In the last 20 years, the parameter inversion problem in
option pricing field has been extensively studied by many
scholars, and the results of these studies have all relied on the
famous Black-Sholes model. An important parameter in the
Black-Sholes model is the volatility of the underlying asset
associated with the option, which has a significant impact on
market value of the options, and as such many scholars and
practitioners in the financial industry have focused intensively
on the volatility of an underlying asset in option pricing.
The derivation of the Black-Scholes partial differential
equations builds on the basic components of derivatives theory,
such as delta hedging and no arbitrage. One of the erroneous
assumptions of the Black-Sholes model is that volatility of
the underlying asset is a constant. Empirical research on
implied volatility shows that implied volatility depends on
strike prices. The value of a call option is obviously a function
of various parameters in the contract, such as strike price K
and expiration time T−t, where Tis the expiration time and
tis the current time. For our inverse problem, we will just use
u(s, t;K, T )for the option value.
Problem P1: Considering the option on the stock without
paying dividend, it is well-known that u(s, t;K, T )for a call
option satisfies the following Black-Sholes equation
∂t +LBS = 0,(s, t)∈R+×(0, T ),
u(s, T ) = (s−K)+= max(0, s −K), s ∈R+(1)
Here, sis the price of underlying stock, Kis the strike price,
Tis the time of expiry, and µand rare, respectively, the risk-
neutral drift and the risk-free interest rate which are assumed
to be constants. The Black-Sholes operator LBS is given by
LBS =1
∂s2+sµ ∂u
∂s −ru,
The parameter σ(s)is the volatility coefficient to be identified.
We assume that
2σ2(s) = 1
where g(s)is small perturbation of constant σ0. Given the
following additional condition:
u(s∗,0, K, T ) = u∗(K, T ), K ∈R+,(2)
where s∗is market price of the stock at time t∗= 0 , and
u∗(K, T )indicates market price of the option with strike K
at a given expiry time T. The inverse problem is to determine
the functions uand σsatisfying (1.1) and (1.2), respectively.
The inverse volatility problem for the Black-Scholes equa-
tion has been discussed intensively in the literature. The
inverse problem was first considered by Dupire in [4]. He
applied the symmetric property of the transition probability
density function to replace the option pricing inverse prob-
lem with an equation containing parameters K, T, which
has duality, and proposed Dupire’s formula for calculating
implied volatility. Although this formula is seriously ill-
posed, Dupire’s solution lays an important foundation for later
scholars to study this problem. In [5], the authors reduce
the identification of volatility to an inverse parabolic prob-
lem with terminal observation and establish uniqueness and
stability results by using Carleman estimates. This approach
produces a nonlinear Fredholm integral equation in which the
approximated solution is obtained from solving the integral
equation iteratively. In [6], a time-dependent and a space-
dependent volatility have been studied, respectively. A class
of non-Gaussian stochastic processes has been generated in
the study of spatially correlated volatility. The problem is
transformed into a known inverse coefficient problem with
final observations and uniqueness and stability theorems are
established by using the dual equations. In [7], L.S. Jiang
used an optimal control framework to determine the implied
Determining the volatility in option pricing from degenerate parabolic
Department of Mathematics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730070,
Abstract: This contribution deals with the inverse volatility problem for a degenerate parabolic equation from
numerical perspective. Being different from other inverse volatility problem in classical parabolic equations,
the model in this paper is degenerate parabolic equation. Due to solve the deficiencies caused by artificial
truncation and control the volatility risk with precision, the linearization method and variable substitutions are
applied to transformed the inverse principal term coefficient problem for classical parabolic equation into the
inverse source problem for degenerate parabolic equation in bounded region. An iteration algorithm of
Landweber type is designed to obtain the numerical solution of the inverse problem. Some numerical
experiments are performed to validate that the proposed algorithm is robust and the unknown coefficient is
recovered quite well.
Keywords: Inverse volatility problem, Linearization method, Landweber iteration, Numerical experiments
Received: July 24, 2021. Revised: June 24, 2022. Accepted: July 28, 2022. Published: September 13, 2022.
1. Introduction
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.73