Some properties of , α)-open sets
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Research Unit
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University
Maha Sarakham, 44150
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Research Unit
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University
Maha Sarakham, 44150
Abstract: The purpose of the present paper is to introduce new classes of generalized , α)-open sets, namely
s, α)-open sets, p, α)-open sets, α, α)-open sets, β, α)-open sets and b, α)-open sets. Moreover, some
properties of s, α)-open sets, p, α)-open sets, α, α)-open sets, β, α)-open sets and b, α)-open sets are
Key–Words: , α)-closed set, , α)-open set,
Received: May 21, 2022. Revised: September 7, 2022. Accepted: October 2, 2022. Available online: November 22, 2022.
1 Introduction
In 1963, Levine [7] introduced and investigated the
concepts of semi-open sets and semi-continuity in
topological spaces. It is shown in [11] that semi-
continuity is equivalent to quasicontinuity due to Mar-
cus [8]. In 1997, Park et al. [13] introduced and
studied the concept of δ-semi-open sets in topolog-
ical spaces. In 2001, Lee et al. [6] investigated
the further properties of δ-semi-open sets and related
sets. On the other hand, Mashhour et al. [9] intro-
duced the concepts of preopen sets and precontinu-
ous functions. As generalizations of these concepts,
Raychaudhuri and Mukherjee [10] defined δ-preopen
sets and δ-almost continuous functions. Nj˚
astad [12]
introduced a new class of near open sets in a topo-
logical space, so called α-open sets. The class of
α-open sets is contained in the class of semi-open
and preopen sets and contains open sets. In 2002,
Ganster et al. [4] introduced the concepts of pre-Λ-
sets and pre-Λ-sets in a given topological space and
investigated the topologies defined by these families
of sets. In 2004, Georgiou [5] introduced and stud-
ied the notion of , δ)-closed sets and showed that
, δ)-compactness and , δ)-connectedness are pre-
served by , δ)-continuous surjections. In 2007, Cal-
das et al. [3] introduced and investigated the concepts
of Λα-sets and , α)-closed sets which are defined
by utilizing the notions of α-open sets and α-closed
sets. In [2], the present authors introduced and inves-
tigated the concept of , θ)-open sets in topological
spaces. Quite recently, some properties of , sp)-
open sets are studied in [1]. In this paper, we introduce
new classes of sets called s, α)-open sets, p, α)-
open sets, α, α)-open sets, β, α)-open sets and
b, α)-open sets. The relationships between these
concepts are considered. Moreover, some properties
of s, α)-open sets, p, α)-open sets, α, α)-open
sets, β, α)-open sets and b, α)-open sets are dis-
2 Preliminaries
Throughout the paper, space (X, τ )(or simply X) al-
ways mean a topological space on which no separa-
tion axioms are assumed unless explicitly stated. Let
Abe a subset of a topological space (X, τ ). The
closure of Aand the interior of Aare denoted by
Cl(A)and Int(A), respectively. A subset Aof a
topological space (X, τ )is said to be α-open [12] if
AInt(Cl(Int(A))). The complement of an α-open
set is called α-closed. The family of all α-open sets in
a topological space (X, τ)is denoted by α(X, τ ). Let
Abe a subset of a topological space (X, τ). A subset
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Λα(A)[3] is defined as follows:
Λα(A) = ∩{Oα(X, τ)|AO}.
Lemma 1. [3] For subsets A,Band Ai(iI)of
a topological space (X, τ ), the following properties
(1) AΛα(A).
(2) If AB, then Λα(A)Λα(B).
(3) Λαα(A)) = Λα(A).
(4) Λα(∩{Ai|iI}) ∩{Λα(Ai)|iI}.
(5) Λα(∪{Ai|iI}) = ∪{Λα(Ai)|iI}.
A subset Aof a topological space (X, τ)is called
aΛα-set [3] if A= Λα(A).
Lemma 2. [3] For subsets Aand Ai(iI)of a topo-
logical space (X, τ ), the following properties hold:
(1) Λα(A)is a Λα-set.
(2) If Ais α-open, then Ais a Λα-set.
