Effects of ICT on the Environment and Indicators
for Their Measurement
1Laboratory of Telematics,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl. 8, Sofia 1113,
2Faculty of Computer Systems and Technology,
Technical University,
Kliment Ohridski Bul, 8, Sofia 1000,
3Institute of Information and Communication Technologies,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl. 2, Sofia 1113
Abstract: - The relationship between ICTs and the environment is complex and multifaceted, as ICTs can play
positive and negative roles. The article's main idea is how the ICT sector can help tackle climate change, from
measurement, monitoring, and automation of processes to self-organizing the sector to refurbish and
ecologically scrape ICT hardware. The life cycle of services must be managed to minimize their impact on the
environment management of production, use, and end of life. Based on the analysis, the current article
identified some groups of indicators used in the proposed model to estimate the ICT footprint. This information
contributes to a more accurate measurement of any company the effect on the environment.
Key-Words: - ICT, Climate, Environment, Indicators, Ecology
Received: November 19, 2022. Revised: June 11, 2023. Accepted: July 13, 2023. Published: September 9, 2023.
1 Introduction
Where we are? We can mark five technological
waves in IT based on the logical stance of computer
users. The arrival of mainframe computers in the
1960s generated the first wave (one computer for
many people). Followed in the late 1970s by
personal computers in the second wave (one
computer for one person). In 1988, Mark Weiser
pointedly noted that computers embedded in
everyday objects all around us formed the third
wave what he called the ubiquitous computer
(many computers for one person). A decade later
Kavin Ashton revealed the ideas of the fourth wave
the Internet of Things. A network of physical
objects devices, vehicles, buildings, and other
elements with embedded electronics, software,
sensors, and network connectivity and addressing
that enable those objects to collect and exchange
data. Now we are in the time of the Internet of
everything, unifying people, data, processes, and
Given the rapid development of ICT and the
challenges of climate change, this work aims to
analyze the impact of these technologies on the
environment and how the ICT sector can help
address climate change.
1.1 ICT and the Environment
The relationship between ICTs and the environment
is complex and multifaceted, as ICTs can play both
positive and negative roles. A recent review of the
impact of ICT on the economy and the environment
showed conflicting results, [1]. It is found that ICT
adoption within urban areas can improve
environmental quality in developing and developed
countries, [2]. The empirical estimations unfold that
ICT and globalization contribute to reducing CO2
emissions, [3]. Positive impacts can come from
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.14
Radoslav Yoshinov, Rumen Trifonov,
Galya Pavlova, Daniela Borissova
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
dematerialization and online delivery, transport, and
travel substitution, a host of monitoring and
management applications, greater energy efficiency
in production and use, and product stewardship and
Negative impacts can come from energy
consumption and the materials used in the
production and distribution of ICT equipment,
energy consumption in use directly and for cooling,
short product life cycles and e-waste, and
exploitative applications (e.g. remote sensing for
unsustainable over-fishing. The impacts of ICT on
the environment can be direct (i.e. the impacts of
ICTs themselves, such as energy consumption and
e-waste), indirect (i.e. the impacts of ICT
applications, such as intelligent transport systems,
buildings, and smart grids), or third-order and
rebound (i.e. the impacts enabled by the direct or
indirect use of ICTs, such as greater use of more
energy-efficient transport).
1.2 From Traditional to Future ICT
The invention of mainframe computers in the 60s
and personal computers in the 70s focused on
improving the efficiency and productivity of
different industries by using computers and
networks. Since the late 80s the movement towards
a digitized economy through the adoption of cloud
computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and network
of physical objects (with embedded sensors,
software, and other technological solutions for data
processing and exchange over the Internet),
advanced digital technologies (5G mobile
networks), big data analysis, [4], [5], [6]. Digital
technologies have grown exponentially and in 2023
the global information technology market reached
$8852.41 billion in 2027 is expected to grow at an
annual growth rate of 7.9% and reach $11995.97
billion, [7].
The development of modern computer, network,
and mobile communication technologies has both
positive and negative effects on the environment, so
how they are used is essential. The example of the
positive and negative impacts of ICT are given in
Table 1.
ICT tools such as weather forecasting and
precision farming can be used for the optimization
of crop yields, reducing water consumption, and
preventing soil erosion.
