Abstract — The purpose of the study is to analyse and compare the most common machine learning and deep learning techniques
used for computer vision 2D object classification tasks. Firstly, we will present the theoretical background of the Bag of Visual
words model and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN). Secondly, we will implement a Bag of Visual Words model, the
VGG16 CNN Architecture. Thirdly, we will present our custom and novice DCNN in which we test the aforementioned
implementations on a modified version of the Belgium Traffic Sign dataset. Our results showcase the effects of hyperparameters
on traditional machine learning and the advantage in terms of accuracy of DCNNs compared to classical machine learning methods.
As our tests indicate, our proposed solution can achieve similar - and in some cases better - results than existing DCNNs
architectures. Finally, the technical merit of this article lies in the presented computationally simpler DCNN architecture, which
we believe can pave the way towards using more efficient architectures for basic tasks.
Keywords - Computer Vision, Multi-Class Classification, K-Means Clustering, Feature Vectors, Linear/Non-Linear Classifiers,
Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Data Augmentation, Feature Maps (Feature Learning), Transfer Learning
Received: May 28, 2021. Revised: January 30, 2022. Accepted: February 23, 2022. Published: March 23, 2022.
1. Introduction
N our modern day and age, the amount of data provided daily
by individuals and businesses is rapidly increasing due to
new technological advancements. The use of the Internet of
Things and especially Machine-to-Machine communication
channels have helped create a large interconnected network of
computing devices. Specifically, the increasing use of mobile
devices equipped with a large variety of sensors, various
everyday embedded devices, and everyday tasks such as web
browsing provide abundant information that is stored to the
“cloud,” i.e. to remote repositories. These data are then later
accessed via Big Data infrastructures that propose methods to
optimally extract, transform, and load this information to
advanced systems capable of mining these data points. The
outcome of these processes is to fuse the data streams in real-
time and implement techniques harnessing the power of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide valuable data insights
categorised into descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and/or
prescriptive results [1].
Additionally, AI is a field that shows great potential as, due to
Moore’s law that states the computing processing power yearly
increases while the cost is decreased, we are now capable of
handling rapidly and most importantly reliably data points
generated on the spot. Analytically, AI is not a new term as one
of the first mathematical models implementing a biological
neural network (BNN) was first presented in 1943 [2]. This
publication showcased how an Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) can be emulated via the use of a BNN using advanced
mathematic formulas consisting of parameters such as weights,
bias, and activation functions [3], [4]. Furthermore, besides
data classification tasks, this concept was later used as a
stepping stone to enhance data insights in the field of Computer
vision as it introduced detailed object classification and
recognition in image/video datasets. Lastly, recent advances in
the field of deep learning ANNS [5], [6], [7] focus on data
classification and image recognition tasks via deep learning
techniques [8], [9] in several fields. Most notably this includes
e-commerce [10], finance [11], humanitarian aid [12],
education [13], healthcare [14], and ecological informatics [15].
Comparison Analysis of Traditional Machine Learning and Deep
Learning Techniques for Data and Image Classification
1Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Xanthi, 67100
2Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Production Engineering and Management
Xanthi, 67100
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.19
Efstathios Karypidis, Stylianos G. Mouslech,
Kassiani Skoulariki, Alexandros Gazis
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
In this article we will focus on the last part of the above-
mentioned process, presenting a detailed comparison of recent
ML and deep learning techniques. Specifically, the outline of
our paper is as follows: firstly, we will present the aims and
objectives of our study. Secondly, we will briefly discuss some
of the most widely used ML data and image classification
techniques in the industry. Thirdly, we will present and focus
on ML and Deep Learning solutions specialising in
classification problems. Fourthly, we will present a detailed
comparison analysis between these traditional ML and Deep
Learning techniques. Fifthly, we will discuss our comparative
results and suggest a novice ANN that achieves high accuracy
of over 90% regarding a benchmark tested dataset. Finally, we
will draw conclusions and discuss how this publication can be
used in future works.
2. Aims and Objectives
This article aims to address the evaluation of some of the most
widely used techniques regarding data and image
classification. Specifically, our tests are two folded:
1. ML techniques: using the bag of visual words model
(BOVW), K-nearest neighbours and support vector
machine algorithms
2. Deep Learning techniques: using deep convolutional
neural networks, i.e., a pre-trained model and the
proposed ANN
Additionally, using the above-mentioned methods, we aim to
address the following:
1. Provide information regarding some of the most
widely used methods for data/image classification
2. Present a comparative study of ML and Deep
Learning based solutions
3. Explain the architecture and the mathematical
parameters of these methods
4. Suggest a novice CNN architecture for image
Lastly, the technical novelty of this article is not only
presenting a comparative study between traditional ML and
Deep Learning techniques, but suggesting a new CNN that
achieves accuracy levels of slightly over 90% - and in some
cases higher - similarly with the most recent scientific
advances in the field.
