On the Diophantine Equation nx+ 10y=z2
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Lopburi 15000,
Abstract: In this paper, we show that (n, x, y, z) = (2,3,0,3) is the unique non-negative integer solution of
the Diophantine equation nx+ 10y=z2, where nis a positive integer with n2 (mod 30) and x, y, z are
non-negative integers. If n= 5, then the Diophantine equation has exactly one non-negative integer solution
(x, y, z) = (3,2,15). We also give some conditions for non-existence of solutions of the Diophantine equation.
Key-Words: Diophantine equation, Mih˘ailescu’s Theorem, congruence, non-negative integer solution
Received: October 29, 2022. Revised: December 24, 2022. Accepted: January 22, 2023. Published: February 23, 2023.
1 Introduction
In 2014, Sroysang, [1], proved that the Diophantine
equation 4x+ 10y=z2has no non-negative integer
solution. After that, in 2019, Burshtein, [2], showed
that the Diophantine equation 7x+ 10y=z2has
no positive integer solution. In 2020, Orosram and
Comemuang, [3], found that the Diophantine equa-
tion 8x+ny=z2, where nis a positive integer
with n10 (mod 15), has the unique non-negative
integer solution (x, y, z) = (1,0,3). In 2021, N.
Viriyapong and C. Viriyapong, [4], proved that the
Diophantine equation nx+ 13y=z2, where nis a
positive integer with n2 (mod 39) and n+ 1 is
not a square number, has the unique non-negative in-
teger solution (n, x, y, z) = (2,3,0,3). Tangjai and
Chubthaisong, [5], studied the Diophantine equation
3x+py=z2, where pis prime and p2 (mod 3)
and found that if y= 0, then (p, x, y, z) = (p, 1,0,2)
is the only one non-negative integer solution and if 4
y, then the equation has the unique non-negative inte-
ger solution (p, x, y, z) = (2,0,3,3). In 2022, Wan-
naphan and Tadee, [6], found all non-negative integer
solutions of the Diophantine equation n2x+ 2y=z2,
where nis an odd positive integer. In the same year,
N. Viriyapong and C. Viriyapong, [7], proved that
the Diophantine equation nx+ 19y=z2, where n
is a positive integer with n2 (mod 57) has the
unique non-negative integer solution (n, x, y, z) =
(2,3,0,3). Borah and Dutta, [8], studied the Dio-
phantine equation nx+24y=z2, where n is a positive
integer with n5,7 (mod 8).
Inspired by the work mentioned earlier, we study
the Diophantine equation nx+ 10y=z2, where n
is a positive integer. We can easily notice that if
n1( mod 3), then the Diophantine equation has no
non-negative integer solution. Since n1 (mod 3),
we have z2=nx+ 10y2 (mod 3), a contradic-
tion since z20,1 (mod 3). Cases that have not yet
been considered, are n0,2 (mod 3). In this re-
search, we will consider the case n2 (mod 3) and
n2 (mod 10). That is n2 (mod 30). More-
over, we study in case n= 5.
2 Preliminaries
In the beginning this section, we present some helpful
Theorem 1. If zis an integer, then z20,1,4,
5,6,9 (mod 10).
Proof. Let zbe an integer. Then there exists a
non-negative integer rsuch that zr(mod 10),
where 0r9.
Case 1: r= 0. Then z20 (mod 10).
Case 2: r= 1. Then z21 (mod 10).
Case 3: r= 2. Then z24 (mod 10).
Case 4: r= 3. Then z29 (mod 10).
Case 5: r= 4. Then z216 6 (mod 10).
Case 6: r= 5. Then z225 5 (mod 10).
Case 7: r= 6. Then z236 6 (mod 10).
Case 8: r= 7. Then z249 9 (mod 10).
Case 9: r= 8. Then z264 4 (mod 10).
Case 10: r= 9. Then z281 1 (mod 10).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.19
Suton Tadee
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Theorem 2. [9], (x, y, z) {(3,0,3),(2,1,3)}are
exactly two non-negative integer solutions of the
Diophantine equation 2x+ 5y=z2.
