degree.
Theorem 2.16: Every non-zero vertices of the graph
󰇛󰇜 are unit ele ment of and deg󰇛u󰇜
ϕ󰇛p󰇜1 for any odd prime
Theorem 2.17: Every planar graph has a vertex of
degree at most five.
3 Main Results
Definition 3.1: A sim ple undirected graph ()
whose vertices are all the elements of the ring R and
two distinct vertices , are adjacent if and only if
Definition 3.2: A sim ple undirected graph ()
whose vertices are all the elements of the ring R and
two distinct vertices , are adjacent if and only if
Definition 3.3: Degree, Planarity, Eulerian
property of 󰇛󰇜
Theorem 3.3.1: The graph 󰇛󰇜 is planar if and
only if 2,3,4 and 6
Proof: For 2, the graph 󰇛󰇜 is a complete
graph , so it is planar. The graph 󰇛󰇜 is a
complete graph which is also a planar graph. For
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
4, the graph 󰇛󰇜 is a com plete graph ,
so it is a planar graph.
Fig. 1: Graph 󰇛󰇜
In the above graph structures, we can see the graph
󰇛󰇜 can be drawn with no edge crossing. So,
the graph 󰇛󰇜 is a planar graph.
If is prime, then the graph 󰇛󰇜 is a complete
graph . If 3 ( is prime) the graph 󰇛󰇜
always has a subgraph , So the gra ph is not
planar. If 2 where 3, a subgraph
induced by 󰇝,,,,0󰇞 forms a co mplete
graph where, is an even element and is an
odd element of . So, the graph is not planar.
For  where 1, A subgraph induced b y
󰇝,, ,,0󰇞 forms a com plete
graph . So, the graph 󰇛󰇜 for  where
1 is not planar.
If 
where, ,,⋯
distinct prime and ∈ for 1,2,, then the
subgraph induced by 󰇝,,
forms a com plete subgraph where,
 .
Hence the result.
Theorem 3.3.2: Degree of any unit vertex of the
graph 󰇛󰇜 is 󰇛n󰇜. Where; n.
Proof: Let be a unit ele ment of . There
is 󰇛n󰇜 number of unit elements. For ev ery unit
element, there exists an element such that  is
a unit ele ment. Also, 2 is a unit in
, but the gr aph is sim ple, so is not
adjacent with itself.
So, the number of is 󰇛n󰇜1. ⋯󰇛1󰇜
.00 ~0.
0 is already count in (1)
Also, there is a verte x  for which
0 ~.
So, the num ber of adjace nt vertices w ith any unit
vertex is 󰇛n󰇜11.
Therefore, the degree of any unit vertex of the graph
󰇛󰇜 is 󰇛n󰇜.
Theorem 3.3.3: Degree of any zero-di visor of the
graph 󰇛󰇜 is 1.
Proof: zero vertex is adjacent with every vertex
(because, 0.0). So, the degree of zero vertex is
Non-zero zero-divisors of are multiples of .
Any two n on-zero zero-divisors , are adjacent
because both are multiples of , so . is multiple
of which is 0 in .
Let be a unit element and be any zero-divisor of
. Since,  is not m ultiple of , so  is
unit. Therefore, any zero-divisor is adjacent with
every unit element.
Hence, any zero-divisor of is adjacent with
every element of .
Degree of any zero-divisor of the graph 󰇛󰇜 is
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Theorem 3.3.4: If is odd prime, then the graphs
󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜 are Eulerian.
Proof: Degree of any unit vertex of the graph
 is 󰇛󰇜󰇛1󰇜 which is even for
any prime . Also, the degree of any zero-divisor of
the graph 󰇛󰇜 is 1, which is even for any
odd prime . Therefore, the graph 󰇛󰇜 is
Eulerian if is odd prime.
The graph 󰇛󰇜 is a co mplete graph . So, the
degree of every vertex is 1, which is even for
any odd prime . Hence, the graph 󰇛󰇜 is
Eulerian if is odd prime.
Theorem 3.3.5: If is a non-zero zero divisor and
is any unit element of . then
a) degree of in the graph 󰇛.󰇜 is
󰇛pq󰇜, where is multiple of .
b) degree of in the graph 󰇛.󰇜 is
󰇛pq󰇜, where is multiple of .
c) degree of in the graph 󰇛.󰇜 is
Where , are distinct prime.
