Index integrating soil, vegetation, climate and management qualities to
evaluate desertification in the Northwestern coast, Egypt
Land use Dept., National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Cairo, EGYPT
*Corresponding author
Abstract: In Egypt, the phenomenon of desertification is a geographical phenomenon that is related to the decline
or deterioration of the land's biological production capacity, which will eventually result in semi-desert
conditions, or, in other words, the loss of fertility from productive lands. An understanding of the geographical
distribution of environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) is necessary for sustainable land use in the dry lands. The
characteristics of the research region and the Mediterranean desertification and land use (MEDALUS) approach
were used to evaluate the environmental sensitivity to desertification on the west-north coast of Egypt. Remote
sensing images, topographic data, soils, and geological data are used to calculate desertification indicators.
A hotspot of desertification risk exists on the north coast of Egypt due to soil degradation, climatic conditions,
geomorphological and topographic features, soil quality and soil uses in each area. In each of these areas, these
variables lead to varying levels and causes of soil degradation and desertification, as well as varying
environmental, economic, and social effects. The obtained data reveal that (10.6%, 82.73%) of the west north
coast are Sensitive and Very sensitive areas to desertification, About 1.22% of the research area is the moderately
sensitive area, while the low sensitive and very low exhibit only (4.21,1.48) %. Remote sensing and GIS are
recommended to monitor sensitivity. MEDALUS factors can be modified to obtain more reliable data at the local
Keywords: Desertification, Sensitivity, Quality indicators, ESAI, North coast.
Received: January 9, 2023. Revised: October 14, 2023. Accepted: November 15, 2023. Published: December 18, 2023.
1. Introduction
Desertification poses a great threat to global
eco-environmental security and human well-being
(Yue et al,2023). Desertification is the term used to
describe land degradation that takes place in
environments that are arid, semi-arid, and sub-
humid. Desertification can be defined simply as “the
making of the desert” or “the production of desert
conditions” (Verstraete, 1986). However, the
United Nations provided the first thorough definition
of the word in 1977, which took into account the
phenomenon's economic effects. It defined
desertification as “the diminution or destruction of
biological potential of land which can lead
ultimately to desert-like conditions (United
Nations, 1977). This definition was modified in
1994, when desertification was defined as “Land
degradation in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid
areas resulting from human activities and climate
variation. encompassing human influences on
climate change that go beyond monetary damage
(United Nations, 1994). Since then, this last
definition has been formally and widely applied to
numerous studies on desertification conducted all
over the world, providing a variety of perspectives
for measuring, analysing, and modelling
desertification. (Kassas, 1995; Li et al., 2016; Cui
et al., 2011; Bakr et al., 2012; Lamchin et al.,
2016; Liu et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2016; Becerril-
Pi˜na et al., 2016; Zhao et al., 2018)The arid
regions are constantly threatened by land
degradation and desertification processes, caused by
various reasons (KERTÉSZ, 2009). One of the
biggest environmental problems of our day is
desertification, according to the United Nations
Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
(Vieira et al, 2022, Yue et al,2023). Significant
economic and environmental effects of
desertification and land degradation affect 1.4 billion
people, 74% of whom are impoverished. In addition,
12 million hectares of agricultural land are lost
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
annually due to desertification and drought. (United
Nations, 2015). Due to their important roles in food
productivity and the social development of
communities, arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid regions
in particular have attracted growing political and
international attention in this issue since 1970. (Li et
al., 2016; Becerril-Pi˜na et al., 2016; Liu et al.,
2018; Zhao et al., 2018). Taking into consideration
the united nation definition definitions, the current
study is adopted as: “land degradation in arid, semi-
arid, and dry sub-humid areas resulting from human
activities and climate variation which can lead to
desert-like conditions”. Currently, the rate of
desertification on the planet is 120,000 km2 per
year, and it is predicted that by 2045, this process
will have forced the displacement of over 135
million people. (Fust, 2010). The "Great Green Wall
of Africa," which aims to end land degradation by
2030, has been suggested by countries in the Sahel.
Researchers now have a cutting-edge way to track
the desertification process thanks to remote sensing
technologies. Zeng et al. (2006) built an albedo-
NDVI feature space and using the findings of linear
fitting, calculated the desertification monitoring
index (DMI) to analyze the degree of desertification.
In comparison to using spectral data alone for level
division, this relatively easy method achieved
improved accuracy, and it has recently been used to
measure desertification across several locations.
(Vorovencii, 2017; Li et al., 2021).
