An Alternative Method for Estimating the Parameters of Log-Cauchy
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zarqa University, Zarqa, JORDAN
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Isra University, Amman, JORDAN
*Corresponding author
Abstract: - In this paper, we discuss the estimation problem of the location and scale parameters of the log-Cauchy
distribution, a member of the super heavy-tailed distributions family. We consider several methods of estimation,
including a new percentile method, maximum likelihood estimation and robust estimators. A Monte Carlo
simulation experiment is conducted to compare the proposed estimation methods. Further, we illustrate the
estimation methods via a real life example.
Key-Words: - Heavy-tailed distributions; Log-Cauchy distribution; Percentile estimators, Maximum likelihood
estimators; Robust estimators
Received: October 27, 2022. Revised: December 22, 2022. Accepted: January 19, 2023. Published: February 23, 2023.
1 Introduction
Heavy-tailed distributions play an essential role in
the study of rare events, as there can be cases such
that the probability of extremely large observations
cannot be ignored. Therefore, phenomena describing
the occurrence of extreme values with a high relative
probability can be modeled by these types of
distributions. In many different fields such as
computer science, networks, communications,
economics, and finance, it is common to find
examples of heavy tail datasets. For more details on
the heavy-tailed distributions, one may refer to [1] –
The log-Cauchy distribution is one of the heavy-
tailed distributions. It is considered a special case of
the generalized beta distribution of type II. In fact, it
is a special case of the log-student distribution. It can
be transformed from Cauchy distribution as follows.
If is a Cauchy distribution, then has a log-
Cauchy distribution. Because the expected value and
variance of the Cauchy distribution are not defined,
the Cauchy distribution is sometimes referred to as
the primary example of a pathological distribution. In
fact, the moment generating function of the Cauchy
distribution has not been defined, see for example,
[6] and [7]. Therefore, it is a matter of priority that
these exotic properties are achieved in the log-
Cauchy distribution.
In the literature concerning the problem of estimating
parameters, several estimation techniques have been
proposed for the Cauchy distribution, see for
example, [8] – [11]. However, it is noteworthy that
no attention was paid to estimating the parameters of
the log-Cauchy distribution. In this paper, we
consider the estimation problem of the parameters of
the log-Cauchy distribution. We present a robust
alternative method for estimating the required
parameters. Two additional methods are presented
for comparison purposes. A simulation study is
conducted to compare the effectiveness of the
estimation techniques and a real dataset is considered
for illustrative purposes.
2 log-Cauchy Distribution
The log-Cauchy distribution is sometimes seen as an
example of a "super heavy-tailed" distributions,
because its tail is considered heavier than the Pareto-
type heavy tail. Its tail is decaying logarithmically,
see [1]. The probability density function (pdf) of the
log-Cauchy distribution is defined as:
where is the location parameter and
represents the scale parameter. The cumulative
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.18
Mohammad A. Amleh, Ahmad Al-Natoor, Baha’ Abughazaleh