3. Background and Methods
3.1 Defining the Problem
In machine vision, one of the most common problems mainly
occur due to the following reasons: difficulties in recognising
objects from different angles, differences in lighting, volatile
rotation speeds of objects, rapid changes in scaling, and generic
intraclass variations.
In the last decade, due to increasing computational power,
the rise of cloud computing infrastructures, and advances in
hardware acceleration techniques (either using GPUs or remote
data centres), 2D object recognition research has rapidly
increased. Specifically, recent research suggests that these
challenges do not pose a computational problem [16], [17],
[18], [19], [20]. As a result, recent research has shifted its
efforts to provide innovative solutions that take under
consideration a trade-off between optimal accuracy for low-
power and low-cost methods. This means that emphasis must
be given to study, understand, and ameliorate existing
computational mathematics approaches and methods.
In the following sections, we will present the 2 algorithms
that we have studied using both ML and Deep Learning
solutions. Analytically, the first focuses on ML extracting key
features using SIFT algorithm and creating a global
representation as described in the bag of visual words (BOVW)
model [21], [22], [23]. Furthermore, we will present
classification techniques focusing on the K-nearest neighbours’
algorithm (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) classifier.
Moreover, regarding Deep Learning techniques we will
showcase the implementation of two custom convolutional
neural networks (CNN), i.e., one with and one without the use
of a pretrained model. Lastly, for each of the method used we
highlight the most important mathematic components and
address common neural network issues such as overfitting.
3.2 Dataset
In order to conduct this comparative analysis, we have
extended the BelgiumTS - Belgium Traffic Sign Dataset [24]
by creating our custom version [25]. During our dataset design,
we have noticed the existence of class imbalance containing
more images than others, but this does not affect the quality of
the data. Specifically, our version consists of several images
from various traffic signs split into 34 classes with each class
containing photos of different signs. More specifically, the
training dataset contains 3056 images which are split into an
80/20 ratio regarding training and validation (i.e. 2457/599
images). Lastly, the testing dataset used contains 2149 images.
3.3 Traditional ML methods
The traditional ML methods that are most commonly used in
academia and industry alike consist of the following:
1. Points of interest detection of points and features
extraction (descriptions for each image of a trained data
2. Production of visual vocabulary based on the BOVW
model and implementation of K-means algorithm.
3. Encoding training images using the generated dictionary
and histogram extraction.
4. Classification using KNN and/or SVM
1) Traditional ML methods
In these methods, a system identifies the points of interests
for each of the given images. Analytically, this is achieved via
the use of detectors that enable features extraction (i.e.,
descriptions for a vector of features) for each examined point of
interest. Then, these vectors are examined to determine the
attribute identity thus enabling us to decide if two
characteristics are similar. In this article, we use the SIFT
descriptor [26].
2) Production of visual vocabulary - BOVW model
The BOVW consists of a dictionary, constructed by a
clustering algorithm which aims to locate differences between
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.19
Efstathios Karypidis, Stylianos G. Mouslech,
Kassiani Skoulariki, Alexandros Gazis
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
an image and a general representation of a dataset. Specifically,
the operating principle behind the BOVW model supports that
to encode all the local features of an image, a universal
representation of an image must be created. This model
compares the examined image with the generated
representation of each class and generates an output based on
the differences of their content.
Similarly, in our article, our objective is to use an
unsupervised learning technique that groups the output of all
descriptors generated from an examined dataset of images to
distinct groups of unique characteristics.
Furthermore, to implement this model, several algorithms
approach, the most common one being the K-means, a
clustering algorithm which organised the data points provided
to the nearest centroid, for a fixed number K of clusters (i.e.
words), until the system converged, for a given number of
iterations [27]. The steps of this algorithms are the following
1. Initialise cluster centroids 
2. Repeat until convergence
For every i, regarding the index of each point, set
For every j, regarding the index of each cluster, set
 󰇛󰇜
Where, is the unique feature vector (descriptor) i and 󰇛󰇜 is
the assigned cluster of xi.
3) Encoding
In addition, another step of great importance is to determine
the properties of the classifier. Specifically, this is achieved via
encoding the content of the images based on a dictionary of
universal characteristics. In order to perform this, a histogram
is produced that provides information regarding the frequency
of the visual words of the dictionary in an image.
Moreover, upon producing a histogram for each word - using
a vector of features - images are compared with a dictionary,
and words correspond to the shortest distance. This results in
finding the greatest similarity between the dataset.
