Investigation of sediment pollution in the Gulf of Elefsina using
environmental indicators
Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering
University of West Attica
Egaleo, Athens
School of Sciences & Technology
Hellenic Open University
Department of Animal Science & Aquaculture
Agricultural University of Athens
Department of Civil Engineering
University of West Attica
Egaleo, Athens
Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering
University of West Attica
Egaleo, Athens
Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering
University of West Attica
Egaleo, Athens
Abstract: - In this paper, the sediment pollution in the Gulf of Elefsina, over the period 1986-2010, has been
measured and presented. The pollution had been measured regarding heavy metals, like cadmium (Cd), chromium
(Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn). Initially, the measured area
is presented, along with the sources of pollution in the historical background and the wider region. Three pollutant
indicators had been calculated for the investigation of Sediment Pollution: The Pollution Load Index (PLI), the
Enrichment Factor (EF) and the Geo-accumulation index (Igeo). The results of the Pollution Control and
Environmental Quality Office measurements had been used for the calculation of these indicators, taken at six
locations of the coast and three locations in the center of the Gulf of Elefsina. The study of these indicators reveals
that there is heavy metal pollution at all sampling locations, while the most heavily affected areas of the Gulf are
these near Skaramangas Shipyards and Elefsis Shipyards. More intense pollution is recorded for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb,
Zn. More specifically, high values of Cd had been measured at all sampling points, while for Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn
high values had been measured in areas that are active in shipbuilding-repair and dismantling units. In contrast,
there is no pollution for Mn.
Key-Words: - Gulf of Elefsina, sediment pollution, heavy metals, pollution indicators.
Received: December 29, 2022. Revised: September 14, 2023. Accepted: October 15, 2023. Published: November 27, 2023.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Thriasio Field is located 20km from the center of
Athens (Greece) and consists of the Municipalities of
Elefsina, Mandra-Idyllia, Aspropyrgos and the
Community of Magoula. The lowland area is
approximately 100,000 acres, crossed by two rivers
(Sarantapotamos, Aghios Georgios) and in it the
above settlements have been developed, along with
agricultural crops, craft and industrial units and a
military airport. The sea area that wets its shores is
called the Gulf of Elefsina (alias Elefsis), after the
name of the largest and oldest city in the area [1].
The Gulf of Elefsina is part of the Saronic Gulf,
which has an area of 2,600 km2 (Fig. 1). The Saronic
Gulf (alias Saronikos) is bounded to the north and
east by the coasts of Attica, to the west by the coasts
of Corinth and to the southwest by the coasts of
Argolis. The boundary of the Saronic Gulf with the
Aegean Sea can be considered the imaginary line of
Poros – Sounio (about 45 km). Saronic extends from
38° 03΄N to 37° 27΄N latitude and from 23° 00΄E to
24° 02΄E longitude [2].
Figure 1. Saronikos Gulf – Gulf of Elefsis [3].
The Saronic Gulf can be considered to consist of
four sub-regions: The South Saronic, which is in
direct communication with the S. Aegean Sea, with a
maximum depth of 200 m; the Western Saronic, with
the maximum depth of about 450 m; the Eastern
Saronic, where the islet of Psytallia is located, where
the Athens wastewater treatment center of the same
name (KELP) operates; and the Gulf of Elefsina,
which is located in the northern part of the Saronic
Gulf [4].
The Gulf of Elefsina has a surface area of 67 Km2
and a total water volume of approximately 1.3·106
m3, with a maximum depth of 33 m, while its average
depth is 18 m. The volume of water is distributed by
77% up to a depth of 18 m and by 23% at a depth
between 18 and 33 m. In other words, it is a shallow
basin (Fig. 1), which communicates with the rest of
the Saronic Gulf through two narrow channels,
formed between the coasts of Attica and Salamis
Island, i.e., the Megara Channel in the west with a
depth of 8 m, a surface width of 600 m and a bottom
width of 170 m, and the Keratsini Channel with a
depth of 12 m, a surface width of 1200 m and a
bottom width of 250 m, which is located east of
Salamis [1].
