For reader convenience we collect below some
preliminary definitions and propositions that
will be used in what follows. A quasi *-
algebra is a couple (A,A0), where Ais a vec-
tor space with involution ,A0is a *-algebra
and a vector subspace of Aand Ais an A0-
bimodule whose module operations and invo-
lution extend those of A0. The unit of (A,A0)
is an element e A0such that xe =ex =x,
for every x A. A quasi *-algebra (A,A0)
is said to be locally convex if Ais endowed
with a topology τwhich makes of Aa lo-
cally convex space and such that the involu-
tion a7→ aand the multiplications a7→ ab,
a7→ ba,b A0, are continuous. If τis a norm
topology and the involution is isometric with
respect to the norm, we say that (A,A0) is a
normed quasi *-algebra and, if it is complete,
we say it is a Banach quasi*-algebra.
Let A#be a C*-algebra, with involution
#and norm k k#, and X[k k] a left Banach
A#-module. This means, in particular, that
there is a bounded bilinear map
(a, x)ax
from A#× X into Xsuch that
(a1a2)x=a1(a2x),a1, a2 A#, x X .
We will always assume that the following in-
equality holds:
kaxk kak#kxk,x X , a A#.
This implies, as shown in [7], that
kak#= sup
x∈X ;x∥≤1
kaxk, a A#.
A left Banach A#-module Xis called a
CQ*-algebra if
(i) in Xan involution is defined and
kxk=kxkfor every x X ;
Some classes of quasi *-algebras
Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universit`a di Palermo,
I-90123 Palermo, ITALY
1. Introduction
Abstract: In this paper we will continue the analysis undertaken in [1] and in [2] [20] our
investigation on the structure of Quasi-local quasi *-algebras possessing a sufficient family of
bounded positive tracial sesquilinear forms. In this paper it is shown that any Quasi-local quasi
*-algebras (A, A0), possessing a ”sufficient state” can be represented as non-commutative L2-
Keywords: Quasi *-algebras, Non-commutative L2-spaces.
Received: October 19, 2021. Revised: June 13, 2022. Accepted: July 7, 2022. Published: August 1, 2022.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.67
S. Triolo
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
(ii) A#is a k k-dense subspace of Xand the
module left-multiplication extends the
multiplication of A#;
(iii) A# A
#is a *-algebra and it is dense in
A#with respect to k k#;
A CQ*-algebra is denoted with (X,,A#,#)
to underline the different involutions.
If =#on A#, the CQ*-algebra is called
The following basic definitions and results
on non-commutative measure theory and in-
tegration are also needed in what follows.
Let Mbe a von Neumann algebra and φ
a normal faithful semifinite trace defined on
J={X M :φ(|X|)<∞}.
Jis a *-ideal of M.
Let PProj(M), the lattice of projec-
tions of M. We say that Pis φ-finite if
P J . Any φ-finite projection is finite.
Definition 1 A vector subspace Dof His
said to be strongly dense ( resp., strongly φ-
dense) if
UD D for any unitary Uin M
there exists a sequence PnProj(M):
PnH D ,P
n0and (P
n)is a finite
projection (resp., φ(P
Clearly, every strongly φ-dense domain is
strongly dense.
Throughout this paper, when we say that
an operator Tis affiliated with a von Neu-
mann algebra, written T η M, we always
mean that Tis closed, densely defined and
T U U T for every unitary operator U
Definition 2 An operator T η Mis called
measurable (with respect to M) if its do-
main D(T)is strongly dense;
φ-measurable if its domain D(T)is
strongly φ-dense.
From the definition itself it follows that, if
Tis φ-measurable, then there exists P
Proj(M) such that T P is bounded and
We remind that any operator affiliated
with a finite von Neumann algebra is mea-
surable [12, Cor. 4.1] but it is not necessarily
The following statements will be used
(i) Let T η Mand Q M. If D(T Q) =
{ξ H : D(T)}is dense in H, then
T Q η M.
(ii) If QProj(M), then QMQ=
{QXQ QH;X M} is a von Neumann
algebra on the Hilbert space QH; more-
over (QMQ)=QMQ. If T η Mand
Q M and D(T Q) = {ξ H :
D(T)}is dense in H, then QT Q η QMQ.
Let Mbe a von Neumann algebra and φ
a normal faithful semifinite trace defined on
M+. For each p1, let
Jp={X M :φ(|X|p)<∞}.