Theorem 3. (Mih˘ailescu’s Theorem), [10], The
Diophantine equation axby= 1 has the unique
solution (a, b, x, y) = (3,2,2,3), where a, b, x, y are
integers and min{a, b, x, y}>1.
Next, we prove two useful Lemmas by using
Mih˘ailescu’s Theorem.
Lemma 4. The Diophantine equation
1 + 10y=z2(1)
has no non-negative integer solution.
Proof. Assume that (y, z)is a non-negative integer
solution of (1). Then z210y= 1. It is easy to check
that y > 1and z > 1. Thus min {z, 10,2, y}>1. By
Theorem 3, this is impossible.
Lemma 5. Let nbe a positive integer with n
2 (mod 10). Then the Diophantine equation
nx+ 1 = z2(2)
has a unique non-negative integer solution. The solu-
tion is (n, x, z) = (2,3,3).
Proof. Let (x, z)be a non-negative integer solution of
(2). If n= 1 or x= 0, then z2= 2, a contradiction.
Thus n > 1and x1. If x= 1, then n+ 1 = z2.
Since n2 (mod 10), we have z23 (mod 10).
This is impossible by Theorem 1. Then x > 1. Next
we consider z. If z= 0 or z= 1, then nx=1
or nx= 0, respectively, a contradiction. Thus z > 1
and so min{z, n, 2, x}>1. By Theorem 3 and (2),
we have (n, x, z) = (2,3,3).
3 Main Results
In this section, we give our results.
Theorem 6. The Diophantine equation
5x+ 10y=z2(3)
has a unique non-negative integer solution. The solu-
tion is (x, y, z) = (3,2,15).
Proof. Let (x, y, z)be a non-negative integer solution
of (3). Suppose that xy. From (3), we have
5y(5xy+ 2y) = z2.(4)
Then yis even and there exists a positive integer z1
such that
5xy+ 2y=z2
By Theorem 2, we have y= 2 and xy= 1.
Then x= 3, and so z2= 53+ 102= 225. Hence
(x, y, z) = (3,2,15) is a non-negative integer solu-
tion of (3). Now, we consider x<y. From (3), it
follows that
5x(1 + 2y·5yx) = z2.(6)
Thus, xis even and there exists a positive integer z2
such that 1+2y·5yx=z2
2. It implies that
(z21)(z2+ 1) = 2y·5yx.(7)
Then there exists two non-negative integers uand v
such that
z21 = 2u·5v(8)
z2+ 1 = 2yu·5yxv.(9)
From (8) and (9), we get
2 = 2yu·5yxv2u·5v.(10)
Now, we consider three following cases:
Case 1: yxv= 0. From (10), we obtain that
2 = 2yu2u·5v.(11)
Subcase 1.1: yuu. From (11), we ob-
tain that 2 = 2u(2y2u5v). Then u= 1 and
1=2y2u5v. It is easy to check that y2u > 1
and v > 1. This is impossible by Theorem 3.
Subcase 1.2: yu<u. From (11), we get
2 = 2yu(122uy·5v). Then yu= 1 and
1=122uy·5v. Thus 22uy·5v= 0, a contra-
Case 2: v= 0. From (10), we obtain that
2 = 2yu·5yx2u.(12)
Subcase 2.1: yuu. From (12), we get
2=2u(2y2u·5yx1). Then u= 1 and
1 = 2y2u·5yx1. Thus 2y2u·5yx= 2, and so
yx= 0. This is impossible since x < y.
Subcase 2.2: yu < u. From (12), we get
2 = 2yu(5yx22uy). Then yu= 1 and
5yx22uy= 1. It is easy to check that yx > 1
and 2uy > 1. This is impossible by Theorem 3.
Case 3: yxv > 0and v > 0. From (10), we get
5|2, a contradiction.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.19
Suton Tadee
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Theorem 7. Let nbe a positive integer with n
2 (mod 30). Then the Diophantine equation
nx+ 10y=z2(13)
has a unique non-negative integer solution. The solu-
tion is (n, x, y, z) = (2,3,0,3).
Proof. Let x, y and zbe non-negative integers such
that the equation (13) is true.
Case 1: x= 0. This is impossible by Lemma 4.