The impacts of ICT on the environment can be
direct (energy consumption of electronic devices
and e-waste), indirect (intelligent transport systems,
smart cities, and smart grids), or third-order and
rebound (direct or indirect use of ICTs, i.e.
extensive use of more energy-efficient transport),
The life cycle of ICT products and services must
be managed to minimize their impact on the
environment management of production, use, and
Six Sigma, Lean, and Lean Six Sigma are
popular process improvement methodologies that
can help to minimize waste, reduce defects, and
improve the processes to improve a business’s or
organization's performance, [9]. Lean focuses on
identifying and reducing waste and increasing
efficiency in a process. It emphasizes minimizing
the steps and resources involved in a process to
improve productivity and reduce costs. The main
principles of lean include identifying and
eliminating waste, continuous improvement, and
respect for people. Six Sigma is a data-driven
methodology used to identify and eliminate defects
in a process. It emphasizes reducing variation in a
process to improve quality and reduce costs. The
main principles of Six Sigma include defining,
measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling a
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.14
Radoslav Yoshinov, Rumen Trifonov,
Galya Pavlova, Daniela Borissova
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
Table 1. Impact of ICT on the Environment
Energy consumption can be reduced by using energy-
efficient technologies and devices, energy-saving
technologies such as virtualization and cloud computing,
energy-efficient buildings, etc.
ICT can be used to develop smart grids that can reduce
energy consumption by improving the efficiency of the
power grid.
ICTs require a significant amount of
energy for device operation
(computers, data centers,
communication networks).
Virtual meetings and conferences, e-commerce,
Intelligent transport systems, and other digital services
can significantly reduce the need for physical business
travel and resource consumption and can contribute to
greenhouse gas emissions.
The energy consumption associated
with data centers and communication
ICTs have enabled organizations to optimize their
operations and reduce waste production and paper
Smart waste management systems for proper disposal,
collection, and recycling of electronic waste.
Use of non-renewable and
environmentally damaging resources.
The large number of ICT devices and
equipment leads to the accumulation
of electronic hazardous waste, that
can pollute the environment.
ICT is used to monitor climate change (Earth observation
satellites for monitoring, gathering, and analyzing
environmental data).
ICT generates carbon emissions and
contributes to greenhouse gas
Lean Six Sigma combines the principles of both
methodologies to create a comprehensive process
improvement methodology. It emphasizes reducing
waste and variation in a process to improve quality,
productivity, and customer satisfaction. The main
principles of Lean Six Sigma include understanding
the customer’s needs, identifying and eliminating
waste and variation, continuous improvement, and
respect for people.
Regardless of which of the methodologies will
be used to determine the current state and the
change, it is necessary to follow the following
sequence of actions:
1) Determination of system requirements and
2) Measuring the current process and collecting
the relevant data;
3) Analyzing the data;
4) Controlling the current processes based on the
data analysis, and
5) Controlling future state processes to ensure
that any deviations are corrected.
The usage of such methodologies relies on
properly defined indicators. Therefore, the current
article is focused on the determination of specific
indicators for the measurement of ICT impact on the
The rest of the article is structured as follows:
Section 2 concerns green computing and ICT green
sustainability strategies; Section 3 is focused on
indicators for measuring ICT effectiveness; Section
4 describes the direct impact of hardware lifecycle
on the environment, and the conclusions are drawn
in Section 5.
2 Green ICT
Green ICT refers to the use of environmentally
sustainable technologies and practices in the design,
manufacture, use, and disposal of ICT equipment
and services. It aims to reduce the consumption of
energy, water, and mineral resources as well as CO2
emissions and their carbon footprint, toxic materials,
etc., and other negative impacts of information and
communication systems on the environment and
Green ICT stands for a set of initiatives
organizations undertake to reduce carbon emissions
and the carbon footprint produced by their
information and communication systems.
Technology for energy saving in information,
communication, and technology. Green ICT is the
study and practice of using computing resources
efficiently and effectively with minimal or no
impact on the environment.
Green computing involves designing and
developing software and applications that are
energy-efficient while also promoting sustainable
development and economic growth. Green ICT
practices include the design of energy-efficient
equipment; replacement of energy consumption in
data centres; web-based business services;
improvement of cooling technology; adoption of
carbon offset programs; energy management; etc.,
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.14
Radoslav Yoshinov, Rumen Trifonov,
Galya Pavlova, Daniela Borissova
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
[10]. Some guidelines for the green design of
computer products can be found in [11]. Some
authors find that the level of digitalization
development effectively promotes green economic
growth, [12].
2.1 ICT Green Sustainability Strategies
ICT Green sustainability strategies can be a
complex task that requires careful planning and
consideration of various factors. This is due to the
complex interrelationship of components, which are
needed to leverage ICT for sustainable economic
development as shown in Figure 1, [13].
Fig. 1: GeSI’s ‘SMARTer 2030’ report
The steps, that could be followed to formulate
such green strategies, include:
Sustainability assessment of ICT business
organization or a process (measuring the
organization’s carbon footprint, identifying
areas of waste and inefficiency, existing
opportunities to improve the process
Set sustainability goals, which are specific,
achievable, relevant, measurable, and time-
bound and also to be aligned with the vision
and mission of the business company;
Identification of ICT green solutions that can
help the organization achieve its sustainability
goals implementing energy-efficient
technologies, using renewable energy sources,
optimizing data centers, and reducing paper
usage, among other things.
