Proof. Run line 7 by calculating gifor an increasing
i≥1until either (1) gi= 1 or (2) inv[gi]=⊥. Because
gi=gi−1·gfor all i, line 7 takes O(h)time. Similarly,
line 8 also takes O(h)time. Clearly, lines 9–13 and 14–
16 take O(1) and O(h)time, respectively.
Lemma 17. Each execution of lines 7–16 of All Inverses
turn Ω(h)entries of inv[·]from ⊥to non-⊥.
Proof. By the minimality of hin line 7, inv[gj] = ⊥
for 1≤j≤h−1(when line 7 is executed). But after
lines 9–16, inv[gj]=⊥for all j∈ {1,2, . . . , h−1}. So
lines 7–16 turn at least h−1entries of inv[·]from ⊥to
non-⊥. Unless h≤1,h−1 = Ω(h). When h≤1, the
lemma still holds because lines 9–13 turn inv[g]from ⊥
to non-⊥.
Lemma 18. All Inverses take O(|G|)time.
Proof. Clearly, once an entry of ans[·]is non-⊥, it re-
mains non-⊥forever. So by Lemmas 16–17, the run-
ning time is at most proportional to the total number of
entries of ans[·], which is |G|.
Lemmas 15 and 18 yield the following.
Theorem 19. Finding g−1for all g∈Gtakes O(|G|)
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Contribution of individual authors to
the creation of a scientific article
(ghostwriting policy)
Author Contributions:
Ching-Lueh Chang carried out the conceptualization and
is the supervisor.
Hui-Ting Chen did the data curation and has writing and
Sources of funding for research
presented in a scientific article or
scientific article itself
This work was Supported in part by the Ministry of
Science and Technology of Taiwan under grant 111-
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This article is published under the terms of the Creative
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.21
Hui-Ting Chen, Ching-Lueh Chang
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.