Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme
and their investigation.
Development of an approach to automating
the construction of object models that can be
described by a diagram of transitions with an
arbitrary number of states, transitions, and
their intensities.
2 Related Work
The current trend in the development of
telecommunication technologies is aimed at
increasing the use of wireless communication and
the requirements for its quality. One of the main
problems of wireless communication is the sharing
of common physical environment resources between
active participants. In Wireless Local Area
Networks, the actual direction of research is the
analysis and improvement of access methods to the
physical environment.
There are several categories of access methods to
the shared physical environment, the most common
of which is the competition-based method. The
competitive access method is used by such well-
known standards as IEEE 802.11 for WLAN, [1],
and IEEE 802.15.4 for low-speed wireless personal
networks (Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area
Networks, LR-WPAN), [2]. The access method
described in these standards is implemented as
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
Avoidance. A lot of work has been devoted to the
study and improvement of the CSMA/CA scheme.
Some refer to the operation of the method in
wireless local area networks, [3], [4], [5], [6], others
in wireless sensor networks, such as, [7], and still
others in wireless body area networks (WBAN), for
example, [8].
Articles, [3], [5], can be used as an example of
improving the CSMA/CA scheme for wireless local
networks and illustrating the use of machine
learning for these purposes. To increase the
performance of the CSMA/CA scheme,
reinforcement learning is used to optimize the value
of the contention window by adapting to the traffic
in the WLAN. As a result, the proposed access
scheme has a higher throughput than the existing
CSMA/CA scheme. In, [7], to improve the
performance of non-slotted CSMA/CA, the authors
propose a modified non-slotted CSMA/CA that
divides the backoff delay into two components:
main and additional. The analysis of the modified
CSMA/CA was carried out using the Markov
model, and the expressions for estimating the
average delay, energy consumption, and reliability
were obtained. The OPNET simulation package was
applied to test the proposed Markov model and
compare the modified method with the standard one.
The results demonstrate that the modified CSMA
improves reliability while reducing the average
delay. Article, [9], proposes a modified CSMA/CA
scheme that provides channel coordination between
heterogeneous wireless technologies. Wi-Fi (IEEE
802.11) and Zigbee (IEEE 802.15.4) networks are
used as WLAN and WPAN technologies. An
important positive aspect is that the proposed
method does not require modification of hardware
and standards for either WLAN or WPAN. The
paper, [9], proposes an improved Traffic Class
Prioritization based on the CSMA/CA scheme for
IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control in intra-
wireless Body Area Networks. The prioritized
channel access is achieved by assigning a backoff
period range to each traffic class in every backoff
during contention. The main advantage of the
proposed scheme is reduced packet delivery delay,
packet loss, and energy consumption, and improved
throughput and packet delivery ratio.
One of the current areas of improvement in
wireless communication is the use of Quality of
Service (QoS) mechanisms, both in mobile
communication networks, [10], and in local
networks, [4], [11]. To improve QoS in WLAN, in
the work, [4], adaptive mechanisms for managing
parameters of the CSMA/CA scheme are proposed,
in, [11], for CSMA/CA was proposed a new model
used a feedback-controlled method with fuzzy logic.
Various mathematical tools are used to study the
MAC sub-layer, for example, Markov processes,
[7], [10], [12], machine learning, [3], [5], and
analytical and simulation modeling, [4], [5], [7].
They use both their developed programs, [4], and
special tools, such as Network Simulator,
OMNET+, OPNET, Graphical Network Simulator,
Matlab/Simulink, Maple, CISCO Packet Tracer, and
The main modes of wireless local network
operation at the MAC-sublayer are described in, [1].
In the paper, [6], a description of the operation of a
wireless local network station is presented and a
diagram of transitions between its states is given.
This diagram has been described by a system of
differential equations and, as a result, analytical
expressions that allow estimating the probability of
a WLAN station being in each of its possible states
were defined, [13].
This paper proposes an approach for automating
the model construction that describes, similar to
[13], the MAC-sublayer of local networks using a
system of differential equations. With this approach,
a system of automated model construction based on
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2023.20.41
Kvitoslava Obelovska, Khrystyna Pelekh,
Yuriy Pelekh, Eleonora Benova,
Rostyslav Liskevych