The morphology of the closed shallow basin
directly affects the water circulation and its renewal
time. Specifically, it has been established that the
circulation of water is thermohalo, controlled by low
temperatures in winter and high salinities in summer,
compared to the rest of the Saronic. The waters are
fully mixed in winter and stratified in summer, the
thermocline is clear and placed at about 15 m. The
direction of traffic changes seasonally and is
significantly affected by prevailing winds. The net
flow in winter is 240 m3/s from W to E, while in
summer it reverses and is 450 m3/s. The average
water renewal time is estimated at 2 3 months, a
fact that favors the concentration of pollutants mainly
in the bottom sediments [1].
2 Pollution Sources
The rapid residential and industrial development of
Athens, Piraeus and, in general, Attica led to the
discharge of a very significant polluting load into the
Saronic Gulf, with the result that it is the first marine
area in the Greek territory to show severe
environmental problems. It is worth noting that about
40% of the Greek population has gathered around the
Saronic coast, as well as a large number of industrial
and port activities. Most and the largest industries of
Attica are concentrated on the Saronic coast,
including oil refineries, shipyards, foundries, cement
industries, chemical industries, small tanneries,
1 Introduction
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
spinning mills, food and beverage processing plants,
such as dairy plants, soft drink bottling plants,
distilleries, etc. There are also located the most
important port, naval and shipbuilding facilities of
Greece. Piraeus is one of the most important ports in
the Mediterranean, with approximately 24,000 ships
a year anchoring there ( In addition,
both on the coasts of Attica and on the coasts of the
Peloponnese (see Fig. 1: Corinth and Argolis), tourist
activities have been particularly developed, which
also contribute to the pollution of the Saronic. To the
above sources of pollution, we must add the coastal
boulevards with heavy car traffic, as well as the
airports of Attica [4] [5].
The Saronic Gulf and especially the Gulf of
Elefsina is one of the few regions in Greece where
seawater quality has been systematically monitored
since 1985, within the framework of national and
regional programmes. From 1985 to 2004 with the
“National Monitoring Program for the Assessment
and Control of Marine Pollution in the
Mediterranean” (MED-POL) MAP / UNEP and from
2004 to the present day with the program
“Monitoring of the Saronic Ecosystem under the
influence of the Psyttalia Sewage Outflow Pipeline”.
At the same time, from 2011 Saronic joined the
National Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring
Network (Government Gazette 2017/2011), in the
framework of the implementation of the WFD (Water
Framework Directive), while systematic sampling
began in 2012 [2] [4] [5]. Because of the importance
of the Gulf of Elefsina and Thriasio Field as the first
historically and still major industrial area of Greece,
the environmental interest and monitoring is
continuous, until nowadays [6] [7].
2.1 Industrial waste pollution
In the Gulf of Elefsina the sources of pollution are
due to various anthropogenic activities, mainly due to
the existence of the industrial zone in the area. The
legislated area of the industrial zone of Thriasio Field
adjacent to the sea is 2500 acres. Of the 15 kilometers
of coastline, 12 kilometers have been occupied by
port activities of craft industries [8]. Indicatively,
1623 industrial units have been developed here and
there. In the wider area of Triasio Field, many smaller
industries of oil, plastics, chemicals, paper industry,
quarries, mineral oil regeneration units, etc. operate.
The environmental burdens related to the above
activities are summarized as follows [4] [5] [9]:
Industrial waste, originating either from
land leakages or from atmospheric
deposition, such as atmospheric suspended
particles and photochemical pollution
(nitrogen oxides, ozone and total
Handling, repair and construction of ships,
decommissioned anchored ships,
shipwrecks, ship breakers, oil spills from
accidents and decontamination of these
through submersion using special
Landfill operations with metallurgical rusts
and inert materials from various industries
(approx. 1000 acres of sea).
Focal points (such as the stream of Aghios
Georgios, which carried the liquid waste of
the tanneries, the paper industry, the
bituminous industries, as well as the
drainage from the Ano Liosia Waste Burial
Washing away by the rains of the
agricultural fertilizers, used in the
agricultural crops of the region.
