of West Attica, in the form of an Unmanned Sea
Vessel (USV). This robotic USV is being designed to
take measurements with results in situ, following
instructions given in natural language that are
processed by semantic modelling software [18] [19].
In conclusion, the present work shows that
significant heavy metal pollution is observed in the
sediments of the Gulf of Elefsina, at least for the time
period of the study. It is therefore necessary to carry
out measurements over time and to take the necessary
measures in order to improve the quality of the area’s
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DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.22
Christina Paschaliori, Dimitrios Palmos,
Koralia Papakitsou, Anastasios Mavrakis,
Evangelos Papakitsos, Nikolaos Laskaris