A range of surface parameters can be used to build
DMIs based on linear and point-to-point models,
respectively, to acquire the best desertification
monitoring model while completely taking into
account vegetation cover and surface roughness.
(Wei et al., 2018). According to some studies, the
only variables causing desertification are changes in
the soil or vegetation. (An et al., 2013; Turan et al.,
2019), Indicators affecting the degree of
desertification in areas such as soil, climate,
vegetation, and management quality can be gathered
to create the Environmentally Sensitive Area Index
(ESAI). (Jiang et al., 2019; Uzuner and Dengiz,
In multiple testing regions around the Mediterranean
region, the environmental sensitivity area index
(ESAI) was verified under various environmental
conditions at both the local and regional levels.
(Basso et al. 2000; Brandt 2005). Due to its limited
vegetation cover, low drought resilience, steep
slopes, and highly erodible parent material, the
Mediterranean region is more vulnerable to
desertification due to low rainfall and harsh events.
(Ferrara et al. 1999). In dry locations, the
combination of extreme biophysical and
socioeconomic occurrences may result in an
irreversible environmental deterioration process.
(Montanarella, 2007). The Geographic Information
System (GIS) is a useful tool for storing, retrieving,
and manipulating the enormous quantity of data
required to calculate and map various quality
indexes related to desertification. (Gad and Lotfy
2006; Abdel Kawy and Belal 2011).
This current study aims to how remote sensing is
applied to the study of desertification. Therefore,
utilizing Mediterranean desertification and land use
(MDLUS) indicators in a region along Egypt's north
coast, this research was carried out with the intention
of offering an early warning approach to
desertification risk, focusing on risk management
rather than disaster management. The outcome of
this study could serve as a template for local land
managers to effectively allocate resources for
managing and preventing desertification. This
approach is thought to be transferable to other dry
regions with comparable anthropogenic and
environmental variables.
Materials and methods
2.1 Location of the study area
According to Figure 1, the study region is
situated on Egypt's northwest coast between
latitudes 31°0'45 and 30°56'17 north and
longitudes 29°23'39 and 27°20'11 east.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Figure 1: Location of the study area
Figure 2 shows that the study area consists of
six main geological units, they are El-Hagif Fm,
Gravel, Marmarica Fm, Sabkha deposits,
Stabilized Sand Dunes and undifferentiated
Quaternary Deposits
(CONOCO 1987).
Figure 2: Geology map of the study area CONOCO 1987).
2.2 Climate data
The northern region of Egypt is
currently characterized by an arid climate class,
which suggests that desertification might take
place, according to Pravalie (2016) and Pravalie
et al. (2019). The average annual temperature is
found to be between 20.12 and 21.12 C,
according to the climate data gathered from
three surface stations (Matroh, Alexandria, and
El-Dabaa). The temperature of the soil regime
varies from "Thermic" to "Hyperthermic," and
the soil moisture regime is "Torric," as
determined by Soil Survey Staff (2014). Wind
Speed at 2 Metres (m/s) varies between 3.48 to
4.07 m/s, while the total amount of precipitation
per year fluctuates between 330 and 430 mm.
An arid climate is indicated by the aridity
index, which ranges from 5.72 to 5.89.
(Pravalie et al., 2019)
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
2.3 Remote sensing and GIS work
The primary data source used to build
the desertification monitoring model in the
research area was the Landsat 8 Operational
Land Imager remote sensing pictures, which are
accessible at The
images used in this investigation have
paths/rows 178/39 and 179/38. The image
quality was excellent, as seen by the less than
10% total cloud cover. The visible, near-
infrared, and mid-infrared wavelengths, which
are made up of six bands and have a spatial
resolution of 30 m, were used in this
investigation. Geometric calibration and
atmospheric correction were carried out with
the impact of radiometric distortions and
atmospheric disturbances on image quality in
mind. Using ENVI 5.3 software, satellite
imageries were digitally processed. After that, a
supervised classification (maximum likelihood)
was carried out after an unsupervised
classification (ISO DATA classifier). Slope
classes and aspects have been generated from
the DEM using ArcGIS 10.8 (ESRI Co.,
Redlands, USA).
2.4 Modeling desertification in the
studied area
Characterization of the original
MEDALUS indices
According to Kosmas et al. (1999), the indices
are the soil quality index (SQI), the climatic
quality index (CQI), the vegetation quality
index (VQI), and the management quality index
(MQI). The geometric mean algorithm of the
parameter scores was used to calculate each
index as follows:
Where n is the number of parameters, S is the
parameter score, and x is the index.