2.2 Heavy metals sources
The natural sources of metals in the sea are soil
erosion and volcanic activity. Anthropogenic sources
are mining, industrial activity, fuel use, combustion
processes at high temperatures. Also, deforestation,
the construction of deep harbors and artificial lakes
increase the transport of metals with particles [2]
[10]. Thus, the investigated heavy metals in the
present study were the following: Copper (Cu),
Cadmium (Cd), Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr),
Manganese (Mn), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn) and Nickel
2.3 Sampling Points
The measurements for pollution control in the marine
area of the Gulf of Elefsina were carried out at three
(3) locations in the center of the bay and at six (6)
locations along the coasts [8]. More specifically, the
three locations at the center of the bay where:
800m away from Skaramangas Shipyards
1500m away from the local steel industry
1500m away from Eftaxias area (K5).
The six locations along the coast where at:
Skaramangas’ Shipyards (A1),
Aspropyrgos’ Refineries (A2),
Elefsina’s Refineries (A4),
Aghios Georgios stream (estuary) (A5),
Bakopoulos dismantling unit (A8),
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Elefsina’s Shipyards (A11).
Therefore, the coastal sampling sites were chosen to
be at points where a variety of industrial and craft
units are active. The measurements had been
conducted on sediment samples, a practice still
followed until recently [11].
3 Heavy Metals Pollution Indicators
The estimation of the pollution levels in the sediment
of the bottom of the Gulf of Elefsina was based on
the calculation of three pollution indices, i.e., the
Pollution Load Index (PLI), the Enrichment Factor
(EF) and the Geo-accumulation index (Igeo). Different
environmental tracers have been also used in other
studies, for different purposes (e.g., see [12]).
3.1 Pollution Load Index (PLI)
PLI was proposed by Tomlinson et al. [13] and is
derived as the concentration in the sample of each
metal from the heavy metals, in relation to the
background concentration value of the metal in an
average uncontaminated sediment, according to the
mathematical relationship:
where CFi is the enrichment index for each metal, as
the quotient of the concentration of the metal in the
sample Ci to the concentration of each metal in an
average uncontaminated sediment (Cbackground), and n
is the total number of heavy metals analyzed in each
sample [14].
PLI was proposed in order to estimate the levels
of metal pollution in the samples to be studied. It is a
simple and quick tool to estimate the level of heavy
metal pollution, in order to compare the pollution
situation in different areas. According to Tomlinson
et al. [13], a value of zero indicates perfection for the
area, a value of one indicates a baseline level of
pollutants, while values above one indicate
progressive degradation of environmental quality.
Zhao et al. [15] further categorized the scale of PLI
as presented in Table 1.
Table 1. PLI sediment classification index [15].
Sediment Quality
0 < PLI ≤ 1
1 < PLI ≤ 2
Zero-burden to
moderate pollution
2 < PLI ≤ 3
Moderate pollution
3 < PLI ≤ 4
Moderate to high
4 < PLI ≤ 5
High pollution
PLI > 5
Very high pollution
PLI cannot provide information about the effects
of pollutant combination for the area under
consideration. It is also possible to calculate low
index values if only one pollutant is at high levels,
while the others have values close to background
3.2 Enrichment Factor (EF)
The enrichment factor EF is the quotient of the ratio
of the concentration of the metal of interest (Xn) to
the concentration of a reference element (Cn) in the
sample in mg/Kg, to the same ratio for a reference
material [14] [16]. We usually use as a reference
metal a metal whose concentration is not due to
anthropogenic influence. Such metals are iron and
aluminum. In this paper, iron is considered as the
reference metal. The classification of sediments
based on EF is presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Sediment classification index EF [14].
Sediment Quality
EF< 1
1EF < 3
Low pollution
3 ≤ EF < 5
Moderate pollution
5 ≤ EF< 10
Moderate to high
10 ≤ EF< 25
High pollution
25 ≤ EF < 50
Very high pollution
EF > 50
Extremely high
3.3 Geo-accumulation index (Igeo)
Igeo was proposed by Müller (in [17]). It is a common
approach to estimate the increase in metal
concentrations in an area, above baseline
concentrations. The method assesses the degree of
heavy metal pollution and categorizes areas into
seven pollution classes, based on increasing
numerical values of the index. The Igeo index is
calculated as follows:
geo 2
I log 1,5 B
where Cn is the measured concentration of the
examined metal n in the sediment, Βn is the reference
geochemical concentration in pre-industrial sediment
for that element. The factor of 1.5 is introduced to
minimize the effect of possible changes in
background values, attributable to lithological
changes in the sediments [16]. The classification of
sediments based on Igeo (according to Müller) is
presented in Table 3.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Table 3. Igeo Sediment classification index [14].
