(Support Vector Machines) model and the
Perceptron Multilayer (MLP) model follow
with the same performance.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed machine learning
models for the detection of fraud in customs
declarations in Senegal. These models were
built using data from customs declarations and
using the following supervised learning
methods:: Multilayer Perceptron, Support
Vector Machines, Random Forest, and Extreme
Gradient Boosting. The model obtained with
Random Forest was found to perform the best
according to the performance measures we
used, namely precision, recall, F1-score, and
accuracy. Then follow, in order, the model
obtained with Extreme Gradient Boosting and
the models obtained with Multilayer Perceptron
and Support Vector Machines.
In perspective, it would be interesting to
combine these models to form an ensemble
model that would be very efficient in fraud
These models could be integrated into the
Senegalese Customs' fraud risk management
system to improve the efficiency of controls,
and facilitate the work of customs officers.
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Djamal Abdoul Nasser Seck