(3) If Aiis a Λα-set for each iI, then iIAiis a
(4) If Aiis a Λα-set for each iI, then iIAiis a
A subset Aof a topological space (X, τ)is called
, α)-closed [3] if A=TC, where Tis a Λα-
set and Cis an α-closed set. The complement of a
, α)-closed set is called , α)-open. The collec-
tion of all , α)-open (resp. , α)-closed) sets in
a topological space (X, τ)is denoted by ΛαO(X, τ )
(resp. ΛαC(X, τ )). Let Abe a subset of a topologi-
cal space (X, τ). A point xXis called a , α)-
cluster point of A[3] if for every , α)-open set U
of Xcontaining xwe have AU=. The set of all
, α)-cluster points of Ais called the , α)-closure
of Aand is denoted by A).
Lemma 3. [3] Let Aand Bbe subsets of a topolog-
ical space (X, τ). For the , α)-closure, the follow-
ing properties hold:
(1) AA)and [A)])=A).
(2) A)=∩{F|AFand Fis , α)-closed}.
(3) If AB, then A)B).
(4) Ais , α)-closed if and only if A=A).
(5) A)is , α)-closed.
Definition 4. Let Abe a subset of a topological space
(X, τ). The union of all , α)-open sets contained in
Ais called the , α)-interior of Aand is denoted by
Lemma 5. Let Aand Bbe subsets of a topological
space (X, τ). For the , α)-interior, the following
properties hold:
(1) A)Aand [A)])=A).
(2) If AB, then A)B).
(3) Ais , α)-open if and only if A)=A.
(4) A)is , α)-open.
(5) (XA))=XA).
3 Some properties of , α)-open sets
In this section, we introduce new classes of sets called
s, α)-open sets, p, α)-open sets, α, α)-open
sets, β, α)-open sets and b, α)-open sets. We
also investigate some of their fundamental properties.
Definition 6. A subset Aof a topological space (X, τ )
is said to be:
(i) s, α)-open if A[A)]);
(ii) p, α)-open if A[A)]);
(iii) α, α)-open if A[[A)])]);
(iv) β, α)-open if A[[A)])]).
The family of all s, α)-open (resp. p, α)-
open, α, α)-open, β, α)-open) sets in a topolog-
ical space (X, τ)is denoted by sΛαO(X, τ )(resp.
pΛαO(X, τ ),αΛαO(X, τ ),βΛαO(X, τ)).
The complement of a s, α)-open (resp.
p, α)-open, α, α)-open, β, α)-open) set is
called s, α)-closed (resp. p, α)-closed,α, α)-
closed,β, α)-closed). The family of all s, α)-
closed (resp. p, α)-closed, α, α)-closed,
β, α)-closed) sets in a topological space (X, τ )
is denoted by sΛαC(X, τ)(resp. pΛαC(X, τ ),
αΛαC(X, τ ),βΛαO(X, τ )).
Proposition 7. For a topological space (X, τ ), the
following properties hold:
(1) ΛαO(X, τ )αΛαO(X, τ )sΛαO(X, τ)
βΛαO(X, τ).
(2) αΛαO(X, τ )pΛαO(X, τ )βΛαO(X, τ).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
(3) αΛαO(X, τ ) = sΛαO(X, τ )pΛαO(X, τ).
Proof. (1) Let VΛαO(X, τ ). Then, V=
[[V)])]). This shows that ΛαO(X, τ )
αΛαO(X, τ )sΛαO(X, τ )βΛαO(X, τ).
(2) Let VαΛαO(X, τ ). Then, we have
V[V)])[[V)])]). Thus,
αΛαO(X, τ )pΛαO(X, τ )βΛαO(X, τ).
(3) Let VsΛαO(X, τ )pΛαO(X, τ ). Then,
VsΛαO(X, τ )and VpΛαO(X, τ ). Therefore,
V[V)])and V[V)]). Thus, V
[V)])[[V)])]). This shows that
VαΛαO(X, τ )and hence
sΛαO(X, τ )pΛαO(X, τ )αΛαO(X, τ).
On the other hand, by (1) and (2),αΛαO(X, τ )
sΛαO(X, τ )pΛαO(X, τ ). Thus, αΛαO(X, τ ) =
sΛαO(X, τ )pΛαO(X, τ ).
Definition 8. A subset Aof a topological space (X, τ )
is called r, α)-open if A= [A)]). The
complement of a r, α)-open set is called r, α)-
The family of all r, α)-open (resp. r, α)-
closed) sets in a topological space (X, τ )is denoted
by rΛαO(X, τ )(resp. rΛαC(X, τ )).
