Fixed Point Theorems in Partial 2-Metric Spaces
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
Zagazig University
Zagazig 44519, Zagazig
Abstract: - In this paper we aim to introduce the concept of partial 2-metric spaces and study some fixed point
theorems for self mappings defined on partial 2-metric spaces.
Key-Words: - Partial metric spaces, 2-metric spaces, partial 2-metric spaces, fixed point theorems, contractive
Received: June 12, 2021. Revised: February 12, 2022. Accepted: February 28, 2022. Published: March 26, 2022.
1 Introduction
In recent years, several works on domain the-
ory are created so as to equip the semantics domain
with a notion of distance. Especially,the notion of
fixed point theory and contraction mapping was ex-
tended and elaborated with the introduction of con-
traction principle by Banach [5]. Definition of 2-
metric spaces was initiated by Gahler in a series of
papers ([6]-[8]). The 2-metric space have a unique
nonlinear structure, which is different from metric
spaces. More several of the authors studied and gen-
eralize some theorems in 2-metric spaces. Fixed point
theorem is an important tool in the theory of metric
spaces, it guarantees the existence and uniqueness of
fixed point of self maps of metric spaces. Iseki ([9]-
[11]) obtained basic results on fixed point of opera-
tors in 2-metric spaces. After this work for Iseki, sev-
eral authors studied and generalized fixed point the-
orems in 2-metric spaces. The notion of partial met-
ric space was introduced by Matthews ([14],[15]). A
partial metric space is obtained from metric space by
replacing the equality d(x, x) = 0 in the definition of
metric with the inequality d(x, x)d(x, y)for all
x, y. This notion features a big range of applications
not solely in several branches of mathematics, also
within the field of computer domain and semantics
([1]-[4],[12],[13]). Recently, authors have targeted
on partial metric spaces and its topological proper-
ties, and generalized fixed point theorems from the
category of metric spaces to the class of partial met-
ric spaces ([7]–[10]). In this paper we introduce the
concept of partial 2-metric spaces and study the fixed
point theorem under contraction self mapping on par-
tial 2-metric spaces.
1.1 Preliminaries
Definition 1 [6].A 2-metric space is a set Xwith a
non negative real valued function don X×X×Xsat-
isfying the following conditions: For every x, y, z, u
X, we have:
(M1) for two distinct point x, y in Xthere exist a
point zin Xsuch that d(x, y, z)
= 0,
(M2) d(x, y, z)=0when at least two of x, y and
zare equals,
(M3) d(x, y, z) = d(x, z, y) = d(z, y, x),
(M4) d(x, y, z)d(x, y, u) + d(x, u, z) +
d(u, y, z), and then the function dis called a 2-metric
function on X.
Example 2 [13].Let a mapping d:R3[0,)be
defined by
d(x, y, z) = min{|xy|,|yz|,|zx|}.
Then dis a 2-metric on R.
Definition 3 [6].A sequence {xn}in a 2-metric
space (X, d)is said to be convergent to a point x
X, that is limn→∞ xn=x, if limn→∞ d(xn, x, z) =
0for all zX, and the point xis called the limit of
the sequence {xn}in X.
Definition 4 [6].A sequence {xn}in a 2-metric
space (X, d)is called a Cauchy sequence if
limm,n→∞ d(xn, xm, a) = 0 for all aX.
Definition 5 [6].A 2-metric space (X, d)is
said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence in
Xis convergent.
Remark 6 [6].Every convergent sequence in a 2-
metric space is a Cauchy sequence .
Definition 7 [14].Let Xbe a nonempty set. The map-
ping p:X×X[0,)is said to be a partial met-
ric on Xif the following conditions are true. For any
x, y, z X, we have:
(PM-1) x=yif and only if p(x, x) = p(y, y) =
p(x, y),
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.22
Hassan M. Abu-Donia, Hani A. Atia, Eman Safaa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
(PM-2) p(x, x)p(x, y),
(PM-3) p(x, y) = p(y, x),
(PM-4) p(x, z)p(x, y) + p(y, z)p(y, y),and
then the pair (X, p)is called a partial metric space,
(for short P MS).
2 Partial 2-metric spaces
In this section we have introduce the concept of
partial 2-metric spaces and some properties.