Proof: Any non-zero zero di visors of . are
multiples of and multiples of .
a) Let be a non-zero zero divisor whic h is
multiple of .
For any unit ele ment there exists ∈ . such
that , there a re 󰇛pq󰇜 number of 󰇛󰇜
which are adjacent with .
is adjac ent with such zero-divisors which are
multiples of . Because, .0󰇛󰇜 where 
is a multiple of . There are 1 numbers of zero-
divisors which are multiples of .
Also, it is adjacent with zero vertex.
Therefore, the degree of is 󰇛pq󰇜󰇛1󰇜
b) Let be a no n-zero zero divisor which is
multiple of .
For any unit ele ment there exists ∈ . such
that , there a re 󰇛pq󰇜 number of 󰇛󰇜
which are adjacent with .
is adjac ent with such zero-divisors which are
multiples of . Because, .0󰇛󰇜 where 
is a multiple of . There are 1 numbers of zero-
divisors which are multiples of .
Also, it is adjacent with zero vertex.
Therefore, the degree of is 󰇛pq󰇜󰇛1󰇜
c) Let be a unit element of ..
For any unit ele ment there exist s ∈ . such
that , also,  is a unit element in ..
So, there are 󰇛pq󰇜1 number of 󰇛󰇜 which
are adjacent with . Therefore, the degree of in
the graph 󰇛.󰇜 is 󰇛pq󰇜1.
Where , are distinct prime.
Example In the graph 󰇛󰇜, non-
zero zero-divisors are 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12. And
unit elements are 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14.
Degrees of 3, 6, 9, 12 a re 󰇛15󰇜38
Degrees of 5, 10, 15 ar e 󰇛15󰇜58
Degrees of 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14 are
3.4 Laplacian and Algebraic Connectivity of
Theorem 3.4.1: Laplacian of 󰇛󰇜 is
 1󰇛󰇜
Proof: 0
are vertices of 󰇛󰇜.
Here 0
is adja cent with all other vertices, because,
where, is any vertex of the graph.
Therefore, 󰇛0
Let is a non-zero element of .
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
If we use t he adjacency condition .
We get ~ 0
If we use the adja cency condition 
We get ~
is any element of
is non-zero for
. In every
non-zero element is a unit so 
is a unit for
.] (2)
If we use adjacency condition 
We get ~ 
From (1) (2) and (3) is adjacent with all elements
of except itself (because the graph is simple).
Therefore, the degree of is 1. [ from (1),
(2) and (3)]
Hence, the d egree of ever y vertex of the graph is
So, the graph 󰇛󰇜 forms a complete graph .
By definition of Laplacian
 1󰇛󰇜
Theorem 3.4.2: If 󰇛󰇜 w here p is a
prime, then algebraic connectivity 󰇛󰇜.
Proof: The graph 󰇛󰇜 forms a complete graph
. We know that ( ) = if and onl y if 
Therefore, algebraic connectivity of 󰇛󰇜 is
3.5 Laplacian of 󰇛󰇜
Theorem 3.5.1: Laplacian of the graph 󰇛
󰇜 is
 1󰇛1󰇜
󰇛1󰇜2󰇛1, is zero
󰇛1󰇜󰇛1, is unit element󰇜
,󰇜and 
where a,
are non-zero elements of
󰇜and 0
where a,
are non-zero elements of
󰇜and b
where b
, are non-zero elements of and b
,a󰇜and b
, where
, are non-zero elements of and c
󰇜and 󰇛,0
where, is non-zero elements of
,a󰇜and 󰇛0
where, is non-zero element of
and ,d
where, a,
,c, are non-zero elements of and
c and d
 where b
, are non-zero elements of
0 otherwise
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Where, is an odd prime.
All the elements of  are consider ed as
vertices of the graph (). Zero divisor s
of  are of the form 󰇛,0
󰇜 and 󰇛0
are ele ments of .Unit elements of 
are of the for m 󰇛,
󰇜 where ,
are non-ze ro
elements of .
