Combinatorial group testing algorithms improved for d = 3
Faculty of Education
Charles University
M. Rettigove 4 116 39 Praha 1
Abstract: This paper aims to improve one well-known method for d= 3. In the original article, two algorithms
were presented, one for d= 3 and another (Chinese remainder sieve method) that was adjustable for arbitrary d.
In its basic form, the Chinese remainder sieve method was always better than the explicit algorithm for d= 3. In
our proposed form, the modified algorithm for d= 3 is more efficient for some small n, and it also pushes the
lower bound from which an efficient algorithm exists.
Key-Words: combinatorial group testing, three defective items, pooling, one-round algorithms, various radixes,
three defective samples, speed of testing, scalability of testing
1 Introduction
Combinatorial group testing is a method that ef-
ficiently tests many individuals for diseases like
COVID-19 by pooling and testing their samples ([1],
[2], [3]). This approach conserves testing resources
and increases the speed and scalability of testing. The
idea of group testing, based initially on health care
needs, has proven to be applicable in many other
fields such as genetics (e.g., [4]), computer science
(e.g., [5], [6]), and engineering (e.g., [7], [8]).
The practical implementation of a method is of-
ten limited by testing capabilities, such as the number
of samples that can be tested simultaneously or the
number of tests that can be performed from a single
sample. This limitation necessitates the development
of methods that can effectively handle small sample
sizes. This paper presents an enhancement of a well-
known method for d=3 ([9]).
Two algorithms were introduced in the original pa-
per ([9]). In its basic form, the Chinese remainder
sieve method consistently outperformed the explicit
algorithm for d= 3. However, in our proposed ap-
proach, the modified algorithm for d= 3 exhibits
greater efficiency for some small values of n, thereby
pushing the lower bound for the existence of an effi-
cient algorithm.
The paper is organized as follows. Our main result
improved algorithm is in section 2, data comparison
for small nis in section 3, and the conclusions follow
in section 4.
2 Main results
The original algorithm was designed to work only
with number notation in the binary system; we will
show that it can be applied similarly, or even more
easily, in systems with a different basis.
Let the number of items be n=kq, and the
item indices be expressed in radix k. Index X=
X(q1) . . . X0, where each digit Xp {0,1, . . . , k
Now, Xranges over the item index numbers
{0,1, . . . , n 1},pranges over the radix positions
{0,1, . . . , q 1}, and vranges over the digit values
{0,1, . . . , k 1}.
Matrix Mhas k2q
2rows. Row (p, p0, v, v0)of
Mis associated with distinct radix positions pand p0,
where p < p0, and with values vand v0, each of which
is in {0,1, . . . , k 1}.M[((p, p0, v, v0), X]=1iff
Let testM(p, p0, v, v0)be the result (1 for pos-
itive, 0 for negative) of testing items having a 1-
entry in row (p, p0, v, v0)in M. For p0> p define
testM(p0, p, v, v0) = testM(p, p0, v, v0).
The following three functions can be computed in
terms of testM.
testB(p, v)has value 1 (0) if there are (not) any
defectives having value vin radix position p, i.e.
testB(0, v) = 0 if Pk1
i=0 testM(0,1, v, i) = 0, and
testB(0, v) = 1 otherwise. For p > 0,testB(p, v) =
testM(0, p, i, v) = 0
and 1 otherwise.
test1(p)is the number of different values held
by defectives in radix position p. Thus test1(p) =
i=0 testB(p, i).
Received: September 15, 2022. Revised: October 18, 2023. Accepted: November 11, 2023. Published: December 7, 2023.
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2023.20.47
Antonín Jančařík
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 20, 2023
test2(p, p0)is the number of different ordered
pairs of values held by defectives in the desig-
nated ordered pair of radix positions. Therefore,
test2(p, p0) = Pk1
i=0 Pk1
j=0 testM(p, p0, i, j).
Now, we determine the number of defective items
and the value of their digits.
Let T=maxq1
Lemma 2.1. If T= 0, there are no defective items.
Proof. Obvious.
Lemma 2.2. If T= 1 then test1(p)=1for all p.
Denote by Xpthe element for which testB(p, Xp) =
1. Then there is just one defective item X=
X(q1) . . . X0.
Proof. Obvious.
The following lemma describes a new case and
must be added to the original proof.
Lemma 2.3. If T= 3, then there are just three de-
fective items.
Proof. Because T= 3, exists psuch that test1(p) =
3and Xp1, Xp2, Xp3such that testB(p, Xpi) = 1.
