Figure 4 shows the structure of the wall detailing
the values of indoor/outdoor temperatures and
convection coefficient for the interior and exterior
After determining the temperatures between each
component layer of the wall structure, Figure 5
shows the simulation of temperature variations in
the multi-layer wall from outside to inside using the
Ansys software.
The calculated value for the heat flow was q =
6.45 W/m2, and according to Ansys simulation
program the obtained value was q = 6.585 W/m2
also very close comparing to the calculated one.
Figure 6 presents the heat flow simulation at the
multilayer wall.
Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the
simulation of the temperatures at the level of each
component layer of the multilayer wall, on the inner
surface, t3, between the inside component layers, t2,
and at the level of the layer in contact with the outer
surface, t1.
The temperature inside the wall varies from
+20C, to -15C, as considered and the temperatures
determined using the Ansys program simulation
from outside to inner surface are: t3=-14.79C,
t2=9.3727C and at the t1= 19.878C.
It can be seen that the largest temperature
variation is, as expected after the thermal insulation
layer, i.e. a difference of 10 degrees Celsius, from,
t2=9.3727C to t1= 19.878 C (Figure 8 and Figure
The heat flow transmitted from the inside of the
room to the outside environment depends on both
the overall heat transfer coefficient and the
temperature difference between the two
environments separated by the wall.
The simulation was made, of course, taking into
account some simplifying assumptions such as,
considering the values of indoor/outdoor
temperatures constant throughout the simulation
period, the simulations were performed in steady
state regime.
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DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.28
Stan-Ivan Felicia-Elena,
Dinu Radu-Cristian, Duinea Adelaida-Mihaela