Development of implementation plan
timelines, milestones, and metrics for
measuring progress toward achieving the
sustainability goals.
Engagement of stakeholders (employees,
partners, customers, suppliers) in
sustainability efforts by providing training, as
well as encouraging participation in
sustainability initiatives.
Monitoring and reporting the process toward
achieving the green goal.
2.2 The Global e-Sustainability Initiative
The Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) is a
leading international organization, which supports
the efforts of ICT companies and non-governmental
organizations to promote the use of sustainable
innovative technologies and digital solutions to
address global sustainability challenges. GeSI was
founded in 2001 by a group of leading ICT
companies, and it has since grown to include over
40 members from the technology industry, as well
as governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders,
[14]. It is the source of important information, best
practices, and resources for the goal of creating a
sustainable world through responsible,
transformative digital solutions. To achieve its
mission, GeSI focuses on:
Advocacy (including promoting the use of
renewable energy in the technology industry,
advocating for policies that encourage the
circular economy, and supporting the
development of international standards and
best practices);
Collaboration (including working with other
organizations to develop joint projects and
initiatives, sharing best practices and
knowledge, and promoting cross-sectoral
collaboration) and
Thought leadership (includes conducting
research and analysis on key sustainability
topics, publishing reports and other thought
leadership content, and promoting public
awareness and understanding of sustainability
issues), [15].
2.3 The European Green Deal
The European Green Deal is a comprehensive set of
policy initiatives and proposals introduced by the
European Commission in December 2019, aimed at
transforming the European Union into a sustainable
and climate-neutral economy by 2050. The ultimate
goal of the European Green Deal is to achieve zero
net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which would
require significant reductions in emissions across all
sectors of the economy, as well as the development
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.14
Radoslav Yoshinov, Rumen Trifonov,
Galya Pavlova, Daniela Borissova
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
of new technologies and practices to support
sustainable growth, [16].
The design and manufacture of ICT products
should be focused on making them more durable,
easy to maintain, reusable, upgradable, reliable,
recyclable, renewable, energy, and resource-
3 Indicators for Measuring Impacts
on the Environment
Society needs ICT hardware to produce, process,
and store highly valuable information. High-quality
and transparent data is crucial to achieving the 2030
Agenda. It is difficult to measure the impact on the
environment in any area, but there are additional
challenges and complications for ICT because of
their diversity and rapidly changing nature, as well
as difficult determination of causation. The authors
found 77 different indicators measuring the impact
of ICT hardware, [15].
The different ICTs (mobile phones and mobile
telecommunications, general purpose technologies,
services, etc.) have different impacts in different
countries and contexts. The measurement of impact
could be done by analytical techniques, case studies,
statistical surveys, panel studies, direct observation,
and document examination. Different ICT has
different impacts on the environment depending on
a range of factors. Depending on the specific
objectives and context of measurement of ICT
impact on the environment, various indicators can
be used for this purpose. Some of these commonly
used indicators include:
Number of individuals, organizations, and
communities, which access the ICTs
(smartphones, tablets, laptops, internet,
households with broadband access, cloud,
collaborative platform, Smart robotics, IoT,
etc.) can indicate the level of impact on the
Digital literacy of the users can indicate the
number of people who have the skills and
knowledge to use these technologies
Economic benefits of ICT (innovations,
increasing productivity, services developed
through the use of technology, smart energy
systems or e-government services, gross
domestic product (GDP) or employment rates,
The amount of e-waste generated by ICT
equipment and devices and the percentage of
e-waste properly recycled or disposed of;
Measurement of greenhouse gas emissions
associated with the production, use, and
disposal of ICT equipment and devices (in
terms of carbon dioxide equivalents);
The amount of energy consumed by ICT
devices and infrastructure (including access to
distance education and other public services).
Other indicators might include data privacy and
security, research, and the role of ICT in promoting
sustainable development.
3.1 Model for Assessing the Impact of ICT
on the Environment
All of these groups of indicators need to be
determined for a particular organization or company
and obtained results to be involved in the following
mathematical model:
 (2)
 (3)
Here in relation (1), index  expresses
the set of weighted coefficients for the importance
of the groups of indicator and has to comply with
the relation (2). The parameter
expresses the
normalized value (in the range between 0 and 1) of a
particular indicator from i-th group determined for a
particular organization or company, while
expresses the weighted coefficient for the
importance of the j-th indicator from the i-th group.
Likewise, the relation (3) must be satisfied to have
comparable measures.