Definition 8 A mapping ρ:X3R+where Xis a
non-empty set, is said to be a partial 2-metric on Xif
the following conditions are true. For every x, y, z, u
X, we have:
(P2M-1) ρ(x, x, x) = ρ(y, y, y) = ρ(z, z, z) =
ρ(x, y, z)when at least two of x, y and zare equals,
(P2M-2) ρ(x, x, x)ρ(x, y, z),
(P2M-3) ρ(x, y, z) = ρ(x, z, y) = ρ(z, y, x),
(P2M-4) ρ(x, y, z)ρ(x, y, u) + ρ(x, u, z) +
ρ(u, y, z)ρ(u, u, u).Then the pair (X, ρ)is called
a partial 2-metric space; for short we write P2M-
Example 9 Let X={0,1}, and let ρ(x, y, z) =
{2if x=y=z= 0
1otherwise , then (X, ρ)is a P2M-
Theorem 10 Every 2-metric space is a P2M-space.
Proof. Let (X, d)be a 2-metric space, then from
the condition (M2) we obtain,
d(x, x, x) = d(y, y, y) = d(z, z, z) = 0,
when at least two point of any x, y, z are equals, that
is (P2M-1) is satisfied. Since d(x, y, z)0, and
d(x, x, x) = 0 d(x, y, z),
d(x, x, x)d(x, y, z),
which is the condition (P2M-2). Also from condition
(M2), we have
d(x, y, z) = d(x, z, y) = d(z, y, x),
which is the condition (P2M-3). From the condition
(M3), we have
d(x, y, z)d(x, y, u) + d(x, u, z)
+d(u, y, z),
and d(u, u, u) = 0,then we can write
d(x, y, z)d(x, y, u) + d(x, u, z)
+d(u, y, z)d(u, u, u).
So (X, d)is a P2M-space.
From Example 9 shows that the inverse is not true,
we have (X, ρ)is a P2M-space but it is not 2-
metric space.
Definition 11 A modified P2M-space indefined by
replacing the condition (P2M-1) in Definition 8 by the
(P2M-1)* x=y=z, if and only if ρ(x, x, x) =
ρ(y, y, y) = ρ(z, z, z) = ρ(x, y, z),then the pair
(X, ρ)is called a modified partial 2-metric space; for
short we write (P2M)*-space.
Example 12 Let ρ:R+×R+×R+R+defined
by ρ(x, y, z) = max{x, y, z}for any x, y, z R+.
Then the pair (R+, ρ)is a (P2M)*-space.
Example 13 Let R+= (0,)and R= (−∞,0).
Consider the function ρ:R×R×RR+de-
fined by ρ(x, y, z) = min{x, y, z}for any x, y, z
R.Then the pair (R, ρ)is a (P2M)*-space.
Example 14 Consider I={[a, b] : ab;a, b
R}is the set of all closed intervals in R, let
the function ρ:I3R+, which in defined by
ρ([a, b],[c, d], f, g]) = max{b, d, g} min{a, c, f}.
Then the pair (I, ρ)is a (P2M)*-space.
Example 15 Let X= [0, a]and αa3.
Define the mapping ρ:X3R+by ρ(x, y, z) =
x, if x=y=z= 0 ,
3, if x, y, z {1,2,3}and x=y=z,
Then the pair (X, ρ)is a (P2M)*-space .
Remark 16 Every P2M-space is (P2M)*-space
and the inverse is not true.
Theorem 17 Let (X, ρ)be a P2M-space, and the
function dρ:X3[0,), defined by dρ(x, y, z) =
3ρ(x, y, z)ρ(x, x, x)ρ(y, y, y)ρ(z, z, z),then
(X, dρ)is a 2-metric space.
Proof. It’s clear that for all distinct elements
x, y, z X, we have
dρ(x, y, z)= 0,
and from the condtion (P2M-1), we get
dρ(x, y, z) = 3ρ(x, y, z)ρ(x, x, x)
ρ(y, y, y)ρ(z, z, z)
= 0,
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.22
Hassan M. Abu-Donia, Hani A. Atia, Eman Safaa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
when at least two points x, y, z in Xare equals. From
the condtion (P2M-3), we obtain
dρ(x, y, z) = dρ(x, z, y) = dρ(z, y, x).
