Abstract: This article introduces and discusses a new three-parameter lifespan distribution called Zero-Truncated Poisson Pareto
distribution ZTPP. that is built on compounding Pareto distribution as a continuous distribution and Zero-Truncated Poisson
distribution as a discrete distribution. Various statistical properties and reliability characteristics of the proposed distribution have
been investigated including explicit expressions for the moments, moment generating function, quantile function, and median.
With three parameters, the suggested distribution has an advantage over other distributions in that it makes estimating the model
parameters simpler. To estimate the unknown parameters of the ZTPP distribution, the maximum likelihood method, and L.
Moments method are employed. Moreover, a real data set is used to evaluate the significance and ensure the applicability of the
proposed distribution as compared to other probability distributions. The derived model proved to be the best compared to other
fitted models, where the criteria values of (AIC), (CAIC), and (BIC) are minimum values by using the ZTPP distribution. The
proposed model is hoped to attract a wider application
Keywords: Zero-Truncated, Poisson distribution, Pareto distribution, L. Moments, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Simulation
Received: October 22, 2022. Revised: December 19, 2022. Accepted: January 17, 2023. Published: February 16, 2023.
1. Introduction
he processes of installing distributions results in new
distributions. One such complex probability distribution
that is important in practical applications is the Poisson
composite distribution [1]. Since the nature of some data or
occurrences necessitates the use of composite distributions,
which are more flexible than standard distributions,
composites distributions are more adaptable to describe some
data that cannot be well represented by traditional statistical
distributions. For example, failures in electronic devices, the
phenomenon of the strength of slime, the phenomenon of
rainfall that can occur in certain specific places, and other
phenomena in working life. In these cases, the appropriate
distribution is one of the composite distributions. Under its
name, this distribution involves many distributions. Recently,
new distributions have been proposed by integrating
continuous distribution with another discrete distribution. For
example, we can cite some of them such as the exponential
geometric by Adamidis.[2]; Silva proposed the generalized
exponential geometric [3]; Barreto-Souza et al. [4] proposed
the Weibull geometric; the Poisson exponential by Cancho et
al. [5]; the flexible Zero-truncated Poisson by Abouelmagd et
al.[6]; the Poisson Burr X Weibull by Abouelmagd et al. [7];
the Zero Truncated Poisson Exponentiated Gamma by
Guilherme et al. [1]; the Exponential-Truncated Poisson by
Rezaei et al.[8]; the Pareto Poisson Lindley by Asgharzadeh et
al. [9]; the Poisson Nadarajah by Muhammad Mansoor et
al.[10]; and the Binomial-exponential 2 by Bakouch et al.
[11]. The Pareto Geometric by Nassar et al.[12] can also be
cited with some distributions related to the Pareto distribution
beta modified Weibull by Silva et al.[13]; the Pareto-type
distribution by Bourguignon et al.[14]; the bivariate Pareto by
Sankaran et al.[15]; and the beta generalized Pareto by
Mahmoudi et al.[16].
The shape and scale characteristics of the Generalized
Pareto Distribution GPD can be estimated using a variety of
methods. Moments-based approaches, maximum likelihood,
probability-weighted moments, and others are examples of
classical methods. The references [17], [18] provide a
thorough analysis of them. Other academics have suggested
the following generalizations of the GPD: To estimate Value
at Risk, references [17] provided a three-parameter Pareto
distribution and used POT; references [19] introduced an
extension of the GPD and used parametric estimation.
Classical approaches, however, might not be appropriate in all
circumstances, as stated in [18]. That is why Zero-Truncated
Poisson inference could be advisable.
There aren't many approaches for combining the Pareto and
Poisson distributions. We can cite [20], who suggested using
conjugate prior distributions; thus in this paper, we derive
some structural properties of the (ZTP) and (P) distributions
based on a double integrating mechanism to it’s with a three-
parameter lifetime distribution, installing new distribution
called the Zero-Truncated Poisson Pareto distribution or in
short ZTPP distribution with three parameters, make ZTPP has
an advantage over other distributions in that it makes
estimating the model parameters simpler. To estimate the
unknown parameters of the ZTPP distribution, the maximum
likelihood method and L- method, are employed.
The researchers in this research were interested in installing
the Zero-Truncated Poisson distribution with the Pareto
Zero Truncated Poisson - Pareto Distribution: Application and Estimation
1Administration Depart-Business College, King Khalid University, Abha, SAUDI ARABIA
2Department of Statistics College of commerce - Al-Azhar University, Cairo, EGYPT
3Department of Data Science and Information Technology, Taiz University, YEMEN
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.16
Abdallah M. M Badr, Tamer Hassan,
Tarek Shams El Din, Faisal. A. M Ali
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
distribution, which resulted in a new distribution called the
Zero-Truncated Poisson Pareto distribution (ZTPP). Thus the
primary goal of this paper is propose a new life distribution
consisting of three parameters, which is a direct extension of
the Pareto distribution with two parameters. It is obtained by
integrating the Pareto distribution as a continuous distribution
with the Zero-Truncated Poisson distribution as a discrete
distribution and the new distribution is called the Zero-
Truncated Poisson Pareto distribution (ZTPP). The probability
mass function of the Zero-Truncated Poisson distribution is:
And, the cumulative distribution function of the Pareto
distribution is:
Let  be the series of independent symmetric
distributions: 󰇛󰇜then the
distribution function for U and its dynasty function are:
 