Proposition 9. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties hold:
(1) Ais r, α)-open if and only if A=F)for
some , α)-closed set F.
(2) Ais r, α)-closed if and only if A=U)for
some , α)-open set U.
Proposition 10. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties hold:
(1) Ais s, α)-closed if and only if [A)])
(2) Ais p, α)-closed if and only if [A)])
(3) Ais α, α)-closed if and only if
(4) Ais β, α)-closed if and only if
Lemma 11. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties hold:
(1) [[[A)])])])= [A)]).
(2) [[[A)])])])= [A)]).
Proposition 12. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
(1) Ais r, α)-open.
(2) Ais , α)-open and s, α)-closed.
(3) Ais α, α)-open and s, α)-closed.
(4) Ais p, α)-open and s, α)-closed.
(5) Ais , α)-open and β, α)-closed.
(6) Ais α, α)-open and β, α)-closed.
Proof. (1) (2) (3) (4): Obvious.
(4) (5): Let Abe , α)-open and s, α)-
closed. Then, A[A)])and [A)])
A. Therefore, A= [A)]). Thus, Ais r, α)-
open and hence Ais , α)-open. Since Ais s, α)-
closed, Ais β, α)-closed. This shows that Ais
, α)-open and β, α)-closed.
(5) (6): The proof is obvious.
(6) (1): Let Abe α, α)-open and
β, α)-closed. Then, A[[A)])])
and [[A)])])A. Thus,
A= [[A)])])and hence A)=
[[[A)])])])= [A)]). By
Lemma 11, [A)])= [[A)])])=A.
Therefore, Ais r, α)-open.
Corollary 13. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
(1) Ais r, α)-closed.
(2) Ais , α)-closed and s, α)-open.
(3) Ais α, α)-closed and s, α)-open.
(4) Ais p, α)-closed and s, α)-open.
(5) Ais , α)-closed and β, α)-open.
(6) Ais α, α)-closed and β, α)-open.
Definition 14. A subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ)is called , α)-clopen if Ais both , α)-open
and , α)-closed.
Proposition 15. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
(1) Ais , α)-clopen.
(2) Ais r, α)-open and r, α)-closed.
(3) Ais , α)-open and α, α)-closed.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
(4) Ais , α)-open and p, α)-closed.
(5) Ais α, α)-open and p, α)-closed.
(6) Ais α, α)-open and , α)-closed.
(7) Ais p, α)-open and , α)-closed.
(8) Ais β, α)-open and α, α)-closed.
Proof. (1) (2): Let Abe a , α)-clopen set.
Then, we have A=A)=A)and hence
A= [A)])= [A)]). This shows
that Ais r, α)-open. Thus, Ais r, α)-open and
r, α)-closed.
(2) (3): Let Abe r, α)-open and
r, α)-closed. Then, A= [A)])=
[A)]). Thus, A)= [[A)])])=
[A)])=Aand hence
[[A)])])= [[A)])])
= [A)])=A.
Consequently, we obtain Ais , α)-open and
α, α)-closed.
(3) (4): Suppose that Ais , α)-
open and α, α)-closed. Then, we have A=
A)and [[A)])])A, by Lemma
11, [A)])= [[[A)])])])=
[[A)])])A. Thus, Ais p, α)-closed.
This shows that Ais , α)-open and p, α)-closed.
(4) (5): Let Abe , α)-open and p, α)-
closed. Then, A=A)and [A)])A.
Thus, A=A)[[A)])])A)
and hence [[A)])])=A)=A. There-
fore, Ais α, α)-open. Thus, Ais α, α)-open and
p, α)-closed.
(5) (6): Let Abe α, α)-open
and p, α)-closed. Then, we have A
[[A)])])and [[A)])])A.
Thus, A= [[A)])])and hence
A)= [[[A)])])]). By Lemma
11, we have A)= [A)]). Since
[A)])A, we have A)Aand
hence A)=A. Therefore, Ais , α)-closed and
α, α)-open.
(6) (7): Let Abe α, α)-open and , α)-
closed. Then, A[[A)])])and A=
A), by Lemma 11, A[[A)])])
[[[A)])])])= [A)]). This
shows that Ais p, α)-open. Thus, Ais p, α)-
open and , α)-closed.
(7) (8): Let Abe p, α)-open and , α)-
closed. Then, we have A[A)])and A=
A). Thus, [[A)])])A)=A.
Therefore, Ais p, α)-open and α, α)-closed.