The Land Degradation Sensitivity Index
(LDSI), which is obtained for the entire study
area and is illustrated in Figure 3, is based on
these indicators, which were chosen in order to
thoroughly characterize susceptibility to land
degradation by including characteristics of
physical (climate, soil, and vegetation) and
anthropogenic (pressures related to land
management) characteristics.
defined desertification as the degradation of
land in arid, semiarid, and subhumid regions;
consequently, the ESAI would be indicating the
desertification sensitivity index obtained from
the conventional MEDALUS approach,
according to Tables 1 and 2
Figure 3: Flowchart of desertification sensitivity assessment (DSAI)
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Table 1
Main characteristics of desertification categories
Classes DSI Description Reference
1 DSI <1.2
Non affected areas or
very low sensitive areas
to desertification
Gad and Lotfy,2008
2 1.2< DSI <1.3 Low sensitive areas to
3 1.3< DSI <1.4 Medium sensitive areas
to desertification
4 1.3> DSI <1.6 Sensitive areas to
5 DSI >1.6 Very sensitive areas to
Table2: Measurable parameters used in developing desertification sensitivity indices (DSAI
2.4.1 Climate quality index
Four factors, including two from the
MEDALUS framework (aspect and aridity) and
two that were added in accordance with
regional specifics (rainfall and wind speed),
were used to produce this crucial indicator
(Table 3).
Due to its significance in highlighting
the availability of water for biological activity,
rainfall is regarded as a variable of significant
importance for determining the CQI (Table 4)
(Kosmas et al., 1999).
According to Salvati et al. (2013), the main
contributing factor to land degradation is climatic
The formula "AI = P/PET" is used to
calculate the Aridity Index (AI), where P is the
amount of precipitation and PET is the amount of
potential evapotranspiration taken from the global
database created by Trabucco and Zomer (2009).
Due to its impact on the level of humidity
that affects vegetation, slope aspect is regarded
as acrucial factor. Understanding the
relationship between slope and sunlight and
evapotranspiration allows for the realization of
this impact. (Kosmas and others, 1999).
Three meteorological stations under the
National Meteorology Agency's authority
provided data on the wind speed (Table 3).Due
to the possibility for the wind deflation process
to occur in the region—especially given that it
contains the largest sandy soil areas in the
Data source
Prăvălie et al ,2017
Wind speed
Gad and Lotfy,2008
Parental material
Soil depth
Plant cover
Land use
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
nation—wind speed is a crucial component for
the process under analysis. By correlating
greater intensity values with higher wind
speeds, wind erosion was thus indirectly
approximated using this methodology (Table
Based on the geometric mean of the sub-
indicators' score values, the CQI indicator was
calculated using the following formula:
𝐶𝑄𝐼 󰇛Aridity Index aspect Rainfall
Wind speed󰇜
2.4.2 Soil quality index
In the arid, semi-arid, and dry zones,
soil is the most important component of
terrestrial ecosystems, notably due to its impact
on biomass production. Water availability and
erosion resistance can be related to soil quality
parameters for mapping ESAs (Briggs et al.,
1992; Basso et al., 1998). In the current
analysis, four soil parameters—namely, parent
material, soil texture, soil depth, and slope
gradient—were taken into account. On the
basis of (OSS, 2004), which was derived from
the Medalus project methodology (European
Commission, 1999), weighting factors were
applied to each category of the attributes that
were taken into consideration. The allocated
indexes for the various categories of each
parameter are shown in Table 3-B. The
following algorithm was used to calculate the
soil quality index (SQI), and categories are
provided in Table 4.
Where: The indices of the parent material (I
the soil texture (I
), the soil depth (I
), and the
slope gradient (I
2.4.3 Vegetation quality index (VQI)
The allocated indexes for the various
categories of each parameter are shown in
Table 3-C. The following equation was used to
calculate the Vegetation Quality Index (VQI),
which was then divided into groups according
to Table 4.
Where; the indices of erosion protection (I
drought resistance (I
), and vegetation cover
2.4.4 Management quality index
The Management Quality Index, which
can be analysed from a two-point perspective (i.e.,
anthropogenic activity intensity (in crop-lands,
pastures, natural, mining, and recreation areas),
and agricultural policies aiming to improve
restrictive environmental conditions), is one
method of evaluating anthropogenic stress on the
environment (Kosmas et al., 1999).
The following equation was used to
construct the management quality index:
In this case, I
stands for "land use," I
"grazing intensity," and I
for "policy."