Finally, we notice that normalisation is applied to the
calculation of the occurrence frequency as we wished to ensure
that the generated histograms did not depend on the number of
visual words.
4) KNN classifier
The KNN algorithm is a non-parametric classifier [29], [30],
[31] which accepts the histograms of the previous stage and
compares them with the image dataset focusing on calculating
and monitoring differences in the measured distances. Then,
each image is classified to a unique cluster which shows the
greatest degree of similarity with its k nearest neighbours.
As evident from the above, the classifier depends greatly on
the distance metric used to predict and categorise each set of
results into k-groups. Moreover, we should consider that a “one
size fits all” solution does not exist and special attention should
be given to each problem [32]. The distance measure selected
highly depends on the dataset examined and should be chosen
after a trial-and-error approach [33]. Specifically, many
distance measures exist, where the most commonly used are the
Manhattan Distance (L1), (also known as Taxicab),
defines the distance (d1), between 2 vectors (p, q) of an
n-dimensional vector as follows:
Euclidean Distance (L2), defines the distance (d2)
between 2 vectors (p, q) of an n-dimensional vector as
Moreover, in machine learning, many distance metrics exist
for multiple n-dimensional vector spaces to calculate the notion
of distance or similarity [34]. In our study, we have selected to
use a generalisation of L1 and L2 distances. Specifically, in our
model we have defined the Minkowski distance, that based on
the provided values of the input (p, q) it shapes its equation to
the necessary distance. The Minkowski distance is defined as
5) SVM classifier
The SVM classifier uses an algorithm to select the surface
that lies equidistant from the 2 nearest vector spaces [35]. This
is achieved via classifying dataset into different classes and
calculating the margin between each class, thus creating vectors
that support this margin region (support vectors). Additionally,
in cases where several classes occur such as in our image
recognition dataset, research also uses the one versus all”
approach where a classifier is trained for each class [36].
Analytically, the support vectors of the data points that are
closer to the hyperplane influence the position and orientation
of the hyperplane.
Furthermore, the mathematical equation for an SVM linear
definition of a space (x) of examined data points is the
following: 󰇛󰇜
Moreover, the mathematical equation for a generic SVM
definition is the following:
Where, instead of a space (x), a space of a kernel K is used.
Lastly, based on the kernel space, the equations derived are
the following:
󰇛󰇜 ,
Where the norm (w) of the equation is:
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.19
Efstathios Karypidis, Stylianos G. Mouslech,
Kassiani Skoulariki, Alexandros Gazis
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
3.4 Deep Learning Algorithms
Apart from the ML methods discussed, Neural Networks
(NN) are also used extensively combined with supervised
learning techniques to identify and classify objects between
classes [37]. Specifically, the most common use of these NN in
the computer vision domain are CNNs implementing
hierarchical feature learning [38]. These networks take
advantage of the spatial information available on the ever-
increasing areas of images during the system’s processing.
More specifically, due to their structure and their properties
(e.g., Local Receptive Fields, Shared weights, Pooling) they
significantly reduce the parameters and therefore the
computational power over traditional feed-forward fully
connected networks.
In our article, we have studied 2 models:
1. The VGG16 architecture [39] followed by a custom
fully connected network as a classifier. We load the
pretrained on Imagenet weights [40].
2. A custom CNN without transfer learning
Lastly, we notice that during our tests we have experimented
with different activation functions of various hyperparameters,
data augmentation and normalisation methods to avoid
overfitting. In the following sections we will explain in detail
each NN architecture as well as the activation functions and
design principles.
6) VGG16 architecture
Firstly, we use the VGG16 architecture followed by our
custom classifier. Specifically, we use fully connected layers
with batch normalisation and dropout for regularisation, and
mish activation function [41]. Lastly, the final layer of the
classifier consists of 34 neurons using SoftMax activation
functions, one for each class of the dataset.
Moreover, during each training phase, we maintain all the
weights of each layer of VGG16 architecture frozen except for
the last 4 layers. Specifically, we made this choice because the
first convolutional layers “learn” low level features (such as
straight lines, angles, edges, circles etc.) which are similar in
most images. Although, the deeper convolutional layers “learn”
high-level and more abstract features which are a combination
of low-level features and are problem-specific to each dataset.
7) Proposed CNN architecture
The CNN architecture of the proposed Deep Learning
architecture is presented in Figure 1 where the input dataset
dimensions are: (128,128,3).