(8) (1): Let Abe p, α)-open and
α, α)-closed. Then, A[A)])and
[[A)])])A. Therefore, A)
[[A)])])Aand hence A)
A. This shows that A=A). Thus, A
is , α)-closed. Since [[A)])])A,
[[[A)])])])A), by Lemma 11,
we have A[A)])A)and hence
AA). This implies that A=A). There-
fore, Ais , α)-open. Consequently, we obtain Ais
, α)-clopen.
Definition 16. A subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ)is called α, α)--open (resp. β, α)--
open) if A= [[A)])])(resp. A=
Proposition 17. A subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ)is r, α)-open if and only if Ais α, α)--
Proof. Suppose that Ais a r, α)-open set. Then,
A= [A)]). Thus, Ais , α)-open and hence
A= [[A)])]). Therefore, Ais α, α)--
Conversely, suppose that Ais a α, α)--open
set. Then, A= [[A)])]). By Lemma 11,
[A)])= [[[[A)])])])])
= [[A)])])=A.
This shows that Ais r, α)-open.
Proposition 18. A subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ)is r, α)-closed if and only if Ais β, α)--
Proof. Suppose that Ais a r, α)-closed set.
Then, we have A= [A)])and hence A
is , α)-closed. Thus, A= [A)])=
[[A)])]). Therefore, Ais β, α)--open.
Conversely, suppose that Ais a β, α)--open
set. Then, A= [[A)])])and by Lemma
11, [A)])= [[[[A)])])])])=
[[A)])])=A. Thus, Ais r, α)-closed.
Proposition 19. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
(1) Ais β, α)--open.
(2) Ais β, α)-open and , α)-closed.
(3) Ais β, α)-open and α, α)-closed.
Proposition 20. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
(1) Ais α, α)--open.
(2) Ais , α)-open and β, α)-closed.
(3) Ais α, α)-open and β, α)-closed.
Definition 21. A subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ)is said to be b, α)-open if A
[A)])[A)]). The complement of a
b, α)-open set is said to be b, α)-closed.
The family of all b, α)-open (resp. b, α)-
closed) sets in a topological space (X, τ )is denoted
by bΛαO(X, τ )(resp. bΛαC(X, τ )).
Remark 22. It is easy to see that for a topological
space (X, τ ),
sΛαO(X, τ )pΛαO(X, τ )bΛαO(X, τ)
βΛαO(X, τ).
Proposition 23. Let Abe a subset of a topologi-
cal space (X, τ ). If A=BC, where Bis a
s, α)-open set and Cis a p, α)-open set, then
Ais b, α)-open.
Corollary 24. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
(1) Ais r, α)-open.
(2) Ais , α)-open and b, α)-closed.
(3) Ais α, α)-open and b, α)-closed.
Lemma 25. Let Abe a subset of a topological space
(X, τ). If Ais both s, α)-closed and β, α)-open,
then Ais s, α)-open.
Proof. Suppose that Ais both s, α)-closed
and β, α)-open. Since Ais s, α)-closed,
[A)])A. Since Ais β, α)-open,
Thus, [A)])A)and hence
[[A)])])[A)]). Therefore,
Ais s, α)-open.
Proposition 26. Let Abe a subset of a topological
space (X, τ ). If Ais b, α)-open, then A)is
r, α)-closed.
Proof. Let Abe b, α)-open. Then, we have A
[A)])[A)]). Thus,
= [[A)])])A)
and hence A)= [[A)])]). This shows
that A)is r, α)-closed.
Corollary 27. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following hold:
(1) If Ais s, α)-open, then A)is r, α)-
(2) If Ais p, α)-open, then A)is r, α)-
(3) If Ais α, α)-open, then A)is r, α)-
Proposition 28. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
(1) AβΛαO(X, τ ).
(2) A)rΛαC(X, τ ).
(3) A)βΛαO(X, τ ).
(4) A)sΛαO(X, τ ).
(5) A)bΛαO(X, τ).
Proof. (1) (2): Let AβΛαO(X, τ ).
Then, we have A[[A)])])and hence
A)[[A)])])A). Thus,
A)= [[A)])]). Consequently, we ob-
tain A)rΛαC(X, τ ).
(2) (3): Let A)rΛαC(X, τ ). Then,
A)= [[A)])])and so A)=
[[A)])])= [[[A)])])]).
