Maintenance Policy with Lifetime Reduction Based on Uncertain
Renewal Process
College of Science
Civil Aviation University of China
Tianjin 300300
Abstract: This paper focus on a (N, T )preventive maintenance (PM) policy with lifetime reduction discount
rate. In our consideration, the lifetime of component is assumed to be an uncertain variable due to the absence of
historical operational data, an uncertain (N, T )PM model with the lifetime reduction in a certain proportion is
proposed based on uncertain renewal process. Accordingly, the uncertain model, which minimizes the expected
maintenance cost rate, is formulated to find the optimal replacement cycle length Tand the number Nof pre-
ventive maintenance. Finally, a numerical example with sensitivity analysis of parameters is provided to illustrate
the proposed model, the results imply that the parameters of cost and lifetime can significantly affect the optimal
solutions Nand T, which can provide a useful reference and guidance for aircraft maintenance decision.
Key-Words: -(N, T )preventive maintenance policy, Minimal repair, Lifetime reduction, Uncertain renewal
Received: July 17, 2022. Revised: October 5, 2022. Accepted: November 6, 2022. Available online: December 19, 2022.
1 Introduction
Preventive maintenance (PM) mainly refers to the
maintenance method of carrying out a series of main-
tenance on the premise that the mechanical equip-
ment has no failure or damage, and all activities are
carried out to prevent functional failure and keep it
in the specified state through systematic inspection,
maintenance and replacement of products. There-
fore, it is usually used in engineering areas to avoid
the consequences of failure endangering safety, af-
fecting the completion of tasks or causing major eco-
nomic losses. Barlow and Hunter, [19], first pro-
posed preventive maintenance policy to reduce main-
tenance costs, together with risks and losses caused
by accidents. Kulshrestha considered the reliability
of preventive maintenance, and studied the system
with preventive maintenance under different distribu-
tions, [9]. Beichelt, [10], gave the optimum preven-
tive maintenance of systems, which were age replace-
ment policy and minimal repair policy, when the sys-
tem may have two kinds of faults.
Over time, maintenance issues are attracting more
and more attention. Boland and Proschan, [18], pro-
posed to replace or repair regularly at a fixed multiple
of the predetermined time T, and minimal repair if
the item failed. And in [21], Nakagawa presented the
minimal repair strategy in the age replacement pol-
icy. If the components failed before T, minimal re-
pair was carried out. When the components failed in
the fixed cycle T, we carried out the preventive re-
placement. A repairable item system, performance
of which was measured by a service level, was intro-
duced by De Haas and Verrijdt, [12], for the main-
tenance support of a flet of aircraft. In [22], Makis
and Cheng considered a repair/replacement problem
for a single unit system with random repair cost.
When the component failed, we decided whether to
replace or repair it by observing the repair cost. Park
et al., [17], developed a renewable minimal repair-
replacement warranty policy and proposed an opti-
mal maintenance model after the warranty expires.
In [20], Gopalan proposed an inverse optimization
model, and performed all required aircraft mainte-
nance activities with a stipulated periodicity. Safaei et
al., [11], proposed a policy to determine whether a re-
pairable system should be repaired or replaced with a
new system when it failed in the optimization of main-
tenance policy.
As mentioned in the previous literatures, the life-
times of the components were usually assumed as a
stochastic variable. As we know, only when there
are enough samples can the knowledge of probabil-
ity theory be applied. In this paper, the components
we focus on are made of new materials, and have
few or even no historical operating data of their life-
time. In this case, we usually invite some domain ex-
perts to provide belief degree of lifetime to estimate
its distribution. However, human often tends to over-
estimate unlikely events ( Tversky and Kahneman in
[13]), which make the variance of belief degree much
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.4
Chunxiao Zhang, Xiaona Liu, Xinwang Li, Yizhou Bai
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
greater than that of the frequency, and the probability
theory is no longer suitable. To deal with this kind of
problem, uncertainty theory was founded by Liu, [1],
then refined by Liu, [3], which has become a branch
of axiomatic mathematics.
At present, the uncertainty theory based on Profes-
sor Liu has been further developed and applied in var-
ious fields of practical production practice. Liu in [2]
provided an independent and comprehensive uncer-
tain programming theory to solve modeling optimiza-
tion problems in uncertain environments. In [24], Liu
and Ha proved the expected values of monotone func-
tions with uncertain variables and gave some useful
expressions for the expected values of functions with
uncertain variables. In the same year, Liu, [3], de-
fined an uncertain renewal process, in which events
occurred continuously and independently of one an-
other in uncertain times. Next, Yao and Li, [14], pro-
posed an uncertain alternating renewal process, which
its alternating arrival time was an uncertain variable.