As evident from this image, the first stage of our CNN
consists of a convolutional layer, where we perform BN and a
max pooling. The second stage uses the same pattern twice, i.e.,
a convolutional layer followed by batch norm, another
convolutional layer and BN and finally max pooling. Lastly, the
classifier consists of 4 fully connected layers. The aim of the
second stage is to achieve optimal performance as it is proposed
for larger and deeper networks- as due to the multiple stacked
convolutional layers, more complex features of the input
volume can be extracted. This stage thus reduces cases of
destructive pooling operation.
Fig.1. Architecture of the proposed NN where convolution, max
pooling, and fully connected layers are highlighted in yellow, orange,
and purple respectively
Furthermore, as the network progresses deeper, the number of
applied filters is augmented. Specifically, initially we start with
16 filters and gradually increase them to 32 and 64. This
increase assists in producing high quality features as it
combines low-level features that occur while training the
network. It is noted that in deep learning it is common practice
to double the number of channels (or in our case filters) after
each pooling layer as the knowledge of each layer becomes
more spatial. As we get deeper into the network, each pooling
layer divides the spatial dimensions by 2 thus doubling the
number of filters and available kernels without the risk of rapid
increases in parameters, memory usage, and computing load
[42], [43], [44].
In addition, similarly to the above-mentioned architecture,
this network also consists of 4 stages of fully connected layers
where 3 of them use BN and dropout activation. Analytically,
for this NN we have used several activation functions such as
ReLU [45], [46], [47], and Swish [48] and after our tests, we
conclude that Mish [49] is the optimal one. This function
performed better than its rivals in terms of accuracy as it
generated the smaller loss rates and a smoother loss landscape
representation as its behaviour suggests that it avoids saturation
due to capping. The Mish function is defined as follows:
Moreover, a fact of great importance is that smooth activation
functions allow optimal information propagation deeper into
the neural network, thus achieving higher accuracy and
generalisation results. We present our findings regarding the
activation functions studied during our experiments in Figure 2:
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.19
Efstathios Karypidis, Stylianos G. Mouslech,
Kassiani Skoulariki, Alexandros Gazis
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
Fig.2. Comparison of the activation functions, some of them used in
our experiments
Additionally, we have used adam optimiser [50] with a
steady learning rate of 0.0002. Analytically, 80% of our
examined dataset was used for training and 20% for validation.
Moreover, to eliminate overfitting, we have used a BN
technique similar to [51] and dropout technique.
The first was implemented by having continuously periodic
measurements of the distributions for all the examined
activations of each batch of our training examples at all levels.
During the feed propagation phase, a normalisation of the
output is applied for each batch, thus each batch average
approximately reaches zero values and standard deviation
reaches 1. Specifically, the mathematical equations used to
compute these parameters are the following:
Batch average:
Batch variation:
 󰇛󰇜
Normalised activation:
Changes in shift and scaling:
Where γ,β are the parameters to be learned by the trained NN
and is constant for numerical stability that acts as a security
check to eliminate the possibility denominator value is zero.
The second technique (i.e. dropout) used was similar to [52]
where during the training of the NN a random value of neurons
is selected to be disactivated (i.e. output 0). This acts as a means
to force the NN to span out its usage and not deeply rely on
specific neurons, thus generalising our solution and reducing
the possibility of developing “single point of error” systems.
This random value is selected based on a Bernoulli distribution,
where, if p is the possibility of retaining activation and k of
disactivating connections, NN behaviour is determined as:
Lastly, we used data augmentation methods, where training
data are provided based on a probabilistic approach, i.e.,
calculating a possibility variable in real time during the training
phase and transforming images on the fly. This technique was
used during the training and not the testing or validation phase.
This is because we need the NN to optimise its behaviour during
learning and not execution mode.
4. Results
In this section we will firstly present the results of our
network architecture using ML methods. Later, we will provide
information regarding our experiments using Deep Learning
methods and illustrate the advantages of our NN approach.
Lastly, we will conclude this study with a comparative analysis
consisting of confusion matrices and comparison diagrams of
each architecture.
4.1 Traditional ML methods
The results of our executions are presented in Table 1 and 2
where Manhattan outperforms Euclidean on average by 10-
15%. Specifically, we notice that while increasing the
vocabulary size and thus the amount of vector space and their
dimensions, this rate is rapidly increasing, similarly to recent
studies in the bibliography [53]. Moreover, KNN classifier’s
optimal behaviour occurs for dictionaries of 75 words and the
50 nearest neighbours as well as of 100 words and 20 for
Euclidian and Manhattan distance alike.
