In order to introduce the main result and also provide
some background material, we require some notation. Let
A= (aij )Zm×nwith m<nand let τ={i1, . . . , ik}
{1, . . . , n}with i1<··· < ikbe an index set. We will use
the notation Aτfor the m×ksubmatrix of Awith columns
indexed by τ. In a similar manner, given xRn, we will
denote by xτthe vector (xi1,...,xik)T. The complement of
τin {1, . . . , n}will be denoted by ¯τ={1, . . . , n}\τ. We
will say that τis a basis if |τ|=mand the submatrix Aτis
nonsingular. In the scenario that τis a basis, we will replace τ
by γ. Further, denote by ∆(A)the maximum absolute valued
m-dimensional subdeterminant of A, namely
∆(A) = max{|det(Aτ)|:τ {1, . . . , n}with |τ|=m}.
If ∆(A)is positive, the notation gcd(A)will denote the great-
est common divisor of all m-dimensional subdeterminants of
the matrix A.
We assume without loss of generality that AZm×n
with m<nhas full rank mand let bZm. Consider the
P=P(A, b) = xRn
Upon further assuming that Pis nonempty, we take any vertex
xof P. Since Ahas rank mby assumption, it follows that
there exits a basis γof A such that
γband x
It is worth noting that in general, given a vertex xof P, the
basis γneed not be unique, however, if one assumes that x
is nondegenerate, i.e. exactly mof the x
is are nonzero, then
there is indeed a unique choice for the basis γ.
We will estimate the -distance from a vertex xof the
polyhedron P, which is given by a basis γas in (1), to the set
of its (feasible) lattice points zPZn. It is worth noting
that bounds of this form provide information regarding the
level of accuracy when one “relaxes” an integer program (IP)
and instead solves the related linear program (LP). This type
of relaxation is often (see e.g. [6, Section 11.5]) implemented
since solving the decision version of an IP is in general NP-
complete (see e.g. [12, Chapter 18]), however, it is well-known
that one can solve an LP in polynomial time via the ellipsoid
[9] or the interior-point method [8].
Before stating our result, we recall some of the upper
bounds on the distance from a vertex xof Pto the set of
its lattice points zPZn. For this purpose, let us assume
that Pis integer feasible, i.e. that PZn=. The classical
sensitivity theorem of Cook et al. [4] implies that
holds. Eisenbrand and Weismantel [5] improved on this clas-
sical bound through a novel use of Steinitz Lemma [14] in
order to demonstrate that
xz1m(2mA+ 1)m
holds, where A= maxi,j |aij |is the maximum absolute
entry of A. Lee et al. [10] utilise bounds on the sparsity of
feasible integer points to show that
xz1<3m2log 2m·∆(A)1/m·∆(A)
holds. Lee et al. [11] demonstrate that
xz1m(m+ 1)2·3(A)+(m+ 1) ·∆(A)
holds in a slightly more general setting. A very recent strong
improvement over the classical bound of Cook et al. [4]
obtained by Celaya et al. [3] demonstrates that we can replace
nby n/2in (2) provided n2. It remains an open
question how tight these bounds actually are. Despite this,
in the knapsack scenario, i.e. when m= 1, upon following
traditional vector notation, Aliev et al. [2] show that
xz a1
holds and that this bound is optimal.
Since the main result in this article provides an upper bound
on the -distance from any vertex xof Pto the set of its
Finding an Optimal Proximity Bound in a Very Special Scenario
Department of Mathematics
London School of Economics and Political Science
London, UK
Abstract—Given A Zm×n and b Zm, we provide a sharp upper bound for the ℓ∞-distance from any vertex
of the polyhedron P(A, b) = {x Rn ≥0 : Ax = b} to a nearby feasible integral point under a strong assumption
regarding the dimensions of the matrix A. It is hoped that this result provides motivation for conducting
further research into providing more such upper bounds under certain additional assumptions.
Keywords: Integer programming, linear programming, optimisation, polyhedron, proximity.