Some indicator groups have better performance
if their value is bigger (for example the digital
literacy of the users) and for some indicator groups,
we are looking for minimal value for their
performance (for example the amount of e-waste
generated by ICT equipment and devices and the
percentage of e-waste properly recycled or dispose
Unlike, [17], where only four indicators (primary
energy consumption, gross domestic product, CO2
emissions, and N2O emissions) are used, the
proposed model can take into account many
different groups of indicators to estimate the ICT
In addition, it is worth mentioning also the
environmental impact of cloud computing. To
measure the environmental impact of cloud
provisioning, a set of critical indicators related to
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.14
Radoslav Yoshinov, Rumen Trifonov,
Galya Pavlova, Daniela Borissova
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
energy use at different levels in the cloud
architecture must be defined, [18].
Once these indicators are identified, they can be
used in the formulated model (1) (3) to assess the
impact of ICT on the environment.
4 Direct Impact of Hardware
Lifecycle on the Environment
The ICT hardware is a diverse gathering of
workstations (desktop and laptop), servers, network,
and telecommunication devices, and mobile
intelligent devices (phones, tablets, etc.). They have
a lifecycle in which they are consuming energy and
give off heat. Their hardware elements boards,
processors, chips, integral schemes, capacitors, etc.
contain toxic elements that pollute the environment
if not properly handled. Their waste management
done according to standards has its lifecycle, which
includes storage, recycling, reintegration, and
monitoring. That is why the empirical results unfold
that positive shocks in ICT negatively affect CO2
emissions, [19]. In this regard, some authors
propose designing sustainable computer systems
with an architectural carbon modeling tool, [20].
A products carbon footprint (PCF) could be
used to help us understand its impact on the
environment. providing valuable insight to design
more sustainably. That is why many companies run
what’s called a life cycle assessment, which
includes a PCF report. The PCF reports typically
cover a whole life cycle from the initial extraction
of the raw materials, through the manufacturing and
assembly process, through distribution, use, and end
of life when it is recycled or otherwise disposed of.
Knowing the PCF allows us to make informed
The PCF for typical ICT equipment is as follows
Desktop & screen: 621kg CO2e,
Laptop & screen: 691kg CO2e,
Desktop & 2 screens: 903kg CO2e,
Laptop & screen at office & screen at home:
928kg CO2e,
Desktop & screen & laptop: 1,030kg CO2e.
Reducing the carbon footprint of production
leads to a reduction in waste, which in turn requires
recycling old technologies, using sustainable
packaging, and optimizing delivery logistics.
Therefore, reducing IT waste is a step in the right
direction to reduce our carbon footprint. In, [22], a
global review of consumer behavior towards
sustainability environmental and implications for
the circular economy can be found. The following
simple steps can be used for personal contribution to
the footprint: avoid purchasing additional screens;
choose of desktop or laptop, but not both; return
unused equipment; turn off the computer at the end
of the day.
5 Conclusion
Green ICT deals with people, processes, and
technologies relating to the environment.
Understanding green ICT allows the use of
computing resources efficiently and the use of
technologies and techniques to lower (or reduce the
rate of increase of) the power consumption or
carbon footprint of the ICT function. In a broader
sense, green ICT also addresses the use of ICT as an
enabling technology to help reduce power
consumption leading to low greenhouse gas
emissions, and using ICTs as an enabler to reduce
greenhouse gases in other industries.
Environmentally sensitive information and
communication technologies are designed to save
energy, compared to their conventional
counterparts, an important component is addressing
the direct impact of ICT hardware on the
environment. The identified indicators facilitate the
measurement of environmental impact in different
areas, but there are additional challenges and
complications for ICTs due to their diversity and
rapidly changing nature, as well as the difficulty of
determining causality. By usage of the proposed
mathematical model, it is possible to estimate the
ICT footprint of any organization or company. The
team is collecting data to test the applicability of the
proposed model, which will be processed and
published in the next stage of the present study.
This work is supported by the Bulgarian National
Science Fund through the project “Mathematical
models, methods and algorithms for solving hard
optimization problems to achieve high security in
communications and better economic
sustainability”, KP-06-H52/7/19-11-2021 and is
supported by “National Science Program of Security
and Defence” (NSP SD) funded by the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria,
agreement no. Д01-74/19-05-2022.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.14
Radoslav Yoshinov, Rumen Trifonov,
Galya Pavlova, Daniela Borissova
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed to the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This work is supported by the project
“Mathematical models, methods and algorithms for
solving hard optimization problems to achieve high
security in communications and better economic
sustainability”, KP-06-H52/7/19-11-2021 and by
“National Science Program of Security and
Defence” (NSP SD) funded by the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria,
agreement no. Д01-74/19-05-2022.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2023.1.14
Radoslav Yoshinov, Rumen Trifonov,
Galya Pavlova, Daniela Borissova
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 1, 2023