Lastly, as presented in Table 1 and 2 we notice that even though
initially an increase in neighbours ameliorated the overall
accuracy results, after a certain point, a threshold was reached
as accuracy values stagnated or decreased. Moreover, as
evident from Figures 3 and 4, results suggest that for a constant
value of neighbours, there is a significant increase in
performance if we increase the quantity of (visual) words (i.e.,
input). Unfortunately, this observation, although interesting,
must be treated carefully as the initial rapid increase in accuracy
applies only to small to medium-scale dictionaries. Specifically,
for large dataset inputs, the trade-off between accuracy,
computation cost, and execution time is not advisable similarly
to the study of [54].
Table 1. Comparison of KNN accuracy for different values of K
(Number of neighbours) and different small vocabulary sizes.
Euclidian (L2) distance is used as distance metric
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.19
Efstathios Karypidis, Stylianos G. Mouslech,
Kassiani Skoulariki, Alexandros Gazis
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
Table 2. Comparison of KNN accuracy for different values of K
(Number of neighbours) and different small vocabulary sizes.
Manhattan (L1) distance is used as distance metric.
Table 3. Comparison of SVM accuracy for different types of Kernels
and different small vocabulary sizes.
Vocabulary Size
Fig.3. Accuracy comparison of kernel SVM kernel for increasing
number of vocabulary sizes.
Fig.4. Accuracy comparison of KNN for various k clusters and an
increasing number of vocabulary sizes.
4.2 AI methods
As for the examined AI methods, we have used call backs
and early stopping aiming to halt the training phase if a metric
defined by the validation loss parameter reduces its
optimisation (i.e., value decrease) for a preset number of
epochs. Analytically, the training phase of our proposed NN
model peaked its accuracy at epoch 35 (optimal validation loss
value) and after 12 epochs its training stopped and retrieved the
previous weights of epoch 35. We will present our findings
regarding the accuracy and the loss curves for our proposed
solution - in comparison to the pretrained model used as a
means of reference - in Figure 5 and 6.
Fig.5. Accuracy curves regarding the proposed model and the
pretrained model during training and validation
Fig.6. Loss curves regarding the proposed model and the pretrained
model during training and validation.
4.3 Comparative Analysis
Except for comparing the dictionary size and focusing on
either the BOVW or the KNN classifier, we have also studied
the behaviour of our suggested system with traditional metrics
used to access NN architectures. Firstly, we will present in
Table 4 the accuracy of our tests. Secondly, we will introduce
the confusion matrices regarding the optimal results for each
case. Specifically, we will provide a detailed visualisation of
our comparative study in Figures 7, 8, and 9 for all of the above-
mentioned methods.
Vocabulary Size
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.19
Efstathios Karypidis, Stylianos G. Mouslech,
Kassiani Skoulariki, Alexandros Gazis
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022
Table 4. Training Accuracy and Loss between Proposed and
pretrained model (VGG16)
Benchmark Metrics
Fig.7. Confusion matrix of the optimal SVM (Kernel=
inter, Vocab_size = 3000).
Fig.8. Confusion matrix of the optimal KNN ( K= 10,
Vocab_size = 5000).
Fig.9. Confusion matrix of the proposed DCNN.
5. Conclusion and Future Works
In this article, we presented in detail a novice architecture of
a CNN model with validation and testing loss of 0.1075 and
0.1321 alike. Moreover, the system presented had a high
validation and testing accuracy of 97.16% and 97.44%
respectively, achieving optimal results in various test cases. In
addition, the pretrained model used as a point of reference and
comparison with our suggested CNN, initially scored lower loss
and higher validation accuracy (57% after the 1st epoch) and
finally reached validation and testing loss of 0.1011 and 0.1191
and validation and testing accuracy of 97.5% and 97.16% alike.
The comparison between the proposed and pretrained model
shows that our system is capable of achieving similar results
with existing CNNs but authors suggest that for medium to
small size datasets, it slightly outperforms existing CNN
architectures. Analytically, authors suggest that this study can
be used in self-driving vehicle navigation or routing systems
[55], [56], [57] for object detection and avoidance. Also, since
our system was designed to use low-power and low-
computational cost hardware properties, we suggest this CNN
to be used either as a standalone solution or as part of existing
vehicles’ automatic control systems used to validate the
prediction (i.e. ground truth) of other sensory data points (e.g.
from camera or lidar) predictions.
Finally, future system expansions should shift their attention
into developing a dynamic model that automatically searches
and combines existing activation functions to achieve better
results. Moreover, we need to expand our architecture similarly
to the studies of vision transformers designs, studying related
datasets such as [58], [59], [60] as well as self-supervised
pretraining techniques [61].
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.19
Efstathios Karypidis, Stylianos G. Mouslech,
Kassiani Skoulariki, Alexandros Gazis
E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 21, 2022