Also from the condtion (P2M-4), we
dρ(x, y, z)
= 3ρ(x, y, z)ρ(x, x, x)ρ(y, y, y)
ρ(z, z, z).
3×[ρ(x, y, u) + ρ(x, u, z)
+ρ(u, y, z)ρ(u, u, u)]
ρ(x, x, x)ρ(y, y, y)ρ(z, z, z).
= 3ρ(x, y, u)ρ(u, u, u)ρ(x, x, x)
ρ(y, y, y)+3ρ(x, u, z)ρ(u, u, u)
ρ(x, x, x)ρ(z, z, z)+3ρ(u, y, z)
ρ(u, u, u)ρ(y, y, y)ρ(z, z, z)
+ρ(x, x, x) + ρ(y, y, y) + ρ(z, z, z).
This implies,
dρ(x, y, z)dρ(x, y, u) + dρ(x, u, z) + dρ(u, y, z).
Then dρis a 2-metric on X, which the proof .
Definition 18 A sequence {xn}in a P2M-
space (X, ρ)converges to a point xin Xif
limn→∞ ρ(xn, x, z) = ρ(x, x, x)for all zin
Definition 19 A sequence {xn}in a P2M-space
(X, ρ)is said to be a Cauchy sequence if the
limn,m→∞ ρ(xm, xn, z)exists and finite, for all zin
Definition 20 AP2M-space (X, ρ)is said to be
complete if every Cauchy sequence in Xconverges to
an element xin Xsuch that limn,m→∞ ρ(xm, xn, z)
=ρ(x, x, x), for all zin X.
Definition 21 Let (X, ρ)be a P2M-space, a func-
tion f:XXis said to be a contraction if there
exist a constant c[0,1), such that ρ(fx, fy, z)
c×ρ(x, y, z)for all x, y, z X.
Theorem 22 Let (X, ρ)be a complete P2M-space
and fbe a self-mapping on Xsatisfying the condi-
tion ρ(fx, fy, z)c×ρ(x, y, z)for all x, y, z X
and c[0,1). Then fhas a unique fixed point.
Proof. Let xXand for a fixed z
X, it is clear that from the condtion
(P2M-4) for each n, k N, we have
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n(x), z)
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n(x), fn+k(x))
+ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n+k(x), z)
+ρ(fn+k(x), fn(x), z)
ρ(fn+k(x), fn+k(x), fn+k(x)) .
This implies,
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n(x), z)
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n(x), fn+k(x))
+ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n+k(x), z)
+ρ(fn+k(x), fn(x), z).
Using the contraction condition it follows that
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n(x), fn+k(x))
=ρ(f(fn+k(x)), fn+k(x), fn(x))
cn+k×ρ(f(x), x, fn(x));
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n+k(x), z)
=ρ(f(fn+k)(x), fn+k(x), z)
cn+k×ρ(f(x), x, z).
From (2) and (3) into (1), we get
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n(x), z)
cn+k×ρ(f(x), x, fn(x)) + cn+k×ρ(f(x), x, z)
+ρ(fn+k(x), fn(x), z).
Also we have,
ρ(fn+k(x), fn(x), z)
ρ(fn+k(x), fn+k1(x), z)
+ρ(fn+k(x), fn(x), fn+k1(x))
+ρ(fn+k1(x), fn(x), z)
ρ(fn+k1(x), fn+k1(x), fn+k1(x)).
ρ(fn+k(x), fn(x), z)
ρ(fn+k(x), fn+k1(x), z)
+ρ(fn+k(x), fn(x), fn+k1(x))
+ρ(fn+k1(x), fn(x), z).
cn+k1×ρ(f(x), x, fn(x))
+cn+k1×ρ(f(x), x, z)
+ρ(fn+k1(x), fn(x), z).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.22
Hassan M. Abu-Donia, Hani A. Atia, Eman Safaa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n+k(x), z)
cn+k×ρ(f(x), x, z) + cn+k1×ρ(f(x), x, z) + ...
+cn×ρ(f(x), x, z) + cn+k×ρ(f(x), x, f n(x))
+cn+k1×ρ(f(x), x, fn(x)) + ....
+cn×ρ(f(x), x, fn(x)) + ρ(fn(x), fn(x), z).
