Interval Estimation Under The Uniform Distribution U(a,b)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
State University of New York
Binghamton, NY 13902
Abstract: - In this short note, we consider interval estimation for the parameters under the uniform distribution
U(a, b). We study two approaches: (1) based on a Wald-type statistic, (2) based on a pivotal statistic. We show
that the first approach in its common form is not valid and we propose a modified version of the first approach. It
turns out it is equivalent to the confidence interval with the shortest length.
Key-Words: - Maximum likelihood estimator, Confidence Intervals, Pivotal Statistic, Wald-type Statistic
Received: April 20, 2021. Revised: January 7, 2022. Accepted: January 25, 2022. Published: February 24, 2022.
1 Introduction.
The uniform distribution U(a, b)is a common dis-
tribution and has been studied extensively (see, for
example, Kuipers and Niederreiter (2012), Stephens
(2017) and Claessen. et al. (2015), among others.
The maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of its pa-
rameters have explicit expressions. How to construct
a confidence interval (CI) under U(a, b)is a typical
content in a basic statistics course. For example, in
the textbook by Casella and Bergera (2002), it is ex-
plained that if the data are from U(0, b)then the exact
CI for bcan be constructed using a pivotal statistic. If
the random sample is from U(a, b)when both aand b
are parameters, then a,band θare parameters, where
θ=b−a. Under this assumption, we shall show that
there does not exist an exact CI. We shall discuss how
to construct approximate CIs.
2 Theory.
Let W1, ..., Wnbe i.i.d. from W∼U(a, b), with
the cumulative distribution function (cdf) FW(·). Let
(ˆa, ˆ
b, ˆ
θ)be the MLE of (a, b, θ), where ˆa=W(1) =
b=W(n)=maxiWiand ˆ
b−ˆa. Recall
that P(ˆ
b≤t) = P(W(n)≤t) = P(Wi≤t, ∀i) =
(FW(t))nand P(W(1) > t) = P(Wi> t, ∀i) =
(SW(t))n, where SW= 1 −FW. Thus the distribu-
tion of the MLE of (a, b, θ)is well understood. It is
easy to verify that (ˆa, ˆ
b, ˆ
θ)is consistent.
There are two possible approaches in construct-
ing CI’s for γ∈ {a, b, θ}: (1) base on the Wald-type
statistic ˆγ−γ
ˆσˆγ,e.g.,[ˆγ−1.96ˆσˆγ, , ˆγ+1.96ˆσˆγ], (2) based
a pivotal statistic T=W−a
b−a, where T∼U(0,1).
The first approach relies on the mean and variance.
Recall the cdfs and density functions:
FT(n)(t) = tn, fT(n)(t) = ntn−1, FT(1) = 1 −ST(1) ,
ST(1) (t) = (1 −t)n, fT(1) (t) = n(1 −t)n−1,
for t∈[0,1]; and for t, s ∈(0,1),
fT(1),T(n)(t, s) = n!fT(t)(FT(s)−FT(t))n−2fT(s)
1!(n−2)!1! .
Based on W=θT +a, it is easy to derive
(n+ 1)2(n+ 2)
and σ2
T(n)−T(1) =2(n−1)θ2
(n+ 2)(n+ 1)2.(1)
The proofs are also given in Appendix.
3 The Main Results.
We shall consider constructing the CI for a,bor θun-
der the assumption that W∼U(a, b). For simplicity,
we only discuss the case of a 95% CI (or (1−α)100%
CI’s, with α= 0.05). For general (1 −α)100% CI’s,
just replace 0.05 by α.
3.1. CIs for b:First consider the pivotal method.
Since T=W−a
b−a∼U(0,1),Tis a pivotal statis-
tic. For t∈[0,0.05],FT(n)(t) = tn, letting (u, v) =
(t1/n,(0.95 + t)1/n)yields
0.95 = P(u≤T(n)≤v) = P(u≤W(n)−a
If ais given, a 95% CI for bis
v+a, W(n)−a
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.10