Then for every p0different from pand Xpiexists
just one Xp0
isuch that testM(p, p0, Xpi, Xp0
Searched defective items have coordinates Xi=
X(q1)i. . . X0i(i {1,2,3}).
What remains to be resolved is a case where T=
2. Two cases can occur, maxq1
p,p0=0(test2(p, p0)) = 2
and maxq1
p,p0=0(test2(p, p0)) = 3.
Lemma 2.4. If T= 2 and maxq1
p,p0=0(test2(p, p0)) =
3, there are just three defective items.
Proof. If maxq1
p,p0=0(test2(p, p0)) = 3, it is already
straightforward to distinguish all defective items us-
ing pair p, p0such that test2(p, p0) = 3.
Lemma 2.5. If T= 2 and maxq1
p,p0=0(test2(p, p0)) =
2, there are exactly two defective items.
Proof. Suppose there are three defective items, and
pis such that test1(p)=2. Then one of the defec-
tives (say D) has in pvalue v, and the other two (say
E, F ) have a value u, u 6=v. Since Eand Fare dis-
tinct, they must differ in value in some other position
p0. Therefore, there will be three different order pairs
of values held by defectives in positions pand p0, so
test2(p, p0) = 3. A contradiction.
Theorem 2.6. Mis the 3-separable matrix for n=
kqwith k2q
2rows, for any positive integers k, q,k
Proof. It follows directly from the preceding Lem-
3 Comparison of the number of tests
required for the d = 3 method
First, let us compare the original algorithm with the
newly proposed one. The differences are described in
Table 1. The NA means t(n)> n, so applying the
algorithm is ineffective.
The original algorithm was designed only for k=
2, but using a different base could be more efficient.
The modified algorithm can be applied for smaller n,
except for three values of n n = 126,127, and 128; it
is always better than the original one. In Table 1, we
always list t(n)only for the kthat is most efficient in
the given interval.
Table 1: Comparing t(n)for d= 3.
norigin d= 3 new d= 3
1–47 NA NA
48–59 NA 48 (k= 4)
60–64 60 48 (k= 4)
65–81 NA 54 (k= 3)
62–83 NA 75 (k= 5)
84–125 84 75 (k= 5)
126–128 84 84 (k= 2)
129–243 112 90 (k= 3)
129–243 112 90 (k= 3)
244–256 112 96 (k= 4)
257–512 144 135 (k= 3)
513–729 180 135 (k= 3)
730–1024 180 160 (k= 4)
It now remains to compare whether, for some
small n, the modified algorithm is more efficient
than the previously best-presented algorithm the
Chinese remainder sieve method with backtracking
search (denoted bktrk) ([9]). A comparison of the al-
gorithms can be found in Table 2.
Table 2: Comparing t(n)for d= 3.
nbktrk origin d= 3 new d= 3
1–47 N/A N/A N/A (k= 4)
48–49 47 N/A 48 (k= 4)
50–56 49 N/A 48 (k= 4)
57–60 53 N/A 48 (k= 4)
61–64 53 60 48 (k= 4)
65–71 53 N/A 54 (k= 3)
72–77 57 N/A 54 (k= 3)
78–79 58 N/A 54 (k= 3)
81 59 N/A 54 (k= 3)
82 59 N/A 75 (k= 5)
83 60 N/A 75 (k= 5)
84–100 60 84 75 (k= 5)
The original algorithm was worse for all n than
the Chinese remainder sieve method algorithm. How-
ever, this is no longer true for the modified algo-
rithm. The modified algorithm offers better results
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2023.20.47
Antonín Jančařík
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 20, 2023
for n= 50 . . . 64 and n= 72 . . . 81. Thus, the results
were optimized by adjusting the algorithm in several
cases considered the best known.
4 Conclusions
The modification of the algorithm for three defective
items presented in this paper brings only minor im-
provements, yet it provides the best possible solution
for a few small values n. The advantage of the mod-
ified algorithm is its ease of implementation. It is
not without interest that for small values of n, dif-
ferent values of k(k= 2,3,4,5) appear to be the
most effective. For larger n, in most cases, it is most
advantageous to choose k= 3. Although still for
n= 315 + 1 . . . 224,k= 4 is the most effective.
Future research should focus on applying the re-
sults presented in this paper to algorithms that run in
more than one round (e.g., [10]). The improvements
introduced here could help to improve them, espe-
cially in future rounds of testing where the number of
defective samples in a group is already limited. Find-
ing optimal algorithms for small nusing ICT would
undoubtedly be interesting.
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DOI: 10.37394/23209.2023.20.47
Antonín Jančařík
E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 20, 2023