Then, several researchers applied the uncertainty
renewal process in maintenance areas. Yao and Dan,
[15], assumed that the lifetime of component was an
uncertain variable based on the age replacement pol-
icy involving random age, and found out the optimal
time to replace the component. Zhang and Guo, [5],
discussed the optimal age replacement policy for the
lifetime of components in different uncertainty distri-
butions. Next year, Zhang and Guo in [6] proposed an
uncertain block replacement model without replace-
ment in case of failure, and the existence conditions of
the optimal replacement time were given. Yao, [16],
gave an uncertain block replacement policy, assum-
ing that the lifetime of the components was an uncer-
tain variable. Recently, based on the uncertainty the-
ory, an uncertain (N, T )block replacement policy for
aircraft structures with corrosion damage was studied
by Zhang and Li, [7]. Zhang and Li, [8], proposed
an extended uncertain stochastic renewal reward the-
orem, and established an uncertain random program-
ming model with the objective of minimizing the ex-
pected maintenance cost rate.
In this paper, we consider a (N, T )preventive
maintenance policy with lifetime reduction discount
rate. The policy means that a component is carried out
preventive maintenance at the fixed time KT (K=
1,2, . . . , N)symmetrically, and after each imperfect
preventive maintenance, the lifetime of component
will be reduced by β(0 β1), where βis
a specific number. We only carry out minimal re-
pairs between preventive maintenance KT and (K+
1)T(K= 1,2, . . . , N), then this component is re-
placed by a new one at the time NT (N= 1,2, . . .).
Assuming that the lifetime of new component is an
uncertain variable due to no historical operation data,
we will develop an uncertain (N, T )preventive main-
tenance model that minimizes the expected mainte-
nance cost based on the uncertain renewal process,
where the renewal cycle length Tand the number N
of preventive maintenance are decision variables.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we make the problem description. In Sec-
tion 3 we build a uncertain (N, T )preventive mainte-
nance model in uncertain circumstance, and analyze
its optimal solution. A numerical example with pa-
rameter sensitivity analysis is provided, which illus-
trates the usefulness of the proposed model in Section
4. Finally, the Section 5 presents some conclusions.
2 Problem description
In this section, we consider a uncertain (N, T )
preventive maintenance policy with lifetime reduc-
tion discount rate, where the lifetime of component
is regarded as an uncertain variable. The component
needs to carry out preventive maintenance at the fixed
time KT (K= 1,2, . . . , N ). After each imperfect
preventive maintenance, the lifetime of component
will deduce by xunits. Then, preventive replacement
is made at the Nth preventive maintenance. Here, we
assume that the failure rate is reduced to 0 after mini-
mal repair, each PM is an imperfect preventive main-
tenance and the time of minimal repair and preventive
maintenance are negligible. The preventive mainte-
nance policy we proposed can be illustrated using the
notations in Fig.1.
Fig.1: Preventive maintenance policy based on
lifetime discount rate (x= (1 β)ξ)
In order to better establish the model, some nota-
tions are made as follows:
T: the replacement cycle length of preventive
N: the number of preventive maintenance;
ξk: the lifetime of components in the kth(k=
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.4
Chunxiao Zhang, Xiaona Liu, Xinwang Li, Yizhou Bai
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
1,2, . . . , N)preventive maintenance cycle, is an un-
certain variable;
β: the percentage of component lifetime reduction
after each preventive maintenance(0 β1), then
the lifetime of the component after the kth preventive
maintenance is ξk=βk1ξ1(K= 1,2, . . . , N);
Φ(t): the uncertainty distribution function of
structural component lifetime ξ1in the first preven-
tive maintenance cycle;
M(k): the number of minimal repair from the
(k1)th to the kth preventive maintenance, is an
uncertain renewal process;
c1: cost of minimal repair of components before
time T;
c2: cost of preventive maintenance of components
at time T;
c3: replacement cost of components at time N T ,
c3> c2.
3 Mathematical formulation
According to the above notations, the total cost of
the whole preventive renewal cycle can be expressed
T C(N, T, ξ) = c1
M(k) + c2(N1) + c3(1)
Then, based on the above analysis, the objective
function is
C(N, T, ξ) =
M(k) + c2(N1) + c3
NT (2)
where c1
M(k)is total minimal repair cost,
c2(N1) is total cost of preventive maintenance, c3
is the cost of planned replacement at time NT .
