5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have reviewed three robust (M, S,
and MM) estimators of the SUR model and
compared these estimators with non-robust (ML and
FGLS) estimators when the outliers are present.
Moreover, our new algorithm for robust SUR
provides robust parameter estimates and useful
outlier diagnostics, as illustrated in the simulation
study. Simulation study results indicated that, in
general, non-robust estimators are very sensitive to
outliers, while robust estimators are more effective.
In addition, the MM-estimator is more efficient than
other robust estimators because it has minimum
RAB, TMSE, and TMAE values in all simulation
situations. Also, the results showed that in the
absence of outliers the FGLS estimator is more
efficient than ML, M, S, and MM estimators.
In future work, we plan to study the efficiency of
the robust estimators in other models, such as semi-
parametric regression models [35,36] and the
autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)
model [37,38]. Moreover, we can study how to
combine robust estimators with neural networks
(NN) or artificial intelligence (AI) methods [39].
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Ahmed H. Youssef, Mohamed R. Abonazel, Amr R. Kamel