Therefore, A)βΛαO(X, τ ).
(3) (4): Let A)βΛαO(X, τ ).
Then, we have A)[[[A)])])]).
Therefore, A)[[[A)])])])=
[[A)])]). Thus, A)sΛαO(X, τ ).
(4) (5): The proof is obvious.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
(5) (1): Let A)bΛαO(X, τ ). Then, we
= [A)])[[A)])])
= [[A)])]).
This shows that AβΛαO(X, τ).
Corollary 29. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
(1) AβΛαC(X, τ).
(2) A)rΛαO(X, τ ).
(3) A)βΛαC(X, τ ).
(4) A)sΛαC(X, τ ).
(5) A)bΛαC(X, τ ).
Definition 30. A subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ)is called rs, α)-open if there exists a
r, α)-open set Usuch that UAU).
The complement of a rs, α)-open set is said to be
rs, α)-closed.
The family of all rs, α)-open (resp. rs, α)-
closed) sets in a topological space (X, τ )is denoted
by rsΛαO(X, τ)(resp. rsΛαC(X, τ )).
Proposition 31. For a subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties are equivalent:
(1) Ais rs, α)-open.
(2) Ais s, α)-open and s, α)-closed.
(3) Ais b, α)-open and s, α)-closed.
(4) Ais β, α)-open and s, α)-closed.
(5) Ais s, α)-open and b, α)-closed.
(6) Ais s, α)-open and β, α)-closed.
Proof. (1) (2): Let Ube a r, α)-open set such
that UAU). Then, UA)and hence
AU)[A)]). Therefore, Ais s, α)-
open. On the other hand, since U)=A)and
Uis r, α)-open, [A)])= [U)])=
UA. Thus, Ais s, α)-closed.
(2) (3) and (3) (4): The proofs are obvi-
(4) (5): The proof is obvious.
(5) (6): This is obvious since bΛαO(X, τ )
βΛαO(X, τ ).
(6) (1): Since Ais s, α)-open and β, α)-
closed, Ais s, α)-closed. Thus, [A)])
A[A)])[[A)])]). Let U=
[A)]). Then, Uis r, α)-open and UA
U). Therefore, Ais rs, α)-open.
Proposition 32. Let (X, τ )be a topological space
and xX. Then, {x}is , α)-open if and only
if {x}is s, α)-open.
Proof. The necessity is clear. Suppose that {x}is
s, α)-open. Then, {x} [{x})]). Now,
{x})is either {x}or . Since )=and
{x} [{x})]), we have {x})=. Thus,
{x})={x}and hence {x}is , α)-open.
Lemma 33. Let Abe a subset of a topological space
(X, τ). If UΛαO(X, τ )and UA=, then
Proposition 34. Let (X, τ )be a topological space
and xX. Then, the following properties are equiv-
(1) {x}is p, α)-open.
(2) {x}is b, α)-open.
(3) {x}is β, α)-open.
Proof. (1) (2) and (2) (3): The proofs are
(3) (1): Let {x}be β, α)-open. As-
sume that {x}is not p, α)-open. Then, {x}*
[{x})])and so {x} [{x})])=.
Since [{x})])is , α)-open, by Lemma
33, {x})[{x})])=and hence
[{x})])=. Thus, [[{x})])])=
)=. This is a contradiction.
Proposition 35. Let (X, τ )be a topological space
and xX. Then, {x}is p, α)-open or {x}is
α, α)-closed.
Proof. Assume that {x}is not p, α)-open. Then,
{x}*[{x})])and so {x} [{x})])=
. Since [{x})])is , α)-open, by Lemma
33, {x})[{x})])=and hence
[{x})])=. Thus, [[{x})])])=
)=. This shows that {x}is α, α)-
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Proposition 36. Let Abe a subset of a topological
space (X, τ). Then, Ais s, α)-open if and only if
there exists a , α)-open set Usuch that UA
Proof. Suppose that Ais s, α)-open. Then, A
[A)]). Let U=A). Then, Uis a , α)-
open set such that UAU).
Conversely, assume that there exists a , α)-
open set Usuch that UAU). Then,
UA)and hence U)[A)]). Since
AU), we have A[A)]). Thus, Ais
s, α)-open.
Proposition 37. Let Abe a subset of a topological
space (X, τ). If there exists a p, α)-open set Usuch
that UAU)then Ais β, α)-open.