Then Jpis a *-ideal of M. Following [13], we
denote with Lp(φ) the Banach space comple-
tion of Jpwith respect to the norm
kXkp:= φ(|X|p)1/p, X Jp.
One usually defines L(φ) = M. Thus, if
φis a finite trace, then L(φ)Lp(φ) for
every p1. As shown in [13], if XLp(φ),
then Xis a measurable operator.
We consider now the case where Ahas a lo-
cal structure. Following [10] we construct the
local net of C*-algebras as follows.
2. Quasi Local Structure
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.67
S. Triolo
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
Let Fbe a set of indexes directed upward
and with an orthonormality relation such
(i.) α F there exists β F such that
(ii.) if αβand βγ,α, β, γ F, then
(iii.) if, for α, β, γ F,αβand αγ,
there exists δ F such that αδand
δβ, γ.
Definition 3 Let (A,A0)be a quasi *-
algebra with unit e. We say that (A,A0)
has a local structure if there exists a net
{Aα(k.kα), α F} of subspaces of A0, in-
dexed by F, such that every Aαis a C*-
algebra (with norm k.kαand unit e) with the
(a.) A0=Sα∈F Aα
(b.) if αβthen Aα Aβ;
(c.) if αβ, then xy =yx for every x Aα,
y Aβ.
(d.) if x Aα Aβ, then kxkα=kxkβ.
A quasi *-algebra (A,A0)with a local struc-
ture will be shortly called a quasi-local quasi*-
If (A,A0) is a quasi-local quasi-*algebra,
and x A0, there will be some β F such
that x Aβ. We put Jx={α F :x Aα}
and define
kxk= inf
Then A0is a C*-normed algebra with norm
For instance if we consider the quasi *-
algebra (Lp(I), L(I)), where Lp(I) (p1)
and L(I) are the usual Lebesgue spaces on
I:= [0,1]. Put ω(f) = R1
If 1 p < 2, ωis not representable. Indeed,
if fLp(I)\L2(I), there cannot exist any
γf>0 such that
since this would imply that fL2(I) (see
The following proposition extends the
GNS construction to quasi *-algebras. The
prof hers in [9].
Proposition 4 Let ωbe a linear functional
on Aτcontinuous satisfying the following
(L1) ω(aa) = ω(aa)0for all a A0;
(L2) ω(bxa) = ω(axb),a, b A0,x
(L3) x A there exists γx>0such that
|ω(xa)| γxω(aa)1/2.
Then there exists a triple (πω, λω,Hω)
such that
πωis a ultra-cyclic *-representation of A
with ultra-cyclic vector ξω;
λωis a linear map of Ainto Hω
with λω(A0) = Dπω,ξω=λω(e)and
πω(x)λω(a) = λω(xa), for every x
A, a A0.
ω(x) = hπω(x)ξω|ξωi, for every x A.
ω(a)λω(x) = λω(ax), for every x A,
a Ao.
Definition 5 A linear functional ω τ con-
tinuous satisfying (L1),(L2),(L3) is called
representable. We denote by T(A)the set
of representable linear functionals on A.
Once we have constructed in the previous sec-
tion some Quasi-local quasi *-algebras of op-
erators affiliated to a given von Neumann al-
gebra, it is natural to pose the question under
3. A Representation Theorem
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.67
S. Triolo
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
which conditions can an abstract Quasi-local
quasi *-algebras be realized as a Quasi-local
quasi *-algebras of this type.
We denotes by [M] the closed subspace of
Hspanned by [M] for any subset Mof H.
Thus for every ω T (A) we put Hα:=
[πω(Aα)ξω] then {πωAα,Hα, ξω}} it is a rep-
resentation of Aα.
Thus, let πωbe the ultra-cyclic *-
representation of Awith ultra-cyclic vector
ξωand πω(Aα)′′ the von Neumann algebra
generated by πω(Aα).
For every ω T (A) and a Aα, we put
φω(πω(a)) = ω(a) = hπω(a)ξω|ξωi.
Then, for each ω T (A), φω is a posi-
tive bounded linear functional on the opera-
tor algebra πω(Aα).Clearly, for every a Aα
|φω(πω(a)) |=| hπω(a)ξω|ξωi |≤ kπω(a)kkξωk2
Thus φω is continuous on πω(Aα).
