Albanian Handwritten Text Recognition using Synthetic Datasets and
Pre-Trained Models
Computer Engineering Department,
Polytechnic University of Tirana,
Bul. “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, “Nënë Tereza", sheshi nr. 4, Tirana
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) has continuously attracted the focus of researchers to enable
the integration of technology into our daily lives. Handwritten text recognition (HTR), a technology of
considerable importance, takes a leading role in the analysis and digitization of various documents. This
technology is important in facilitating the efficient use of handwritten documents, especially within academic,
historical, and cultural contexts. The use of artificial intelligence in handwriting recognition offers a very good
opportunity to achieve satisfactory results in this field, but to achieve good results a large dataset is needed.
Creating a large dataset to train different AI models is a challenge for languages with limited resources such as
the Albanian language. This paper aims to present a novel approach to the development of an HTR system for
the Albanian language using an attention-based encoder-decoder architecture. The dataset used in the
experiments is a synthetic dataset generated using deep learning techniques based on the English language
dataset as they are both variants of the Latin alphabet. We enhanced the dataset with two letters specific to
Albanian, (ë” and “ç”). The usage of pre-trained English models for handwriting recognition improved our
model’s performance. The results of the experiments are very promising and prove that our approach is
efficient in recognizing handwriting in the Albanian language. This shows that the attention-based encoder-
decoder architecture can be adopted for different languages with limited resources.
Key-Words: - HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition), Albanian language, Synthetic dataset, HTR Models,
Machine learning, Deep learning.
Received: June 29, 2023. Revised: February 16, 2024. Accepted: April 9, 2024. Published: May 15, 2024.
1 Introduction
According to the “Ethnologue Guide” in our world,
there are more than 7,000 languages including
dialects, and some of them are used by a few people
and only 23 languages are used by half of the
population of the world. This means that some of
those languages in the long term are going to be
The Albanian language is one of the oldest
languages in the world and the only surviving
representative of the Albanoid branch, which
belongs to the Paleo-Balkan group, [1]. From a
grammatical perspective, it has major differences
compared to the other European languages. The
current Albanian alphabet has 36 letters and is based
on the Latin alphabet with the addition of letters ë,
ç, and nine digraph letters: “dh”, gj”, ll”, nj,
“rr”, “th”, “sh”, “xh”, and “zh”.
Handwritten documents are a valuable resource
of information especially when trying to make
handwritten content like manuscripts, personal
correspondences, legal documents, and scientific
studies stored in archives, accessible and usable by
NLP systems.
Handwritten text recognition (HTR) is a
technique and ability of a computer to read data
from paper documents written by hand, [2].
The process of extraction of digital data from
paper documents can be achieved using Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) and Intelligent
character recognition (ICR) techniques, [3], [4]. The
OCR technique usually is used when the text is
printed and is a well-established technology. The
ICR is used to convert/extract data from images of
handwritten texts, and it is more complex than OCR
technology because it can also detect and recognize
different handwriting styles. Both technologies
focus on the recognition of individual characters, [4]
and they do not check if the generated characters are
real words in a linguistic and semantic context.
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2024.21.25
Hakik Paci, Dorian Minarolli,
Evis Trandafili, Stela Paturri
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 21, 2024
The technology for interpreting handwritten text
(not only the set of characters or words) into
machine-readable data has become increasingly
important in the current Artificial Intelligence era.
The recognition of handwritten text has always
attracted researchers to work on real-life
applications in healthcare, banking, insurance,
online libraries, etc. However, for the Albanian
language, there is a significant gap in this research
field. As far as we know, there is no publicly
available system, nor a dataset for supporting the
recognition of handwritten text in Albanian.
Nevertheless, we must notice that several efforts
have been made to address the handwriting
recognition problem from an NLP (Natural
Language Processing) perspective. The first
attempts to deal with HTR were based on Hidden
Markov Models, [5], dating back 10 to 15 years ago.
Recent advancements in neural networks have
shifted the focus towards the architectures based on
neural networks which excel with sequential data.
Due to the infinite human writing styles, the
implementation of a Handwritten Text Recognition
system is laborious, and requires a very large
amount of training data, often resulting in poor
performance. In this work, we are looking to
modestly address this gap by proposing an HTR
system specifically designed for the Albanian
language and assessing and comparing its accuracy
and efficiency with state-of-the-art data. We aim to
contribute to the development of an HTR system for
the processing of Albanian texts by introducing a
novel approach, employing an encoder-decoder
architecture. For the creation of our Albanian HTR
model, we relied on the paper [2], who proposed an
attention-based sequence-to-sequence model for
English with an encoder composed of ResNet for
feature extraction and bidirectional LSTM for
sequence modeling.
