times t−s, and consequently can be an alternative in
case with small sample sizes when comparing with
the LM estimator. This can be observed by the rel-
ative efficiency that is represented by the ratio be-
tween the corresponding MSEs of the nonparametric
and parametric estimators. For the transition proba-
bilities bp12(s, t)and bp23(s, t)the results are quite sim-
ilar, revealing the better accuracy of the parametric
estimator as the difference between times increases.
In the case of bp13(s, t), for almost all transition times
the MSE ratio is above 1, confirming the advantages
of the parametric estimator compared to the LM esti-
mator. For completeness purposes, we show in Fig-
ures 5 and 6 the boxplots of the estimates of the tran-
sition probabilities based on the 1000 Monte Carlo
replicates for the two sets of estimators, with differ-
ent sample sizes. The boxplots shown in these figures
reveal some results which agree with our findings re-
ported in Tables 1 and 2. From these plots, it can be
seen that all methods have small biases and confirm
the lower variability of the parametric estimators in
some cases. As expected, the lower variability of the
parametric estimator comes at the cost of a small in-
crease in the bias. This is more clear when the dif-
ference t−sis small or for small sample sizes, and
consequently, in these cases, the LM nonparametric es-
timator may be preferable.
4 Example of application
In this section, we analyse the results of the applica-
tion of the proposed methods using data from a colon
cancer cancer study. This is a study from a large clin-
ical trial on Duke’s stage III patients [24] that focuses
on 929 patients who were followed after suffering cu-
rative surgery for colorectal cancer until death or cen-
soring. Of the initial sample, 423 remained alive dur-
ing the course of the follow-up period. 468 of the pa-
tients had a recurrence, and among these, 414 ended
up dying. Finally, 38 individuals died without expe-
riencing a recurrence.
Figure 7 reports, for each row, the estimated tran-
sition probabilities, bp11(s, t),bp12(s, t),bp13(s, t)and
bp23(s, t), for fixed values of s= 365 (left hand side)
and s= 1095 (right hand side). Each plot shows the
estimated curves based on the parametric GG (black
line) and the LM estimators (red line). Plots reported
in the first row report the estimated transition prob-
abilities for p11(s, t), for fixed values s= 365 and
s= 1095 (days), along with time t. The estimated
curves report the survival fraction over time among
the individuals ‘alive and without recurrence’. Plots
in the second row allow for an inspection over time of
the probability of being alive with recurrence for in-
dividuals who are disease free 1 year (left hand side)
and 3 years (right hand side) after surgery. Since the
recurrence state is transient, this curve first increases
and then decreases. It is also evident that the probabil-
ities for s= 1095 are smaller than those for s= 365.
Finally, plots shown in the third and fourth rows report
the estimated transition probabilities for p13(s, t)and
p23(s, t). They report one minus the survival fraction
along time, among the individuals ‘alive and without
recurrence’ and those ‘alive and with recurrence’, re-
spectively. Curves depicted in Figure 7 reveal that the
parametric landmark estimators based on the general-
ized gamma distribution provide, in all cases, curves
with the expected behavior, similar to those obtained
from the nonparametric landmark estimators but with
less variability.
5 Conclusion
In this article, the relative performance of the pro-
posed parametric landmark estimators for the tran-
sition probabilities was investigated through simula-
tions. Attained results suggest that the use of the gen-
eralized gamma distribution combined with the idea
of subsampling can lead to competitive estimators
that may outperform the original landmark estimators
in some cases, providing estimators with less variabil-
ity. It is worth mentioning that, in some cases, para-
metric estimation can introduce some bias in estima-
tion while reducing the variance. The risk of intro-
ducing a large bias can be controlled in practice by
comparing the obtained estimated curves with those
obtained by the nonparametric estimator.
Acknowledgements: This research was financed by
Portuguese Funds through FCT “Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia”, within the research grants
PD/BD/142887/2018 and UID/BIA/04050/2019.
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.27
Gustavo Soutinho, Luís Meira-Μachado