󰇜 ∀,
∈ Since,󰇛0
󰇜 ∀,
Clearly, the vertex 󰇛0
󰇜 is adjacent with all other
vertices except itself [since the graph is simple].
󰇜 =1. 󰇛1󰇜
For 󰇛,0
󰇜  , where is n on-zero
element of ;
󰇜 where
is any element of .
[Since, 󰇛,0
󰇜 ]
There are numbers of 󰇛0
󰇜 in  which are
adjacent with 󰇛,0
󰇜, where
is any element of .
,󰇜 where
,  are non-zero el ements of
[Because, 󰇛,0
,󰇜 is unit
element of  since for2 2 is
non-zero and 󰇛
󰇜 is non-zero for
 ]
There are 1 number of elem ents in 
are of the form 󰇛,󰇜. Where , are non-zero
elements of . And for no n-zero
, ther e are
󰇛1󰇜 no. of 󰇛
,󰇜 in .
So, number of 󰇛
,󰇜 in the graph which are adjacent
with 󰇛,0
󰇜 is 󰇛1󰇜󰇛1󰇜 ⋯󰇛󰇜
Also, 󰇛,0
󰇜 [Since 󰇛,0
󰇜] 󰇛󰇜
From 󰇛󰇜,󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜
Number of adjacent vertices in () with
the vertex 󰇛,0
󰇜 is
For any unit element ,
of  where ,
are non-zero elements of ;
is not adjacent with 󰇛,󰇜. Where, is
any element of and 
[ Since, 󰇛,󰇜󰇛,󰇜󰇛,
󰇜 =
󰇜 is not unit element of  and not
zero element for 
 is not adjac ent with ,
. Where, 
is any element of and ,
[ since ,
is not unit element of  and not zero element
for  ]
From 󰇛󰇜 there are 󰇛1󰇜 number of 󰇛,󰇜 in
. Where, is any element of and 
From 󰇛󰇜 there are 󰇛1󰇜 number of ,
in .Where, is any element of and 
And also, ,
 is non-adjacent with itself (since,
the graph is simple).
In () total number of non-adjacent
vertices with the vertex ,
 is 󰇛1󰇜
Therefore, in () total num ber of
adjacent vertices with the vertex ,
 is
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
So, degree of all units of  in 󰇛󰇜
is 󰇛1󰇜
By definition of Laplacian,
Laplacian of the graph 󰇛󰇜 is
 1󰇛1󰇜
󰇛1󰇜2󰇛1, is zero
󰇛1󰇜󰇛1, is unit element󰇜
,󰇜and 
where a,
are non-zero elements of
󰇜and 0
where a,
are non-zero elements of
󰇜and b
where b
, are non-zero elements of and b
,a󰇜and b
, where
, are non-zero elements of and c
󰇜and 󰇛,0
where, is non-zero element of
,a󰇜and 󰇛0
where, is non-zero element of
and ,d
where, a,
,c, are non-zero elements of and
c and d
 where b
, are non-zero elements of
0 otherwise
Where, is an odd prime.
Theorem 3.5.2: The graph  is
Eulerian, for any odd prime .
Proof: 󰇛0
󰇜 =1. For any odd prime
, 󰇛0
󰇜 =1 is even. Degree of an y zero-
divisor of  is 󰇛1󰇜2, which is even
for any odd prime . Degree of any uni t element is
󰇛1󰇜, which is also even for any odd prime.
Since  is connected and all vertices of
 are of e ven degree. Therefore
 is Eulerian, where p is any od d
Theorem 3.5.3: Girth of the graph 󰇛󰇜
is 3, Where p is any prime.
Proof: For an y odd prime , unit ele ments
, 󰇛,
󰇜 and zero element 󰇛0
󰇜 make
a cycle of length 3 in 󰇛󰇜. For 2 zero
element and 󰇛1
󰇜, 󰇛0
󰇜 make a cycle of length 3.
Therefore, girth of 󰇛󰇜 is 3, where p is
any prime.
Theorem 3.5.4  is not a planar
graph, where p is any odd prime.
Proof: For any odd prime the graph 
contains a subgraph with the vertices 󰇛1
󰇜, 󰇛0
󰇜, 󰇛0
󰇜, and 󰇛0
󰇜, which is not a
planar. Therefore, the graph  is not a
planar graph for any odd prime .