Sediment Quality
Igeo< 0
Zero pollution
0Igeo < 1
From zero pollution to
moderate pollution
1≤ Igeo < 2
Moderate pollution
2 ≤ Igeo < 3
Moderate to high
3 ≤ Igeo < 4
High pollution
4 ≤ Igeo < 5
From high to
extremely high
Igeo > 5
Extremely high
4 Calculation of Pollution Indices per
The aggregated PLI, EF and Igeo indices per metal
were calculated and studied for the various sampling
points and for five five-year periods (1986-1990,
1991-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005, 2006-2010),
until the official recording was stopped (2010). All
sampling points have PLI values >1 and according to
Tomlinson et al. [13], we are led to the conclusion
that there is pollution. Therefore, a more careful
study of the sediments in the area of the Gulf of
Elefsina is required. It is also observed that there is a
tendency to decrease the values for PLI and in fact a
stronger decrease is observed in the points of the two
most burdened areas of the coast. More specifically,
two areas are characterized by very high pollution,
despite the very strong drop in PLI values, according
to the scale presented by Zhao et al. [15], with mean
values ranging from 16.8 for the 1986–1990 five-year
period to 7.1 for the 2006–2010 five-year period.
According to the same scale, two more areas in parts
of the coast are characterized as moderately to highly
polluted, with the exception of the five years 1996–
2000, in which they show maximum values of 4.5
and 4.4 respectively and are classified as highly
polluted areas. In one area of the coast, very high
pollution appeared for the period 1986–2000, with
values of 5.5-5.7, while in the period 2001-2010 that
area is characterized by high pollution, since PLI
decreased to the value of 4.4. In another area, there is
an increase in pollution from moderate pollution with
a value of 3.2 in the five-year period 1986–1990 to
very high pollution with a value of 5.2 in the five-
year period 1996–2000. Afterwards, the PLI index
decreases to a value of 4.4 (2005–2010), but this area
is classified among the highly polluted areas. The
central point area with a PLI value of 3.0 in the five
years 1986–1990 has values consistently above 4.0,
with a slight drop for the five years 2005–2010,
therefore it is characterized as a highly polluted area.
Finally, in the other two central areas, the PLI values
are 2.6 and 2.8 respectively (low pollution) in the five
years 1986–1990, while afterwards an increase in PLI
values is observed to 3.2 and 3.7 (moderate to high
4.1 Copper (Cu)
According to EF, the most polluted area of the Gulf
in terms of copper is the area where the Elefsina
Shipyards are located (Fig. 2, A11). The values of
this index start from 2.9, i.e., at the upper limit of the
low pollution classification in the five years 1986-
1990, and end at the value of 10.3 at the lower limit
of the high pollution area. For the last period of five
years, the areas where the Skaramangas Shipyards
and the Elefsina Refineries are located are
characterized by low pollution, with index values of
1.9 and 1.4 respectively. The areas in the remaining
sampling points for EF are areas of zero-burden.
Figure 2. EF Index for Cu [17].
According to Igeo, the most polluted area in copper
is Elefsina Shipyards (Fig. 3, A11), with index values
around 5.5, i.e., stable in the area from high to
extremely high pollution in the first twenty years,
while in the last five years period the index value is
6.7, i.e., in the area of extremely high pollution.
Figure 3. Igeo Index for Cu [17].
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
At Skaramangas Shipyards, in the five-year
period 1986-90, the value of the index is 3.9 at the
upper limit of high pollution. Then, while initially
there is a sharp drop to a value of 2.6 (moderate to
high pollution) in the five years 1991–1995, the
values then increase with a final value of 4.5 in the
high to extremely high pollution range. At Elefsina
Refineries, we observe a continuous increase in the
index values for copper, with a final value of 3.1
(high pollution). In the rest of the regions, Igeo’s
values for copper show an increase, with the final
values in the area of moderate pollution.
4.2 Cadmium (Cd)
The values of EF for cadmium do not show large
deviations in the different sampling points, remaining
in the area of low pollution (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. EF Index for Cd [17].