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Table 3: Characteristics of the parameters (classes and corresponding weights) used for obtaining
the (CQI), SQI, VQI and MQI
Measurable Parameter Classes
Rainfall (mm)
Aridity Index
Humid ( 0.65)
Dry sub-humid (0.5–0.65)
Semi-arid ( 0.5)
N, NE, NW, V, flat areas
S, SE, SW, E
Wind speed
Loamy sand, Sandy loam,
Loamy clay, Clayey sand, Sandy
Clay, Clay loam
Sandy to very Sandy
Parental material
Coherent: Limestone, dolomite,
non-friable sandstone, hard
limestone layer
conglomerates, unconsolidated
Moderately coherent: Marine
limestone, friable sandstone
Soft to friable: Calcareous clay,
clay, sandy formation, alluvium
and colluvium
Not very gentle
Very abrupt
Soil thickness is more than 1 m
Soil thickness ranges from
Soil thickness ranges from
Soil thickness 0.15 m
Plant cover
NDVI >0.95
NDVI 0.65-0.95
NDVI 0.35-0.65
NDVI <0.35
Gardens, orchards, rangelands
Permanent grassland, annual
crops and grasslands
Bare land
Very Low
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Land use
Agricultural lands
Poor and degraded
Bare lands
Complete: >75 % of the area
under protection
Partial: 25–75 % of the area
under protection
Incomplete: <25 % of the area
under protection
Table 4: Classification of CQI, SQI, VQI and MQI
Parameter Class Description Range
1 High quality <1.15
2 Moderate quality 1.15 to 1.81
3 Low quality >1.81
1 High quality <1.13
2 Moderate quality 1.13 to 1.45
3 Low quality >1.64
1 High quality < 1.2
2 Moderate quality 1.2 -1.4
3 Low quality 1.4-1.6
4 Very Low quality >1.6
1 High quality 1-1.25
2 Moderate quality 1.26-1.5
3 Low quality >1.5
3. Result and discussion
3.1 Climate Quality Index (CQI)
The investigated area is an arid region where it
receives very little annual precipitation. The major
meteorological characteristics that lead to
desertification processes are the rainfall, wind speed
aspect in addition to the aridity. The result illustrate
100 % of the total area characterized by moderate
climatic index where it fills within score range 1.15
and 1.81. It occupies all the area which extens
4584.78 Km2 , as shown in Table 5 and Figure 4.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Figure 4: Climate Quality Index Map
3.2 Soil Quality Index (SQI)
To determine the type of parent material, the
geologic map was utilized. (Figure 5(A)).this figure
shows the study area constitutes only two classes
(i.e. Moderate coherent and friable).The friable class
is located along the coast covering an area of 1.13–
1.45a km, % . as deduced from the GIS system.
The topography is represented by slope gradient
(Figure. 5(B)) which iscategorized on the basis of
the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The result
shows that most of area is assigned by strongly
sloping and ranged from 0 to 20 %. This means that
the slope in the study area falls into 6 categories
according to the FAO classification which are
described to flat to very gently sloping, gently
sloping, sloping strongly sloping and moderately
sloping. The soil texture was assessed on basis of the
texture analyses, figure 5 (C) illustrates that soil
texture of the study area is ranged between coarse
and very like to average. Depth of the study area
varies between shallow, moderate and very deep
soils as illustrated by figure 5 (D).
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Figure 5: Spatial representation of the selected SQI measurable parameters
Water availability and erosion resistance are two
signs of soil quality that can be used to
mapEnvironmental Sensitivity Areas (ESAs).
Simple soil characteristics including soil texture,
parent material, soil depth, and slope gradient can be
used to analyse these qualities. The soil quality
index (Table 5 and Figure 6) shows that 11.74%
(538.43 km
) of the examined area, located in the
northern half, is distinguished by high soil quality.
About 3616.59 Km
or 78.88% of the total area is
covered by the moderate soil quality index. About
9.37% (429.76 Km
) of the entire area is occupied
by the low soil quality index. The depth, the daring
condition, the parent material, and the slope are the
main limiting criteria of soil quality in the northern
section of the research area.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Figure 6: Soil Quality Index Map
3.3 Vegetation quality index
A reliable indicator for determining the North
West Coast's classes of desertification susceptibility
was discovered to be the Vegetation Quality Index
value. The current study takes into consideration soil
erosion control, drought resistance, and plant cover
type as VQI indicators. The NDVI values, which
indicate vegetation cover, were calculated using
remotely sensed Landsat photos. Adapted NDVI
ratings ranged from 1 to 2, depending on how
intense the vegetation index was. The data obtained
showed that the study region, which made up around
1.72 and 98.27% of the overall study area (4505.29
Km2, 79.01 K m2, respectively), is typified by poor
to extremely low vegetation quality index.