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 2: 󰇛󰇜
3.6: Degree, planarity, girth of 󰇛󰇜:
Theorem 3.6.1: Let 
are distinct prime and ∈ for 
1,2,,; and be any non-zero vertex of 󰇛󰇜.
󰇛󰇜 The degree of any vertex 󰇛
󰇜 of the graph
󰇛󰇜 is gcd󰇛,󰇜1. Where; 0 on
󰇛󰇜 If ≡0󰇛󰇜 then degree of 
󰇛󰇜 If is even, then
The degree of 
in 󰇛󰇜 is
1 if 
is even
if 
is odd
󰇛󰇜 If  then degree of the vertex 1
󰇛󰇜 If gcd󰇛,󰇜1, then degree of is 2.
Proof: 󰇛󰇜 Let 
are distinct primes and ∈ for 
1,2,,. Also, let (0) be any vertex of
󰇛󰇜 and gcd󰇛,󰇜
If is m ultiple of
then . is multiple of . Therefore .0 in .
So, the vertex is adjacent with .
Number of is the number of m ultiples of
 between 0 to .
Number of multiples of
 between 0 to is
Number of which satisfies the adjacency condition
.0 is gcd󰇛,󰇜.
Also, is adjacent with  (using the adjacency
condition 0).
So, the degree of is gcd󰇛,󰇜1.
󰇛󰇜 If ≡0󰇛n󰇜 then .0. So, a satisfi es
the adjacency condition .0. But, the vert ex
is not adjacent to itself because the graph is a simple
graph. So, Number of which satisfies the
adjacency condition .0 is gcd󰇛,󰇜1.
Also, is adjacent with  (using the adjacency
condition 0). But, .󰇛󰇜0 in .
Therefore, the degree of is gcd󰇛,󰇜1.
󰇛󰇜 If 
is even and  0, 2, 4, ,
,, 
2. Then the a djacency condition .0.
0 holds. But, 
(since, the graph is a sim ple
graph). If we use the adja cency condition 
0, then
is a djacent to itself. But the graph is
simple graph. So, the number of adjacent vertices
If 
is odd an d  0, 2, 4, ,
1 ,,
2. Then t he adjacency conditi on .
0.0 holds. If we use the adjacency
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
condition 0, then
is adj acent to itsel f.
But the graph is a sim ple graph. So, the number of
adjacent vertices with 
󰇛󰇜 Let be any vertex of the graph such that 
and gcd󰇛,󰇜
Since, , if is m ultiple of then is
adjacent with because, here .0 on .
Number of Number of multiples of in
gcd󰇛,󰇜. Also, is adjacent with
 because,
of is gcd󰇛,󰇜.
󰇜 If gcd󰇛,󰇜1, then is unit element of ,
which is adjacent with  and zero ele ment.
Therefore, the degree of is 2.
Theorem 3.6.2: The girth of the graph 󰇛󰇜 is,
󰇛󰇜∞ if 2,3,4,5 or
is a prime
3 otherwise
Proof: The graph 󰇛󰇜 is a com plete graph ,
So girth is infinite. 󰇛󰇜, 󰇛󰇜 are union of
two copies of and uni on of three cop ies of
with common vertex zero respectively . So, the girth
of 󰇛󰇜, 󰇛󰇜 is infinite. 󰇛󰇜 is a union
of four copi es of with co mmon vertex zero.
Therefore, the girth of 󰇛󰇜 is infinite.
If 5 and is not prim e then in the graph
always exists a cy cle of length three with the zero
vertex and two non-zero zero divisors of which
are adjacent. Therefore, the girth is 3.
Theorem 3.6.3: The graph 󰇛󰇜 is Eulerian if
and only if is odd.
Proof: If is odd then the degree of zero vertex of
the graph 1 which is an even, and the degree
of any non-zero vertex is either gcd󰇛,󰇜1 or
gcd󰇛,󰇜1. Since, is odd, gcd󰇛,󰇜 is odd. So,
gcd󰇛,󰇜1 and gcd󰇛,󰇜1 are even.
