premises. The premises’ owners hired security
guards to ensure that all the visitors are wearing face
masks, with normal body temperature and also
check the health and vaccination status in the
MySejahtera of the visitors at the entrance of the
premise. Only visitors with normal body
temperature and healthy MjSejahtera status are
allowed to enter the premises. It could be a huge
financial burden to the premise owner as the extra
cost is incurred. From the perspective of an
economical view, this effect is greatly obvious if
several security guards are being hired to monitor
the premise. These have inspired us to propose an
AI-Based Low-Cost Real-Time Face Mask
Detection and Health Status Monitoring System
The project objectives are to develop a real-time
alert system for the face mask detector and
MySejahtera Check-In ticket detector using artificial
intelligence. The MobileNetV2 algorithm is used in
the face mask detector [3]. Optical character
recognition (OCR) is incorporated with the
YOLOv3 object detection algorithm to detect the
specific targeted character from the MySejahtera
Check-In ticket [4]. The AFMHS allows the visitor
who wears a face mask and has a record of low risk
with fully vaccinated on the MySejahtera Check-In
ticket to enter the premises.
2 Literature Review
In the year 2021, the researcher Fushuai Wang et al
did a research project on face recognition with
MobileNetV2. The processing unit proposed is on
Raspberry Pi 4B, [1]. The author mentioned that
MobileNetV2 could provide a balance between the
accuracy and the network parameter, which allows it
to be suitable for usage on mobile devices. The face
images were recognized in a total of 5 categories.
100 face images are used in the training set which is
500 images in total. 50 face images in the test set,
which means 250 images in total, [1].
In the year 2021, the researcher Ikram ben Abdel
Ouahab et al developed a real-time face mask
detector with MobilNetV2 and Raspberry Pi, [2].
The face mask model was trained, tested and
evaluated through Google Colab with a huge
database available online on GitHub. The dataset
consists of a total of 3835 images with 1915 images
with masks and 1918 images without mask. The
selected database consists of people wearing masks
with different poses and positions, [2]. The
approach of this project work was more towards the
ability to perform in real-time whereby speed is a
crucial factor. A smooth motion and appearance of
the video stream were considered. When the real-
time video stream is analysed by the detection
model, the frame per second (FPS) value will
decrease. The decrease in FPS will be even more
obvious in devices with lower processing power.
From this research work, the lower processing
power device such as Raspberry-Pi-4B could cater
for the performance requirement. MobileNetV2
could also be deployed due to the nature of its
lightweight model.
In the year 2021, the researcher Samuel Ady
Sanjaya et al completed research work on face mask
detection by using MobileNetV2, [3]. In this
research paper, the author mentioned that face mask
recognition was being implemented with the image
classification method through MobileNetV2. The
proposed face mask detection model was referring
to the datasets taken from the Kaggle dataset and the
Real-World Masked Face dataset. These datasets
consist of 5 thousand masked faces and 90 thousand
normal faces photos.
Extra work is carried out in the year 2022 to
perform face mask detection. The enhanced Yolo
algorithm was proposed to detect the face mask, [9].
Experimental work was carried out to evaluate the
performance of the algorithm proposed and this
shows the importance of the solution in face mask
detection. Convolutional Neural Network was used
to monitor the face mask of the workers on the
construction site to ensure the workers’ safety, [10].
The solution proposed also monitors the physical
distance between the workers. The performance of
various approaches in face mask detection was
reviewed in [11]. However, no related work is
reported in monitoring the health status of
MySejahtera. An effective solution is urgently
needed to monitor the health status in MySejahtera
of the people before they enter the premises.
In the year 2021, the researcher R Shashidhar et
al produced a project regarding the detection and
recognition of vehicle number plates with the
method of OCR through YOLOv3, [4]. Since there
are different background colours and types of
license plate, the YOLOv3 model was trained to
localize the vehicle number plate. It is particularly
mentioned that YOLO had been used to find the
region of interest which is the part of the vehicle
number plate only [4]. A dataset that consisted of
6439 images of different alphabet-numerical
characters was created. The result showed that an
accuracy of 91.5% was obtained for this vehicle
number plate detection model ,[4].
In the year 2020, the researcher Chinmaya
Kumar Sahu et al did research work on a
comparative analysis of the deep learning approach
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2022.19.26
Choon En You,
Wai Leong Pang, Kah Yoong Chan