used by educators in a classroom setting, online, or a
mix of the two.
Based on the concepts of experiential learning, an
educational tool for computer-assisted learning
(CAL) has been created, [13]. Its goal is to enhance
veterinary students' capacity to evaluate critically the
consequences of animal husbandry practices
discovered during their work on sheep farms. The
CAL includes lectures, concept maps, multiple-
choice questions, movies of animals in various
husbandry situations, and open-ended questions.
2.1.1 Digitalization and Analysis of Education
The analysis and prediction of learning, as well as the
development of new types of educational materials,
is a research area that poses a new challenge to
analyze a large number of educational resources as
well as learner-generated data as efficiently and
meaningfully as possible. Nowadays, many
researchers are focused on learning analytics and
proposed different approaches to the learning
process. Centralized learning systems represent the
most widely used data source for digitalization of
education and learning analysis, as well as most
commonly used techniques are prediction and
classification, [14]. Learning analytics is used in
recommender systems. Recommendations are
generated for implementing learning impact analysis
on learning, such as focusing on learning impact by
extending existing practice.
Every educational organization has a Learning
Management System (LMS) that supports the core-
training process. The LMS generates data based on
various activities and educational resources, such as
student activity logs, course activity logs, course
content, or student assessment results. This data
needs to be analyzed and the results are taken into
account to improve student learning outcomes. This
type of system allows transferring knowledge of any
type - static, dynamic, interactive, logical, etc. There
is an effective system for managing users, evaluating
activities and knowledge, and in general, a
comprehensive organization of the learning process.
In this way, an opportunity to train future specialists
in the field of animal husbandry is provided.
Most data mining techniques are well suited for
learning analysis and prediction. Some basic data
mining techniques such as clustering, statistics,
association rules, and regression are most used for
learning analysis and prediction. Other techniques,
such as text mining, pattern mining, causal inference,
and scoring are not often used because obtaining
attributes is complex, [15].
Moodle is a widely used LMS and learning
analytics is integrated as it uses a machine learning
backend. Specific Moodle data mining tools are
developed that apply clustering techniques to classify
the students. The classifier shows basic student
characteristics in each group and allows the
classification of new students.
For some time now, course administration tools
like WetCT, Blackboard, Sakai, or Moodle have
aided instructors in the process of organizing their
courses. An integrated platform for resource
management, communication, and assessment is
provided by such systems, [16].
Recently, open-source tools for creating online
courses have been released. Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs) and Large Open Online Courses
(LOOCs) are being made possible by these platforms.
Maintaining student motivation, accurately grading
pupils, and developing and overseeing a positive
collaborative environment are some of the
difficulties, [15].
Educational content corresponding to the
curriculum (lectures, seminar and laboratory
exercises, practical training), including tasks for
independent work for ongoing control of students'
work, is published in the digital environment. The
learning content is presented as learning resources -
files in different media formats (text, audio, video
files, presentations, etc.). The developed digital
educational resources for learning subjects from
curricula with digital educational content are
implemented and accessible on a software platform
by using its interactive capabilities in different media
• Electronic textbook - structurally divided into
lessons and sections, accompanied by interactive
materials, examples, facts, etc.
• Interactive materials – animated images, three-
dimensional models to allow better exploration
of objects, models, animations and interactive
simulations, graphs, tables, images, text files,
presentations in appropriate electronic format,
audio or video lectures, e-mail, and video
• Virtual elements – hypertexts, hyperlinks, links
to files and sources on the Internet.
• Electronic tests, including an exam procedure for
intermediate and final control, questions and
tasks that cover the learning material with
instructions for its completion, amount and type
of questions included, time to solve them, need
to use aids, the evaluation algorithm, and other
3 Platforms for Learning in Animal
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2023.20.19
Veska Gancheva, Lidia Galabova