respectively. The RV 󰇛󰇜 has a
cumulative distribution function (cdf) and its probability
density function (pdf), given by:
 󰇛󰇜
 
This paper is structured as follows: in Section II is derived
the cumulative distribution function, density function, and
failure function. We also present in Section III the statistical
characteristics of the distribution and in Section IV we present
two different methods of estimation: the maximum likelihood
method and the L. Moments method. In Section V we present
the application on real data and compare the results we
obtained for the distribution with other distributions. Section
VI is the conclusion.
2. The ZTPP Distribution:
Let 󰇛󰇜 series of identical independent
distributions of random variables, the cumulative distribution
function, the probability density function, and the failure
function, respectively: 󰇛󰇜 ,󰇛󰇜 , 󰇛󰇜where N
has ZTP distribution with parameter λ. is given by (1) then a
random variable 󰇛󰇜 is the
cumulative distribution function and its probability density
function, respectively:
󰇛󰇜 ,󰇛󰇜 , 󰇛󰇜where N has ZTP distribution
with parameter λ. is given by (1) then a random variable
󰇛󰇜 is the cumulative distribution function
and its probability density function, respectively: by equation
(2) and (3) we get cumulative distribution function and its
probability density function, respectively with ZTPP:
 󰇛󰇜
where: 󰇛󰇜
Figure 1. Plots of the ZTPP CDF for some parameter values
 
Figure 2. Plots of the ZTPP PDF for some parameter values
2.1 Survival and Hazard Rate Functions:
The survival function for the ZTPP distribution and hazard
rate function of X the random variable with, 󰇛󰇜 probability
density function, 󰇛󰇜 cumulative distribution function and
survival function, 󰇛󰇜 is assumed respectively, to be given
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.16
Abdallah M. M Badr, Tamer Hassan,
Tarek Shams El Din, Faisal. A. M Ali
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
 and
Figure 3. Plots of the ZTPP HF for some parameter values
3. Mathematical Properties
The following is a derivation of some statistical properties
of the ZTPP distribution, which include moments and the
quantile function and median.
3.1 General Properties
The other ordinary moment of X is given by
Using (6), we obtain:
 󰇧
3.2 Quantile Function:
We obtained a quantile function, which is the inverse function
of equation (5), by solving the following equation F () = q
for 0 ≤ q ≤ 1:
By entering the natural logarithm on both sides of the previous
equation and solving it, we get:
By Substituting in the previous equation for, where u
follows the uniform distribution [0,1], we get:
We can use the previous inverse function to generate random
numbers to simulate the random variable of the ZTTP
The median for the distribution is obtained by substituting in
the previous inverse function for 󰇛
) as follows:
4. Estimation Methods
In this section, we offer two methods for estimating
distribution parameters in (a): Maximum Likelihood Method
and L. Moments in (b).
4.1 Maximum Likelihood Method:
The Maximum Likelihood method is one of the traditional
and widely used methods for estimating the parameters of the
model ZTPP that makes the logarithm of the Likelihood
function at its end and is easy to use analytically or
numerically with parameter estimators for large samples.
 