Proof. Since UAU), we have A)=
U)and hence [A)])= [U)]). Since
Uis p, α)-open, U[A)]). Thus, A
[[A)])])and hence Ais β, α)-open.
Theorem 38. For a topological space (X, τ ), the fol-
lowing properties are equivalent:
(1) Every s, α)-open set of Xis α, α)-open.
(2) Every s, α)-open set of Xis p, α)-open.
(3) Every β, α)-open set of Xis p, α)-open.
(4) Every b, α)-open set of Xis p, α)-open.
(5) Every rs, α)-open set of Xis p, α)-open.
(6) Every rs, α)-open set of Xis r, α)-open.
(7) Every r, α)-closed set of Xis p, α)-open.
(8) Every r, α)-closed set of Xis , α)-open.
Proof. (1) (2): The proof is obvious.
(2) (3): Let Abe a β, α)-open set.
Then, A[[A)])]). Let B=
[[A)])]). Then, Bis r, α)-closed and so
Bis s, α)-open. By (2),Bis p, α)-open and
hence AB[B)])=B). Thus,
BA). Therefore, B)[A)]). This
shows that A[A)]). Consequently, we ob-
tain Ais p, α)-open.
(3) (4): The proof is obvious.
(4) (5): Since rsΛαO(X, τ )sΛαO(X, τ )
and sΛαO(X, τ )bΛαO(X, τ ), we have
rsΛαO(X, τ)bΛαO(X, τ )and by (4),
rsΛαO(X, τ)pΛαO(X, τ ).
(5) (6): Since every rs, α)-open set
is s, α)-closed, by (5),rs, α)-open is both
s, α)-closed and p, α)-open. Thus, every
rs, α)-open set is r, α)-open by Proposition 12.
(6) (7) and (7) (8): The proofs are obvi-
(8) (1): Let Abe a s, α)-open set. Thus, by
Corollary 27, A)is r, α)-closed, by (8),A)
is , α)-open and hence A)[A)]).
Therefore, Ais p, α)-open, by Proposition 7, Ais
α, α)-open.
Corollary 39. For a topological space (X, τ ), the fol-
lowing properties are equivalent:
(1) αΛαO(X, τ ) = sΛαO(X, τ ).
(2) Every rs, α)-open set of Xis p, α)-closed.
(3) Every rs, α)-open set of Xis r, α)-closed.
Definition 40. A subset Aof a topological space
(X, τ)is said to be p, α)-clopen if Ais both
p, α)-open and p, α)-closed.
Corollary 41. For a topological space (X, τ ), the fol-
lowing properties are equivalent:
(1) αΛαO(X, τ ) = sΛαO(X, τ ).
(2) Every rs, α)-open set of Xis p, α)-clopen.
(3) Every rs, α)-open set of Xis , α)-clopen.
Proposition 42. For a topological space (X, τ ), the
following properties are equivalent:
(1) Every p, α)-open set of Xis α, α)-open.
(2) Every p, α)-open set of Xis s, α)-open.
Definition 43. Let Abe a subset of a topological
space (X, τ ). A subset Λ)(A)is defined as fol-
lows: Λ)(A) = ∩{UΛαO(X, τ )|AU}.
Lemma 44. For subsets A, B of a topological space
(X, τ), the following properties hold:
(1) AΛ)(A).
(2) If AB, then Λ)(A)Λ)(B).
(3) Λ))(A)] = Λ)(A).
(4) If Ais , α)-open, Λ)(A) = A.
Lemma 45. Let (X, τ )be a topological space and
let x, y X. Then, yΛ)({x})if and only if
x {y}).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Proof. Let y∈ Λ)({x}). Then, there exists a
, α)-open set Vcontaining xsuch that y∈ V.
Hence, x∈ {y}). The converse is similarly
A subset Nxof a topological space (X, τ )is said
to be , α)-neighbourhood of a point xXif there
exists a , α)-open set Usuch that xUNx.
Lemma 46. A subset of a topological space (X, τ )
is , α)-open in (X, τ )if and only if it is a , α)-
neighbourhood of each of its points.
Definition 47. Let (X, τ )be a topological space and
xX. A subset xαis defined as follows:
xα= Λ)({x}) {x}).
Theorem 48. Let (X, τ )be a topological space.
Then, the following properties hold:
(1) Λ)(A) = {xX|A {x})=∅} for
each subset Aof X.
