does not seem to be consistent with D⊥used in the-
ory [12] or found in previous simulations [8]. Further
study into an appropriate form of D⊥could help us
to understand this discrepancy. WNLT only seems
to work well for RL/l⊥≲2/π≈0.64, which is
the quasilinear limit of parallel resonant scattering.
Below this limit, Dµµ[WNLT]seems too large when
compared with Dµµ[FD], especially near µ= 0, as
seen in Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(b), so the parallel mean
free path is underestimated. When RLis large, as in
Figs. 1(d), 2(d) and 3(d), the WNLT theory shifts the
QLT value up near µ= 0 to a value close to the FD
result, so does very well with predicting λ∥.
The second-order quasilinear theory (SOQLT),
calculated here in detail for the first time for NRMHD
turbulence, gives λ∥to within a factor of a few for
large RLand is still quite accurate for RL= 0.5
when b/B0= 1 (where we might expect the theory
to work). In other cases, particularly at small RL, the
results are unacceptably large, as shown in Table 4.
Here we have adopted the same form of SOQLT as
in [9], who concluded that the SOQLT was not use-
ful. They argued that as their theory predicts a depen-
dence exp(B2
0/b2)(see Eq. (10)) it would give very
large parallel mean free paths for b<B0. However,
their simulation results did not seem to have huge par-
allel mean free paths and therefore their conclusion
that SOQLT was not useful seemed reasonable. It is
possible an alternative, and more complicated, vari-
ant of the theory from [11] could be applied to give
greater accuracy.
In summary, for the parameters used here, at least
one of the theories for Dµµ will provide a λ∥value
within a factor of a few of the simulation value, pro-
vided RLis not too much smaller that 1/K, the quasi-
linear resonance limit. Although the original QLT of
Eq. 8 provides Dµµ of similar shape to the simula-
tions, it always yields an infinite parallel mean free
path due to the troublesome resonance gap that NM-
RHD turbulence presents. The two other theories pre-
sented here broaden the resonance and close up the
gap, but not in a way that is broadly consistent with
the test-particle simulations. Thus NRMHD turbu-
lence remains a challenge for parallel diffusion theo-
ries. Since WNLT looks promising, a detailed exam-
ination of D⊥in computer simulations may provide
clues on how to proceed.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.32
Chanidaporn Pleumpreedaporn,
Andrew P. Snodin, Elvin J. Moore