However, comparing the values of the index in the
first five years 1986–1990 and the last five years
2006–2010 for the same point, we notice that there is
an increasing trend in almost all regions. The most
intense increase is observed at the central point of the
Gulf, located at a depth of 33 m, where the EF value
in the five years 1986–1990 was 1.8, while in the five
years 2006–2010 the value of the index reached 3.2.
The only point where a small drop is observed is that
of the coast in the stream of Aghios Georgios, from
3.0 to 2.8.
The values of Igeo for the sediments of the Gulf of
Elefsina show even greater stability than their EF
counterparts (Fig. 5). But almost all Igeo values are in
the high pollution area. The upward trend in values
over time is also observed in Igeo’s values, although it
seems to be less pronounced. The strongest increase
in the values of this index over time is observed at a
central point, from 2.9 to 3.8.
Figure 5. Igeo Index for Cd [17].
4.3 Chromium (Cr)
The EF values for almost all sample points are less
than one (Fig. 6). Only at the point of the Aghios
Georgios stream and for the five-year period 1986-
1990, a value at the upper limit of low pollution (2.8)
is calculated (A5), which, however, decreases rapidly
in the following five years period, to reach a value of
0.5 in the five-year period 2006-2010.
Figure 6. EF Index for Cr [17].
The three sampling points located in the center of
the Gulf of Elefsina are zero-burden points for
chromium, according to Igeo values (Fig. 7).
Figure 7. Igeo Index for Cr [17].
We come to the same conclusion for the locations
of the ship breakers and the Elefsina Refineries. For
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
the rest of the coastal points, a moderate pollution is
initially calculated, which however decreases over
time. The only area in which a moderate burden is
calculated in the five years 2006–2010 is the area of
the Elefsina Shipyards (A11).
4.4 Manganese (Mn)
According to the EF values, the sediments in the Gulf
of Elefsina are characterized as an area of zero-
burden, throughout the time period of the
The sediments in the Gulf of Elefsina are also
characterized as a zero-burden area by the values of
Igeo. Only in the areas near the two shipyards (A1,
A11) and for the five years 1986 1990, moderate
pollution is calculated which, however, subsequently
decreases to the levels of zero-burden.
4.5 Lead (Pb)
The EF values for lead at the sampling site of the
Skaramangas Shipyards show a decline from a value
of 4.1 (moderate pollution) in the five-year period
1986–1990 to a value of 2.3 (low pollution) in the
five-year period 2006-2010 (Fig. 8). At the
shipbreaking site (A8), the index values are stable
over time near the lower limit of low burden. In the
rest of the points, an increase in values is recorded in
the first three five-year periods, while in the next two
there is a decrease, but remaining in the area of low
pollution. The only point where values of 3.7 and 3.5
(moderate pollution) are calculated in the five years
1991–1995 and 1996–2000 is the point where the
Elefsina Shipyards are located (A11). The worst five-
year period for the Gulf is the five-year period 1996–
2000, since the highest values are recorded in most
sampling points.
Figure 8. EF Index for Pb [17].
The Igeos values for lead are decreasing over time
at the sampling points of the Skaramangas Shipyards,
the ship breaking site and the Elefsina Shipyards
(Fig. 9).
Figure 9. Igeo Index for Pb [17].
More specifically, in the first point, in the five-
year period 1986-1990, the value of this index was
calculated at 4.9, very close to the upper limit of the
designation high to extremely high pollution, while
in the five-year period 2006-2010, the value was 3.9,
very close to the limit of the designation high
pollution. For the second point, the values in the
corresponding time periods are 4.1 (near the lower
limit of high to extremely high pollution) and 3.1
(near the lower limit of high pollution). For the third
point, in the time period 1991–1995, the value is 5.4
(extremely high pollution), which is also the
maximum Igeo value for lead over time, while in the
five years 2006–2010 the value is reduced to 3.5
(high pollution). At the point of the Aspropyrgos
Refineries (A2), this index values show an increase
from a value of 2.0 (the limit of moderate pollution)
in the five years 1986-1990 to 2.8 (moderate to high
pollution) in the five years 1996 -2000, and then a
drop to a value of 2.3 (moderate to high pollution).
