processing based on machine learning is proposed.
The preprocessing phase is concerned with image
transformation, feature extraction, and the selection
of training and testing datasets.
Regarding system testing and validation
purposes, a workflow is developed to classify X-ray
images and determine accuracy and probability in
medical data analysis.
An open-source X-ray image dataset was utilized
to train and test the suggested approach consisting
of numerous datasets with four distinct classes,
including Normal, COVID-19, Pneumonia, and
Lung Opacity.
Experiments are performed based on Naive
Bayes, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Neural
Network, and SVM methods and are aimed at
accuracy and probability in the analysis of medical
The analysis done shows the best results in the
case of the Neural Networks classification algorithm
and can be assumed to be the most reliable in
comparison with the results in the cases of Random
Forest, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, and
The research presented in this paper is financially
supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education,
National Science Fund, grant KP-06-N37/24.
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Veska Gancheva,
Ivaylo Georgiev, Violeta Todorova