Therefore, the graph 󰇛󰇜 is Eulerian.
If n is even t he degree of zero vertex of the graph
1 which is odd. So, the graph is not Eulerian if
n is even.
Hence, the graph 󰇛󰇜 is Eulerian if and onl y if
is odd.
Theorem 3.6.4: The graph 󰇛󰇜 is not planar if
,3. Where, , are two distinct primes.
Proof: Zero-divisors of 󰇛󰇜 are multiples of
and multiples of . Set of non-zero zero-divisors
form a co mplete bipartite graph ,, whose
one set of vertices is a set of multiples of and the
other is a set of m ultiples of . In 󰇛󰇜 there
are 󰇛1󰇜 number of m ultiples of and 󰇛1󰇜
number of multiples of . So, if ,3 then the
graph has a subgraph , which is not planar.
Therefore, the graph 󰇛󰇜 is not a planar graph,
if ,3.
Theorem 3.6.5: The graph 󰇛󰇜 is not planar if
Proof: In th e graph 󰇛󰇜 any zero-divisor is
multiple of . If , two distinct zero-divisors then
. has a factor . So, .0 in . Therefore,
any two zero-divisors are adjacent in the graph. For
5, the number of zero-divisors is 5 and zero-
divisors form a co mplete graph. So, if 5 the
graph has a complete subgraph . Hence the result.
3.7. Laplacian of 󰇛󰇜
Theorem 3.7.1: Laplacian of 󰇛󰇜 is
 1󰇛1󰇜
and ,
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
and 0
 and 
and 
where  is any non-zero vertex of 󰇛󰇜 and is
any odd prime.
Proof: 0
are vertices of 󰇛󰇜.
Here the vertex 0
is adjacent with all other vertices.
Therefore, 󰇛0
If is non-zero element of , then is adjacent
with 0
and 
[since 
, using
adjacency condition of the graph]
Therefore, the degree of any non-zero vertex is 2
By definition of Laplacian
 1󰇛1󰇜
and 
and 0
 and 
and 
Where,  is any non-zero vertex of 󰇛󰇜 and
is any odd prime.
Theorem 3.7.2: If 
󰇛󰇜 where p is a
prime 󰇛3󰇜then 󰇛󰇜1.
Proof: 0
are vertices of 󰇛󰇜.
The graph 󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜 are complete
graphs and respectively. For 3 the graph
󰇛󰇜 is union of 
copies of in which zero
vertex is co mmon. For deletion of zero vertex the
graph will be disconnected. So, vertex connectivit y
󰇛󰇜1. We kn ow that if 
then 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜. Therefore, 󰇛󰇜1.
3.8. Laplacian of 󰇛󰇜
Theorem 3.8.1: Laplacian of 󰇛󰇜 is
 1󰇛1󰇜
1󰇛1, is zero divisor󰇜
2󰇛1, is unit element󰇜
,󰇜and 
where is non-zero and
is any element of
󰇜and 0
where is non-zero and
is any element of
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
󰇜and 󰇛,0
where is non-zero element of
,a󰇜and 󰇛0
where is non-zero element of
0 otherwise
Proof: All the elements of  are considered
as vertices of the graph 󰇛󰇜. Zero divisors
of  are of the form 󰇛,0
󰇜 and 󰇛0
󰇜, Where
are elements of .
Units of  are of the form 󰇛,
󰇜 where ,
are non-zero elements of .
󰇜 ∀,
∈ [from 1st
adjacency condition of ()]
Clearly, zero ele ment 󰇛0
󰇜 is adjacent wi th all
other vertices
󰇜 =1
Now for 󰇛,0
󰇜  , where is any non-
zero element of .
󰇜 where
is any element of
[ using adjacency condition of
󰇜 ]
There are number of
in .
󰇜 where is any non-zero
element of .
[using 2nd adjacency condition of
Number of adjacent ve rtices with t he vertex
󰇜 is 1
Degree of 󰇛,0
󰇜 in 󰇛󰇜 is 1
Similarly, Degree of 󰇛0
,󰇜 in 󰇛󰇜 is
Therefore, Degree of all non-zero zero divisors of
 in 󰇛󰇜 is 2
Now for any unit element ,
of  where,
are non-zero elements of .