We have a similar behavior of this index at the point
of the Aghios Georgios stream (A5) and the Elefsina
Refineries (A4). For the areas of the center of the
Gulf, an increase is observed from a value of 2.6
(moderate to high pollution) in the five years 1986–
1990 to a value of 3.1 (high pollution) in the five
years 2006–2010, while in two places, a stability of
values is also observed.
4.6 Zinc (Zn)
The values of the EF index at five points of the coast
correspond to a zero-burden area (Fig. 10). At one
point, the value of the index in the five years 1986
1990 is 4.2 (moderate pollution). In the five years
1991–1995, the value increases sharply to 8.1
(moderate to high pollution) and then decreases to the
value 2.0 (low pollution) in the five years 2001–2005,
to end up with the value 2.9 (low pollution) in the five
years 2006–2010. At the other points of the coast, the
value of EF increases from 0.8 (zero-burden) in the
five-year period 1986–1990 to 3.0 (the limit of low-
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
moderate pollution) and then decreases to 0.5 (zero-
burden). We have a similar fluctuation in values
Figure 10. EF Index for Zn [17].
The Igeo values for a point on the coast are high,
but show a downward trend from 5.6 (extremely high
pollution) in the five-year period 1986–1990 to 4.1
(high to extremely high pollution) in the five-year
period 2006–2010 (Fig. 11). We also observe a
downward trend in Igeo values in other places, with
values of 2.2 (moderate to high pollution) in the five-
year period 1986–1990 to 1.0 (the lower limit of
moderate pollution) for the time period 2006–2010.
For two points we have values from 2.8 (moderate to
high pollution) for the five years 1986-1990 to 1.9
(moderate pollution) for the period 2006–2010, and
from 1.2 (moderate pollution) to 0.8 (zero-burden) in
the corresponding periods. In the rest of the points,
Igeo’s values initially increase and then decrease.
Figure 11. Igeo Index for Zn [17].
4.7 Nickel (Ni)
We observe that the values of the EF index for all
sampling points and in each time period of the study
are less than unity. Based on these values, we
conclude that the area of the Gulf of Elefsina is a
zero-burden area.
We observe that the values of Igeo for all sampling
points, except one (A11), and in every time period of
the study are less than unity. Based on these values,
the areas of the Gulf of Elefsina, except for the area
at the Elefsina Shipyards (A11), are characterized as
of zero to moderate pollution. The area in Elefsina
Shipyards with index values from 1.4 to 1.8 is
characterized by moderate pollution.
4.8 Iron (Fe)
For iron, only Igeo is calculated, since it is considered
a reference metal for the EF index (Fig. 12). The
lowest value of Igeo starts from 3.4 (high pollution) in
the 1986-1990 five-year period, then decreases to 1.7
in the 1991-1995 five-year period, then increases to
2.2 (moderate to high pollution) in the 1996-2000
five-year period, followed by increasing trends until
the 2006-2010 five-year period.
Figure 12. Igeo Index for Fe [17].
5 Summary
The above study was carried out in order to assess the
level of pollution of the sediments of the Gulf of
Elefsina by the heavy metals Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, Mn,
Fe and Ni. For this purpose, the values of the PLI
index were initially calculated at nine sampling
points, six on the coasts and three in the center of the
Gulf of Elefsina. PLI estimates pollution as a whole,
taking into account the concentrations for each of the
above metals equally. If its value is greater than unity,
we conclude the existence of pollution and therefore
the necessity of further study.
At all sampling points, PLI values greater than
unity, and in some cases much greater, were
calculated. We are therefore led to the conclusion that
pollution occurs at all sampling points. The highest
values of this index were recorded at the points of the
Elefsina Shipyards and the Skaramangas Shipyards.
However, it should be noted the tendency to decrease
the values of PLI, which concerns all the points, but
is more intense in the points of the most burdened
areas of the coast. In order to specify the PLI results,
the EF and Igeo indices were calculated for each of the
studied metals.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
The Igeo values show more intense pollution than
the EF values in the corresponding areas. This is
probably due to the choice of iron as the reference
metal for calculating EF. Igeo for iron, however,
shows that the sediments contain iron at
concentrations greater than the background
concentration. Therefore, Igeo is judged to be the most
reliable index for the assessment of sediment
pollution for each metal.