Recall ξis an uncertain variable, the cost rate func-
tion C(N, T, ξ)is an uncertain variable as well, so it
cannot be directly minimized with respect to Nand
T, and we may minimize its expected value:
C(N;T) = min
N,T E[C(N, T, ξ)](3)
That is, the optimal N, T should be solved by the
following model:
M(k)) + c2(N1)+c3
In order to solve the model (4), we present the fol-
lowing lemmas:
Lemma 3.1 [23] Let fand gbe comonotonic func-
tions. Then for any uncertain variables ξ, we have
E[f(ξ) + g(ξ)] = E[f(ξ)] + E[g(ξ)] (5)
And then, the Lemma 3.1 can be extended to a limited
Lemma 3.2 [1] Let ξbe an uncertain variable with
uncertainty distribution Φ(x). Then
E(ξ) = +
(1 Φ (x))dx 0
Φ (x)dx (6)
Lemma 3.3 [3] Let M(k)be a renewal process with
iid positive uncertain interarrival times ξ1, ξ2, ξ3, . . ..
If Φkis the common regular uncertainty distribution
of those interarrival times, then M(k)has an uncer-
tainty distribution
γk(x) = 1 Φk(T
x+ 1),x0(7)
where xrepresents the maximal integer less than or
equal to x.
Since M(k)(k= 1,2, . . . , N)is respectively a
subtractive function of ξk(k= 1,2, . . . , N), accord-
ing to Lemma 3.1, we have:
M(k)] =
E[M(k)] (8)
From Lemma 3.2 and Lemma 3.3:
E[M(k)] =
x+ 1)dx (9)
For ξk=βk1ξ1, it has
Φk(x) = M(ξkx)
= Φ x
βk1, k > 1
E[M(k)] =
x+ 1)dx
Φ( T
1k+ 1)dx
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.4
Chunxiao Zhang, Xiaona Liu, Xinwang Li, Yizhou Bai
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Substitute E[M(k)] into (4), the model is trans-
formed into:
C(N;T) = min
N,T E[C(N, T, ξ)]
M(k)) + c2(N1)+c3
0Φ( T
1k+1 )dx +c2(N1)+c3
Next, we discuss the optimal solution of the
For specified T > 0and β, we seek an optimum
replacement number N(1 N )that mini-
mizes C(N, T ). From the inequality C(N+ 1; T)
C(N;T), that is
0Φ( T
1k+1 )dx +c2N+c3
(N+ 1) T
0Φ( T
1k+1 )dx +c2(N1)+c3
NT (13)
We have,
(N= 1,2,···)(14)
L(N;T) = N
N+ 1dx
1k+ 1dx
N+ 1ΦT
1k+ 1dx
Φ T
N+ 1T
1k+ 1dx
In addition, we have
L(N+ 1; T)L(N;T)
Φ T
N1+ 1T
1k+ 1dx
Φ T
N+ 1T
1k+ 1dx
= (N+ 1)
Φ T
N1+ 1T
N+ 1dx
It can be seen that the above formula (16) is always
greater than 0. So L(N;T), when Tand βare speci-
fied, is a constant increasing function with respect to
Therefore, we have the following optimum policy:
(i) If L(;T)limN→∞L(N;T)>
(c3c2)/c1, then there exists a finite and unique
minimum Nthat satisfies (14).
(ii) If L(;T)(c3c2)/c1, then N=,
and the expected cost rate is
C(;T) = lim
N→∞ C(N;T)
0Φ( T
1k+1 )dx +c2(N1)+c3
0Φ( T
1k+1 )dx
NT +c2
4 Numerical example
In this section, we apply our policy to the mainte-
nance of a new kind of aircraft parts, such as cargo
bulkhead, which is made by a new developed alu-
minum alloy. The data of the lifetime are unavailable,
and as a result, the lifetime is regarded as a uncertain
variable with regular uncertainty distribution. We in-
vite some experts in the field of cargo bulkhead to pro-
vide possible lifetime and belief degrees. According
to the experts’ belief, we find that the lifetime of cargo
bulkhead follows a normal uncertain distribution, [1].
And then the uncertainty distribution function of the
lifetime ξ1is:
Φ (x) = 1 + exp π(ex)
, x (18)
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.4
Chunxiao Zhang, Xiaona Liu, Xinwang Li, Yizhou Bai
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
0Φ( T
1k+1 )dx +c2(N1)+c3
1 + exp
1k+1 )
NT (19)
According to the principle of least squares given
by Liu in [4], we obtain the estimated values of un-
known parameters of the uncertainty distribution: ˆe=
10,ˆσ=3. Let the minimal repair cost of compo-
nent c1= $1.5, cost of preventive maintenance c2=
$5, and the cost of planned replacement c3= $25.