Received: June 29, 2022. Revised: July 29, 2022. Accepted: August 3, 2022. Published: August 3, 2022.
1. Introduction
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.68
Aled Williams
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
lattice points, it is useful to define (as in [2]) the (maximum)
vertex distance d(A, b)as
d(A, b) = (max
zPZnxz,if PZn=,
where the maximum is taken over all vertices xof the
polyhedron P.
The following theorem provides a sharp upper bound for
the (maximum) vertex distance when n=m+ 1. As stated
in the abstract, it is hoped that this result provides motivation
for conducting further research into finding more such upper
bounds under additional assumptions. It should be noted that
by sharp we mean that we can construct an example where the
equality appearing in (3) is attained. We provide this example
directly after the statement of the theorem.
Theorem 1. Let AZm×(m+1) with full rank mand bZm.
If PZm+1 =, then
d(A, b)∆(A)
The following example demonstrates the sharpness of The-
orem 1 in the case when m= 2. Consider
A=3 11 7
573and b=154
58 .
The absolute values of the 2×2subdeterminants of Aare
here 76, 44 and 16, respectively. In particular, ∆(A) = 76
and gcd(A)=4. The polyhedron Pis in this case a line
segment connecting x
1= (110/19,236/19,0)Tand x
(14/11,0,236/11)Tand, in addition, the only feasible integer
point is z= (2,2,18)T. The -norm distances from the two
vertices to zare
1z= max
19 2
19 2
,18= 18
2z= max
11 2
11 18=38
11 ,
respectively. In particular, we have d(A, b) = 18 and simply
noting that
gcd(A)1 = 76
41 = 19 1 = 18
holds demonstrates that the equality in (3) is attained.
Theorem 1 can be easily applied to estimate the (additive)
integrality gap for an IP with the assumed dimension. Given
AZm×(m+1) with full rank m,bZmand a cost vector
cQn, we now consider the IP
and assume that (4) is feasible and bounded.
Denote by IP (c, A, b)and LP (c, A, b)the optimal values
of the IP (4) and its linear programming relaxation
respectively. The (additive) integrality gap IG(c, A, b)asso-
ciated with the IP (4) is
IG(c, A, b) = IP (c, A, b)LP (c, A, b).
Clearly, in this case, we have
IG(c, A, b)d(A, b)· c1.(6)
Notice that the upper bound (3) is independent of the right-
hand side band, as such, it is possible to bound the integer
programming gap [7]. Given a pair (A, b), the integer pro-
gramming gap is the maximum IG(c, A, b)over all suitable
integral b, namely
Gap(c, A) = max
bIG(c, A, b),
where branges over all integer vectors such that the IP (4) is
feasible and bounded.
As a corollary of Theorem 1, we obtain the following upper
bound on the integer programming gap under the current
Corollary 1. Let AZm×(m+1) with full rank m,bZm
and cQn. If PZm+1 =, then
Gap(c, A) ∆(A)
gcd(A)1!· c1.
The proof of this corollary follows immediately from (6)
and the statement of Theorem 1.
In order to simply the notation slightly during the proof of
the main result, we let Λ = Λ(A, b)denote the affine lattice
in Rm+1 formed by taking integer points in the (affine) flat
that is described by the linear system Ax=b, namely
Λ = Λ(A, b) = xRm+1 :Ax=bZm+1.
Further, let π(·) : Rm+1 Rdenote the projection onto the
final coordinate, i.e. the projection which forgets about the first
Proof. Reordering the columns of the matrix Aif necessary,
we may assume without loss of generality that
γ={1,2, . . . , m},
i.e. that A= (Aγ, A¯γ), where det(Aγ)= 0 . It should be
noted that A¯γis here an m-dimensional column vector. The
polyhedron Pcan be written as
where x= (xγ, x¯γ)T, i.e. xγRmand x¯γ=xm+1 R
contain the entries of the vector xcorresponding to Aγand
A¯γ, respectively. In this case, the conditions (1) on xbecome
γband x
m+1 = 0 .