There are no contributions to HTR in Albanian
therefore it was not possible to employ an existing
dataset of images of handwritten text prepared to
train our HTR model. To address this gap, we
generated a synthetic dataset through a deep
learning model able to replicate human handwriting
in different styles. Furthermore, the training process
was sped up by employing a transfer learning
technique with several modifications to adapt the
model to the peculiarities of the Albanian language.
The utilization of pre-trained English models proved
to be an effective solution in scenarios where there
is a limited availability of training data, providing
an enhanced performance for HTR models designed
for low-resource languages.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
covers the proposed approaches; Section 3
investigates the synthetic generation of the Albanian
dataset used to train the HTR model; Section 4
analyses the performance and evaluates the
effectiveness of the synthetic dataset in the
Attention HTR model; and finally, we conclude in
Section 5.
2 Proposed Approaches
In this section, we will explain the architecture of
the Attention HTR model. There are three main
components of the model: ResNet, bidirectional-
LSTM, and Transformer.
- Residual Network (ResNet) is a breakthrough
in the field of deep learning, especially in
Convolutional Neural Networks. The seminal
paper entitled "Deep Residual Learning for
Image Recognition", [6], [7] addressed the
challenges faced by deep neural network
training—the vanishing gradients, which
become an issue when the network depth
increases. The residual blocks in ResNet allow
deeper networks to train without the problem of
the vanishing gradient. This can be achieved by
using the output of the previous layer through a
skip connection as an input to a new layer. This
technique enables the network to learn better
residual functions, concerning the input layer,
and, therefore, facilitates better training of deep
networks. In the HTR problem, we use ResNet
in the feature extraction phase. The feature
extraction phase is a very important and critical
step in text recognition and transcription of
HTR because handwritten text is quite complex
and different from a person’s style of writing.
Therefore, a network’s ability to learn the
needed features and encode those in the input
data helps in the performance of the HTR.
- LSTM is an RNN type but with memory cells
that can store or retrieve information over long
sequences. The memory cells enable the model
to capture and remember, two characteristic
features of sequential data. As such, LSTMs are
a great option for this type of data processing,
be it NLP or HTR, [8]. BiLSTM: BiLSTM is an
extension of the LSTM that introduces
bidirectional processing, [9]. The BiLSTMs can
capture both past and future contextual
information in a sequence because they can
process the input sequence in two directions,
forward and reward. Thus, with BiLSTM in
HTR, a model may not only recognize
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2024.21.25
Hakik Paci, Dorian Minarolli,
Evis Trandafili, Stela Paturri
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 21, 2024
characters/words but grasp the relationships
between them within a sentence or paragraph.
This is important because many people’s
writings are context-dependent.
- The Transformer architecture was initially
developed for machine translation tasks, its
ability to address multiple challenges has
transformed it into the model, [10], [11] used by
most NLP applications. Transformer uses self-
attention to define the relevance of different
sections of the input sequence to the prediction.
Instead of processing data in series, other
sequence models do, including RNNs and
LSTMs, [12], [13], [14]. As a result, for training
and inference, allowing the Transformer to
reach faster and higher efficiency, the model’s
speed is drastically increased. The Transformer
architecture is utilized in HTR with both word
and character-level options. It processes
sequence data from images of handwritten text,
effectively modeling context and dependencies
between characters or words, [15], [16]. This
contextual understanding is especially important
in cases involving complex handwriting styles
or context-dependent character variations.
The Attention HTR model, [2], that we
employed in for our Albanian HTR, uses the
attention encoder-decoder architecture for
distinguishing human handwriting. To decompose
and summarize the main elements of words, and
feature extraction, the model relies on ResNet,
whereas for sequence modeling it is based on
bidirectional LSTM [9], [17], [18] and for making
accurate predictions on content-based attention
mechanism. To address the challenge presented by
the limited amount of data available in the Albanian
language dataset, we applied transfer learning
techniques within the model, [2]. Consequently, the
system pre-trained using the deep-learning model
Attention HTR will enable us to train the system
using an Albanian language dataset.
A pre-trained HTR model is adjusted and
adapted to the specifics of the Albanian language
and can be used to compare the performance with
state-of-the-art models in the field of HTR.
The archiving of good results means a big step in
the domain of HTR for the Albanian language.