By [17, Theorem 10.1.2], φω,α is weakly
continuous and so it extends uniquely to
πω(Aα)′′ . Moreover, since φω is a trace on
φω(aa) = ω(aa) = ω(aa) = φω(aa)
the extension gφω is a trace on Mω:=
πω(Aα)′′ too.
Theorem 6 If (A,A0)has a local structure,
ωa state over Asatisfying (L1, L2, L3) such
that πω,the canonical cyclic representation
of Aassociated with ω([9]), is continuous,
therefore (πω(A), πω(A0)) has a local struc-
Proof: It is easy to verify the following prop-
πω(A0) = α{πωAα(Aα)}=α{πω(Aα)} B(Hω)
with πω(Aα)B(Hα) is a C* algebra
which norm k·kB(Hα) k · k.
The family of C*-algebras {πω(Aα), α
F} with C*-norm k.kB(Hα), indexed by F,
satisfies the following property (a.) if αβ
then πω(Aα)πω(Aβ); (b.) there exists a
unique identity πω(e) for all πω(Aα) and the
C*-norm k.kB(Hα)are equals a k.kB(H); (c.) if
αβthen for all Xπω(Aα), Yπω(Aβ)
there exist x Aα,y Aβsuch that πω(x) =
Xand πω(y) = Ybut xy =yx for all x
Aα,y Aβtherefore XY =πω(x)πω(y) =
πω(xy) = πω(yx) = πω(y)πω(x) = Y X.
Thus πω(A0) is, a quasi-local C*-algebra
of operator.
Let Pαthe operator of projection of Hin
HαPut Mω
α:= MωPα, where, as before, Pα
denotes the support of gφω.
Each Mω
αis a von Neumann algebra and
gφω is faithful in MPα[6, Proposition V.
More precisely,
α:= MωPα={Z=XPα,for some X Mω}.
In this case, putting Hα=PαH, we have
Hα={(fα) : fα Hα,X
Each vector X={fα}α∈I H is de-
noted by X=P
αIfα(Definition 3.4, [6]).
For each bounded sequencese {Aα}α∈I
Qα∈I Mω
α,we define an operator A(follow-
ing [6]) on Hby
AX := A
Clearly Ais a bounded operator on Hwe
denote it by A=P
Let P
αthe set of all such A, by Propo-
sition 3.3 [6], P
αis a von Neumann al-
gebra on H.The algebra P
αis called
the diret sum of {Mα}.Of course for ev-
ery ωwe have πω(A0) = P
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.67
S. Triolo
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
fφω:= PαIgφω is a faithful semifinite nor-
mal trace on Mω.
The previous discussion can be summer-
ized in the following
Theorem 7 If (A,A0)has a local structure,
ωa state over Asatisfying (L1, L2, L3) such
that πω,the canonical cyclic representation
of Aassociated with ω([9]), is continuous,
therefore ( L2(fφω), πω(A0)′′)has a local struc-
Theorem 8 If (A,A0)has a local structure
the CQ*-Algebra ( L2(fφω), πω(Ao)′′)) consists
of operators affiliated with πω(Ao)′′.
Proposition 9 If (A,A0)is a quasi-local
quasi-*algebra, ω T (A)and (Hω, πω, ξω)is
a the canonical cyclic representation of Aas-
sociated with ω, let τthe weakest locally topol-
ogy on Asuch that πωis continuous from
Ao(τ)into πω(Ao).
then there exist a quasi-local quasi *-
algebra ( L2(fφω), πω(A0)) and a onomorphism
Φ : x A Φ(x) := e
X L2(fφω)
with the following properties:
(i) Φextends the representation πωof A0;
(ii) Φ(x) = Φ(x),x A;
(iii) Φ(xy) = Φ(x)Φ(y)for every x, y A
such that x A0or y A0.
For every element x A, there exists a
sequence {an}of elements of A0converging
to xwith respect τ. Put Xn=πω(an). Then,
φω(|XnXm|2)0.Let e
Xbe the k·k2-limit
of the sequence (Xn).We define Φ(x) := e
Concluding remark We have discussed
the possibility of constructing an rappp-
resentation of Quasi-local quasi *-algebras
(A,A0), possessing a ”sufficient state” on
a non-commutative L2-spaces. A more re-
stricted choice could only be obtained by re-
quiring that the Radon-Nikodym theorem in
quasi * -algebras is satisfied [11]. We hope to
discuss this aspect in a further paper.
Acknowledgment The author thank the
referees for they useful comments and sug-
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.67
S. Triolo
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022