Table 2.
Values for Various Populations.
Normal Logistic Uniform Expon.
(κ = 3.0) (κ = 4.2) (κ = 1.8) (κ = 9.0)
2 1.3333 1.4815 1.2121 2.6667
3 1.1429 1.2121 1.0811 1.6000
4 1.0909 1.1474 1.0480 1.3714
5 1.0667 1.1019 1.0336 1.2698
6 1.0526 1.0811 1.0256 1.2121
7 1.0435 1.0673 1.0207 1.1748
8 1.0370 1.0576 1.0173 1.1487
9 1.0323 1.0503 1.0148 1.1129
10 1.0286 1.0447 1.0129 1.1146
11 1.0256 1.0402 1.0115 1.1028
12 1.0233 1.0365 1.0103 1.0932
13 1.0213 1.0335 1.0094 1.0842
14 1.0196 1.0309 1.0086 1.0785
15 1.0182 1.0287 1.0079 1.0728
16 1.0169 1.0267 1.0073 1.0679
17 1.0159 1.0251 1.0068 1.0635
18 1.0149 1.0236 1.0064 1.0597
19 1.0141 1.0223 1.0060 1.0564
20 1.0133 1.0211 1.0057 1.0534
21 1.0127 1.0200 1.0054 1.0507
22 1.0120 1.0191 1.0051 1.0482
23 1.0115 1.0182 1.0049 1.0460
24 1.0110 1.0174 1.0046 1.0440
25 1.0105 1.0167 1.0044 1.0421
26 1.0101 1.0160 1.0042 1.0404
27 1.0097 1.0154 1.0041 1.0388
28 1.0093 1.0148 1.0039 1.0374
29 1.0090 1.0143 1.0038 1.0360
30 1.0087 1.0138 1.0036 1.0348
“Expon.” denotes “Exponential”. GT(5)(6) and GT(7)
refer to values imputed from equations (5) and (6), and
equation (7), respectively in Gurland and Tripathi [5].
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DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.18