[Since, 󰇛,󰇜
The num ber of adjacent vertices with the vertex
󰇜 is 112
The degree of 󰇛,
󰇜 in 󰇛󰇜 is 2
Degree of all units of  in 󰇛󰇜 is
By definition of Laplacian
 1󰇛1󰇜
1󰇛1, is non-zero zero
2󰇛1, is unit element󰇜
,󰇜and 
where is non-zero and
is any element of
󰇜and 0
where is non-zero and
is any element of
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
󰇜and 󰇛,0
where is non-zero element of
,a󰇜and 󰇛0
where is non-zero element of
 where ,
are non-zero elements of
0 otherwise
Theorem 3.8.2:  is Eulerian, where p
is any odd prime.
Proof: 󰇛0
󰇜 =1 , for any odd prim e
1 is even. Degree of any zero-divisor of
is 1, which is even for any odd prime.
Degree of any unit element is 2, wh ich is even.
Since  is connected and all vertices of
 are of e ven degree. Therefore
 is Eulerian, where p is any od d
Theorem 3.8.3: Girth of 󰇛󰇜 is 3,
Where p is any prime.
Proof: For any odd prime, zero element and unit
elements ,
and 󰇛,
󰇜 make a cycle of
length 3 in 󰇛󰇜. For 2, zero element
and 󰇛1
󰇜, 󰇛0
󰇜 makes a cy cle of length 3.
Therefore, girth of 󰇛󰇜 is 3, where p is
any prime.
Theorem 3.8.4:  is not a planar
graph, where p is any odd prime.
Proof: The graph 󰇛󰇜 is union of
and with a common vertex 󰇛0
󰇜.So the graph is
a planar for 2. If is an y odd prime then the
graph  contains a sub graph with
the vertices 󰇛,0
󰇜, 󰇛0
,󰇜, 󰇛
󰇜, 󰇛0
and 󰇛0
󰇜, which is not a planar. Th erefore
 is not a planar graph f or any odd
prime .
Theorem 3.8.5: Clique number of 󰇛󰇜 is
5, Where p is any odd prime.
Proof: For any zero divisor 󰇛,0
󰇜 there exists a
complete subgraph with vertices 󰇛,0
󰇜, 0
󰇜, 0
, and 󰇛0
󰇜. Similarly, for
any zero divisor of the form 󰇛0
,󰇜 there exists a
complete subgraph with vertices 󰇛,0
󰇜, 0
󰇜, 0
, and 󰇛0
󰇜. For any unit
element ,
 there exists a complete graph
with vertices ,
, 󰇛0
󰇜, 
Therefore, is the m aximal complete subgraph in
󰇛󰇜. Hence, Clique num ber of 󰇛
󰇜 is 5, Where p is any odd prime.
Fig. 4: 󰇛󰇜
4 Conclusion
The graph 󰇛󰇜 is planar only for 2,3,4
and 6. Any zero-divisors of the graph is connected
with every vertex of the graph except itself. The
degree of the unit element of the graph 󰇛󰇜 is
󰇛󰇜. The gra ph 󰇛󰇜, 󰇛󰇜 and
󰇛󰇜 are Eulerian for any odd prime . On
the other hand; the graph 󰇛󰇜 is Eulerian if and
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
only if is odd. The grap h 󰇛󰇜 is also
Eulerian for any odd prim e . Algebraic
connectivity of the graph 󰇛󰇜 is but t he
algebraic connectivity of the 󰇛󰇜 is less than or
equal to 1. The graphs 󰇛󰇜, 󰇛
󰇜 are not planar for any odd prime . In the graph
󰇛󰇜 there does not exist any c ycle for 
2,3,4 and 5 or is prime.
5 Future Scope
We can work on the graphs (), () for any
non-commutative finite ring . Chromatic number
and dominating number of the graphs c an be found
out. Also, we can study Laplacian en ergy of the
graphs (), ().
We gratefully thank the refere es for their
suggestions and valuable comments. This work is
financially supported by the Council of Scientific
and Industrial R esearch (File no:
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.22
Pinku Sarkar, Kuntala Patra
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
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This work is financially supported by the Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research (File no: 09/059(0068)