Case 2: y= 0. By Lemma 5, it follows that
(n, x, y, z) = (2,3,0,3).
Case 3: x1and y1. Assume that xis
even. It follows that x= 2u, for some positive
integer u. Since n2 (mod 30), we obtain that
n2 (mod 3), and so nx2x4u1 (mod 3).
Then z2=nx+ 10y2 (mod 3). This is im-
possible since z20,1 (mod 3). Thus xis odd.
There exists a non-negative integer vsuch that
x= 2v+ 1. Since n2 (mod 30), we obtain that
nx=n2v+1 22v+1 (mod 30).
Subcase 3.1: vis even. Then v= 2a, for some
non-negative integer a. Since 24a16a1
(mod 5), it follows that nx24a+1 2 (mod 10),
and so z2=nx+ 10y2 (mod10). This is
impossible by Theorem 1.
Subcase 3.2: vis odd. Then there exists a non-
negative integer bsuch that v= 2b+ 1. Since 24b
16b1 (mod 5), it follows that nx24b+3
8 (mod 10), and so z2=nx+ 10y8 (mod 10).
This is impossible by Theorem 1.
By Theorem 7, we have the following examples
and the corollary.
Example 8. The Diophantine equation 2x+10y=z2
has a unique non-negative integer solution. The so-
lution is (x, y, z) = (3,0,3).
Example 9. The Diophantine equation 32x+ 10y
=z2has no non-negative integer solution.
Corollary 10. Let mand nbe positive integers with
n2 (mod 30). Then the Diophantine equation
nx+ 10y=z2m(14)
has a unique non-negative integer solution. The solu-
tion is (n, m, x, y, z) = (2,1,3,0,3).
Proof. Let a, b and cbe non-negative integers such
that the equation (14) is true. Therefore (x, y, z) =
(a, b, cm)is a solution of the equation (13). By The-
orem 7, we get n= 2, a = 3, b = 0 and cm= 3.
Then c= 3 and m= 1. Hence (n, m, x, y, z) =
(2,1,3,0,3) is the only one solution of the equation
Theorem 11. Let nbe prime with n7,n≡
1 (mod 4) and n≡ 1 (mod 5). If yis even, then the
Diophantine equation (13) has no non-negative inte-
ger solution.
Proof. Let x, y and zbe non-negative integers such
that the equation (13) is true. Since yis even, we
have y= 2k, for some non-negative integer k.
Case 1: k= 0. Then y= 0. From (13), we have
z2nx= 1.(15)
It is easy to check that z > 1and x > 0. Assume that
x > 1. Then min{z, n, 2, x}>1. By Theorem 3 and
(15), we have n= 2, a contradiction. Thus x= 1,
and so (z1)(z+ 1) = n. Since nis prime, we get
z1=1and z+ 1 = n. Thus z= 2 and n= 3, a
Case 2: k > 0. From (13), it follows that
(z10k)(z+ 10k) = nx.(16)
Since nis prime, there exists a non-negative integer
hsuch that
z+ 10k=nxh.(18)
From (17) and (18), we get x > 2hand
Since nis prime with n7, we obtain that h= 0
2·10k=nx1 = (n1)(nx1+nx2+· · · + 1).
Since k > 1and n1>2, it follows that 4|(n1) or
5|(n1). Thus n1 (mod 4) or n1 (mod 5),
a contradiction.
Corollary 12. The Diophantine equation
7x+ 100y=z2(20)
has no non-negative integer solution.
Proof. Assume that (a, b, c)is a non-negative integer
solution of (20). Therefore 7a+ 102b=c2. Thus
(n, x, y, z) = (7, a, 2b, c)is a non-negative integer
solution of (13). This is impossible by Theorem 11.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.19
Suton Tadee
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
The author would like to thank reviewers for careful
reading of this manuscript and the useful comments.
This work was supported by Research and Develop-
ment Institute and Faculty of Science and Technol-
ogy, Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Thailand.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.19
Suton Tadee
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
This work was supported by Research and Develop-
ment Institute and Faculty of Science and Technol-
ogy, Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Thailand.
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The author contributed in the present research, at all
stages from the formulation of the problem to the
final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflict of interest to declare that
is relevant to the content of this article.
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