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n+k(x), z)
[cn+k+cn+k1+.... +cn]
×[ρ(f(x), x, z) + ρ(f(x), x, f n(x))]
+cn×ρ(f(x), x, z).
[cn+k+cn+k1+.... +cn]
×[ρ(f(x), x, z) + ρ(f(x), x, f n(x))]
+cn×ρ(f(x), x, z).
Which implies,
ρ(fn+k+1(x), f n+k(x), z)
×[ρ(f(x), x, z) + ρ(f(x), x, f n(x))]
+cn×ρ(x, x, z).
×[ρ(f(x), x, z) + ρ(f(x), x, f n(x))]
+cn×ρ(x, x, z).
Consequently {fn(x)}is a Cauchy sequence in the
P2M-space (X, ρ), and
ρ(fm(x), fn(x), z) = 0 zX.
Since Xis Complete P2M-space. Then we can
choose aXsuch that fn(x)converges to a, so,
ρ(fm(x), fn(x), z) = lim
ρ(fn(x), a, z)
=ρ(a, a, a) = 0 zX .
In the following we will show that aXis a fixed
point for f. We have,
ρ(f(a), a, z)
ρ(f(a), fn+1(x), z) + ρ(f(a), a, f n+1(x))
+ρ(fn+1(x), a, z).
=ρ(fn+1(x), f (a), z) + ρ(fn+1(x), f (a), a)
+ρ(fn+1(x), a, z).
c×[ρ(fn(x), a, z) + ρ(fn(x), a, a)]
+ρ(fn+1(x), a, z).
As n ,we get
ρ(f(a), a, z) = 0,zX,
so, f(a) = a. For the uniqueness proof, we assume
that there exist another fixed point bX, so, f(b) =
b. Now,
ρ(b, a, z) = ρ(f(b), f (a), z)c×ρ(b, a, z).
This means that c1, which contradicts that c
[0,1). So, we must have ρ(b, a, z) = 0,zX.
Then a=b, which the proof.
Lemma 23 Assume that xnxas n
in a P2M-space such that ρ(x, x, x)=0then
limn→∞ ρ(xn, y, z) = ρ(x, y, z)for every x, y and
zin X.
Proof. First note that limn→∞ ρ(xn, x, z) =
ρ(x, x, x) = 0 zX.
From the condition (P2M-4) we find that
ρ(xn, y, z)
ρ(xn, y, x) + ρ(xn, x, z) + ρ(x, y, z)
ρ(x, x, x),
ρ(xn, y, x) + ρ(xn, x, z) + ρ(x, y, z).
ρ(xn, y, z)ρ(x, y, z)ρ(xn, y, x) + ρ(xn, x, z).
ρ(x, y, z)
ρ(x, y, xn) + ρ(x, xn, z)
+ρ(xn, y, z)ρ(xn, xn, xn),
ρ(x, y, xn) + ρ(x, xn, z) + ρ(xn, y, z).
ρ(x, y, z)ρ(xn, y, z)ρ(x, y, xn) + ρ(x, xn, z).
ρ(xn, y, x) + ρ(xn, x, z)
|ρ(x, y, z)ρ(xn, y, z)|
ρ(x, y, xn) + ρ(x, xn, z).
Let n , and from the condition of (P2M-1) we
conclude the claim.
Lemma 24 (1) A sequence {xn}is a Cauchy se-
quence in the a P2M-space (X, ρ)if and only if
{xn}is also a Cauchy sequence in the 2-metric space
(X, dρ).
(2) (X, ρ)is complete if and only if (X, dρ)is also
complete. Moreover
ρ(x, xn, z) = lim
ρ(xn, xm, z) = ρ(x, x, x)
dρ(x, xn, z) = 0.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.22
Hassan M. Abu-Donia, Hani A. Atia, Eman Safaa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
Proof. (1) Let {xn}is a Cauchy sequence in the
P2M-space (X, ρ),then there exist αRsuch that
ε > 0,there is n(ε)N, we have
|ρ(xn, xm, z)α| ε
3for all n, m n(ε)and zX.
dρ(xn, xm, z)
= 3ρ(xn, xm, z)ρ(xn, xn, xn)
ρ(xm, xm, xm)ρ(z, z, z)
= [3ρ(xn, xm, z)3α][ρ(xn, xn, xn)α]
[ρ(xm, xm, xm)α][ρ(z, z, z)α].
