a=b=n−1. If a= 1, then Gis a bipar-
tite graph. Therefore, a=b= 1. For otherwise,
2≤a≤b≤c≤n−2. Hence, if Gis a connected
graph of order nwith ld(G) = aand cld(G) = b,
then a, b and nmust satisfy one of (i), (ii) and (iii). It
remains to verify the converse. If a=b=n−1,
then let Gbe a complete graph Knand the result is
true. If a=b= 1, then let Gbe a path Pn. Thus, the
graph Ghas the desired properties. We may assume
that 2≤a≤b≤n−2. We consider two cases.
Case 1. a=b.
Let G′be a graph obtained from a complete graph Ka
with vertex set {u1, u2, ..., ua}and a path Pn−a=
(v1, v2, ..., vn−a)by joining v1to every vertex of Ka.
Since V(Ka)is a true twin class of G′, every local
resolving set of G′must contain at least a−1ver-
tices from V(Ka). However, if a set Wcontains only
a−1vertices from V(Ka), then Wdoes not con-
tain uifor some integer iwith 1≤i≤aand so
r(ui|W) = r(v1|W) = (1,1, ..., 1). Therefore, G
contains no local resolving set of cardinality a−1, that
is, ld(G′)≥a. Since r(vj|V(Ka)) = (j, j, ..., j),
where 1≤j≤n−a, it follows that V(Ka)is a
local resolving set of G′having cardinality a, that is,
V(Ka)is a local basis of G′. Moreover, V(Ka)is
also a connected local basis of G′. Hence, ld(G′) =
cld(G′) = a.
Case 2. a < b.
Let Gbe a graph obtained from a complete graph
Kawith vertex set {u1, u2, ..., ua}and two paths
Pb−a+1 = (v1, v2, ..., vb−a+1)and Pn−b−1=
(w1, w2, ..., wn−b−1)by joining v1to every vertex of
Ka, and w1to both vb−aand vb−a+1. Since V(Ka)is
a true twin class of G, it follows by Proposition 3.1
that every local resolving set of Gmust contain at
least a−1vertices from V(Ka). However, ev-
ery set consisting of a−1vertices from V(Ka)is
not a local resolving set of Gsince the representa-
tions of vb−a+1 and w1with respect to this set are
the same. Thus, every local resolving set of Gcon-
tains at least avertices. It is routine to verify that
every local resolving set of Gmust contain at least
one vertex from {vb−a+1} ∪ V(Pn−b−1). Then the
set (V(Ka)− {u1})∪ {vb−a+1}is a minimum local
resolving set of G. Hence, ld(G) = a. Since ev-
ery connected local resolving set of Gis also a lo-
cal resolving set of G, it follows that every connected
local resolving set of Gmust contain at least a−1
vertices from V(Ka)and at least one vertex from
{vb−a+1} ∪ V(Pn−b−1). Therefore, every connected
local resolving set of Gcontains v1, v2, ..., vb−a. In
fact, the set (V(Ka)− {u1})∪V(Pb−a+1)is a con-
nected local basis of G, that is, cld(G) = b.
We know by Eq.(1.2) that if Gis a connected graph
of order nwith cld(G) = band cd(G) = c, then 1≤
b≤c≤n−1. Next, we show that for any integers
b, c and nwith 1≤b≤c≤n−1are realizable as
the connected local dimension, connected dimension
and order of some graphs.
Theorem 3.3. Let b, c, n be integers with n≥4.
Then there exists a connected graph Gof order nwith
cld(G) = band cd(G) = cif and only if b, c, n satisfy
one of the following:
(i) b=c=n−1,
(ii) b= 1 and 1≤c≤n−1, and
(iii) 2≤b≤c≤n−2.
Proof. Assume that there exists a connected graph
of order nwith cld(G) = band cd(G) = c. By
Eq.(1.2), we obtain that 1≤b≤c≤n−1. If
b=n−1, then c=n−1by Eq.(1.2). If b= 1,
then 1≤c≤n−1by Eq.(1.2). If 2≤b≤n−2,
then Gis neither a star nor a complete graph, and so
2≤b≤c≤n−2. Hence, if Gis a connected
graph of order nwith cld(G) = band cd(G) = c,
then b, c and nmust satisfy one of (i), (ii) and (iii). It
remains to verify the converse. If b=c=n−1,
then let Gbe a complete graph Knand the result is
true. Next, assume that b= 1 and 1≤c≤n−1.
For c= 1, let Gbe a path Pn; while for c=n−1
let Gbe a star K1,n−1. Since cld(Pn) = cd(Pn) = 1,
and cld(K1,n−1) = 1 and cd(K1,n−1) = n−1, it fol-
lows that the result holds for b= 1 and c= 1, n −1.
For 2≤c≤n−2, let Gbe a graph obtained
from a complete bipartite graph K2,c−1with partite
sets U={u1, u2}and U′={w1, w2, ..., wc−1}, and
a path Pn−c−1= (v1, v2, ..., vn−c−1)by joining v1
to both u1and u2. Since Gis bipartite, it follows
that cld(G) = 1. It is routine to show that the set
V(K2,c−1)− {u2}is a connected basis of G. There-
fore, cd(G) = c. Hence, the result holds for b= 1 and
2≤c≤n−2. Now assume that 2≤b≤c≤n−2.
We consider two cases.
Case 1. b=c.
The graph G′of the proof for Theorem 3.2 has
cld(G′) = bwith a connected local basis V(Kb). In
fact, V(Kb)is also a connected basis of G′, that is,
cd(G′) = b.
Case 2. b < c.
Let Gbe a graph obtained from a complete graph
Kbwith vertex set {u1, u2, ..., ub}, a star K1,c−bwith
vertex set {v, v1, v2, ..., vc−b}and a path Pn−c−1=
(w1, w2, ..., wn−c−1)by joining the central vertex v
of K1,c−bto w1and every vertex of Kb. It is im-
mediate that the set V(Kb)is a connected local ba-
sis of G. Therefore, cld(G) = b. Moreover, the set
(V(Kb)− {u1})∪V(K1,c−b)is a connected basis of
G, that is, cd(G) = c.
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.1
Varanoot Khemmani, Witsarut Pho-On,
Supachoke Isariyapalakul