3 Dataset
To train the HTR model it is necessary to provide a
dataset that contains different images of handwritten
texts. Finding a dataset with images of handwritten
texts in the Albanian language wasn’t possible
because the number of studies in HTR is limited. To
train a HTR model for this purpose we decided to
use a synthetic dataset, [19], [20]. The dataset was
generated by a deep learning technique developed
for the English language. This technique can be
modified, [21], for the Albanian language because
almost all the letters in the Albanian language are
the same as the letters of the English alphabet
except for two letters, ‘ë’ and ‘ç’, [22]. To make the
dataset more diverse, we generated it using six
different handwriting styles.
The dataset's primary goal is to support the
implementation of the Albanian language,
accommodating unique characters ‘ë’ and ‘ç’, which
differentiate Albanian from English. Precisely,
positioning these characters in word images required
image processing techniques, [20]. To attain this
objective, we placed diacritical marks over ‘e’ as
shown in Figure 1, and a line under ‘c’ as shown in
Figure 2. By accurately positioning the mentioned
two characters in the images processed by our
synthetic writing model, we created a dataset of
more than 12,000 Albanian words, prepared for
training, testing, and validation purposes, [23]. The
distribution graph of those word counts per number
of letters is shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 1: Sample Word Generated by Synthetic Model
with ‘ë’
Fig. 2: Sample Word Generated by Synthetic Model
with ‘ç’
Fig. 3: Word count per number of letters
As shown in the graph in Figure 3, words with
lengths from two to six are more widespread in the
generated dataset. Words with two characters are
usually connectors in the Albanian language and
contain the letter 'ë' in most cases. For this reason,
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2024.21.25
Hakik Paci, Dorian Minarolli,
Evis Trandafili, Stela Paturri
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 21, 2024
these words are also a good way of adapting the
letter 'ë' in the training of the system.
During the generation of images of this dataset in
the Albanian language we developed an algorithm
to correct the diacritical points on the letter 'ë' and
the inclusion of a line distinctive below the letter 'ç'.
The algorithm calculates the coordinates of the
location of each 'ë' and 'ç', [24]. Then it modifies the
letters 'e' and 'c' because those are the letters that are
different from the English alphabet which the
algorithm uses to generate the image of handwriting.
Figure 4 illustrates the calculation of the
coordinates where it is necessary to modify the
image to convert the letter 'e' to look like 'ë'.
Fig. 4: Location and offset calculation for the ‘ë’
4 Experimental Evaluation
The focus of this section is the evaluation of the
effectiveness of the synthetic dataset within the
modified Attention HTR, [15], [25] model designed
for the symbol system of the Albanian language. We
performed training and validation using three
different datasets employing a case-sensitive model.
Using those different datasets, we evaluate the
accuracy rate, and compare the performances of
each experiment.
The first dataset employed is the dataset
generated using the deep-learning model, [26],
adapted explicitly for the generation of word images
in the Albanian language. In this dataset, we used
approximately 2,000 words, [19], and using six
different handwriting styles we generated a dataset
with more than 10,000 records.
The second dataset is generated with
approximately 16,000 unique words. The images of
words are written in six different handwriting styles
and this dataset offers the possibility to test the
performance for lexical variety.
The third dataset is generated from the second
dataset and the existing English IAM dataset, [15].
The selection of words from the dataset is random
and contains 25% of its data. In this way, we
generate a dataset with two linguistic areas, the
Albanian and English IAM.
The evaluation of results provides accuracy
analysis based on the formula as follows:
 
  (1)
4.1 Attention HTR Model Trained with
Different Size Datasets
The synthetic two datasets generated by deep
learning with six different handwriting styles, [27],
[28] are used in this experiment. This experiment
aims to investigate the effects of dataset size and
diversity of the words in the dataset on the system’s
performance. Both datasets encompass six distinct
handwriting styles, each utilized across different
paragraphs within the datasets. The 10,000-word
dataset includes Albanian literary excerpts, while
the second dataset comprises alternative words
sourced, [29], from additional Albanian literature
works. We trained the HTR model with each of
these datasets and the results are shown in Table 1.
The outcomes from training the attention HTR
model with these datasets underscore the same
pattern: the larger the training dataset, the more
effectively the system performs during training.
Table 1. Performance comparison between datasets
of different sizes
Dataset size
Train accuracy
4.2 Training the Attention HTR Model with
Multilingual Datasets
In the second experiment, we used the entire dataset,
consisting of 16,000 Albanian word instances,
alongside the IAM dataset, [15], which includes
English language instances. Given the dataset's
volume, we randomly selected a subset of around
25,000-word instances for further analysis, [30].
The testing was performed on 30% of the data in
both datasets. To evaluate the performance of the
Albanian model with non-synthetic images, we
tested it with both Albanian and English language
test datasets.