From P2M-2, we get ρ(xn, xn, xn)ρ(xn, xm, z),
|ρ(xn, xn, xn)α| ε
dρ(xn, xm, z)
3|ρ(xn, xm, z)α|+|ρ(xn, xn, xn)α|
+|ρ(xm, xm, xm)α|+|ρ(z, z, z)α|
dρ(xn, xm, z)εn, m n(ε).
Then {xn}is a Cauchy sequence in (X, dρ).Now, we
prove that every Cauchy sequence{xn}in (X, dρ)is
a Cauchy sequence in (X, ρ).Since {xn}is a Cauchy
sequence in (X, dρ),then
dρ(xn, xm, z)εn, m n0(ε).
Take ε=1
2then there exist n0(ε)Nsuch that
dρ(xn, xm, z)1
2n, m n0(ε).
dρ(xn, xn0, z) + ρ(xn, xn, z)
=dρ(xn0, xn, z) + ρ(xn0, xn0, z),
then we have,
|ρ(xn, xn, z)|
=|dρ(xn0, xn, z)dρ(xn, xn0, z) + ρ(xn0, xn0, z)|
2dρ(xn0, xn, z) + |ρ(xn0, xn0, z)|
<1 + |ρ(xn0, xn0, z)|.
Consequentely, the sequence {ρ(xn, xn, z)}nis
bounded in R,and so there exist aR, such that
a subsequence {ρ(xnk, xnk, z)}kis convergent to a,
i.e limk→∞ ρ(xnk, xnk, z) = a. It remins to prove
that {ρ(xn, xn, z)}nis a Cauchy sequence in R.Since
{xn}is Cauchy sequence (X, dρ)given ε > 0
n(ε)Nsuch that dρ(xn, xm, z)<3ε
2n, m
|ρ(xn, xn, z)ρ(xm, xm, z)|
3|dρ(xm, xn, z)dρ(xn, xm, z)|
3dρ(xm, xn, z) = ε.
ρ(xn, xn, z) = a, and we get
|ρ(xn, xm, z)α|
=|ρ(xn, xm, z)ρ(xn, xn, z) + ρ(xn, xn, z)α|
|ρ(xn, xm, z)ρ(xn, xn, z)|
+|ρ(xn, xn, z)α|
< dρ(xn, xm, z) + |ρ(xn, xn, z)α|
< ε, n, m n(ε).
Then {xn}is a Cauchy sequence in (X, ρ).
(2) Now, we prove completeness of (X, dρ)im-
plies completeness of (X, ρ).If {xn}is a Cauchy se-
quence in (X, ρ)then it is also a Cauchy sequence in
(X, dρ).Since (X, dρ)is a complete 2-metric space,
then there exist yXsuch that
dρ(y, xn, z) = lim
n→∞ 3ρ(y, xn, z)ρ(y, y, y)
ρ(xn, xn, xn)ρ(z, z, z).
Since {xn}is a Cauchy sequence in (X, ρ),let ε > 0
then n0N,such that dρ(xm, xn, z)3ε
2. Then,
|ρ(xn, xn, z)ρ(xm, xm, z)|
3|dρ(xm, xn, z)dρ(xn, xm, z)|
3dρ(xm, xn, z) = εn, m > n0.
This shows that (X, ρ)is complete.
Conversely, we prove (X, dρ)is complete. Let
{xn}is a Cauchy sequence in (X, dρ).Then {xn}is
a Cauchy sequence in (X, ρ)and it is convergent to
ρ(xn, xm, z) = lim
ρ(y, xn, z) = ρ(y, y, y).
ρ(y, xn, z)ρ(y, y, y)< ε;nn(ε).
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.22
Hassan M. Abu-Donia, Hani A. Atia, Eman Safaa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
dρ(y, xn, z)
= 3ρ(y, xn, z)ρ(y, y, y)
ρ(xn, xn, xn)ρ(z, z, z)
<|ρ(y, xn, z)ρ(y, y, y)|
+|ρ(y, xn, z)ρ(xn, xn, xn)|
+|ρ(y, xn, z)ρ(z, z, z)|
= 3ε < ε.
