M(·,·,·)and U(·,·,·)are Kummer functions, and the
constants c1and c2are determined from the boundary
conditions N(k1) = N(k2) = 1. In the special case
when k= 1, the solution can be expressed in terms
of the Bessel functions Iν(·)and Kν(·)as follows:
N(r) = c1[(γ+ 1)r+ 2]Iγ
+c2[(γ+ 1)r+ 2]Kγ
γ:= p8(α+λ)+1.(39)
Next, we assume that the function m2(x, y) :=
E[T2(x, y)] can be written as N1(r). Proceeding as
above, we find that the function N1(r)satisfies the
−1 = 1
1(r)+(r−k r−1)N0
subject to N1(k1) = N1(k2)=0. The general solu-
tion of Eq. (40) is
N1(r) = c1M1 + ζ0
2+k, 1 + ζ0,2
+c2U1 + ζ0
2+k, 1 + ζ0,2
ζ0:= p4(k2−k)+8λ+ 1.(42)
This solution can also be expressed in terms of Bessel
functions when k= 1.
Finally, we define
p2(x, y) = P[X(T2)/Y(T2) = k1].(43)
We assume that p2(x, y) = N2(r). To obtain the
function N2(r), we must find the solution of the ODE
0 = 1
2(r)+(r−k r −1)N0
that is such that N2(k1) = 1 and N2(k2) = 0. We
find that the general solution of the above equation is
N2(r) = c1M1 + ζ0
2+k, 1 + ζ0,2
+c2U1 + ζ0
2+k, 1 + ζ0,2
As in the previous cases, the function N2(r)can be
expressed in terms of Bessel functions when k= 1.
4 Conclusion
First-exit problems for diffusion processes have ap-
plications in many areas. To solve such problems,
one usually needs to find the solution of a differential
equation that satisfies certain boundary conditions. In
two or more dimensions, the equation to be solved is
a PDE. Therefore, the problem is difficult.
In this paper, we have added the constraint that
the two-dimensional process leaves the continuation
region at the latest at a random time that follows an
exponential distribution, which further increases the
difficulty of the problems considered.
In Section 2, we treated the case where the diffu-
sion process {Y(t), t ≥0}is a standard Brownian
motion and the continuation region Cis a rectangle
located in the first quadrant. We have succeeded in
obtaining the Laplace transform of the three functions
of interest.
In Section 3, {Y(t), t ≥0}was a geometric Brow-
nian motion and the set Cwas the region between two
straight lines that intersect at the origin. In this case,
we obtained, using the method of similarity solutions,
the exact expressions for the functions of interest.
As a continuation of this work, we could try to
solve this type of problem when the jumps are contin-
uous rather than discrete random variables. We could
also try to solve stochastic optimal control problems
defined in terms of the processes studied.
This research was supported by the Natural Sci-
ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.98