2. Proof of Theorem 1
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.68
Aled Williams
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
Further, using Cramer’s Rule (see e.g. [13, Theorem 2.20]),
the vertex xhas the form
x= det A1
det (Aγ),...,det Am
det (Aγ),0!T
where Ai
γ(b)denotes the submatrix Aγwhose i-th column
has been replaced by b. Observe that if the polyhedron Pis
bounded, then Pis a line segment in Rm+1 connecting its
two vertices. If instead Pis unbounded, then the polyhedron
Pis a ray in Rm+1, where xis the only vertex of P.
Recall that we are upper bounding the distance with respect
to the -norm from the vertex xto some (feasible) integral
point. We denote such an integral point by
z= (z1, . . . , zm+1)TPZm+1.
Further, we assume for technical reasons that zis the feasible
lattice point with minimal final entry. In other words, we
assume the lattice point zis the closest (feasible) integral
point to the vertex xin the xm+1-th coordinate direction
with respect to the -norm.
Note that by the form (7) of the vertex x, its projection is
π(x)=0. Firstly, we upper bound
before “lifting” to a (feasible) lattice point in Rm+1. Recall
that Λdenotes the affine lattice in Rm+1 containing all integer
points which satisfy Ax=b. In particular, its projection π(Λ)
is a one-dimensional affine lattice which, in light of [1, Lemma
10], has determinant
det(Λ) = |det(Aγ)|
It follows that all projected affine lattice points from π(Λ)
belong to the same congruence class. Further, upon noting that
the least residue in this congruence class is one of the integers
{0,1,...,det(Λ)1}, it follows since zis by assumption the
closest to the vertex xin the final coordinate direction that
π(z) = zm+1 det(Λ) 1 = |det(Aγ)|
Observe that if one fixes the value of zm+1, then the
corresponding m-dimensional integer solution zγis uniquely
determined by
since the submatrix Aγis nonsingular by assumption. In order
to simplify subsequent notation, we let
In particular, using Cramer’s Rule, for fixed zm+1, the corre-
sponding m-dimensional integral solution zγis given by
zγ= (z1, . . . , zm)T
= det A1
det (Aγ),...,det Am
det (Aγ)!T
Further, the m-dimensional solution (9) to the linear system
bcan be “lifted” to yield a solution to the original
linear system by simply appending the fixed value zm+1 to
the (m+ 1)-th entry. In other words, we can write
z= (z1, . . . , zm, zm+1)T
= det A1
det (Aγ),...,det Am
det (Aγ), zm+1!T
Using (7), the vertex distance is
= max
det Aj
γ(b)det Aj
det (Aγ)
, zm+1!,(10)
where 1jm. Recall (8) and, in particular, clearly
m+1 zm+1|=zm+1 ∆(A)
holds as required by (3).
It remains to finally consider the other differences appearing
in (10). In particular, we consider
det Aj
γ(b)det Aj
det (Aγ)
for j {1, . . . , m}. Upon noting that Aj
γ(b)and Aj
only by their j-th column and recalling that
for fixed zm+1, it follows using several fundamental properties
of determinants that (11) can be equivalently expressed as
zm+1 ·det Aj
|det (Aγ)|
It is worth noting that we could alternatively deduce (12)
from (11) by applying Laplace’s expansion formula (see e.g.
[13, Theorem 10.33]) and then performing some algebraic
Upon recalling (8), we can bound (12) by
zm+1 ·det Aj
|det (Aγ)|
det Aj
Notice that the matrix Aj
γ(A¯γ)contains only columns from A
and, in consequence,
det Aj
holds. Finally, since
gcd(A)det (Aγ)∆(A)
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.68
Aled Williams
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
holds, it follows that (13) is bounded by
det Aj
which implies that (3) holds as required and concludes the
proof of Theorem 1.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.68
Aled Williams
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
I would like to thank Professor Iskander Aliev for
his comments and feedback in refining the
presented results.