(2) For each xX,Λ)(xsp) = Λ)({x}).
(3) For each xX,[xα])={x}).
(4) If Uis , α)-open in (X, τ)and xU, then
(5) If Fis , α)-closed in (X, τ )and xF, then
Proof. (1) Suppose that A {x})=. Then, we
have x∈ X {x})which is a , α)-open set
containing A. Thus, x∈ Λ)(A)and hence
Λ)(A) {xX|A {x})=∅}.
Next, let xXsuch that A {x})=and sup-
pose that x∈ Λ)(A). There exists a , α)-open
set Ucontaining Aand x∈ U. Let yA {x}).
Thus, Uis a , α)-neighbourhood of ywhich does
not contain x. By this contradiction xΛ)(A).
(2) Let xX. Then,
{x} {x})Λ)({x}) = xα,
by Lemma 44, Λ)({x})Λ)(xα). Next,
we show the opposite implication. Suppose that
y∈ Λ)({x}). Then, there exists a , α)-
open set Vsuch that xVand y∈ V. Since
xαΛ)({x})Λ)(V) = V, we have
Λ)(xα)V. Since y∈ V,y∈ Λ)(xα).
This shows that Λ)(xα)Λ)({x})and
hence Λ)({x}) = Λ)(xα).
(3) By the definition of xα, we have {x}
xαand {x})(xα))by Lemma 3.
On the other hand, we have xα {x})and
[xα])[{x})])={x}). Thus,
(xα)) {x}).
(4) Since xUand Uis a , α)-open set, we
have Λ)({x})U. Thus, xαU.
(5) Since xFand Fis a , α)-closed set, we
have xα={x})Λ)({x}) {x})
Theorem 49. The following properties are equivalent
for any points xand yin a topological space (X, τ ):
(1) Λ)({x})= Λ)({y}).
(2) {x})={y}).
Proof. (1) (2): Suppose that Λ)({x})=
Λ)({y}). Then, there exists a point zX
such that zΛ)({x})and z∈ Λ)({y})or
zΛ)({y})and z∈ Λ)({x}). We prove
only the first case being the second analogous. From
zΛ)({x})it follows that {x} {z})=
which implies x {z}). By z∈ Λ)({y}),
we have {y}∩{z})=. Since x {z}),
{x}) {z})and {y} {x})=. There-
fore, it follows that {x})={y}). Thus,
Λ)({x})= Λ)({y})implies that {x})=
(2) (1): Suppose that {x})={y}).
Then, there exists a point zXsuch that z
{x})and z∈ {y})or z {y})and
z∈ {x}). We prove only the first case being
the second analogous. It follows that there exists a
, α)-open set containing zand therefore xbut not
y, namely, y∈ Λ)({x})and thus Λ)({x})=
Theorem 50. Let (X, τ )be a topological space and
x, y X. Then, the following properties hold:
(1) yΛ)({x})if and only if x {y}).
(2) Λ)({x}) = Λ)({y})if and only if
Proof. (1) Let x∈ {y}). Then, there exists a
, α)-open set Usuch that xUand y∈ U. Thus,
y∈ Λ)({x}). The converse is similarly shown.
(2) Let Λ)({x}) = Λ)({y})for any
x, y X. Since xΛ)({x}),xΛ)({y})
and by (1), we have y {x}). By Lemma 3,
{y}) {x}). Similarly, we have {x})
{y})and hence {x})={y}).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
Conversely, suppose that {x})={y}).
Since x {x}), we have x {y})and by
(1),yΛ)({x}). By Lemma 44, Λ)({y})
Λ))({x})) = Λ)({x}). Similarly,
we have Λ)({x})Λ)({y})and hence
Λ)({x}) = Λ)({y}).
4 Conclusion
Open sets and closed sets are fundamental con-
cepts for the study and investigation in topological
spaces. This paper is concerned with the concepts
of s, α)-open sets, p, α)-open sets, α, α)-
open sets, β, α)-open sets and b, α)-open sets.
The relationships between these concepts are estab-
lished. Moreover, some properties of s, α)-open
sets, p, α)-open sets, α, α)-open sets, β, α)-
open sets and b, α)-open sets are obtained. The
ideas and results of this paper may motivate further
This research project was financially supported by
Mahasarakham University.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2023.22.2
Jeeranunt Khampakdee, Chawalit Boonpok
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 22, 2023
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This research project was financially supported by
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