who can self-checking if doctor honest or not, namely
Equation (23)
c(mod p1),(23)
we rewrite Equation (22) and (23), get
c(mod p1).(24)
Till now, it means “the system center and doctor verif ed
each other”.
Lemma 3. If doctor and Health Bureau are both interac-
tion honestly, the Equation (16) and (17) holds, the doctor
and health bureau can verify each other.
Proof. As known the health bureau received Uafrom
doctor, the health bureau honestly use his private key xd
to calculate Ap0with Apaby Equation (18) and (19),
and then returned Apato doctor, the doctor recoveries the
message through Equation (19). If doctor want to decode
m′, he should calculate Equation (25)
d(mod p1).(25)
Since doctor obtained Vaby system center, and get the
Apafrom health bureau. We rewrite the Equation (25)
c(mod p1)
d(mod p1)
≡m′(mod p1).(26)
4.2. Analysis of practical safety levels
Analysis security of practical levels
Doubts about cracking RSA and ElGamal cryptosys-
tems: If the attacker intends to disguise the identity of
the patient, the attacker must have the patient’s key da to
be able to calculate the corresponding pairing public key
ea. In addition to being unable to disguise the patient,
the attacker cannot disguise the system center, unless
the attacker can crack the RSA cryptosystem. Obviously
cracking the RSA cryptosystem is not realistic at the
moment [34].
Key Compromise Impersonation attacks: The patient,
system center, doctor and Health Bureau keep their own
keys. Although their public keys are published, the hackers
can not calculate the corresponding key through known
public parameters. The discrete logarithm problem of the
Def nition 1 is def ned and fully described. This study
does not consider this assumption unless any party who
owns the key divulges the key.
5. Conclusion
This research is mainly about the four-party supervi-
sion and management plan of patients, hospitals, doctors,
and the National Health Bureau. The improved ElGamal
and RSA algorithm are used in the application of the
COVID-19 monitoring system. This information system
is anonymous and the identity of any patient is strictly
controlled. Keep it secret. If the hospital (system) is
invaded, hackers cannot obtain patient health record or
content through the hospital. If the hacker colludes with
any of the regulatory agencies to deceive, he still does not
have to worry about identity exposure. If the patient has
breached the contract, the doctor and the system center can
track the anonymous identity under certain conditions, and
f nally restore the anonymous identity to the real-name
user identity. In this way, the patient’s security can be
protected. The identity is protected from exposure, and
on the other hand, it can deter patient from maliciously
defaulting on transactions. This program has the best of
both sides. This research plan puts forward 3lemmas,
3def nitions and 26 equations to run through the full
text, provide a strong theoretical support for the thesis,
and f nally put this idea into reality. This idea shows a
patient-hospital monitoring system with anonymity, non-
modif cation, security, and double-blind mechanism to
achieve a combination of theory and practice.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers for their useful comments.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.74
Chenglian Liu, Sonia C-I Chen