According to Table 5 and Figure 7, the moderate
vegetation quality is predominantly found in the
eastern section and covers 0.48 Km2, or 0.01% of the
research area.
Figure 7: Vegetation Index Map
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
3.4 Management quality index
In the present study, grazing intensity, policy,
and land use factors that were undoubtedly
significant in managing the process of desertification
were used to suggest the management quality index.
The findings show that the research area falls into
the moderate and low management quality index
categories. It has been determined that (4269.83km2,
or 93.13% of the study area) falls into the low MQI
category. (314.95 Km2, which makes up 6.87% of
the total area), has a mediocre quality index as
illustrated by Figure 8 and Table 5. It should be
noted that the study area suffers from poor land
resource management.
Figure 8: Management Index Map
Table 5: Areas of quality indices classes of Climate, Soil, Vegetation and Management
Indicator Class Quality
description Score range Total area
Km2 %
1 High 1.15 0.00 0.00
2 Moderate 1.15–1.81 4584.78 100.00
3 Low 1.81 0.00 0.00
1 High 1.13 538.43 11.74
2 Moderate 1.13–1.45 3616.59 78.88
3 Low 1.45 429.76 9.37
1 High < 1.2 0.00 0.00
2 Moderate 1.2 -1.4 0.48 0.01
3 Low 1.4-1.6 79.01 1.72
4 Very low >1.6 4505.29 98.27
1 High quality 1-1.25 0.00 0.00
2 Moderate quality 1.26-1.5 314.95 6.87
3 Low quality >1.5 4269.83 93.13
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
3.5 Desertification sensitive index
To calculate the for desertification ESI, it was
necessary to take into account the integration of the
climate, soil characteristics, vegetation cover, and
management rates. Indicating varying levels of
sensitivity to desertification, the values obtained are
distributed spatially (Figure 9). The results of this
study, which are presented in Table 6, showed that
the bulk of the research region, which is located in
the south and west, is vulnerable to the processes of
desertification, which are typified by severe to
extremely severe ESI. These classes represent,
respectively, 10.36% and 82.73% (474.91 km2 and
3793.22 km2) of the total area. On the other hand,
due to the vegetation cover and land usage, the
eastern half of the region is very low to low
susceptible to desertification. They occupied 67.84
Km2 and 192.86 Km2, or 1.48% and 4.21%,
respectively, of the total area. Due to the moderately
poor soil quality and management, only 1.22% of
the land (55.96 km2) is considered to be Medium
Sensitive to Desertification.
Table 6: The area, expressed in absolute and percentage (% of the total study area without sea)
values, which corresponds to (DSI), north coast, Egypt
Indicator Class Quality description Score range Total area (km2) Total area
1 very low sensitive areas to
desertification <1.2 67.84 1.48
2 Low sensitive areas to
desertification 1.2<DSI<1.3 192.86 4.21
3 Medium sensitive areas to
desertification 1.3<DSI<1.4 55.96 1.22
4 Sensitive areas to desertification 1.4<DSI<1.6 474.91 10.36
5 Very sensitive areas to
desertification >1.6 3793.22 82.73
Figure9: Environmentally sensitive areas (ESA’s) for
north coast, Egypt
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
4. Conclusions
Desertification is an important geographical
phenomena affecting arid regions. The case study
discussed in the current article is situated on Egypt's
northwestern coast. It is undeniable that identifying
the spatial patterns of desertification-prone
environmentally sensitive arid regions (ESAs) is a
crucial first step in managing sustainable land use.
The current paper deals with a case study related to a
methodology intended to map and appraise
environmentally sensitive areas at risk of
desertification. Environmentally sensitive arid areas
(ESAs) were calculated using the MEDALUS model
in conjunction with field and laboratory
investigations. The results indicate that Very
Sensitive Areas to Desertification make up 82.73%
of the examined area, and Sensitive Areas to
Desertification make up 10.36%. Thus, neither the
Medium nor the Low vulnerable zones to
desertification exceed 1.22–5.69%, respectively.
This makes it possible for the land user to recognize
and postpone sensitive risk states, supporting the
activities required to counter risky desertification
processes. The strategy adopted in the current paper
is transferable to other Nile basin agricultural
regions, the intervening zone of the desert, and
prospective oases along the coast. The authors
unequivocally advise improving soil and vegetation
cover by introducing less water-demanding species,
as well as establishing strong stakeholder
involvement in order to control wind erosion to
mitigate desertification in the study area, particularly
in the southern part.
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International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.23
A. Gad, Rania Mansour
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023