parents would be pleased when they enrolled in
an online course. Also, being closely aligned
with the earlier studies, it was found that the
effects of the facilitating conditions and
behavioral intention variables on the E-learning
acceptance were significant. It was identified
that behavioral intention and facilitating
conditions were two direct determinants of
adopting behavior [9]. Students with good
facilitating conditions, such as computers and
Internet access, tend to think that e-learning
brings advantages and is easy to accept.
Contrary to some previous studies,
performance expectancy and effort expectancy
were found to have no effect on behavioral
intention. The difference may come from the fact
that COVID-19 was an unexpected intermission
for students in Vietnam, and since then, schools
and universities have been asked to roll out their
teaching to online mode, [12]. This no-impact
result is reasonable given the fact that students
had little choice at that time.
5 Conclusions
In light of the global trend towards e-learning,
higher education institutions in Vietnam have
experienced radical changes. The transition from
traditional learning to an online learning model
in late 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic was
unprecedented in Vietnamese history. The
COVID-19 outbreak was crucial in bringing
online learning to the mainstream in Vietnam. E-
learning adoption is an essential subject for the
education sector. Various studies have been
conducted on this subject, and several models
that mainly attempt to describe e-learning
adoption on an individual basis have been
Some results of the current studies are
different from the prior research. It might be due
to a lack of information about online education.
With the shift to exclusive online learning during
the COVID-19 pandemic, many universities had
to provide online courses to adapt social
distancing guidelines. Institutions, lecturers, and
students needed to be well-prepared to
participate in this kind of learning mode through
training and other support. This includes
developing good curriculums and facilities for
solving technical problems and difficulties both
lecturers and students might face during e-
learning classes.
According to the study findings, there was a
positive impact of social influence on students’
behavioral intention of e-learning systems. In
addition, behavioral intention and facilitating
conditions have positively influenced the
acceptability of e-learning in higher education
The findings of this research are based on
empirical evidence, which examines factors that
influence the acceptance of e-learning systems
among university students. Policymakers,
designers, and developers can be benefited from
the study's results. Thus, they have made a
remarkable contribution to reviewing and
utilizing the successful usage of e-learning
systems in higher education. Fundamentally, this
study has shed light on the importance of e-
learning adoption in higher education
institutions, especially for the younger
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DOI: 10.37394/23209.2023.20.5
Nguyen Van Duc, Luu Van Hieu