For copper, both indicators show pollution in the
area of Elefsina Shipyards. Igeo shows intense
pollution both at Skaramangas Shipyards and at
Elefsina Refineries, which are very close to Elefsina
Shipyards. It is also observed that the values of the
indices for copper are increasing at all points over
For cadmium, the EF values are in the low
pollution area, while for Igeo in the high pollution
area, throughout the Gulf. Both indicators show
increasing trends in most sampling points.
For chromium, the EF index only in the stream of
Aghios Georgios, which is the recipient of
wastewater from many industrial units, and for the
five years 1986–1990, has a value at the upper limit
of low pollution, which, however, decreases rapidly
in the following five years. Igeo shows moderate
pollution in addition to the stream of Aghios
Georgios and at the Aspropyrgos Refineries, which
are located next to the mouth of the stream, but also
at Elefsina Shipyards; but these values are also
decreasing over time.
For lead, the highest index values are calculated at
the two Shipyards. But over time the values decrease.
For the rest of the points, Igeo has high values that
generally show stability.
For zinc, the highest index values are calculated at
the two Shipyards. The very high values of EF in the
five years 1991–1995, both in the areas of the two
Shipyards and in the central area of the Gulf, are
noteworthy. For zinc, as well, the index values
generally decrease over time except for one central
For manganese, the values of both indicators show
no pollution.
For nickel, the EF values show no pollution, while
the Igeo values show moderate pollution only for the
area of Elefsina Shipyards.
For iron, Igeo values are elevated at all sampling
points. The highest values are calculated for the two
Shipyards and for the ship breakers. This is to be
expected due to the activities that take place in the
specific units (construction, maintenance,
dismantling of ships).
If we want to summarize the above conclusions
from the study of the EF and Igeo indices, we can
conclude that the most serious problems of heavy
metal pollution in the sediments of the Gulf of
Elefsina are located in the areas of the two Shipyards,
which are located at its two ends. The sediments in
these areas appear enriched in copper, cadmium, iron,
lead and zinc. Moreover, in Elefsina Shipyards
pollution appears, in addition to the above metals, in
chromium and nickel, as well.
In the areas of the two Refineries, more intense
pollution is recorded for cadmium. Additionally, in
the area of Aspropyrgos Refinery we have higher
values for chromium, while in the area of Elefsina
Refinery we have higher values for lead and copper.
For the area of the mouth of the Aghios Georgios
stream, we notice that we have more pollution in the
sediments for cadmium. At the same time, there is a
strong downward trend in values for chromium and
In the area of the ship breakers, there is intense
pollution for cadmium, iron, lead and zinc. For the
first two metals we have approximately the same
pollution over time, while for the next two there is a
strong downward trend.
Finally, for the points in the center of the Gulf, the
most intense pollution is recorded for cadmium.
Milder pollution for all three of these points is
observed for lead and iron. Especially at one central
point, we also have high index values for zinc, which
are likely due to the short distance of this point from
Skaramangas Shipyards.
6 Conclusion
Concluding this study and regarding the heavy metal
pollution indices, and especially for the EF index,
aluminum, which is provided in the literature, or
manganese for which, according to Igeo, the pollution
levels are almost negligible, could be used as a
reference metal in future studies. We could also say
that it is a blow to a region, such as the region of
Elefsina and Western Attica in general, the
degradation of the Office of Pollution Control and
Environmental Quality, which led to the interruption
of measurements in the Gulf of Elefsina in 2010.
In general, all the necessary actions must be taken
in order to carry out measurements for the pollution
of the marine environment, in every area of high
industrial activity. Practical applications of this
direction are the mapping of high industrial activity
areas, the installation of pollution measurement
devices at crucial points there and the setting of
monitoring agencies for processing the data collected
by these devices. In this respect and to facilitate the
collection of environmental data, a robotic system is
being developed at the Department of Industrial
Design and Production Engineering of the University
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
of West Attica, in the form of an Unmanned Sea
Vessel (USV). This robotic USV is being designed to
take measurements with results in situ, following
instructions given in natural language that are
processed by semantic modelling software [18] [19].
In conclusion, the present work shows that
significant heavy metal pollution is observed in the
sediments of the Gulf of Elefsina, at least for the time
period of the study. It is therefore necessary to carry
out measurements over time and to take the necessary
measures in order to improve the quality of the area’s
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DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
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International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023