Then dρ(y, xn, z)< ε nn(ε).Then (X, dρ)is
complete. Finally, it’s a simple to check that limn→∞
dρ(x, xn, z) = 0 if and only if
ρ(x, xn, z) = lim
ρ(xn, xm, z) = ρ(x, x, x).
Theorem 25 Let (X, ρ)be a P2M-space, let T:
XXbe a map for which the inequality
(T x, T y, z) + b[ρ(x, T x, z) + ρ(y, T y, z)
+c[ρ(x, T y, z) + ρ(y, T y, z)(1)
(x, y, z) + rρ(x, T 2x, z),(4)
holds for all x, y in Xwhere the constants a, b, c, r
and ssatsisfy
a+b= 0, a +b+c > 0, c r > 0, c > 0.
Then Thas at least one fixed point.
Proof. Take an arbitrary point x0X, define the
sequence xn+1 =T xn,n= 0,1,2,3... . Sustituting
x=xn,y=xn+1 into equation (4), we have
(T xn, T xn+1, z) + b[ρ(xn, T xn, z)
+ρ(xn+1, T xn+1, z)] + c[ρ(xn, T xn+1, z)
+ρ(xn+1, T xn+1, z)]
(xn, xn+1, z) + rρ(xn, T 2xn, z),
which implies
(xn+1, xn+2, z) + b[ρ(xn, xn+1, z)
+ρ(xn+1, xn+2, z)] + c[ρ(xn, xn+2, z)
+ρ(xn+1, xn+1, z)]
(xn, xn+1, z) + rρ(xn, xn+2, z).
Rewriting this inequality as
(a+b)ρ(xn+1, xn+2, z)+(cr)ρ(xn, xn+2, z)
+(xn+1, xn+1, z)
(sb)ρ(xn, xn+1, z),
and using the fact
(cr)ρ(xn, xn+2, z) + (xn+1, xn+1, z)0
where cr > 0, c > 0.Then we obtain
ρ(xn+1, xn+2, z)αρ(xn, xn+1, z)
(a+b),(a+b)= 0,0α1.Thus,
ρ(xn+1, xn+2, z)αρ(xn, xn+1, z)
α2ρ(xn1, xn, z)
α3ρ(xn2, xn1, z)
... αn+1ρ(x0, x1, z).
We will show {xn}is a cauchy sequence. Since
ρ(xn, xn+1, z)αn+1ρ(x0, x1, z).
Taking n ,0α1,
then lim
ρ(xn, xm, z)0(exist and finite).
Then {xn}is a Cauchy sequence in (X, ρ).By
Lemma 24, {xn}is also a Cauchy sequence in
(X, dρ).Since (X, ρ)is complete then (X, dρ)is also
complete. Thus there exists xXsuch that xnx
in (X, dρ); moreover, by Lemma 24,
ρ(x, xn, z)
ρ(xn, xm, z)
=ρ(x, x, x) = 0 lim
dρ(x, xn, z) = 0.
Now, we will show that xbe a fixed point of T. Sub-
stituting x=xnand y=xinto (4), we obtain
(T xn, T x, z) + b[ρ(xn, T xn, z)
+ρ(x, T x, z)]
+c[ρ(xn, T x, z) + ρ(x, T xn, z)]
(xn, x, z) + rρ(x, T 2xn, z),
which implies
(xn+1, T x, z) + b[ρ(xn, xn+1, z)
+ρ(x, T x, z)] + c[ρ(xn, T x, z)
+ρ(xn, T xn, z)]
(xn, x, z) + rρ(x, xn+2, z).
Taking the limit as n and using Lemma 23, we
(a+b+c)ρ(x, T x, z)0.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.22
Hassan M. Abu-Donia, Hani A. Atia, Eman Safaa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
Since (a+b+c)>0,
then we have 0(a+b+c)ρ(x, T x, z)0,
this means that ρ(x, T x, z) = 0.From theorem 17,
we get
0dρ(x, T x, z) = 3 ρ(x, T x, z)
ρ(x, x, x)ρ(T x, T x, T x)ρ(z, z, z)
=ρ(T x, T x, T x)ρ(z, z, z)0,
hence dρ(x, T x, z) = 0,that is x=T x, which the
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.22
Hassan M. Abu-Donia, Hani A. Atia, Eman Safaa
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
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