The results shown in Table 2, present higher
accuracy in English language text validation due to
the size of the dataset and customized network
weights. Nevertheless, the Albanian language model
performed well, considering dataset limitations and
Regarding language testing, the English test
dataset, comprising about 7,500 examples, produced
satisfactory results. In contrast, the Albanian test
dataset with 1,300 examples demonstrated a higher
score than English.
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2024.21.25
Hakik Paci, Dorian Minarolli,
Evis Trandafili, Stela Paturri
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 21, 2024
Additionally, cross-testing with the opposite
language datasets revealed challenges. English
model couldn't train with the dataset created in
Albanian by 16,000 words due to the presence of the
distinct characters ‘ë’ and ‘ç’. Conversely,
evaluating the Albanian model's performance using
English data was feasible, given the subset nature of
English characters within the Albanian language.
However, these assessments yielded suboptimal
outcomes. The model, primarily trained on synthetic
images, struggled to handle human handwriting
images from the English test cases and leaned
towards recalibrating for synthetic handwriting. This
highlights a key challenge addressed in the
following experiment.
Table 2. Comparison of Albanian and English
Language Datasets
test cases
with English
test cases
4.3 Training the Attention HTR Model with
the Hybrid and Albanian Language
In this experiment, we addressed the issue identified
in the previous study where the system trained with
the Albanian language dataset, had difficulty
accommodating the human handwriting images
from the English model. To resolve this, [21], [24],
[31], we explored creating a combined dataset that
includes both Albanian and English. This approach
allows the model to learn both languages, not only
from synthetic images but also from real
handwritten data. The results from training the
model with a hybrid dataset, alongside the results
from the model trained solely with the Albanian
dataset, are presented in Table 3.
The results unambiguously reveal the enhanced
performance of the hybrid model in predicting
handwritten English words, [32], with a notable
66% improvement when compared to the
performance of the Albanian language dataset in
tests involving human handwriting images.
Furthermore, the hybrid model achieves
commendable accuracy in synthetic Albanian
language tests.
After the analyses of data in the tests the
performance decrease was minimal even when we
used a hybrid dataset of 22,000 training data and
about 3,100 instances of validation data.
Table 3. Comparative Analysis: Hybrid and
Albanian Language Datasets
test cases
with English
test cases
5 Conclusions
In this paper we explored a methodology to generate
a synthetic dataset, mimicking human handwriting
for texts in the Albanian language using deep
learning techniques based on the English language.
The difference of letters between Albanian and
English alphabets is just two letters, exactly the
letters 'ë' and 'ç' and those letters can be generated
[21], [33], using the letters 'e' and 'c' by calculation
of letter position and modifying them. The dataset
trained a Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR)
system. Furthermore, the trained model has been
enhanced using a pre-trained English model, [21],
showing promising results.
One of our main aims was to test the model's
performance in various scenarios. Most importantly,
we generated a hybrid dataset, including text in
Albanian and English, aiming to develop a system
that can recognize handwritten and synthetic texts.
The results achieved from the experiments
confirmed our idea to establish an HTR system for
the Albanian language based on a model for the
English language was the right one.
Finally, we notice that our research presents
initial efforts in developing hybrid HTR systems for
different languages even if they are limited in
resources, motivating us for further work in the
The developed models require optimization to be
more accurate and effective, especially with
different handwriting styles. Future work will be
focused on the usage of larger nonsynthetic datasets,
with different sources. The Albanians speak two
dialects that have the same sentence structure, the
Gheg and Tosk dialects. The first one is spoken
mostly in the north of Albania, Kosovo, and the
Albanian community in North Macedonia, and the
Tosk dialect which is spoken in the south of
Albania. The research on how to detect and analyze
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2024.21.25
Hakik Paci, Dorian Minarolli,
Evis Trandafili, Stela Paturri
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 21, 2024
based on dialectic elements will be part of our future
work in this field.
Further research in this field will improve
existing HTR systems, simplifying the
implementation of those systems, and increasing
their performance and accuracy rate.
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DOI: 10.37394/23209.2024.21.25
Hakik Paci, Dorian Minarolli,
Evis Trandafili, Stela Paturri
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 21, 2024
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
- Hakik Paci developed the algorithm for image
processing, prepared the structure of the article,
and the contributed to write the main part of the
- Evis Trandafili reviewed the related work and
focused on linguistic for the implementation of the
HTR in Albania language.
- Dorian Minarolli prepared the infrastructure and
the dataset used in simulation.
- Stela Paturi is a student who has organized and
executed the experiments while preparing her
diploma thesis.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2024.21.25
Hakik Paci, Dorian Minarolli,
Evis Trandafili, Stela Paturri
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 21, 2024