Let 󰇛󰇜 then:
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.16
Abdallah M. M Badr, Tamer Hassan,
Tarek Shams El Din, Faisal. A. M Ali
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
 󰇛󰇜
By deriving the function L for the parameters󰇛󰇜 is given
 󰇛󰇜
The second partial derivation of L with respect to the
parameters of the distribution is given by:
 
 
 
Covariance Matrix:
Is a square and symmetric matrix that contains
approximate covariances of the Maximum Likelihood
estimators for the parameters of the ZTPP model of that
matrix, representing the covariance between each pair of
estimators and its main diagonal contains variances. It can be
used to estimate model parameters with confidence intervals.
4.2 L. Moments (LM) Statistics
The characteristics of a one-variable distribution can be
described using moments such as mean, variance, skewness,
and kurtosis. Hosking [21] introduced another method called
L-Moments and this method can be defined as a linear set of
ordinal statistics in a similar way. Therefore, the mean vector
and the variance and variance matrix include various elements
of the covariance and its properties, which are usually used to
summarize the features of multivariate distributions. To
overcome this drawback, Serfling and Xiao [22] proposed the
multivariate L-moments method, and its components are the
central moments, but this method does not assume the central
moments of the second and higher than the second must be
specified. Suppose x is a continuous random variable, the
cumulative distribution function󰇛󰇜 and the quantitative
function 󰇛󰇜, and that:
 󰇛󰇜󰇡󰇢󰇡
For any distribution, the first four moments can easily be
calculated from the weighted moments as follows:
Hosking (1990) proposed an unbiased estimator of L-moments
as the following: Considering as the complete
Lifetimes from the (ZPP) distribution with the three
parameters, which is defined in (a) the probability-weighted
moment is based on the following steps.
Step (1): Obtain the inverse distribution 󰇛󰇜 of the
distribution, which is given by: 󰇛󰇜 is the inverse function
of the function we obtained when U=F in the equation (7).
Step (2): Obtain the theoretical probability-weighted moments
of the  ,where :
Letting 󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜 , we have
Letting  we get:
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.16
Abdallah M. M Badr, Tamer Hassan,
Tarek Shams El Din, Faisal. A. M Ali
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
then: 
 
 
From  ,  , We get
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
From the previous three equations, and by
we find that:
 
 
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇟󰇛󰇜󰇠󰇛󰇜
 
 󰇛󰇜
Step(3): Replace the theoretical probability
weighted moment  and  by their
sample estimator, since the sample estimators are:
Where is the order statistic, the first estimation
of  and  is given by:
 󰇮
 