The optimal solutions of the number Nand replace-
ment cycle length Tof preventive maintenance are
obtained for minimizing the expected cost function
C(N;T), and shown in Fig.2.
Fig.2: Optimal replacement cycle length Tand the
number Nof preventive maintenance
It can be found from the Fig.2 that the objec-
tive function is a convex function, that is, there is
an optimal solution. We can obtain the minimal cost
C(N;T)when N= 6 and T= 3.2. So, the air-
craft cargo bulkhead shoud be subject to preventive
maintenance every 3.2 years, and can be planned to
be replaced at the 6th preventive maintenance. Then,
the minimal preventive maintenance cost is calculated
to be $2.604.
The sensitivity analysis of parameters in our model
are given in Fig.3.
Fig.3: Optimal replacement cycle length Tfor
increasing values of (i) c1, (ii) c2, (iii) c3, (iv) e
Analyzing from Fig.3 (i) to (iii), we can see that
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.4
Chunxiao Zhang, Xiaona Liu, Xinwang Li, Yizhou Bai
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
the optimal value is significantly sensitive with re-
spect to cost factor. Fig.3 (i) shows that the optimal
replacement cycle length Tis decreasing with the
growth of the cost of minimal repair c1, and decreases
more slowly with an increasing value of c1, which in-
dicates that the replacement cycle length should be
shortened when the cost of minimal repair is too high.
Fig.3 (ii), (iii) indicate that the optimal replacement
cycle length Tis increasing with the cost of preven-
tive maintenance c2increases, and when the replace-
ment cost c3is large enough, Twill increase, too. It
can be interpreted that the replacement cycle length
should be extended properly to reduce the cost rate
if the cost of preventive maintenance c2and the re-
placement cost c3are too much in a replacement cy-
cle. From Fig.3 (iv), the optimal replacement cycle
length Tincreases when the ebecomes large.
Meanwhile, in Fig.3 (i) to (iii), the optimal re-
placement cycle length Tis inversely proportional
to the number of preventive maintenance N, that is,
when the number Nis increasing, the optimal re-
placement cycle length Tis on a downtrend. How-
ever, in Fig.3 (iv), the optimal replacement cycle
length Tis proportional to the number of preventive
maintenance N.
5 Conclusion
This paper studied the preventive maintenance
policy with lifetime reduction discount rate based on
the uncertain renewal process. A kind of component
which was made by a new developed composite ma-
terial, so there was no historical data to obtain the
probability distribution of the lifetime, the stochastic
method was not applicable for our research yet. Thus,
the lifetime of component was regarded as an uncer-
tain variable, and considering that the lifetime of com-
ponent would reduce by a fixed unit after each imper-
fect preventive maintenance. Next, we took the pre-
ventive maintenance cycle Tand number Nas the de-
cision variables, the minimal expected cost rate as the
objective function. Then, a preventive maintenance
model with the lifetime reduction discount rate was
established. Finally, a numerical example was given
and the sensitivity analysis of the parameters were
made. The results showed that the optimal preven-
tive replacement cycle length Twould decrease with
the increase of minimal repair cost of component, and
increase with the increase of preventive maintenance
cost and replacement cost.
In the future works, we may focus on the following
(i) In this work, the time of minimal repair and
preventive maintenance are negligible. Next, we can
consider the situation that its time can not be ignored
in the future.
(ii) Also, in this work, we assumed that the life-
time of component follows an uncertain distribution
due to no available lifetime data. Furthermore, when
the operational data is fully obtained, some random
lifetime distributions for the original system lifetime
can be considered, such as weibull or normal distri-
The authors would like to thank the editors
and reviewers for their valuable comments on the
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Contribution of individual authors to
the creation of a scientific article
Chunxiao Zhang proposed the idea of the model and
checked the correctness of the manuscript.
Xiaona Liu established the mathematical model and
gave the existence conditions of the solution.
Xinwang Li gave an numerical example and wrote
the article.
Yizhou Bai checked the logic of the article and the
coherence of the language.
Sources of funding for research
presented in a scientific article or
scientific article itself
This work is supported by the Open Fund of Civil
Aviation University of China for Provincial and
Ministerial Scientific Research Institutions under
Grant No.TKLAM202201.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.4
Chunxiao Zhang, Xiaona Liu, Xinwang Li, Yizhou Bai
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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