 
 󰇮
 󰇮
 󰇛󰇜
 
 󰇛󰇜
Equation (15) and (16) can be solved for an unknown 
numerical and 󰆹 becomes easy from equation (14).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.16
Abdallah M. M Badr, Tamer Hassan,
Tarek Shams El Din, Faisal. A. M Ali
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
5. Application
Here, we compare the ZTPP distribution to the BP beta
distribution, the exponentiated pareto EP distribution, the
Pareto distribution P, and the BEP beta exponentiated pareto
distribution using an actual data sample. The models' fit is
compared with the outcomes. We take into consideration an
unedited data set that represents to remission times in months
includes 128 bladder cancer patients chosen at random. Lee et.
al [23] and Lemonte et.al [24] already examined these data. In
the case of bladder cancer, abnormal cells in the bladder
become out of control. Transitional cell carcinoma, the most
prevalent form of bladder cancer, mimics the typical urothelial
histology. The statistics data are as follows:
0.08, 0.402.02, 2.02,2.07, 2.09, 2.23, 2.26, 2.46, 2.54, 2.62,
2.64, 2.69, 2.690.20, 0.50, 0.90, 1.05, 0.51, 0.81, 1.35, 1.40,
1.19, 1.26, 1.76, , 2.75, 2.831.46, 3.02, 3.25, , 3.36, 3.36, 3.48,
, 3.31, 3.52, 3.57, 3.70, 3.82, 3.88, 4.18, 3.64, 4.23, 4.26,
4.33, , 4.40, 4.50, 4.51, 4.34, 4.87, 4.98, 5.06, 5.17, 5.32, 5.32,
5.09, 5.34, 5.41, 5.49, 5.62, 5.71, 5.41, 5.85, 6.25, 6.54, 6.93,
6.94, 6.97, 6.76, 7.09, 7.26, 7.32, 7.39, 7.59, 7.28, 7.62, 7.63,
7.66, 7.87, 8.26, 8.37, 7.93, 8.53, 8.65, 9.02, 9.22, 9.47,
8.66,9.74, 10.06, 10.34, 10.66, 10.75, 11.25, 11.64, 11.79,
11.98, 12.02, 12.03, 12.63, 13.11, 12.07, 13.29, 13.80, 14.76,
14.24, 14.77, 14.83, 16.62, 17.12, 15.96, 17.14, 17.36, 19.13,
20.28, 18.10, 21.73, 22.69, 25.74, 25.82, 23.63, 26.31, 32.15,
36.66, 43.01, 46.12, 34.26, 79.05.
Table 1. ML Estimates and Information Criteria
MLE Estimates
Comparisons of models entailed the consideration of various
criteria such as maximized likelihood −2ℓ, Akaike
Information Criterion (AIC), Consistent Akaike Information
Criterion (CAIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The
minimum values rule of AIC, BIC, CAIC is taken into
consideration for selecting the best model to fit. These
statistics are given by 
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
n is a sample size, is log-likelihood and k is the number of
parameters. Results show that our model satisfied the
minimum rule, hence it is the best one.
6. Discussion and Conclusion
In this study, we introduce a new distribution of life called
Zero Truncated Poisson Pareto distribution (ZTPP). Despite
the multiplicity of research in the field of compound
distributions, but the authors do not discuss properties for
distributions (ZTP) and (P) based on a double integrating
mechanism to the Pareto (P) distribution as a continuous
distribution with the Zero-Truncated Poisson (ZTP)
distribution as a discrete distribution, with three parameters,
thus in this paper, we derive some structural properties of the
(ZTP) and (P) distributions based on a double integrating
mechanism to it’s with three-parameter lifetime which resulted
in a new distribution called the Zero-Truncated Poisson Pareto
distribution (ZTPP) or in short ZTPP distribution. with three
parameters, the suggested distribution has an advantage over
other distributions in that it makes estimating the model
parameters simpler. To estimate the unknown parameters of
the ZTPP distribution, the maximum likelihood method and L,
method are employed. The distribution was applied to real
data to ensure the possibility of applying it to life data and
through the application, the distribution ZTPP was compared
with other distributions, as Pareto, BEP, BP, and EP, by the
comparison proving that the new distribution is better than the
distributions that had been compared with its in economics,
and other fields. Overall the result indicated the ZTPP is better
than the other distributions where the criteria values of (AIC),
(CAIC), and (BIC) are minimum values by using the ZTPP
distribution as shown in table 1.
The authors are very appreciatively thank the Editor and the
reviewers for their useful comments that improved the article.
Conflicts of Interest:
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.16
Abdallah M. M Badr, Tamer Hassan,
Tarek Shams El Din, Faisal. A. M Ali
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
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The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
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The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest